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Department of Health and Social Care

Unit 5
Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care

Task/Challenge Brief

BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care

Unit Title


Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care

Assessment Title:

Understanding the human anatomy and body


Deadline Date:
Task No:
P1- D2
Outcomes to be 1 Know the organisation of the human body
2 Understand the functioning of the body systems associated with
energy metabolism
3 Understand how homeostatic mechanisms operate in the
maintenance of an internal environment
4 Be able to interpret data obtained from monitoring routine activities
with reference to the functioning of healthy body systems.

Assessment Criteria

P4 P5 P6
M1 M2
M3 M4
D1 D2

Task Checker and Presentation Expectations

Mark off each task as you complete it

Brief description of it
A3 Poster of functions
A3 Poster of structure
Label and outline body systems
Presentation of 2 body systems
Leaflet on homeostasis
Collect data from exercise period
Discuss the role of energy
Discuss how the body changes in homeostasis
Create charts from your data and justify validity
Analyse 2 body functions
Evaluate why homeostasis is necessary

Done it?

PASS- Everyone must complete all the 6 pass tasks to achieve a grade E.
MERIT- For students targeted C and those who want to try the extra challenge!
DISTINCTION-For students targeted A and those who want to try the extra challenge

Presentation standards
All work must be hole punched into your folder wallet
All work must be in order of assignments.
Your mark sheet must be at the top of all your work, followed on the
next page by your own front cover.
You must sign the mark sheet where it says Student signature
All work must have the correct title number e.g. P1
There must be no plastic wallets anywhere in your work.
Work can be word processed or hand written.
All quotes are in bold with a reference.
All sources must be highlighted in the bibliography.
You must include a bibliography and appendixes at the very back.

Unit 5- Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Social Care

You have been asked by
your doctors surgery to
service users about the
human anatomy works
and how to measure
good help. As part of
your task you will create
several resources that
functions and body
Learning Outcomes:
1 Know the organisation of the human body
2 Understand the functioning of the body systems associated with energy metabolism
3 Understand how homeostatic mechanisms operate in the maintenance of an internal
4 Be able to interpret data obtained from monitoring routine activities with reference to the
functioning of healthy body systems.

In order to pass this unit you are expected to complete assignments. Each
assignment is broken down into separate tasks that will meet all of the grading
criteria in order to pass the unit.
You have been prepared for your coursework tasks by learning about each
topic in class. You will find that your class work will help you to complete each
task and understand it better.

P1- Outline the functions of the main cell components
P2- Outline the structure of the main tissues of the body
TASK- Create an A3 poster that includes the functions of the cell and structure of the
main tissues.
Organisation: cells; tissues; organs; systems

Cells: cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm; organelles mitochondria, endoplasmic

reticulum (smooth and rough), Golgi apparatus, lysosome
Tissues: epithelial: simple (cuboidal, columnar, squamous, ciliated), compound (simple,
keratinised) connective: blood, cartilage, bone, areolar, adipose muscle: striated, nonstriated, cardiac nervous: neurones, neuroglia examples of where each tissue type might
be found

P3- Outline the gross structure of all the main body systems
TASK- Using the workbook, label the body organs in each system outlining the main
Body organs: location of heart, lungs, brain, stomach, liver, pancreas, duodenum,
ileum, colon, kidneys, bladder, ovaries/testes, uterus; structure and function of the skin

Systems: gross structure of cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, renal, nervous,

endocrine, reproductive, lymphatic, musculo-skeletal, immune
Main functions of systems: overall function of each system, e.g. digestion of food
materials, maintenance of oxygen supply, transport and supply of materials to cells,
receptors of information from the environment, co-ordination, eliminating waste products,
reproduction; overview of interactions of the different structures within each system

D1- Analyse how









TASK- Pick 2 body functions and discuss in detail how they work together to perform
the named functions above.

