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_HiTouch Listeria Count FlexiPlate "For isolation and enumeration of Listoria species from clinical specimens, water supples otc. Composition Ingredients Grams/itre Blopeptone 4.00 tim ehorida 1500 Sodium eniorige 500 Esculn 100 ‘Ammonium i cata 050 oar sn00 Final pH (25°C) 7.0102 + Formula juste, anda dzed to sult perormanceparaneirs Water and waste water - Water samples testing laboratories Clinical laboratories - Clinical samples + Contains Lithiam chloride and abiotic which inhibit gram-nagatve ‘and most gram-positive organisms. Black colonies of Listeria monocytogenes which hyalyaesesculn to estulatin Incubation temperature 35-37°. Confimeresults within 24-48 nous, On resp sre bebe 28°C. ‘Shel eye. Appearance ‘Stor plastic plate containing dark amber coloured clea to lightly opalescent frm gel ‘Quantity of Medium 9 ge in plastic plate Reaction Reaction ofthe medium is pH 7.0 £02 Sterility Testings ‘trl ofthe madium was checked for 4 days, Medium was found stile without any colony formation on surface of solid medium. CCutural Response Cultural characteristics observed after an incubation at 35-37" for 24-48 pours. Organisms (ATCC) Growth Escutn hydrolysis subi (9533) innit E fecal’ (29212) ined : E hiras (10541) inhibited : monocytogenes 19111) Iwauriant + monocytogenes (19112) luxuriant + L monocytogenes (13117) luxuriant + S. aureus (26928) od : KEY : += Black zoe around colonies. toa manocyoges Foz

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