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‘S000 TénG THE PHONG CHONG THIEN TAI BAO LUT [a ar © covert i E i. i. aia hg sins] [resin | [radi]: | qin em | [emi meen ofr EP] | Semin | HS f 7 H sn on de sins 1 [sed | mo sneren | ut ene rc eee | oe nse ie “ Quy eh sa fit | rari Yemen tl hee Sol raya), [acer | Tent |e ig 9 HO we < Tinh tod thu’ van khi tung eho mot thi tai (Tut bao) ke nhau. = Phae hoa ving déng bing yap tut 6 bio hoat dong mg véi ei vin sus Ta bo kh nha = Ube tinh hing thiet ai do 10 ut bao gay rang vii fe tin sud Khiie nhaw va xay dung datmy quan he ein suat thigt hai do lut blo gay ra va thet hai trung binh nam: = Lata chon ei bign phiip phong gis gid ne thin tai (bao g6m c4 bien phip cong trinh va Khong cong trinin Lap lugn chime kinh 1 ky thugt va use tinh ehi phi «6. vGi ete bien php di Iya chon va. phic hoa mie do ‘thigt hai sau khi di 6 bien php phdne nit = Xie inh mite thigt hielo Tut ho why rad we tle phuomg i = Hoan thign vige phan ich quan he di tt v2 ich cca timg phuong. = Xét ky timg phurmg dn di wii ce win A Rhienbw hut vé chinh sich, khd nang sit dang t6ng hop. digu kien ‘moi trudng, kh nang ngudn kinh phi et the huy ong. = Lia chon mov hoae 16 hop of Kh nang thye thi voi sm6i pham vi dink hudng. = Hoda chinh hd so bio. eo guy: hogeh, tng thé vi fe tai figu lien quan da new tren tri exp 6 thaim,quyén x61 duyet 3.5- Tang cudng ee hoat dong hup tac phoi hyp vai ‘cite quie gia trong khu vue va cie té chic Quic (© trong phong ching thign tai ut bio. Cong vige phon ching thien tai yt bio trong pham vi ting. ving, time dia phuomg déu c6 nhimg ajc didn digu kien ia Ite nhign 7 ‘kin 16 oi Khe haw. Mat smi quan bg tuemg hd te done dan xen véi nau. Do 6 Iki nghien ei lap qui hoach phing ching. thien tai lot ‘bio 6 moi ving mi dia phuemg via phi gn vi nhimg «ge didn rgng v6 kinh 16x hoi va iu kien tw nbién cia ving, ei dia phuomg, ding thoi phi da n6. trong mi ‘quan he véi che ving, ee Iau vue. CO nhu vay. moi gi ‘quyéi-duge-mye.tiew sim nhe. thi. haut, bio. & time ing, timg dia phuomg m khong lim suy giim nhigu dén cai lume moi trum vie sinh thd ela khu vue xung ‘quanh, ita chiang Iai €6 © Viet Nam tren fe con song Kon nbur song Me Kong, song Hong co li vue tei rong tren pham vi nid quic sia trong ving, phn nue ti nutde_ got, chly v0" Vi ‘Nam qua e&e con song nay rt lm, ehiem 379% emg nue cia toan con sone Heng va 96% lagna fue cia Tota con song Me Kong. Ning thict hai thien tai do cc con song Quiet gay 1a 66 Khir om, vt qa kh nang gi quyeh ciia mat dia phuomg, cba mgt que pia va phi of su phi hop hi tng cin ee que gia trong li vue va cic 1 chite Quée 18. Do ddd hi ching ta en tang cut ee ho dng phi hop, hp tic chan tinh, it hai hoa i eh cia clic quse gia nh cing bio v2 va kh thie ce eon sng ‘Quiet tang them higu qua phong ching thign ta cia ce «que gia trong Khu vue Naty. nay cone: viee phone chiding thien tai gt bio khong combo hep trong pham vi ec qué gia rieng I, «tr thinh mdi quan tam cia mhiéu qude gia vi nhigu 6 hie trén the’ gigi. iéu do doi hoi ching ta phil tw d6i 88 rn 6 ng thc, v8 trang tht bi KY thus va'eOng neh. ¥6 16 chie, chudn hod che ngan hing dy iu thong tin, him (go diga kign thug lot d€ trao d8i thong tn, time brute te can vi nig li bo Ky thual v8 eOng mabe moi trong Tinh vue nly. Bun cong vies phon hing tien ai ‘bio ve moi trudng sinh thai ca Viet Nam hk hap vei tpube tigh chung eda thoi dai m vin bio dm duye bute di phit hop vi tinh hinh thu tién ella Viet Nam. 3.6- Huy déng site manh ea 4 cong ding dé phing chiding thign tai lut bao. Tu hang chuc thap ky qua & Viet Nam, thign tai lt bio dae coi 18 Toai thign tai neuy higen hat, c6 sic tin phi nding né tren pham vi On, li ode tren mot pham vi hep. NO di mob tinh qui Iu lai vita 66 tinh thing if mot nginh inh 1é 1 Nb ob the xy ra dba ci dia phone indo tren dat nude Vigh Narn di. d6 e6 d hay Khong eo de = nha 1a dei vii ving déng bing thip rng va dine bine ‘ven bign, véi tin 6 ned € Tt Pio ‘mdi uy hig nghiem trong doi vei moi ng dan mt cchinh quyén va ee 18 chite x2 hot ir ex $B en Trung ‘wong, Khi bj thigh tai i di pha cd su dmg pho kip tho. ‘Ma tne het 1 sr img plo ci cong déng dan er tant xy rathign tai. Dan ar & fe ving thug i then ia on io de nhigu bien php trayén thing dot pho vi It io. Dd tin lam cho moi ngutii dan 6 ce ep x phony dive tham gia xay dmg Ke hoach, phutmg An phdog chong, lt Ino cia ving 6 ti, Trong Ki hoach do en quan iam ot si noi dung sa: ~ Baza ra sien bio ep in phim. 9 T6 chit ce doi cong tie mg ctu do, ct sap, uo, chun bj fe loa vat lieu Pe thing cn hit dng et chs {= Dy phing thas men, thue phim, va nie dng sili qayet cic yeu ef Khan cp - Py phing phuong dn khoi pve ndng nghigp sa kh bithien a dina aincn ie + Xie dinh va tua chon che bign php phing| ch thign tai tuyén thing dp dng hen ‘hei ph ch it il 4 fa vd dt lI eh ti tg ots "Doi th akin bt it ch aig die dim ve die Ken iy ahien © ak a6. oc Mine ah i im ch ho Bahn wong xiiu eb thé xdy ra déi v6i limg ngudi, time cong déing nho. er se ~ Xie dinh cae kha nang bi thiet hai va cic dau hiu -canh bio, He Khuyein khich cA nhan, ete ho gia dinh chit dong bio is ne he vA phat trign ké hoach so tn ci nhin va gia dinh. Han ché den mite thaip nhat sy bi dong ling tng, r6i loan khi xdy ra thien tai i ab + Gp cporolntt hdar i eh i in Hoh Abe MEE TRL TR Oe ny rtm elute thigh ich nh hen 8 wi ng te asain eee STA Ni vie Sp dg hm thc ath et cha con: bt tt wy. Thm. ns pas ‘edn chit § nhing cong h hop 9% phong ching, img cin..Ngan ngita nan phi rimg vi phi hoai ede cong trinh phng ching ly bio. ~ Khi gap thign tai nang né, vugt qua khii ning im. cit. cea ving 59 ti, edn phi tim moi eich thing tin yeu cfu chi vign, gidp do cia ben ngoai 'BE img phé véi tien tai ut bao det higu qui, ddi hd phai o6 ke hogch déng b9 ti sd len ct huyen tinh vi ‘Trung wing nhdm huy dong sie d6ng ling hop luc cia moi gut, moi ting lop dan cir trong timg viing va: trong ci nite, Cin phat huy truyén thong’ tt dep: hé dedau 6 thien tai thi ede cong déng nub. Viet. Nam lai dosin ket dong gop sie nguti sie ca dé img pho cin tg kip thi 1. VALNET BINH HUGNG VE PHONG TRANH \VA GIAM NHE THIEN TAI LUT BAO. hai da phan tich tren ce trong-nhimg thap ky gin dy: ein eit vio’ phucmg hum pit trign kinh 16 xi hoivelia dat nue: va. chutogtrinh hhanh dong hutig img thap kY quce 1 gm ne thien tai cen cit dinh, hud, cia nginh dé nim 2010. d6ng thoi cen cif vaio xu the phat trigh khoa hoe KY thudh trong nie ‘va tren the giGi. Mot sii dinh. hutmg trong, hoat dong dé phong tinh va giim nhe thign tai Iut bio trong: ning a 10 1: 4.1 Dinh huimg chung. Dinh hudng chung: diye && cap ten 3 Tinh vue: fing cumg he thing cin ho di bio, tang cue edng tic phong.trinh va ting euimg cong tae cw tr, Khe phuc hau qua. O méi finh ve dé dive tien or hrinh déng thi 2 bign pip eo bin: bign php edn rink ‘vi khong e6ng tri. ‘aii thdng dc bdo, cainh bio » Bign phip edng trinh: = DBi vi dy bio bio: tien ti. xy dng ef tram ve tinh mat di he théng phao’ big, ra da tha til, hon ‘inh mang lui tram khi tyome. = Debi v6i di bao It: he theng ea da the tit, hon ‘chinh mang lui tram thity vin, tap hop ehinh bien 56 gu bring ee thiet bi hign a Dayo It quét: ket hop he thong ra da tho ti, val hodn chinh mang hui tram thiyy van, thude cite khu we rigs néi tp hop sli tinh toa. Hoan chinh va hign dai hod img bute he thong thong tin lien Ie 6 ce ep qude gia,

