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Jacklyn Quintero
Dalicia Raymond
English 120-042
5 Dec. 2014
Reflective Argument
The Secret Writing Improvement
During this course over the semester, I never really understood why SLOs would be
introduced in the first place. They would never be cared for by any other students except for the
fact that it was a process in order for improvement. I, then, realized how important it is to have
them around at the end of the course. These SLOs not only gave me a broader understanding of
how writing should be, but they taught me a few things even when I did not notice them. They
helped me with writing in ways I never realized would work out well for me while being in this
course. These SLOs taught me how to write in different rhetorical situations, to analyze sources,
and to be able to make clearer claims about my position. I never would notice how much they
would help me until the end of the semester, because they were not important at the very
Although the sequences were very short, they were actually very helpful. It was also
helpful that the SLOs were able to be used during the sequences all the time; making it easier to
write for different rhetorical situations. For example, I was able to understand SLO B during the
Second Sequence, because of how I was able to write about a subject to stand up for. SLO B was
about being able to write as a social act that way I would be able to write based on the different
levels of discourse communities. The class was assigned on a political subject based on what we
were majoring in. I wrote a memorandum about how the company would be better if they were
able to stream music for free. I gave examples that would tie in both pros and cons about the

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subject at hand, but also making sure that the company would be able to accept my idea. I had to
consider the board members, the subscribers, and the competitors, because they all were a part of
the community that I was writing about. Another rhetorical situation was during the First
Sequence, when we had to write an unbiased opinion about a film that portrayed Albuquerque. I
had to consider both pros and cons of a film in order to make a film review which could also be
tied in with SLO C and SLO E. SLO C is when you have to use multiple approaches in order to
write based on the rhetorical situation. During the First Sequence, we had to write step-by-step to
be able to write an unbiased opinion. Then for SLO E, which is to paraphrase opinions, we had
to combine both the good and the bad of the film that way the review would seem more
unbiased. These SLOs are actually good when trying to write in a rhetorical situation. The
reason why students should be able to is so that they are able to write for real-life situations such
as the rhetorical ones.
Being able to use sources is another step while writing any type of paper. Whether it is
for a history class or an entrance essay, it is better to be prepared with sources than to not have
any at all. The Third Sequence was, indeed, difficult because we needed to have sources to
support our claims. SLO E was rather helpful because of how we are able to paraphrase opinions
while citing them as well. Being able to cite sources is good, but being able to tell readers why
you would cite it is even better. These sources are important to use especially for different
rhetorical situations is because then it shows readers that you know exactly what you are talking
about and that you are showing why you understand your subject. The Major Writing
Assignment to the Third Sequence was to analyze sources and literature so that we can show
readers how the symbol we found is symbolic. For instance, when I used the word unless for

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my literary analysis on The Lorax by Dr. Seuss, I was able to explain my claims based on the
story and was able to tie in other scholarly articles by analyzing them. Analyzing is important
because you can explain anything in an easier way. This is why SLO A was also helpful during
this specific Sequence, because of how I was able to explain and analyze while considering the
rhetorical situations.
Making claims was always my weakness when it came to writing for different rhetorical
situations. I would know what I am writing, but I would always have a tough time being able to
have readers understand as to what I am writing. Most of the SLOs were able to help me
improve on my claims because of how it would add more to them rather than make my claims
more confusing. I would just make a claim, but would never have an explanation as to why I
made the claim. SLO C and SLO E were again helpful in these situations in order to make my
compositions clearer based on the sources I have paraphrased. While making these claims
stronger than ever, I was able to understand SLO F, which was to be able to write in different
genres and mediums. If was not able to write clearly, than how was I able to achieve when
writing for different genres, mediums, and in rhetorical strategies.
Although there was ten Student Learning Outcomes to choose from, I mostly learned
from half of them. SLO B helped me understand different levels of discourse communities. SLO
C and SLO E helped me achieve better writing habits by being able to clear my statements based
on the opinions I would paraphrase. Then, lastly, SLO A and SLO F, because of I was able to
explain and analyze different subjects based on different rhetorical situations while improving
my writing. These SLOs were never noticed, but by the end of the semester, I was able to
understand why it is important to learn them when it comes to writing, secretly.

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