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FIVE ARCHITECTS EISENMAN GRAVES GWATHMEY HEJDUK MEIER NEw YORK ‘OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1975 Introduction Colin Rowe so hg acon man wnen, in the late Nineteen-Fonis, modern architecture became [stobliahag and intitshonalized necessary, Iost something 9 ‘Snginel mooning’ Wesning of course, has never Sesn supasced Io possess Thooty and ofa exegesis had insisted thatthe megern Btraing was abslutly wenout iconographic coment, that was 50 more thar. the liustration ofa program,» direct expression of saci furpese, Mager architectora,# wns pronounced, was simpy 4 Faugnatepproachio busing. wan't Spal erate tom func tonal and technological facts, and—at the ast analysis should bevegarded in thea forms, at no more then the inovtable result of ‘entetn century evcumetances, eo ln to ma manieg “Tate was vory ite recognition of meaning in all hie. Indeed the head for symbolic content seemed nal to have been supersede (hus that hare emerged the spectacle ofan architecture “itch claimed tobe scantive but whieh as we al now wasn Tenltp profounsly senimani. For very Involved a2 ho supposed ith tho preciso reeclution af execting ‘ete the architect tae (a2 ho sways i) fat mare intimately car ‘come wih the physics! embodiment of oven more gvactng tata Fantaties about inoluctable change wore combine in his ming with former tassios about imminent ane spsealypic catastrophe nd with ll otere about natant mileniom Crise heatened, Bu ‘bounded A change of Peart wae Meralor required ‘wari might lil ce, ikea pawn, fom out ofthe aanes 6 he aa iva upto all men of gaod wil t6 hep Bring tha about. and, thus ‘whe s holocaust of conventional vente now ensued, he areitect {aled upon himest simultaneously to assume the Viues of he 2 rst, the passant and the child. The obfectiaty of the Wat, the Aatualnese ofthe second and tha aivete af he thra indicated the Saluesuhich the stuation required, and te architec, vanetormed interme of thls mage coula now assume his proper ‘cle — part owes, part 1 Gaorge—as ne leader andthe ierstor of nanan “Tho idea was grand and, for a ime, tha messianic program was oro: vetive. The architect foun Pimeclt to be an enthusiast for speed {nd for spor for youth, sunbathing, simple fe, sociology, Canadian gran slovators, Atlantic linara, Viton turka, fling cabinets and ‘fotorias, Ana his bulngs became the Uustratione ofthese enh ‘Saame. But ey becama aise te outward and vale signe of 8 Deller word. 2 inthe present ecto whal the future wouls rovisa that his bulidinge wae ullinge wore Scag the mare tha napéd lor condiion would ens The hopad for conaltion as nat ansus. For, when modern atch ire became proeratag hrovghout the worl, when H became ‘heapiy avaliable, stangarazed and ale. av tha architect Mad a= ‘wave wished I Yo be, necessary there regulles 9 apia devalusion F's loool content The intenily sf ie socal vision became ds. Sipatea. The bulaing became no longer a subversive proposition about & peaila Utopian flue, H became instead the acceptabe ‘eesration a acortamiyner-Uopian prsent. The vile sadigose that where ils mous bacame mtn seucted end ley a wich tial lutea woud bo sstelaea and policl suse re ‘bled tly as nat tobe bat Compromise and teeemeese: iton were therefore in orger ad hence, win delaon of eoneton, thers flowed cvergence sl meres “The scone was now ripe for the chesp politician and the commercial aperatan‘The revolution has both socveeged anc fallad. Me cate tidus andthe catelul could, Merstor, now emarge: but, whe they ‘could acclaim revolutionary sucepse and ropusista suggestion ef failure, here sit remained iho predicament of Ihe ue Balaver Who, shove al len, was obliged fo detach himael from auceese The camp of euecess — always eclectic, nelle ana agreeable — pre- Goected fo'mocity and to sve the revoltion, The camp of the tus ruivs Tor authentic) — atemples 10° Work oulution so a to make them strange, arcane, ‘iu, teresting To He tow and inaccessible fo the Many. And bam panties wore prone, a8 aovariage seomad to dictate, to engloy Sometimes ihe poems of revolution and sometines is forme, Thus there ensued tat evccession of rational syle phases: he out o!ounscape an the new smpiictm, Mleslan neseagsiin neo Upon, the New Brutlizm, Tour X, te Futurist Revival, Aroha, rms of which mvalulions any consieration of arcatocture lathe bd, aha, ndeed, the two camps —of by nos 2 much iterpane= ‘one