36 | "dt Hero ae a eee = Highway sartace 1000 m?]i,782| 370 | 1,086 2360) ‘damaged Bridge sueface "| Uait 150°/°32/-79 |-a9 damaged i Undergrouid sever |) Unit| 284 |.193.|19,)199.|.38 ‘amaged ey | L Note 1 “Docume cited “Cyc and comand won", pe 8, Publishing fuse oh Minty of Contrtion Ha Noi 1991 | Amount ctl the Yer of food occurence. “Togeicwit lois in economic brinch, od and cyclone io cased damages inthe social fil, somtimes very heavy ones. ‘With regard to typical Moods and typhoons ia 1943, 1971, 1978, = 1986, ec, milions of psoas ved homeless. Te living of rmiltions. of people, wat upset. In. the affected. areas, price fycuations exerted iret infucnce of the people's life. Besides ‘irc. lones, ood and cyclone have caused environmental pollution nd epidemics, greatly influening on the people's health, According to documents of the Health Ministry, in the aras affected by ‘cyclones, there have Been may typeof Epes uring and after {Mood Thowgh our Sate and Intemational Red Cross organization have shown mach concern about prevention and reatmeat of epidemics, the people's heal always decreased in the heavily ‘cn areas, 30-40% of labour - ge persons ha fever or felt lire 29-30% of chilien had frequent digestive disorders, 30-40% fo women had gynacologeat diseases (ate compared with the pulaion of the alfeted rca) 5, Regional dasificetion of losses caused by flood and cicone ‘According 10 data of the Gencral Deparment of statistics tosses for the period 1971,» 1990 vary with the gions, Losses in North and Cental Vit Nam were the heaviest, accounting for $4,629 of total losses f the couriey losses in South. Viet Nam svete lower, accounting only fr 13.38% of total loses, Central Viet Nam with 27% of the total population had to. suTer the heaviest damages caused by flood and cyclone, accounting for 37.86% of the total losses, the number of dead being 70% of the total dead, and losses in buildings being 42% as compared with the counity. Losses in. North, Central and South Viet Nam for the period 1971-1990 are expressed in Table O7-TH Noe (©) Document emis Heakérin u2 review "40 yen of flood and typhoon comer 40 Regional clasification of losses eased by Mood and eyeone Tor the period 1971-1990 Table O7-TH hfe | ge avo | 450 feats | oar [tn fe Nate of wouni| person | 4233 | iso | 320 elopeied yan wale 02 | aan | a3 [oar ‘se i | ae [SP ctv 000m) “igo | 1.389 ss compar wih ical | a | a) 2K | DIT 5.56 Food damaged ian) 19 | 2.360 1.4767) TRL scam winioat| 4627 | Stat | 3198. | 1691 luis, soaps, 100m sar [16.6005 hospitals damaged as) % B00 | 1800 npc with ft | lion 6. Teal losses (a the|-VND ete of 1990) % compe wilh ‘gpivakatto (SD milion 293 (erchange rte of "USD sams | 2008.7 | 16083) os98 vee | 46.76 | 3786. | 1538 204 | 9850 -The health braneh and ood and. phoon in the past al years” by Dr Nawven Cong Thang, Deputy Minister of 761990) a shor in rcent decade, food and typhoon contol have bes Pd great attention by the Panty and state and hve got the support Of the whole people, losses have been reduced but are ail fonsderable. The reality proves that in any cltcumsances, we | should take flo oatrol measures in order mks socal activities Sappropriote with natal environment, that i the only elfiiat measure npninstdissster rl ut Number of persons affected flood ond cyclone in the ‘wotld for the petiod of three decades (60, 70, 80) Losses coused by flood and cyclone in Vietnam for | the petiod 71-50, a eo rood jtbredi ie Losses in terms of building, storage, school coused by flood and cyclone in Vietnam for the etied,1971 - 1990 Regional classfication of losses caused by flood ind typhoon for the period 1971 = 1990 1 PART IV SITURTION OF AND SOLUTIONS TO THE PREVENTION AND MERSURES AGAINST FLOODS AND STORMS, In the process of socio-economic developmen in Viet Nam, onstruction of flood control facilities have always been regarded 8 an important measure, It provides measures 19 supply water to ‘xp culation and other needs of society and also to drain water from low-lying ates, prevent the penoition of saline water into the coastal plains and diver Moods in away compatible with the eed and caabiliies of the national economy in each period of| history. Today, in the conditions of the continous development of science and technology, the reality of social and economic life as ‘well asthe population explosion and the acceleration of urbanisation ‘and industnlieation. the need is all the greater for the water resources rervice to study and decide on appropiate measures and ‘ops 10 manage, exploit and-use- the water resources. while protecting the environment and preventing water pollution inorder to meet the diversified needs of development of the, cout. Te can be- said thatthe requirements of renovation and evelopment of the country are compeling the water resources service to broaden and diversify quickly its activites, in which the prevention against floods, drought and sioms play a. major role. Below is an attempted analysis f some aspects of this question FROM 1€80 To 1800, |. To build dikes agains floods isan objective demand of the low-lying areas in the plains. Practice shows thi dike embankment fn the plains of Viet Nam is prompted by the need t9 protec ie and production in these areas In the Mekong river delta Inindation is caused each year by the rising water of the Mekong: According to statistics, cach year Betveen 1.2 and 1.4 millon hectares ar inundated from to six ‘mons. So far, no effective measure has bee talen apaist this seasmal flood. To keep safe from the thresiened area has been the only. method resorted to,by the loeal population. In recent yeas, due to the need of expanding food crop culvation, many more inition and drainage canals have been construcied, In some areas ‘e population tas built protection dikes ave been bul o protest the summer rice against carly Roads. Aflerharest helt th ood ater spill over the dikes in order 9 fnilize the Gels with sit In the Red River deli: This plain i only from zor to fen menes above Sea level. Meanwhile, the water level ofthe Red River stands at around 3 metres above sea level fr nine months in a year, The peaks of flood water onthe Red River vary from 9 01413 mts. (Un 1971 afer he dike breaking a Cong Thon. the compited highest ater level in case of no dike breaking was 1460) m 0,10 m ) Fld alerts surpassing frst and even