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TITLE: Motion on a Incline

OBJECTIVE: We will collect position, velocity, and time data as a cart moves on a
track. We will then analyze this data and create best fit equations and find the difference
between average and instantaneous velocity.
Vernier data-collection interface
Logger pro
Motion Detector
Standard card
Motion detector bracket
items to elevate the track
1. Connect the Motion Detector to the interface and start the data-collection
program. Two graphs: position vs. time and velocity vs. time will appear in the
graph window. For now, hide or remove the velocity vs. time graph. Later, during
the analysis of data, you will add the v-t graph back to your view.
2. Attach the motion detector to the bracket that will allow you to position it near
one end of the track.
3. Set the switch on the detector to track
4. Elevate the end of the track opposite the motion detector as directed by your
5. Practice launching the cart with your finger so that it slows to a stop at least 50
cm from its initial position before it returns to the initial position.
6. Hold the cart steady with your finger at least 20 cm from the motion detector, then
zero the motion detector.
7. Begin collecting data, then launch the cart up the ramp. Be sure to catch it once it
has returned to its starting position.
8. Repeat, if necessary, until you get a trial with a smooth position-time graph.


This lab report did not use data tables, but graphs, which have been attached.
Labeled x-t graph

Labeled v-t graph with line of best fit

This lab contained no calculations, however, some of the questions in the lab involved
sketching of new graphs, which have been created below:
Prediction of velocity vs. time

We were able to collect the data that we needed to create and predict the above graphs.
We found that position and velocity are correlated in a number of ways. The first thing
that we found was that as position is increasing, velocity decreases as its going up. The
opposite is true in the reverse direction. Velocity increases as the trolley goes down the
ramp. The next relation that we found was that velocity is never constant because of the
incline of the ramp. Another relation that we found is when you raise the ramp, the rate of
deceleration and acceleration get greater. An error that could have been created would
have been the data collection. We did not have the mount to connect the sensor to the
track, so some measurements may be slightly inaccurate. To make the lab better, I would
make it not so much about collecting random data and trying to make sense of it, but
make it something that applies to real life or using real life objects and seeing a real
world situation or use.

We did reach our objective as we were able to identify parts of the graphs. I learned more
about the Vernier data software as well as tools in it to analyze graphs. I also learned
about how a life of best fit can also show relationships between graphs. Finally, I learned
about the relationship of position, time, and velocity on a ramp. In conclusion, this will
help in analysing real world applications with ramps and objects.

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