anathor, so much exchenged arguments and tse and mots, hate cisesminae eter is Bo ming a major operation ‘So much i age ue toaty of agers arehitectre In general: Bu ‘Tanoutd go without saying tt hese remark co not whl deasbe its modes vvendi either pastor present—wiin he United States hus, while with regu o Europe, iis posable To argue tha ‘moder architecture was coneated se a9 acjunet of socialam and probebiy sprang frm sppronimatey the same igealogical roots as Farsem, in Amores an indigonous mocarn architecture was very Ecrapcicy snsuipaed mn ary such ll soll progam or iteslly cities peaigree, That te. indigenous mosern air ewe was the rest of no largely obtunive ealective sez Can~ (ern end exponents seem scarcaty to have been obsessed BY ay verelming ion of ether impending catecvom or UMtaly iUire worid "These veto were seannetvely European and nex treme form. pesnops move specially Germanic: bat whatever thle Place ol oign ane conceneion, rooted aa they ete arta fara ain elton hay aaled European produchoryas they neve” coula Americar in post World Wart Europe, the combined promise and threat of Artacte Or Fovoution cua seem to mary important Innovalrs {© Be & Yery ‘atnes bu nthe Unites Stata, he presumption that only arch cto cou rn a “ba revolution int a geod one, that ony a Wispneran recouree 10 ola design could avert social calstophe, this could never seem to Be very highy plausible. For inthe United seMe Nevoletion was assumes to Nave ateady occurres in 7S, tate oe sueraoced by subaequencavespments: 0 Siher worcs, sim the evelitonay theme divested by eireurtances 2M mvs estate ang future implications, wh thie. home ‘pecine.egaiste ane even rational, n ind gonoue acturain Amaries seploved conrclaians ite Sunt ‘Rom te European counlersar is lect sasompions were ntily toes grand was clean, ecient, mpicaly reasonable, simple taderty to be related io toe Umerhonored Yankee rea. and ie's Frank Lyd Wight could and ca — clam revottonsry Entecadont, could represent hue bullgnas a8 the eturelsaaual fo Something itent ane ibertaan in Americon mas the Usonian itoescance of polticaly demozrti ociety: sin coing 20,8 brosoed nate haonge he soi tarde Po Echone of asic socal reconsiuetion.isleag, auch an arch {ecture 28 his was essomlay call for © pertclarpoliveal society {Seceme merecompieel vel ‘ut, he Architecture Revolution confrontation (whatever value Ie ‘tached fo wither of ts components 'e one of the more cbsiusly Unowptores ingresionts of magern architecture's folklore and W ay tempt fo explore t woud, almost cwtany. meat with the most $Nrerious sisavoual ofa signteance tng td might be possible 10 Gemorsiate The action or the Inaction ot a fantasy, for present Purposes should be enough simply Yo reiterate al the revo flonary theme was never very prominent component of American Speculation about bulding. European mogarn afchitcture, even ‘then I operated within tWe cracks and cransies ofthe capialist “jstem, exateg lin nn witty seclet ambiance: Americas ‘modern architecture did not And twas thu. nd either by madver- {nce or design, that when nthe Nineteen, Europea mosars Ssrohtecure came to tira the Unies State was inirocuces It simpy a new a2pro4ch to balding and noi much mere That rgey purges ofits Idnolagiel O° socal alablo, no aan evident manvosiaton (ot {Eause) of socistam in seme form ov ather but rather ns ¢ decor de ta ve for Gresrwen Gonnesveut or as a autable venge" for the Corporal acto of erightenadcaptaem. Depending on our values his was either tlumph oF tragedy, out the resentation of medern sventacture pimariy in tarma of formal of {scnnolegeal canvas dlainiackon from pole! atrencs, se Gvorce fom possibly dovblll ideas, nother words, te timate ‘Amencan quaitcation, shouldbe recognised 28 beng important — etm nase aia ovterce the United Sister and aa having sect ing een developmonts a the resent day. For. by these ries, na for Betas or worse, the message of Mosern architecture was tranetormed "it was mado gale or capitalism and, with te Qsveminae tion thereby aesales, the producta of s moveman! which became txytaizes in the serous and the trauma ofthe coral EUropean Ninatoer- Twenties became agrooadly waliabia fo be eaialogued— {nether sige of the Atane—meng the cultural Wophies of the sitcom society ‘Th roies of Europeen evollion whieh, pornape, tragically tales tomake donot comorae the meat erating of epeciacies When ‘hese are comacunded withthe tures ironies of vana:Atlnc