second degree are annual foeeuirences. Nota few foods have surpassed tind degre ale A ‘cord of flood water levels on the Red River in Hat in the period 1902-1990 shows the following: as 1m 85 of the 88 years (oF 96.59% ofthe observed yeas) there were 219 Moods surpassing iret degree alo On average there were 244 such Moods every year «1m 50 out ofthe 88 years (or 56.81% of the observed years) there were 61 loods Surpassing Second degree alert or two Moods every three yeas = In 19 out of the 88 years (or 23.86% of the years observes) there, were 21 floods surpassing third degree ale. or one food every nearly 4 years ‘Accouding to, th same statistics, sine 1960 the frequency of big floods (simpassing thnd degre aler) ns tended to increase Within thin. eas from, 1960 0 1990 big Moods (surpassing third sen. degree) happened in 15 years compared to 21 within #8 years 5 mentioned above. In otter words, the minber of big foods ‘ecuring in the thity years from 1960 10 1990 represented 71 59% the otal of sich foods existed throughout the 88 years fron 1902 1 1990, Generally speaking, these Moods have caused image to varionsestens tthe crops. According, 0 a study by A ‘Normndin the French enginoer of civ engineering for roads and tnndges director of the Tonkin Public Works Service, compiled in 1928 the flood situation inthe 13881-1923 period on the Red River in Ha Nov was as follows = Before June 20 cach year the Red River water mse twenty times 1 the level of more than 7 metres, On 13 occasions the water tise lasted more than 4 days, He noted that the summer rice rep ‘ould be dumaged every thee years «Alter September the Ist, the water of the Red River rose 59 times to a level af more than 7 metres, 40 of whic lasted more than 4 days, The same saistcregstered widespread damage the 16 ‘raps eaused by the floods in the yeas 1896, 1899, 1901, 1903, 1908, 1911, 1913 and 1918 inthe peiod 1898-1923, ‘To cope with the fequeat recurence of floods, the population in the Red River delta, from one generation 10 another, have rebcalessly built dikes along the rivers in the low-ying feast ‘long the coast. These dikes have in foct payed a determinant role inthe preservation and development of production an life and in 8 Sense, tothe blossoming of the civilisation in the Red River basin 2. Some feotures of the dike system before the 12 ceniay The building of dikes to prevent against foods in Nonth Viet Nam “stared several centuries ago, History books record tht the sytem fof dikes in the Red River ‘deli dated several centuries back: At Fist this eonsistedonlyof shore portions of dike around Thang ‘Long citadel (Ha Noi), Over the years these dikes were lengthened towards the upper reaches and the estuaries. The following, is recorded in Han Th (Book af the Han) 200 BC: Phong Khe dstrct had built a dike o prevent the floods of Long Mon rivet (ow Da riven, Another Chinese history book, Duong Thu, said: "General Cao Bien ordered the building of Dai La citadel (Ha Noi) an dikes around it.The dike was 2,128 “ruong” (8.3 km) “twong Fgh and 2 truong wide at the base (8m). In the year Dinh Ty (1077) the Ly king oidered the constuction of Nhu Neuve alike 67380 “bo long (133km). Inthe year Ky Mui (1079) and Ma Ty (1108) King Ly Nia Tong hd the CuXa dike built to protect Thang Long Citadel against Noods. lo the year Ma Than (1248) king Tran That ‘Tong had the king Nhi dike fm the source to the seashore, and appointed Ha De Chant as deputy’ governor to look after dike onstruction Inthe yea At Mao (1258) king Tran That Tong assigned Lou Mien to take charge of dike constton along te sves in Than Hea province and set Ha De Chanh o inspect this work, iw } According Jo the historian Professor Pham Huy Thong, “the ‘system of dikes in, Gigo Chau (North Viet Nam) was competed under the Ly dpnasty, fom the upper reaches to the enast on the Imai rivers as well as on ther aienis,Undor the Train this system was reinforced and broadened, and sea dikes were consrcted fits, in Chau Ai and Chay Hoan (Thanh Hoa and Nghe An provinces) then Chau Q and Chau Ly (Binh Tei Thien) fo the South, The Le and. ngingn yates, continuing this work of the Ly and Tran ings, ordered reinforcement and improvement of the dike systems with asia dikes According) to. paper, prepared, by APonyanne, General Inspector of Public, Works af Indochina 41926, at, fst only low dikes wore bull to prevent smal floods and these dikes were Allowed to” be overflowed. by sbig floods. AS agricultural prodition developed and the nced arose for another crop in the eat, the Wikes were eighened to. prevent also big floods. Howler even that ws unable to withstand the big Moods: This explains the high fiequiey oF dike Breas notably’ in the yea 1814 (under king Gia Long), in 1824 and 1835 (unde king Mini Mang), in 1872 and 1879 (onder king Tu Duc) causing widespread damage tothe crops and the population in ihe area, Each ikcbresk usually. occasioned heated debates on Mood ‘conirol measures. Not a few people called, for abolition of the dikes. However, the authontes al the time, after careful Investigations and consideration, ordered the repair ofthe broken dikes and strengthening of the existing dikes. Until the end of the 19th century the dikes along the Red River could withstand only water levels of up to 10.5 metres in Ha Noi 13. Building ond expostion of the dike system from early the ‘20th century up to 1945 ‘As follow = up to the investigations and discussions condocted in late the 19th centr (1898) and early the 20h century (1905) the Fronch autbonties organised a numberof tertinars 10 gather ‘opinions of experienced Vietnamese and specialists. Opposite ideas ‘were raised atthe discussions. They helped specats at the time 1o weigh options. Finally, i wat decided o keep the existing sytem fof dikes and to take gent and effective measures 19 ensure iffective prevention against Noods during the main eulivation Season. Along with organising Semin, the French aborts conduct many mote iavestigatons ‘and field trips and inquired in to the experience inthis fleld of many’ countries inthe world As a result a serie of measures wore proposed: Planting at waterbed frets = Building reservoirs on the upper aches, Exploiting the etsting afflents of erating new ones if possible Broadening, the mayor beds. yer, Building spllnay’s in some places om the dikes to divert the food water + Sirengthening a eating the dikes. [Ate careful calculations, the Tonkin (North Viet Nam) Public Works Service nd the’ chief engineer, Normandin eam 0 the onchison that among the proposed solutions (wo appeared most feasible, that i to build a number of spllways om te dikes n the plain in ower to. diver the flood. water when necessary, and fecondly, stengthen and heighten the dikes. Specialists later 9 Lengel ties mera mmneeconenaee Sue at tates pon caeeoamerenan, Ftd hake Re tol