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3 Reasons Why Group Exercise is the #1

Energy Drink to Fuel Whole Health
M AR 1 8 , 20 15 | L O R E N E C L AR K L AC AY O | UN C A T E G O R IZ E D 0

Group fitness and physical activity is the magic juice that will help people truly make lifelong
health goals and positive changes a top priority in their lives.
WAY better than any energy drink.
Not to mention.TOTALLY organic, gluten-free, and sugar-free.
When people move their bodies with a group, they connect more deeply with their internal
wellness motivations, transform their well-being, and access the juice to fuel a lifelonghealth
To be kept in solitude is to be kept in pain and put on the road to madness. A persons
membership in his grouphis tribeis a large part of his identity. -E.O. Wilson
Here are 3 Reasons why Group Exercise is a #1 Top-Shelf Organic Energy Drink to Fuel
People Towards Whole Health:

#1- Sense of Community & Connection with a Commonality

This is really beginning to be highlighted in some of more latest group fitness fads such as
Crossfit, SoulCycle, and others who are capitalizing on and fostering deeper connections within
and around the group exercise itself. Modern western culture has become very independent minded, and not only does the research show that people NEED social connections, but
people are craving them.
Man is by nature a social animal Anyone who either cannot lead t he common life or is so
self-sufficient as not to need to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a
god. -Aristotle
Social connections are as important to our survival and flourishing as the need for food, safety,
and shelter. But over the last fifty years, while society has been growing more and more
prosperous and individualistic, our social connections have been dissolving. (We participate in
community and group exercise less?) We are increasingly denying our social nature, and paying
a price for it. Over the same period of time that social isolation has increased, our levels of
happiness have gone down, while rates of suicide and depression have multiplied. (Social
Connection Makes a Better Brain, 2013)
When thinking about the difference between a person attempting to exercise on their own, or
even in a gym surrounded by people, both of those things are great yet most often dont pack the
juice and umph that a group exercise experience offers around an opportunity to create
A study on the quality of relationships found that to avoid loneliness, people needed only one
close relationship coupled with a network of other relationships. To form a close relationship
required a growing amount of self-disclosure, or a willingness to reveal ones personal
issues and feelings, and without it people with friends would still be lonely (Jackson, Soderli nd
& Weiss, 2000). (Pursuit of Happiness article, 2015)
Group exercise classes offer a more consistent opportunity for deeper connection and
community-building to take place. The research shows that it isnt about the quantity of
relationships, but the quality of relationships in order to feel that sense of true connection.
I wonder in what ways we might begin to shift towards cultivating more connection in a
fitness class and not miss this opportunity?

How might we to facilitate this key component and stand apart factor that makes group exercise
the top energy drink to fire up people towards greater health and wellness?!
#2- The Happiness Inducing Factor & the Science of Happiness

Thanks to the new and growing science of happiness, relationships and connection are
considered one of the seven keys to happiness! In addition, exercise is also considered one of
the keys to happiness.
Some researchers argue that exercise may act as a diversion from negative thoughts, and the
mastery of a new skill may be important. There is evidence to indicate thatsocial contact
between people who are working out or involved in sports may be an important source of
satisfaction as well. Still others think that physical activity causes the brain to release
chemicals called endorphins that cause one to feel good after exercising. The vast majority of
studies have shown that there is a significant association between exercise and improved wellbeing. (Pursuit of Happiness article, 2015)
So one could argue that not only doing physical activity, but participating in exercise with a
group, only increases the amount of happiness potential and mood-boosting juice even better
than a shot of B-vitamins, ginseng, and caffeine!
Happiness is health baby, and cant be bought in a bottle, but CAN be found in
CONNECTING with others during some group physical activity !
#3- Natural Accountability & the Power of Synchronized Physical Activity with a Tribe
Accountability is most widely accepted as a key component to creating long term, sustainable
health changes, making health coaches, personal trainers, and group fitness classes a popular
choice for those who report success. In many cases, I find that not only is a group exercise class
a more cost-effective option, but has a natural sort of built-in accountability.
As kids, we loved to get together to play with our friends. As teenagers, our world revolved
around our friends; oftentimes, our friends dictated our choice of activities. As adults, we still
enjoy being active with friends, but dont always feel like we have the time or opportunities to
do so. Group exercise provides us with an opportunity to feel young again and be
physically active with others. Group exercise offers a variety of benefits you might miss out

on if you choose to work out on your own. Some of the benefits include exposure to a social
and fun environment, a safe and effectively designed workout, a consistent exercise schedule,
an accountability factor for participating in exercise, and a workout that requires no prior
exercise knowledge or experience. (Benefits of Group Exercise, 2012)
Being around others energy can have a spillover effect to help increase motivation for physical
activity and propel perhaps a more intense energy into the physical activity itself!
Patient information published in 2005 in the Journal of American Academy of Physician
Assistants also recommends that people exercise with a partner or group because they are
more likely to stay on track. Youre more likely to complete a well-rounded exercise routine
and get a potentially tougher workout. A class can help you move past a plateau if you
want to push yourself a little bit and improve. Other exercisers who might be in better shape
than you can help create what is called avicarious experience to motivate you. Exercising with
others can make you want to be your best and achieve better fitness and overall health. (Fitness
Team Exercise Group Track, Bonfire Health, 2011)
A recent study looked at how synchronization during group exercise versus exercise on your
own INCREASES and DOUBLES the endorphin response, aka runners high, while doing the
same exact physical activity. One of the triggers is thought to be the power of having both
shared ultimate and proximate goals, such as accomplishing a month long class attendance
challenge (ultimate goal) and endeavoring to accomplish movements in synch during the class
itself (proximate goal).
Now granted, endorphins are produced by any physical activity, but effects seem to
dramatically increase when done with a group.
Consider the similarities between a modern exercise class and an ancient religious rite the
wise leader guiding the group through a series of ritualized movements, in perfect
synchronization. New research suggests that group exercise unleashes a flood of chemicals in
the brain, triggering the same responses that have made collective activit ies from dancing and
laughter to religion itself such enduring aspects of human culture. (Is Group Exercise Better
than Working Out Solo, Hutchinson, 2010)
Also, this study reports that building cohesion and a sense of groupness (tribe) within a fitness
class, whether perceived or real, seems to be a key for increasing retention, punctuality, and
motivation to work harder in the class, another possible trigger that increases the endorphin

When considering that most fitness classes have moved from sign-up classes/commitment of
sessions to drop-in classes, how might fitness entrepreneurs begin to reframe their classes so as
to truly build a tribe and maximize the accountability, connection, and therefore increase
the level of happiness achieved from one class?
Regardlessclearly these Reasons PACK THE JUICE Behind Why Group Exercise has
thepotential to be #1 Energy Drink to Fuel People Towards Whole Health and Wellness with
all this good stuff natural accountability, connection, tribe-building, synchronization and
exercise inducing endorphins, all increasing the level of happiness based on
Come on.
Forget the synthetic energy drinks.
Grab the Group Exercise kool-aid.
Take a taste of the yummy juiciness that Group Exercise offers to FUEL WHOLE
HEALTH in individuals, our communities, and around the world.
Please share this article with aspiring/current fitness participants OR aspiring/current group
fitness proslets spread the message about the potential power of this healthy energy juice
so that we can increase the numerous potential positive outcomes that Group Exercise has to

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