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B.TECH. TEC-602 SIXTH SEMESTER EXAMINATION, 2008-2009 TAL SIGNAL PRC Tice 3 Hours Note : (iv Attempt alf questions. (iy All questions cary equat marks. 1, Attempt any four parts of following: (a) Show that a periodic sequence x,(n) can be ‘expressed in terms of samples of the spectrum X(w) as eloy a LEE (2) sas, inna AES x 2 1} DED Aye Nahe Does it imply that X(w) can be recovered fom the samples? teh age 1 +Saume 4 Sacer a 7 ca ee, Wek fala = dy ame Total Marks : 100 By changing the index from 1 to (n ~ IN) interchanging the order of summation, we get (2) - 5] Ew} a) for REO UW Q ome N= DD 3002S anit) The above x(n) is periodic with fundamental period N* tt can be expanded in Fourier series at eat a= FGF ne 01,2. oD ro and Ge Laide i) = #20, 1,2, A 1) By comparing eq () and (ii), we conelude. that 1 (2nk FB) ceo wn rE ar 2 Zane he WD “to, x(n) = ain) OS MSN-1 eye Lexie = 0 elsewhere . P I “Sn Le pw x + Kee Zetransform: (ROC (i) Pole-Zerw plot (id) Casuaity (@ Stability (6) Show that N-point circular convolution of ‘sequences x(n) and x,(0) given by 0 SnsN-1 @) Show that fourter transform X(w) can be {Mm} = x,{n) = {exes obtained from the equally spaced samples ‘of Xi¢} oh anit crete in z plane, Compai Is inverse DFT of X(k) where dk) = XOX YH) 2, a. Ans X= Seine Ans. X(z) = z adm" with an ROC that oo includes the unit citele. F eran = Dad IE XC is sampled at N equally spaced points on “oO Pa i” anit circle, Z, © eek =O. 1,2 a (W= 1) Kh = 24. Xy0) ‘we get 2 Ry Bt : aoage "SS aytbe 2 X= XO] ang k= ONT “2 % end 10» $8 Sco | =P (oa) FasmEaoke wed The summation over k equals ¥ for Lan =m where (1 =) is modulo W. For J m the sum is equal to zero, 5300 EE a lizsin ma ND) = = Latma[a-m)), = @ Find N polat DFT of following sequences © ulm) ~ whe =n), 0< aq. ‘Ant, 2(0) © u(n) — w(t = sg) yy bat Xe Dame © = QemeNn = Eloy 2 1 2 Xa) = Feat = x(n) w cot (2) nee yom NOL ‘Ans. x(1) = cos" 2) nao, BQ Mod “ @) Find inverse DFT of bo O20) = Wiskss kao ame ft oes = = Xb ze : Afro xine oxcaye® a xa xe + X(e 2 YH) = xy where X(k) is 10, 10 point DFT and x(n). am 2[0"4 Dp = 5" yey 4 an) = ma +2) State and prove the linearity aud aymmetry properties of DFT. ‘Ans, Linearity property : 16X,(k) and X,(4) are the N-pt DETS of x(n) and (0) resp. and a and bb are arbitrary consiants either real on coroplex ‘valued chen x (n+ by) Po aX (K+ BRC) Symmetery property: xn) 24(n) + jun) OSS N~L 38) = Xp) tK() OSS 1 09-8 [sin 288)- som?) sive 282) tacos] +H ()] ‘S ‘2akn’ ‘2akn x0=-§ [ins 28 = aa) sunca{ 222)] Case I: When x(n) is real valued. ar Bex) =) (Case IL : When x(n) is real valued. x(n) = x{N ~ n) then DFT becomes ah =X (8) (Case IIL: When x(n) is real and odd (0) = =x(N =) then AFT is xm =i Ra(opn( 2222) i so Bent Case IV : When x(n) is purely imaginary sequence, x(a 20 a(n) = xf) TS eapsin( 2 XO™ Eacmsa( 242) Put ln) = 0 we get x(o= Eacen(222) 2 Attempt any two parts of following : (e) What do you mean by FFT? Introduce DIT and DIF FFT algorithms. What properties of comptex exponential sequence is usd to reduce the amount of mathematical operations. Derive mathematical expressions of Geartzel algorithm snd explain its fertures, ‘Ans. FFT isan algorithm that efficiently computes the DFT. By using these algorithins, no. of arithmetic operations involved in the computation of DFT are greatly, reduced. DYT FFT : In this, s(n) sequence is decimated into two %. point sequences consisting ofthe ven numbered values of 2(n) and