lbieeapenemniory a fo sake aes eae terete tise, tee Sage ae ee reaches ined a lowering the lod evel in he plan, capectny gb Nssier aan eee Seton were es taney eiiarensimuee eee ee the Frosch aboriginal we ete Ree sfecivete Wafonde BID Tk Gite heed Sa menepe pita Gee ee AEN Ee ten nt Tne ae te I iar ae es ee After some tine af expttientton he Need denon merere in nh sng ou om he poaaten te eae rane creas oa SSE ise tensed onerous iis ane ee wilh tnt spied Seoeriowtee Sree mh oon Po as Ta GL Tedlfh th ntteet song envonruciesnecen ets HB lt lee piemtamen sigiecieoitaoas Re at pom aarp ie way ee ne eae Minimum surface of dike b-6m (Sm for low dikes) «Height 05m above highest ood level (the flood level in Ha Not in 1919 vas: 1180m, Inlination of dutie'watl or dike: 2) ‘ad side wall 9/1, “This programine was executed: without nterupion from 1917 0: 1924 at-a cost of 3 milion pasers-(ndochinese curency) requiring the embankment of more than 10,800,000 m3 of earth “TH dikes proved resistant to numberof big floods:the frequency of dike breaks diminished. With such results and in face of the increasing demand for protection of if and production inthe area the authors then adopted a supplementary programme aimed at farther heightening the dikes and broadening their sections and {adding a layer of clay to the outer wall of the dikes anda sma cinbankment on the inser wall. The dike base was widened 10:7 ‘metres athe dike was heightened from 11,80 m to 12:30m in Ha Noi A number of portions the main dikes were macadamized ‘This plan was approved on 30/Q/1924 with an investment of 7 nillion pastes, representing 40% ofthe total iavestment in water conservancy, works at that time, On some vital portions of dikes, the walls were reinforced with quarned stones. In all 250 sion embankments were built inthis period ata cost of $0,000 pastes per year also inthis period a number of auiliary dikes were built along the afluents. On the other hand, fom 1924, amping was done during dike construction. Within 12 years ftom 1925 1 1936, 53,320,000 mi of eaah were moved for embankment or an werngs Gf more than 4 million cubic metres per yeat. This tte, however ‘yas not kept in the 1957-1939 period and only more than 3 rion ‘abi messes were moved per year. The volume further declined in Subsequent years 10 reach only around half «million cabie metres fm the 1942-1988 period Ina word nthe $5 years from 1890 to 1945 the then authorities spent moch effort to ivestgate and work out the optimal messures {0 prevent floods on the Red Rive. 1st All told, more than 69 million cubic metes of earth were used fo embank the dikes which represented a major step forward compared with previous times in the prevention of floods and protection ofthe crops an life in the Red River basin tester system of control was also instituted and the preparedness during food alerts was mueh improved. In spite oF these prigewanty eff, the flood prevention ‘measures ofthis period showed not 2 few handicaps For instance, litle or mothing was: done inthe fight agains tmmites which were then and now remain dead het to the dikes like the ones in North Vietnam. According to incomplete statisti, from 1905 te 1945, 128 dike breaks occured on the ike system a the North ‘Viet Nam dela of which the Red River dikes alone repistered 66 dike breaks. Paricularly grave was the break which occured in Aust 1945. This was parly due to the decreasing reinforcement fof the dikes in the 1941-1945 period and also to the political situation in hose y@ars which prevented regular inspectiods of the theaioned dikes. On the other hand, 1945 registered the biggest flood in Several decades; The flood water of the Red River in Ha Noi rose to 13.90/ mets’ while-the- maximum capacity of the dike in the design was 12.00 metres. 4, Flocd prevention efforts in the 1945-1990 period The August Revolution in 1943 opened a new ert in the history of the Viewramese nation, Inheriting the precious ‘experiences of the calier generations in the prevention against Moods, the goverment of independent Viet Nam paid special attention to this work by ordering the setting up of a nationwide network of prevention aguist floods and storms from the centre down to the grassroots 1s In’ 1946, Fight after the formation of the ew government, President Ho Chi Minh issued Decree 70-SL. 08 25/9/1946 to set up the Cental Committe for ike Protection. This isan important Tegal basis for tbe flood contol work In the subsequent years the government issued @ series of documents to: provide conerte ‘uidance on this work at all levels of administration Gin Nonh Vit [Nam up to 1975 and for the whole country asfom 1976)AS a ‘sully under no circumstances, even during wartime, waste ood contol work neglected Diiing'the nine years of the fist Indoshina ‘war (1946-1984) the population in Non VietNam moved cary 7 milion evbié mets ‘ofcarth wo embank the vital portions of dikes, bringing tet volume of ike embankent 16 109,310,000 eubie mites up to 1986 ‘Afer the restoration of peace, in the fit period of peaceful construction, dike embankment and reinforcement was given even greater atlemion, From 1955 t0 1960 more than 70 milion cxbic ‘metres were moved for dike embankment, represemting 9% ofthe (otal volume achicved in $8 years from 1890 10 1945, The peak volume was achieved in 1955 with 18, million cubic meus, in Ha Noi, whereas prior © 1945 the dike coud stand only loads atthe level of 12 mewes, in 1961 i ould already stand lode of 13 mets, In Pha Lai the figures were respectively 55 metres and 63 mets. In te ist five-year pan (1961-1968) 3 number mor imation ‘works were bul in the Red River deli, However, the pace of dike cmbankient and reinforcement was lower compared. with the 1955-1960 period, The tol yolume achieved in this period was nearly 30 million eubie metres which helped to increase the dike 153 ‘esistance to Moods, In Ha No, the dike cou stand Noods of 13.30 ‘meres in 1964 compared to 13.00 metres in 1961 ‘The 1965-1975 period Nom Viet Nant hao stand constantly ‘on the ale aginst natural clamtes na onan wa of destruction Een inthe conditions of carrying ou tthe same time production and fghing there was o relaxation i dike embankient In areas hte the dikes were-damaged or destroyed by enemy bombings the fight was, extremely arduous Al-told more thaw ten ilion cubic:metres of carn were use or dike embankment during these {en yea. 197], asthe most ardoous.yeqr de to an unusually Big ood. which broke thee porions of dikes along the Red. River Immediately after the breaks were. repair, the Secretariat of the Pany- Central, Commitee and the, Standing Committee of the Nation! Asm held many meetings and sued more specific insritions on the prevention agaist leeds on the Red Rivet and the ‘hole rvr system of the Non Viet Nam delta In 1992 the volume of ik émankment fs W'1956,000 