arch ‘octal interchange and thelr physical resus, in America, Europe and elseware, we tind ourseoes confronted with an evidence — ay ‘bulteraion of meaning, ricipie nd torm—which star ro {onegiect. The impeccatiy good Intention of edorn archtacture its genulne deals a social sewiem, above 8 te poetry wih WM, 52 Bon, thas vested ‘andom twentieth century Neppemng may Sl conspire fo inhbt dovstaaeto te presen condition, fo encovrage 2 suppression of he ebviou: but, conspire se Mey tay, and howe {ver rauctantly we recognize the product of moder architecture Compared wi ite performaren, the 909 between what ras atice ‘ated and wnat Mas bean delve‘e) al! etablanea the base ine fr ‘ny rexporable contemporary production and, In dolng 0, ero. {duces tne comes fr consideration of such buldinge and projets {8 ate here puoiohed. } ‘These, ha they been conceived e. 1950 and build in France, Gere ‘pany, Suitzetand or aly, ha hen thay bean strated by Aiverto Sarto or even. Yorke, would tay vey Hkaly be apposed fs ancient monuments, snd af exemplary of he heroic penods of ‘Modern architecture, Ihey would isi urd fecordoa:Inaaed one an imagine the lovsete and almost concect the hstrical eveuas tons But hes bung war not eancsvadc 1680" Taoy are el, comparatively recent origin: they ace bul In. oF proposed for, the ‘ly ef Now York Gays and heretore, whatever Mer mer and ‘Somers, suena the prevent constlaticn oferta! Ideas, Mey can ‘only be regarded es consituing» problem, For we are here inthe presence of wha, 9 terme of the erinadox {eory of modern architecture is heresy. We arn We presence of lanachronim, notagia, and. arobaby. vol. magern architec Ture Tooked Tike isc. 1850 tent haul not look tka this toy 2d, if the real pales! esue ofthe present Vs Not the proviion of the rich win cake But of the starving wih broad, than nat only lormely Sut saa programmatically these Duldinge are Irrelevant Evidently they propouna no obvious revolution, ane. ust ae they may be envisaged ax dubiousy European to some American fasten, {2'thoy sil soom the psi evidence of American revardatlon 10 CerlamEurepean an, pateulany English jspments ‘ow these avatuations wil nat be made 10.90 auy. A grass roots ‘Neo-Populst Amencanam wil sporave ofthese Bulings he tore than a Popinspires ane supetsiious European, oF English, Ree. Marxism: ana, given the stuation in which oppose but sympa ‘xtreme wily aie, both smell abomination, might be teat To ae ‘recs sigumants 19 nether of hove two stole ot nd bul natead, {owitiraw attention to that body of aor, aleged or tneruiaa \ihienineao llings, Ihe 39 many” of ther erececeasors ot ine Ninstocn-Tinertoe and Thi, may be contiries sy violation, Win the estabishment ang insttutionlization of mogern arcites: ture, not ony was much of Hs ignal meaning lost ut sso be came’ apparent Ina t was searenly that syringae it had arly ‘ean proclaimed to bet ecame sparen tal never ho it beak Somuch the impid fusion at content and frm, that famous integer: {on of fesing and inking, whie® Siegred Gieson Noe euppesed {2 aymbions of highly dlaceto and ultimo Incompatibie prove Sores, ona, ithe incompatsty betwoon the form of modern sven "eory yer nom hisnow iongosen evisent nao aso Suan the objec tla gore Srdon sonmen. The soniguation ot the maaan Bulliey was siege to derive from » eorupulous attention to particular and cone aiegcblems. it was suppoved 10 be nauced trom the empical fete a ts 0 find yst modern builings locked se ner thor specie ease was thal ofa factory or a art museum, jnerawas ne ane to one correspondence Setwecn prashce UnSheory Thun ft covls come Yo be argued that em alm the Beginnings the basins ereton in the nome modern architecture 5a'comprieee an encrmacs see ol misunaerstancings: tnt thy fad foprseantad na ntaraie resewal: ha, ultimately, ey Mad con Lefied no more than 2 simultaneously espniscsted and naive Srrangement ol traces, Rayner Sanhan's Theory ang Designin the First aching Age celebrated just hi problem and concludes Sith what amounte io a repudiation af modem architecture's lorme nd an endorsement of una the modern movement. theoreealy. tos supposed to be. Ana tnjeie'a aye of criqua which, for obsaus ‘estore, has now become vaty well nown. Fr, at one and the same lime, allows is exponents the ninstures of condemning. oF of povroiaing, meet of modem srchitectors'clasaicachievaments and. B85. er annexing that svolshonary tone which though mt may OS uy te poslbie to