P4-Explain the physiology of two named body systems in relation to energy
metabolism in the body
TASK- Research and create a presentation on how two chosen body systems help the
body to metabolise.
Energy: forms, e.g. chemical, heat, sound, electrical, light

Energy laws: conservation of energy; transformation of energy

Energy metabolism: role of energy in the body; anabolism and catabolism; activities
involved in supplying energy to the cells of the body roles of cardiovascular, respiratory
and digestive systems
Cardiovascular system: heart structure, cardiac cycle, heart rate, stroke volume,
blood pressure, blood vessels arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins; pulmonary
and systemic circulation; structure and function of the blood
Respiratory system: role of air passages in nose; structure and functions of
trachea, bronchi, lungs bronchial tree, alveoli; role of ciliated epithelial tissue;
respiratory muscles intercostal muscles, diaphragm; ventilation, gaseous
exchange, diffusion
Digestive system: alimentary canal oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, ileum,
colon; liver, pancreas, salivary glands; role of digestive system in breakdown and
absorption of food materials, ingestion, peristalsis, digestion, absorption,
Role of enzymes in digestion: amylases, proteases, lipases; sites of secretion; role in
Major products of digestion: peptides and amino acids, sugars, glycerol and fatty
acids; roles in the body; storage of excess fats and carbohydrates; deamination of
excess proteins and the fate of end products; role of the liver; role of the kidneys
Absorption of food: into blood; into lacteals; role of villi and microvilli

M1- Discuss the role of energy in the body

TASK- Detail how energy is created and why it is needed in the human body, focusing
back on your keywords.

P5- Explain the concept of homeostasis.
TASK- Create a leaflet on homeostasis leaflet that can be distributed in your doctors
Homeostasis: definition of homeostasis, internal environment, concept of negative
feedback as a regulatory mechanism

Homeostatic mechanisms for regulation of: heart rate: roles of internal receptors,
autonomic nervous system-sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve supply, cardiac
centre, sinoatrial node; effects of increased body temperature and adrenaline on heart
rate breathing rate: roles of internal receptors, autonomic nervous system sympathetic
and parasympathetic nerve supply, respiratory centre, diaphragm and intercostal
muscles body temperature: production of heat by the body, e.g. through metabolic
processes; loss of heat by the body radiation, conduction, convection, evaporation;
roles of hypothalamus, autonomic nervous system sympathetic and parasympathetic,
skin role of arterioles and sweat glands; effects of shivering; implications of surface
area to volume ratios, e.g. in the care of babies; fever blood glucose levels: roles of
pancreas, liver, insulin, glucagon (see ppt ks4 hormones)

M2- Discuss the probable homeostatic responses to changes in the internal

environment during exercise.
TASK- Detail how the body changes its homeostasis once it has begun exercise.

D2- Evaluate the importance of homeostasis in maintaining the healthy functioning of

the body.
TASK- Conclude and reason why homeostasis is necessary to keep the body healthy.

P6- Follow guidelines to interpret collected data for heart rate, breathing rate and
temperature before and after a standard period of exercise.
TASK- Carry out the physical measurements on your chosen client.
Measurements: pulse rate, breathing rate, temperature; normal values and ranges; safe
practice in taking measurements, recognition of factors affecting reliability of

Normal variations: as measured at rest and then at intervals during recovery following
a standard exercise test, e.g. Harvard step test
Data presentation and interpretation: graphs and charts; supporting explanations of
collated data

M3- Present data collected before and after a standard period of exercise with
reference to validity.
TASK- Create your data in the appropriate format from above and discuss any issues
that may have effected how valid it actually is.

Interim comments
Strong areas of your assignment were:

Areas for further development are:

Student Action
Please include SMART action points to enable student to achieve aspirational grades

Assessor :
Internal verifier:
End of Unit Final Resubmission Date:


Internal Verifiers approval to use with students


IVs Name:

Resubmission date (final deadline):

IVs Signature:


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