m3, te record figure i100 rs in Ha Not (1890-1990) Ths, er ten yet of sremvons effort, te dikes ould stand hi Hoods of 13.60 mets in 1974.03 mate ager an i 1964. This plied Shel a role in Hinting he damage used by the dsastous Mood in 1971 Jn. the 1976-1990 period: After she reunification of the country, many new irrigation projets started inthe provinces oF Central Viet Nam and the Mekong ver data, From 1978, investment was concentrated on the Hoa Binh hydro = electic project for the dual purpose of incteasig electric supply io the whole couhtry and regulating ods on the Nomth Viet Nam plain. This tas pat restraints of the investment in irigation 136, projects in the North: On ihe oir Rand, for 4 number of other reasons, investinens in irrigation in general and dike embankment inpartcular inthis period shrank Year afer year. On the other hand the diversification of the rural economy absorbed an increasing umber of labourers who Were nonnaly used in dike embankment In 13 years (1976-1990) only $2 milion cubic metres ert were ‘moved for dike‘embankmcnt, chiefly a the vit portions. At the ‘same time new methods of Fighting termites inside the dikes were used as well a8 & number of techniques in he reinforcement ofthe dike body, especially in eating cracks. Ina word, during the past 45 yeas, in the conditions ofa sill poor economy anda low level of science and technique, the Vietnamese government has spat 2 sizeable budgst on dike construction and reinforcement. On the other hand, he watchword "ete Satéand ie people pool efforts” tas been very effective in mabitiing all the capabilitis of cach locality to join the government in this work which bears highly rmass character: In these 48 years (1948-1990)the volume of ‘earthwork in dike embankment exceeded 245 milion cubicmetres, ie 2. times the total Volume achieved upto 1945. The length of the dikes nthe country rose from 3.000 km (prior to 1945) 0 more than 7,700 ka (1990) including more than $700 km of river dikes and more than 2,000 km fea dikes. Within 35 years (1955-1990) nore than 4 million eubic metres of masonry were done for dike embankment atte vital points of river and sa dikes, bringing the total of stone embankments to mote than 600,380 more than in 1945, In the sie period 1,600 evlverts were repaired and more than 96,000 m3 of conerete wer laid ss Char! of volume of dike embonkment in North Vietnam in the 1890 - 1990 period Chart of heights of dikes along Red River in Hanoi though different period (unit : metre) Chart of quality of dikes in northerm provinces (op to january 1, 1990) Ina word, over the 45 yeas fom 1945 10 190, the dike systems in Viet Nam has been greatly consolidated and conibuted 10 a Tange extent 0 the successful realisation of the socio-economic plans, However, many problems remain in the strengthening and perfecting of the ver and sea dike systems. 1. Some urgent problems to be addressed “The constuction of river and sea dikes in VietNam has along sion. It cam be said thatthe safety and prosperity ofthe Red River ‘ela is inseparably inked to the security ofthe dike sytem, Many ‘weaknesses and inadequacies have become apparem inthe process of dike reinforcement 1ST 2: The safer degree of he present dike systems against storms and floods it lnied. Within the space of 1) years (1490-1990) ‘majo dike breaks occurred it 13 yeas of whieh 10 occured in the peod prior to 1945, Inthe 1945-1990 period, ike breaks happened on the main rivers in tree years: 1957 at Mai Lam because of M [Lam incidem (water level at Ha Noi was 8.45m0, In 1971 a exceptionally big ood caused the water level ofthe Red River to 1se 10 14.13 min Ha Noi nd. dike breaks i many places. In 1986 the dike broke at Van Coc, water evel at Ha Noi rose 1o 1220 m, According to design, the dikes along the Red River and ‘Thai Bind river ca stand ood level 5 m higher dan dha in 1S ‘Yea the flood in 1971 as 0.9m higher than hat level. Accordingly its necessary to se the regulating effect ofthe Hoa Binh reservoir to lover the water in case of exceptionally big hoods. On the other hand, hden danger sill ks inside the dikes of the Rel River, For the otber dikes in he North VietNam delta, accidems may ill happen as they did on he affluent of the Red River sacha the dike at No Doi (Cau iver dr Biew Twang (Day river) ‘The prcsent systom of sea dikes can stand only Winds of & degrees if the storm happens atthe ising tide. In ease of storms (of 9 dogices the dikes need to be heightened by one more metre fan also there must be more stone break-water tees and piers At Vulnerable poinis where the dikes cannot be heightened or strengthened inthe immediate future, the best solution isto move ‘he population further inside the hinterland in order to prevent sudden catastophe ln South VietNam, inthe pas 15 years (1976-1990) along with muinerous water supply projects, 440 km of low dikes fo protect, (he erope agnnst early floods in the many season were built. But these dikes could sand only floods of less than 4.5 metres (at Tan 138 Chay on the Tien river) and 4 metes at Chau Doe (Han ivr) Generally speaking, these dikes can protect the crops which are Irvested before mid August, Ia the, Mekong rier dela, new population centres have taken shape in remote areas. where the Population had very hile experience inthe prevention agaist foods, Hence th aed 10 increase the education about his problems among, the population in order to mexsake preparedness 10 cope with sudden high Roods, In recent years, due to rapidly broadening economic acts, deforestation has reached alaming® dimensions. Forest cover \troughout ihe country: has dropped from 48% in 1985 40 litle more than 20% now The atea of wasteland hi expanded 1014 million a and is increasing. Accordingly, the extreme values of| Foods, drought landslide and erosion have become increasingly high exering a great pressure on the dike systems during the Mood Season, As i i, the present systems of dikes canoe effecunely prevent Noods or withstand big sons, Accordingly. there must be ‘en coneree measures to cope with exceptionally big Noods bh. The quality of de kes needs much more provement The quality of the dikes depends on the economic, scientific and ‘echnological conditions of each period of aavonsl development Generally speaking, the preset dikes are tandicapped by a weak bse and also a weak body resulting fom many factors including termites, climatic vagaries and also intesponsible acis of man Almost al he dikes were built with sandy soil and she wall facing the sa i covered witha thin layer of czy. Due tothe small height nd also the small section, the are easily vulnerable 1o storms and “Se waves, A survey conducted in January 1990 shows a clear “iscrepancy in quality among the dikes in diferent regions. 