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Nathan Brandsma

Instructional Methods Quick Plans #5
Nathan Brandsma Social Studies "Principles of Economics"
Concept Attainment
Section I - Description
1. Instructional Method: The concept attainment model is an excellent way to introduce and
explain new concepts to a class through examples that fit the concept and those that do not.
Concepts are conveyed through both the examples and students' struggles to create connections
The method is effective because the students see examples and work to connect them to a larger
2. Topic and rationale: This would be an good model to introduce new concepts in economics,
such as goods and services, consumer versus government spending and many others. This is a
great subject for concept attainment because students are likely to know the examples provided,
which aids in their ability to put it together. Another examples would be different political
economies such as capitalism, communism and socialism. Also, the concepts of primary and
secondary sources could be taught using this method.
3. Features and purposes: The purpose of the concept attainment model is in the title, namely that
it helps students to attain, or understand concepts. The idea is that students will be able to take
examples that fir the concept and examples that do not fit, and the struggle to understand the
distinctions and connections between these examples deepens the understanding when the
student attains the concept.
4. Advantages and disadvantages: The advantages of the method are that it can clarify ideas and
introduce new concepts, which can be more thoroughly learned and retained. It can also allow
difficult concepts to be learned based on the students prior knowledge. The disadvantages are
that teachers must work to get good lists of examples that fit and do not fit the concept. Bad
examples can reduce understanding of the concept. Also, finding a way to meet all students
zones of proximal concept development can be difficult. Concept attainment is not designed to
get at nuance or exceptions
Section II - Implementation of the Method
1. Objectives: Economics standard 1.SWBAT describe how Productive resources - Natural,
human, capital - are scarce; therefore, choices are made about how individuals, businesses,

governments, and societies allocate these resources by doing a concept attainment activity to
understand the meaning of each of the economic terms
2. Materials: A blackboard to write the list of examples for each concept
3. Model: Concept attainment is the model best suited for this topic, because economics is a
discipline that is filled with concepts that are either unknown to people who have not studied it
or are often misunderstood. Concept attainment is a great way to teach these concepts through
examples that fit and examples that do not.
4. Key Terms: Supply, Demand, Goods, Services, Money.
5. Background Knowledge: This lesson requires knowledge of the examples, but not necessarily
any economic knowledge. It is a good lesson to start teaching economics with.
6. Assessment: The assessment for this is to have the students create their own concept
attainment lists, with examples that represent and do not represent the concept. Students cannot
use the examples provided in the lesson by the teacher.

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