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Raft Task Card

This RAFT Card is designed for Fifth grade level.

ROLE (student)
A Chef

Anyone that enjoys

A PowerPoint

A reporter


An informative
podcast report

An artist

Classroom peers.

An informative
iPiccy photograph

Row 1

Row 2

Row 3

Have you ever
wondered how to
make the perfect
hard-boiled egg?
Reasons why to
perform Random
Acts of Kindness.
Do you want to
learn a little
information About

RAFT Row 1: Educational Technology

Objective: You will be able to describe the steps to make a perfect boiled egg.
WA Standards: EALR 1 Integration (1.1, 1.2, 1.3) EALR 2 Digital Citizenship (2.1, 2.2, 2.3)
ISTE STANDARD: 1. Creativity and innovation (a, b) 2. Communication and collaboration (a,
b, d) 6. Technology operations and concepts (a, b, c)
Student Role: A Chef
Audience: Anyone that enjoys cooking.
Format: A PowerPoint presentation
Topic: Have you ever wondered how to make the perfect hard-boiled egg?

1. Research how to make the perfect boiled egg (utilize the listed websites and videos
below, or ask an adult).
2. Access PowerPoint on your assigned laptop.
3. Pick a Design you want to use for your presentation.
4. Insert a title with text describing what your presentation is about.
5. Throughout your slides describe how to make a perfect boiled egg.

Websites and Videos to use:
How to make perfect hard boiled-eggs
How to Make Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs- Easy Peel
How to Make Perfect Hard-Boiled Eggs
How to Boil an Egg
Assessment: Make a PowerPoint Presentation that explains the steps how to make the perfect
hard-boiled egg.
You will receive a total of 100 points for your PowerPoint Presentation. You will receive 25
points for each of the following: design, font and color, creativity and thorough information
describing the steps to make a perfect hard-boiled egg.
Example: Note class this example only list a few steps, make sure your presentation list all the
steps in your own words. See example below.

RAFT Row 2: Research and Writing

Objective: You will be able to describe the benefits and the reasons why it is nice to perform
Random Acts of Kindness (R.A.O.K).
WA Standards: EALR 3: The student uses communication skills and strategies to effectively
present ideas and ones self in a variety of situations. (3.1, 3.2, 3.3) 1.2.1 Applies strategies to
comprehend auditory and visual information.
ISTE STANDARD: 1. Creativity and innovation (a, b) 2. Communication and collaboration (a,
b, d) 3. Research and information fluency (a, b, d) 6. Technology operations and concepts (a, b,
Student Role: A reporter
Audience: The public
Format: An informative podcast report
Topic: Reason why to perform Random Acts of Kindness.

1. Research reason why to perform Random Acts of Kindness, also note how it would make
you feel to do a Random Act of Kindness and how it would make the person receiving an
R.A.O.K feel.
2. Type what you want to say on your podcast
3. Practice reading your written material aloud until you feel you know the material good.
4. Create a podcast at
5. Read and record your material on PodBean.
Websites and Videos to use:
Using PodBean for Podcasts
Random Acts of Kindness for Kids 17 Ideas for Raising Grateful and Kind Kids
Why Random Acts of Kindness are So Important
A Simple Random Act of Kindness: Teaching Children to Think Of Others
Why You Should Practice Random Acts of Kindness
Assessment: Make a three minute Podcast on PodBean that explains why someone might want
to perform Random Acts of Kindness and how it would make you feel if you did one or someone
did one to you.
You will be graded on you Podcast, it is worth 50 points, in which I will grade your fluency of
your information and your information you present. You must hit on the key points: Why people
perform Random Acts of Kindness, how it makes people feel and how you would feel, you can
also share if you have ever done an R.A.O.K or received one.
Example: There is no way for me to share an example, I will show you in class how to navigate
PodBean before you start your podcast.

RAFT Row 3: Writing/ Fine Arts

Objective: You will actively present your iPiccy photograph (which is a picture that interests
you) to the class and read your information about yourself out loud.
WA Standards: Component 1.2: Develops arts skills and techniques.
Component 2.1: Applies a creative process to the arts (dance, music, theatre, and visual arts).
Component 3.2: Uses the arts to communicate for a specific purpose.
ISTE STANDARD: 1-Creativity and innovation (a) 2-Communication and collaboration (a, b) 6Technology operations and concepts (a, b, c)
Student Role: An artist
Audience: Classroom peers
Format: An informative iPiccy photograph
Topic: Do you want to learn a little information About Me?

1. Write down fun information about yourself that you want to share.
2. Access the iPiccy website here

3. Click on start editing

4. Click on Upload Photo (pick a photo that is of you or of you and someone else).
5. Once your photo is uploaded play around with the website and add text on your photo saying
information about yourself that you want to share.

Websites and readings:
iPiccy Directions
Free Photo Editing with iPiccy
21 Questions All About Me
Back to School Sharing Template Ideas
Assessment: Make an iPiccy photograph to share with the rest of the class that also has
information about yourself.
This assignment is worth 25 points and you will be grade on having a proper picture, creativity
and for having substantial information about yourself.
Example: This is a photo of my daughter Bailey and I, I shared some information about her.
Yours does not have to look exactly like this, be creative and have fun.

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