15% ff the dikes in North Viet Nam were rated “good” and more than 139 72% were red “medium while more than 14% were rated "bad" Inthe Red River del, ony 5.9% ofthe dikes were rated "good", 2.92% wore mated “medium” and 11% were rated “bad” « Tniiiciency n investment on dike reinforcement. The higher the level of socio-economic development, the greater the effet of the prevention against floods and storms. There has been a Substantial increase of the annual budget fr disaster prevention in tetera and forthe dike reinforcement in particular. However, this Toudget is stil far from meeting. the actual nied of dike reinforcement Inthe lst tic years, only an average of 20 billion ong (1990. price) has: been-earmarked. each. year forthe reinforcement of the vital portions of dikes. This repeseits only 40-30% of the amount needed or the jo. (OW the ier fan, the mobilisation of the agrcultaral work force for dike constration and reinforcement is on the decline ‘Acconding 10 a” suey conduéted by the General Statistics Depuitment in 1989, Nomh Viet Nam's eontibutons in manpower to dike consiacion and relnfoletnent represented 9 ines the avenge forthe whole county. Yet, the manpainer coniibuted by the Nomth Viet Nam population stil fll shor of 30% of the statutory eve and ropresemod only 40-80% ofthe level contributed to this work inthe period 1955-1975, Tie explains why the volume of dike embankment inthe North Vit Nam provinces has dereased continually over the past fow years: 3.9 milion cubic metres in 1988, 2.5 million mi in 1989 and only 2:3 milion m3 in 1990 4: Regulting eect of the maior reservirs on the dike sem the Red River delta ‘The wo major reservoirs, Thac Ba and Hoa Binh alone can store ‘more than 5400 milion eubie metres of wate during the big hoods 160 “The-Hoa Binh resernir, aside from,supplying a huge quanty of lecticity 4 the whole epuntny has been a crucial regulator of food rater, lowering it by, azound one mere. the Ha Not area and Tnoresing the volume of water forthe lower catchment basin in the dry season. Howeyet, thas also hall an adverse eect on the flow of the river ati lower reaches. A stud) of Da river shows thot herve bed thin the dam has en suongly eroded, reaching ven 3119 square mete at some places andthe degree of erosion (decreases as one goes fom the dam. Within 15 km behind the da 19S milion cubic mete in the ver behave been etded Erosion tas also becn observed on the’ bed of the Red River The Heaviest rate was 439 m2 at one Section observed in a'suvey” conducted from 1988 to” 1987. "TRS inreabed 11,095" m2 during anor torey conducted i 1987 - 1988 m2, the lowest rae was measured ft 340 m2. Thus, it has Gen established that erosion ts contiming ft numberof portions in Hoa Binh and Vint Ph provinces and ‘art of Ha Noi are Flood retention by the Hoa Binh reservoir his hd the effect of toring the natural floods on the Red River from, the sharppoinied form ing a Maened form and prolonging the uation of the Mood time. This has caused erosion fo a number ff portions ofthe riverbed and the wall of a mumber of dikes svhich were previously spared of erosion. [na word, vestigation Fino the effect of the Hoa Binh reservoir should contin espcilly swith regard to, the ver bed apd the system of dikes, and per. tw shor, altough intensive efforts have been deployed inthe prevention agtinst foods and. storms, the danger remains great land pocmianent especially with regard1o the plains and the coastal trees That is why, preventing against floods and storms remain fone of our primary concerns in the new stage of national onstruction and defence 161 2, Orientations for the creation of sup ‘prevention ogalest floods ond stor Really bas shown tht budget allocations alone catinot thet the huge demand ofthe prevention aghint floods and sions. We must mobile the coninbutions of the benetciry populations if we far to put an end (the chronic shortage of fund in this work fo chock the funher degradation of the dikes, embankments ‘and sluices and other projects aimed at sonwolling Rods smeatary funds for ‘The urgent question facing msnagers ata levels from the centre tothe prassoosis fo work out, amend and perfect the polices and regimes for this work in a way suited tothe conditions ofthe new conomy and te new sequiremnts of the prevention against ods and stom, To determine correctly the level and modalities forthe people's contribution to this work requires careful study. Below are Some inal proposals on our pat for consideration: ‘A Setting Jud forthe prevention against natural calamities lind dike constuction and reinforcement: ‘verte past few years, with vie to ising the consciousness ofthe whole society foward the need to feinfce the dikes aid also {o offset the chronic deficit in the ood and storm control budge. te Ministry of water resources fas togetber sith all localities ‘ondted@ persevering campaign among the population for ising fn flood and sorm contrat fund. Ths'has been done i iay'0 ‘rovines and cities ad Some iil experiences have bee summed ‘up: However, some question) require urgent consideration. For instance, ow to! monetise the value’ of, workday in water ‘conservancy work, bow to establish the enteria 10 determine thase ‘who must contribute and tho level of contribution. This is an imponane but new work which therefore rogues active investigation and drawing of experince inthe experimental areas 162 ‘order to gradually establish a mational mechanism of management (of the fund, Fist and foremost, i-8 necessry 10 cary out an “effective edcaton campaign among the population about the vita imporace ofthis work b, Set wp an insurance fund Along with sting up an flood and storm control fund, is necessity to sel up a an ey date an insurace fu ais lasses tnused by floods and storms, On this soe we sed to bear from, the enperiences of other countries Practice has shown that relief ‘work and the setlement athe consequees 6 the ots or Toods| Ane offen much bigger than the cape of the national reserve fund bof the insurance organisation of any nation. That is why, the nes arses to adopt a system of organisation suscepable of drawing ‘any sources of fund i the country (including government budget, Contributions from various social organisations and individuals in All economic: sectors) and ouside the county (foreign aid, ontbutions from foreign organisations engaged in production, Dusinss and service activities in Viet Nam), Expanding charitable and humanitarian activites of social, organisations: “This type of actives i based on th tical (dition of the tation "et the whole lea cover the tm leat” aimed at mobilizing Auickly relief ai from all social onganisnins ‘side and Guide te county’ to the population in the stricken areas and alleviate the Aiicalis ofthe victims, éspecialy in he areas badly hit by the | mural disasters. | In sum, the prevention agains ods and stom i encountering ificutesand, problems, in. face of the more