the of numbered values of x(n). DIF FFT : This algorithm decomposes the DFT by recursively splitting the sequence elements X(K) in the frequency domain into sets of smelter and smaller subsequences. Periodic, property : Wy! = Wy! * # Symmetric : wet = We Goertzel Algorithm + ot X= Exe wl) wet Xb = Dalmay = we XG) =X ximyoy hm oa) a ‘Using linear convoludion, syne Z xomin-m) “gy Let hgh) = Wy a(n) M4) Replace by (nm ~ m), we get (n= mn) = WHE al) lS) ie ri= Lamar" 6) beh @) ane Ny rr Naa = Ps wom) Eqn. (5) and (7) are identical. (0) Derive the expression for computation of 16 port DFT using radix 4 decimation in. time algorithm and draw the flow graph. Explain the use of butter Ny compotation. Ars. Radix-4 DIT FFT Algorithm N= los 44 xXw= Sacancormgt « Sans gent s = . +S atdn sD YS cans ene 2 & XR) = XB) + WE XB + wg xs Wyg2X 0) XW= Semmes = x(8)Wi + C12) + x0) + x06) wit Xyb= dane ame = atl) + af5) Witt + x(9)W, + (13), 2 2 Aye = Danes x(3) + 206) Wigtt » a(10)W, gE +14) Xba Datenv wget & © 203) +207) WigMt + (11) + xC15)W, 6" Also, X{k + 4) = Xk) Use of Butterfly : Minimised the complex ‘addition and equlliplication XO) = X(0) + X(0) + X,0) + X40) (1) = XC) + Wag! XCD) + Wy! XD) . +E XA) (2) = XQ) + WA YQ)+ Wiel KG) hig X42) HO) =X) + Wig XO) + Wal) + Me XA) He HO + Wg X40) + Wa HO) +X) xen ne mE Kos MMe d + Wie KO) Well xa) +H gtk@ AO = y+ Wi 440) + Wa x,8) + W213) HB) = X10) + We Ki) + Wilh x0) + WX (0) X0)= XU) + WPAN) + wl x +g) HUD) = X02) + Wig! x30) + WH x) + W482 x0) QD =XO)+ Wig X40) + WBA) + Wi XG) (6) = X2) + yb X2) + ES, a Z Lif ag PSS Za Z HA (12) = X,(0) + Wagl? KO) + Mig? XO) + Heo XO C3) =X) + Wig? X31) + Wig XCD) + + WX X(14) = X,2) + Wyg!? XQ) + W240) 12) + Me is Xs 2g ot (15) = X48) + Wig X38) + Wie? X43) + Wg XG (©) How 4N-polne DFT of real valued square 3. Attempt any two parts of following: may be compated using N point FFT (a) What. are. different structures fro slgorittua? Comment on the amount of realization of FIR fiter? Discuss frequency mathomatical operation reduction as sampling strocture. A linear shift invariat ‘compared to direct DFT computation. ‘has unit earuple response given in table ‘Ana, Efficient computation of DFT of AN pt elo: reat sequence. x(n) = (4a) (0) = ata + DD . 2 ‘his aystern with minimum ‘Thus we have subdivided the 4N poiat, number ff maldipliers, What maximum value real sequence into two 2N peint real sequence does y(n) can attain if system is bonded with os . V x(n) 11 for all n, . Hin) = H(0) + ing) ‘Ans. Frequency Sauupting structure x= Plxmexew-v] : o7 as Five Oy = Ex -x*W eb) Mod Xo) ke xe -#)] where k= 0, 1, 2, ( 7 ) wel Ee o! Ges S sannnt + se) «Ene & = ' wert Put eqn. (1) in (2). sans Dwg Pam? & Heys Same ey a s y= Se scat tS seomat 84 pment ~ "= Hee + 0) = 2 hime ol) Ctl) = X08) + Woy! 15 @), b= 0 20-1) “ fe N= XB) ~ Myf ke =O. NI 18 pata Gb MaMa Ht. =D n= HH DFT FFT t-) ) Complex addition) Nlog,N HQ) © Samer 6) NW) Et i x 1 . Complex Flom Meo = sae Hike ‘Maltiptication : N® ac" HN 1.42) / msl = He HQ ing the order of summation, we Bet Brel | seam] a ee) LED omen HO = & Rome Interchanging! HO=HOHO . eo a= DM 2 MO) + We! + Hd? + ABDC? + AAC+ # WSDES + WEES ed = MO) X(z) + HUY Xlz) + M2) Xle) + MDE XC) + MA)AKG) + HSI XC2) + HOAX xe nie) 2-001 (©) What are different structures of an IIR Miter? Discuss with the belp system function. Show that FIR Star baviog unlt sample response, hin) Can be implemented by cascading an FIR system with an IR system, ‘Ans. Different structures of