and, more icoted evolution ofthe climate and th environment and the 163 increasing tempo of social and economic development Is essential to°codify the national policies in this'domain into an ecive sirtegy aimed at mobilizing the whole manpower and financial resources of the whole county in order 10'rduce to the lowest possible Teel the losses caused by storms and floods In: RAISING THE CONSCIOUSNESS ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE ‘OF THE PREVENTION AGANST FLCODS AND STORMS 1. Realistic vlewpolets on this prevention and the possibilities Inthe past four decades, the advances of science and technology swell the quick developmen ofthe economy in many countries have enabled man obettr understand nature. as been generally agreed" among scientists well a8 ational leaders: that itis posible fly costo! the damage caused by storms an leds by mansnade constrictions a¢ ad been hoped for by: earier ‘herons. Instead, these damages ein Be only parially controled through the. application of ineprated methods” and “igorousls “observing the la of nature In. Vietnam, as remarked by, Minister of Water Resources ‘euyen Canh Dind, *We canaot prevent the occurence of foods and ston but can only reduce their impact and the damage caused ty them, Reducing the losses caused by marl disasters isthe work ofthe ene people, Under the guideline “lt the State and people Join efforts, Let the central goverment and local governments join efforts" we can effectively. organise flood and. storm. contol activi i wa Gontnable With the racial conditions of each facility by miking are preparation bafore the rainstorm 168 season sets in: organising goed forecast and information; good relief during the unleashing of storms or floods and mt shri a iterwards quickly overcoming the consequences. 12, Some main problems ond measeres against floods ond Through many decades the iteration, organisations have raw very valuable lessons from the prevention agains loods and countries the folowing main measares toms and proposed 10, in this work: * Sonic at robin ithe! storm and lod cost {To ciefully vestigate te evoltion ofthe nara disaster st vole all the necessary dati order (o help the designs; to lp the managers build up inratretare development projects in the areas frequciy’ Vise by” storms and’ Noods, se up their “onsttons which wos help change the pattern ofthe ists Tinpact suchas dikes, embankments, dams to ddging of he er beds, planing protection forests aint winds and waves, bulling strong houses ad other consirictions able to withstand Winds ab foods of high velocity To study. the law governing the occurence, Fequeney and Intensity ofthe disaster, 0 zone off the aeas with diferent degrees fof wind intensity and procure appropriate methods of protection and seve, It is necessary to popularize the most common techniques tind measures to protect oesel from danger and to restore activities | fr the passase ofthe tre oF the ood: twill hep each ocality fo ext the right approach in arranging the economic and social activities in each region. (2) Nash Cah ih "Noe Rene 1991 Nha Soy Vi 165 To-pay importance to the utlisation of land in the catchment are of cach major river combine land with water, upper with lower reaches. by planting wees 1 transform surface. water into underground wate, reduce the flow of the streams inorder to reduce and prevent erosion, To arrange the cultivation seasons in & way suitble ro the rule of the storms and Noods inorder o avoid Noods ‘nthe lowlands and storms inthe coastal regions To apply selenite and (ecological advances to the protection of lives and propery tn the areas most vulnerable to storms and Moods To organise well disaster frcsast and alen. This is one of ‘he-most important jobs in the prevemtion against Moods and storms Is reckoned that the damage of losses maybe reduced by 40%-S0% if an eective forecast and aes system is available 4. To organise relief rescue and 10 overcome the consequences Of stoms and. foods..To. get necessary reserve in money. and materials, To work out a plan of coordinated actions of various branches andthe entire population inthe area and concentrate the necessary meas forthe jo, To rgulate the effects of the disaser| Uvough rei, surance and mutual assistance in overcoming is consequences, * Concrete measures listo it the document: "Guidance for preparedness against disasters in wopical storm area" by ESCAP (1966) and UNEP in 1988, 5 food prevention measures To associate” plies and easures with the national socio-economic development pla, >. Lexislaton o assure the flood prevention task in the areas covered by the socio-economic plans. 14. To apply the food prevention statute 1 the zoning and ih vse in the management of flood plata To evaluate and to map Food risk inthe process of planning and zoning the arat of socio-eonomic development «To promuleat the aw on ood prevention in the consruction ‘To effect mesures to contol ood both whon it ws in the river and after it has spilled ever‘ the ground, * fundamenal measures agains Mood 4. Planning the prevention agnins. ood. bi. To make the oad prevention into law. ‘¢ To apply the forcast and alen system for ood conto 4, To implement the measures agains Nod, {To mote he population frm the threatened aes fg, To camy out regular edacation about foe to the broad masses ofthe population. To organise drill in lod control measures “To take necessary’ actions when the disaster occu and to ongise escue and relief operations. 43. General diagram ofthe preveation and fight ogast flood fond storm Practice has showa that an effective prevention against floods ‘and storms cannot rly solely on the natural faciors (frequency of ‘Hoods and storms) but tis necessary 1 combine the natural fio 167 ‘with the socio-economic. factors (calculations of the possible damage caused by storms and floods) fo workout an optimum plan. Viet Nam, lke many other countries in the world, is witnessing ‘many universal phenomena” populaton explosion, large-scale exploitation of natural esoures thanks to modern technologies the fast tempo of urbanisation and” industaistion and the ston ‘evelopment of the green evolution in agriculture. This situation requifes that the working. out of a soci-esonomic development strategy mist harmoniously combine the exploitation of natura ‘resources, the protection ofthe environment and the ecologies and the prevention against natural disasters including storms and ood. “This also means that the flood and storm control measures and programmes do not inerere with the. tempo of socio-economic development in each given period nor affect the. quality of the avironment and the ecologies in eich afca and region. Recently, Scientists and econoimie planers in many countries have added a ood and management policy in the whole catchment area is one in which the eyele of water circulation isnot broken by extremes in floods. droughts, landslides nd erosion They ave righty poiied out tht if land management is restricted to the lower reaches and lite OF toting is done co Gono als th tad inthe tipper. reaches, the. ght, against Moods will constantly face ‘unexpected developments since the source of flood lie in the whole cetchiment area “The prevention aguinst floods and Stomms not ony alms to mest the argent economic needs but also the urgent needs of social and man, development and, at times and in some regions, also the eed of national defence. Therefore, is necessary to incomporte | 168, in an’ programine fr dhe prevéilion aginst loods and storms not ‘only socio-economic development programs and the protection ‘of the environment and the ecologies but also considerations with regard to security and. mational defence. This comprehensive strategy has boen represented by some rescarchers in the overall diagram shown in page 4, Master plan for the prevention ogelnst floods ond storms Researchers at various ageicis of the United Nations have aurved at the conelusion that an effective overall programme atthe Toca level willbe the best measure to reduce the losses caused by sioms and Moods, This master plan comprises repulations and ‘regimes with regard 1o the uilisation of lad ad the region on the creation of an sective eystem of public communication. “This plan emsages the following concrete steps: To daw up the map of the disaste-prone areas (cluding Soceifcations about “the natural and economic and. socat conditions) + Hydrological aa! meteorological data about different sions nd loods which have occured in the past “To daw up the diagrams of the Hooded area and the aes most suscepible to various Frequencies of storms and floods + Estimates of losses caused by some typical frequencies of sims and floods and establish the graphics of the relations between the actal loses andthe average loses caused by storms 4nd floods annually. _ = Selection af measures fr prevention and reduction of disasters Goole both sctural and non-structural measures). 19, DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM OF FLOOD AND STORM PREVENTION ANO FIGHT aaa ma cs fap ae a res See ae iv Seat pene epi e To draw up the seonomie and technical feasibility reports and ‘estimates of the expenditures for the selected measures and also to ‘timate level of damage afer preventive measires ive bee taken To determing the level of damage cased by storms a foods in each option “To amalyse the eations between investment and pofiablty ‘of cach option + To analyse various aspests ofeach option: policy, possibiliy of integrated utilisation, the envionment, the possiblity of fund mobilisation To choose one enterprise or a group of enterprises capable of Implementing cach project To complet the dossiers ofthe masterplan attached to related documents to submit wo the higher authori for spproval 5, To Intensity regional and International cooperation ia the, prevention against Rods ond storms “The prevention against stom and Hoods in each county and ‘epi and area has economic and social particulates. At the Same time, their paricularties,have theic own imeractions. and orelations. That why, any plan for the fight agains. natural Gisasers rust be conceived in the contest of the situation of a Jargr region anton the whole basi ofthe sivers. Only in his way Js it possible to reduce the damage caused by: foods and sions ‘Without reducing the quality of the environment and ecology in the Ssuroanding areas, "Tn Viet Nain, he major svers lke the Red River and the Mekong very widespread basins: covering the teritories “of many The flow of the Red River through Viet Nam's tenitory m1 accounts for 37% of fa volume of water wile thal of the Mekong accounts fr as much as 96% of is total volume of water. “The damage caused by Ngods on multi-national rivers are usualy very big, ofen going Beyond the capabilities of resolution of an specific area of 4 nation and requiring the concend efforts of all rons i the catchment area and intentional organisations: Hence the nee to itensify regional and imerational cooperation and coordination of workin the protection and exploitation of the waters ofthe international vers and increasing the capacity ofthe mations ‘i the region in the prevention against Moods, Today, the prevention gains ratural disasters can no-longer be confined fo separate tations and has become the concem of many nations. and International organisations. This Fequires as 10 renew our concept ‘renew our technology and equipment and our organisation and standardize ou infomation data inorder slop by sep 1 iteaate With the disaster prevention of organisation of the world, 4. To: mobilize the force of the whole commurity in the prevention ogoinst dissters: For several decades now oes ane storms have heen regarded 6 the most dreaded ae most devasating disaster 1 our county ‘They have obeyed their on laws and also ve thor particulates an affected ll econo ant sci sectors. without exception and all areas whether itis the low-lying. pain protected by dikes ot They also Rive oecured in greater frequencies especially in ‘he low-lying nd conta dea: They are w matter of concern for all levels of administration and all social organisations, fist ofall the population in the diet affected aca. The population in the areas most frequenty hit by storms and ‘ood have accumulate rich experiences in thie prevention These experiences must be integrate in any lod and storm contol plan fa locality. The following poins shoul not be overlooked while working cut such a plan: To make avai af lar system atthe local Keel = To onganise rescue teams for the dikes a5 well as for the Population, and to prepare necessary materials for on =the = spot rescue in ease of dike brea, To prepare medicines, food and drinking water 1 provide emergency supplies: To propie @ plan for agicutal’ekoadn folowing ie ddsaster. += To choose the appropiate taditonal method of preventing against disasters In the: realisation of the watchword let the people know understand and execute the plan themseives™ and to big them pital benefits, the following must be ten into consideration + With’ regard % dhe population in disasterprone. areas, specially inthe areas newly opened to economic development they should be made o understand the risk and danger that may befall ‘ach person, and cach small community, - To envisage uke possibilty of damage and to devise omentional signs of alert, To help each family in their preparations to cope with the ‘mort, 10 reduee 10 the minimum panic and chaos when the flood |= To familiarise ich family and cach person with the plan of ‘ass evacuation the conventional signs of alert and to ita them 4 appropriate actions when the disaster strike. ms

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