an IIR fiter: © Direct form-Lrealization, Wa) b Hee = bot? + Bet + bys tbe a Soe yay = [ay 2b tage? +. baye 924 We) . & a ewes S coy 1 WO Eat i Saat Sg. bart Hee) = 22 2 ig Pe Seet # (@ Direct form 1 bebe rb on. MO ge eat {ity Cascade form: Ha) = Hy(e9 #2) (6) Parallel form: HG)= C+ H0) +H + ‘Yes, it can implemented, (© What do you understand by lattice structure? Explain with the help of mathematical expressions. Give some ye ot applications of this stracture with - Justification. Determine the FIR filter coefficients for the direct form structure having three singe lattice filter coefficients ss i 1 Rep me wel Am Forms 1, Ay) = Aol) + kyz"Byle) steketate det Hence, (0) = 1 a= k= 4 Bios d+z Now for m= 2, A,(z) = A,(2) +, c1B() Bry dye ate fetal get" 2 a1 aed ah B,Q)hede! +r? Ay) = Age) + by 313,219 andbetySe3 ot, ae tet tye Alto, Now, 27 BD a0) ay=8 a3Q)= Lattice filters. are usod extensively in digital speech processing and-in the implementation of sdaptive filters, Hy Ag(Ah m=O, 1, ZutMt = 1) kD) ‘There Ax(e) = b+ Sa.wet, m2) .Q) a and Agere ig(O) ad Hy) = (6), = 1,2 3,(0) = 1 hiya xin) Sect _ For ms 1, x(a) = afm) + 0,(Lxtn =I) Fer) = gel) = aft) - flrd = fon) + Edel 1) = ln) + N= 1) By C0) = ky) + agl— 1) = yy + adn =D) Fig. Single - Stage lattice fitter. For m= 2; ny = x(n) + a (I )x(a— 1) + a,(2) (0-2) LO = Fn) + Ryan = 1) 4:09 = Kf 09 + 8,0 D fate) thin) 40) = vio) x0} am amd wh 4. Attempt any Gro parts of following: (a) Compar> FIR filter and IIR on the basis of design and implementation. What do you mean by symmetric aud aatixvmmetric FIR fitter, deduce the expressions for these frequency response and mention 0" area of application, Ans OR 1, Recursive . 2. Do not have linear phase and are used where some phase. distortion is tolerable Sort 3. A= Sart Round off noises are more. : Impulse response of these filters are computed for infinite number of sample feed back in used. Non-recursive and reconsign ‘Have linear phase and ace used in speech processing to eliminate the adverse effect of frequency dispersion, eege 3. HO) 2.5 round off noise ate less. ro 4, Impulse responses of these filers are gompaed for finite number of samples. 4( eaftst) “S Pat we ai) MEE wafer vem] For aaa ‘or antisymmetry condition ” . ion) = hm «1 = ne = Oyo od cee cere AMS), A) ‘and phase of FIR filter is linear e . e = EA) oe Sune Simitasy Let m is odd. : eben) mit gn (ug! we 1, oft) - A): AY) AeA 2) femraern] tA H(@) = 5 Heme” +h rn Putting m-Innek or nam-l-k 2 EP) anne Mt) wesw ME co kame BP fe) He) = =e on ® =e) neM-1>k20 Paine) aco a) E) Mem = SE neon APN) Samet} z f mem = Bremer? ode fea Errand ntl) 7) aM 2 7 . ite) = Liem (te ‘ye At) «mone oreo a Bamenerrm . (4) por \3(9) 0 For even values ar m “Hon AEN Sine 3 wet 2 him) cass nt) no 2 -o( 4) orttens0 MD er primaico and Hw) = of Application FIR Filter 1. Linear filteric 2, Differentiator 3, Hilbert-Transfer ©) Discess th FIR fer desiga technique using Windows, with mathetnatical expressions. ‘Discuss the disadvantages of this methods. Am Window Techniques Mel 1 foriny 395 Wyn = fo f otherwise Hanning window Causal: Wf) an . he Pascoe, OSKSM-1 o otherwise Cousal: W,4n) 2an Mot J0.54+0.46c0s—2. Ing Mot | ee nls ° otherwise Hanning Window: Castel : Wyjoy() mer OStSM . foes 0 otherwise. Casual: “2am azn fa) = [042 - Oca 7 + 0.08608 ° Osnsm-1 oterwite ‘Non-causual + 2nn Ann arene Ber OmBees A, Oo, for |nl«. a othrwise 2 Wyo) = Samer of Bartle window (Non-causal) l+n, = tenet Wot = Mal Inn ene Kaiser Window 1 inte Wyn)= {a 7 0 otherwise vot woe S23] oie o28? ons) see wr ‘Disadvantages : It results in lower sidelobes at the expense of an increase in the width of the Wwansition band of the filter. (© Write short notes on frequency sampling method for design of FIR filter. Ans. In the frequency sampling method in FIR fiber design, we specify ths desired freq response H{w) a a set of equally spaced frequencies, rarely. oe Bese be ,1,, © typ 38s a M vite a M—> even aedord 2 and solve for the unit sample response Hn) of FIR fier trom these eqully spaced frequency specifications to reduce side lobes, its desirable 10 optimee the frequency specification in the transition band of the filter, This optimization ‘ean be done numerically on a digital computer by means of tinearfrogramming technique. ‘The frequency sampling method provide us ‘with another means for diesigning linear phuse FIR filters, its major advantages lies in th efficient frequency sampling structure, which is ‘obtained when moat ofthe freq. samples are zero ‘the limitation is tht the location of holes on the unit citele provides no dirupling of the round ‘off noise that is introduced in the computation. ‘As a resuit the noise tends to increase with time and may destroy the normal operation of the fie, 5. Attempt any two parts of following : (@) Transfer function of an anlog filter is given & by Ha(s) = po find the corres: ponding system function of digital filter is x siren by IO) = tee . ‘Ans, S~ a Impuise invonent Method. Let the T.F of Analog filter be H,(5). Hygy= 4 4 A cr ar ian coefficient and p, ate poles Now by inverse Laplace wansform w= ze en Now unit impulse response for discrete structure. as obiained by sampling M0. Na) = hove = ns nay = A Hgs) = + where Ay, Ag are Now by ZT-of h(a) y= EMO" -Efien|e Ble 1 HQ ord e . 1 SPR, ne . {S~ 0) Bilinear ansformation meshed. @) Derive the’ expression for design of IIR, fer from anslog transfer function using bilinear transformation. Vestigate the ‘characteristics of bilinear transformations. sro [SE ove 1 ngoet ip in Laplace Dorrain as X(5) and o/p in Laplace Domain (3) for time period T, YG) - YO) = jroo 1 My) -Hqd= Fa) [a0ar-aenestre a Now f, = ATs, then f, is ns — Ts. Hoy — Mats — 19) = £ Ts oT = ates) =D) + a(eTs = 1) Hots) ~ Hats = 15) = 4 Te tots gy PP TEbxts = TO) ts Hota) Hots To) = teary ‘ + anTs) To) YO) X(z) ‘The relationship between 5 plane and z plane is after! = Ble (1) Mapping is one to one 2) The mapping is high non finer @) No Aligning effect. Frequency warping (©) Write short note on matched z transfor- ‘mation method for design of IIR filter, also mention the limitation of this transformation, ‘Ave. Matched ~ 2. transformation Sos-4) Ho Ss ay a WO= (7, > Sampling interval ~ For converting an analog filter into equation digital filter is to map the poles and ze103 of H(s) directly into poles and zeros in the z=plane. Suppose the system function of the analog filter is expressed by eq ~ The system funetion forthe digi fer i. given by ¢q. (fD. Each factor of the form {S~= a) In H(s) is mapped into the factor (1 ~ & ¢, This mapping is called matched = x tansformation. . [Laitation To preserve. the ffequency response characteristics of analdg filter, the sampling . interval in the matched x ~ transformation smust be property to yield the pole and zero locations atthe equivalents portion in the explane. Ths aliasing ost be avoided by selecting °7,” suffisiently small

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