speak of the theoretical program at modern frchitacture and 10 obaorve how, almost invatily 1 was Trgely Fonoredintne breach then, By now. he logcalcontadictone mine this alleged theory uel shuld. equally, be glring — tough, aps ltwould be mare correct to speak ofthis theary not interne of Tefoges| contradictions. Far inthe ight of any on sinat we neve here is wary litle mare han an incoh Fighlyvlalie sentiment, not so much the stiplaion of 3 cosietent {ogms asthe repisiration of 9 general tendency of though 3nd the ‘Shiance of sigh pronounces climate o!felng, As aly suggested, in its theory, modern architecture was con ‘eis to be no more than a rations! and unpreudieed response fo {Senothcentoryenightanmant sng it product. ang, we avbect ths Theorie! concepiion Yo a ahgM caveat. we might dtr Gulsh what i sila prevalent and erode postion M may B0 Ou fn ata osern architecture Ig no moce than the result of the 290 ‘The age i creating 9 sie whichis nota style Because Ii syle is'being creates by the accumulation of abjectve reactions to “ndronce, is tyes authante, valid, pure and cean, selene ing and seitperpetuaiing ‘Thue, compressed and rendered absurd, it becomes, of course, ii cull to understand how passion could, and can sil revolve aroun Suen Staten ashi one. hai whl we recogni het what we In'varying degrees ot dlaguse, we are ana istry We are prove wih ‘he Pontvst conception of lncl [without any areatepisemslogicsl ‘servations oto wha! does constite a fact) and we are provges ‘tn he Hegallan conception af macitest destiny (lthest sey Sovbte 435" the substantial vealty of the inexorebeZeugere) and Then, a8 3 coralay, we nave tne pet sasemin tha wren these bo om options renitet racopnives only ast" and Ih, by encoreng ‘lance, becomes he nstfument o"ltarythan Sstuation wl nfaliy ansueim mie al problem wl vanish amy But again, atnough in these notices we may touch spon one of the enirl motwvaiors of twariath century arehitctin, tony when ‘we nteaduce subsidiary arguments into th scene at it ful besins {acquire color ana momentum. Anc thus, he ies ot reying upon the asta: however il determined these may be the ks thal when {ce the valevat data ae callsced then the cenaling hypemesc ‘Siautomticaly swage eel, becomes very aasiyalked ith the Se many attacks upon ortho gratitoue tanaermallon of prva onearn inlo publi preaceupaion) which, even though “ar. fe Bought ona consumed a its destruction is peal coneaved 10 be Sreprahansbia actnty. And, eoresnonangy.afcks upon ech {ectrecondctas by he architect have aye expressed tion thine continued aistenee of he ticran an eiemay tat the ter iE Mite be found avalbe, For archtectore. 89 fe conaatenty Inverted ix only moray acceptor to tong aa tNe arent au presses individuality, nis temperament, nis tase ana Ms etn fetatons: an unless, in tin way, he iz wing to win rough to ‘bjeety and 10 sclera of mina, onal ia wark can Go ft Bette Inara proning ot change ara ery, Protumably, lard the progress thumany Howover, it we ate nore presented wih what might soem to be sn frgumeni for pute passiiy. wih an argument Inst the architect ‘haul act simpy asthe mld! Pslory. then we mgt also tee fgnize an entirely conlrey strand of ought which no lass urgety tlainas for atention. The ie that ay tepetion, any eepylng, shy ‘employment of a pracadent or a physical model isa falure of re. Stlvoacuiy i one of he cent nttions ofthe modern movement “his is the deep seated idea that vepatiion ecablshes convertion land thal convention leds tocallousnoae and te, almost conti. Hlonaliy, moder arentecture nes bocn cppased tothe delaotsNp Df the merely reclves. Opposes to the imposition ofa prior pate Uipan the multfriourneee of evunte natond Ht haw sel re-etinent ‘blue Upon “alseawory'— which, eharactrsicly h fas boom ur Wing fs recaonia se invention. Without an vnttgging conwecou fees ox and of the human ellis which this mghiog. witout 8 Contivoue ably to erect and to Samale selllde of veteran then eo praceeas an argument ~t nicely impossible te ene? {388 occupy those teritories of he mind, where, slone ighicant rosion moves snd ourshes “The idea can only deserve respec; bu, tis pressed, then lke 20 i ides wnich ago deserve respect can ony if ovina an gesiracive ot heraic smghase upon the architect as aii th ent must now be subjected tathe brasonce af yt snother equa Contry propestion. ris, quite smoly se he iden that modern arestectare we 100: Signe order, att was fa establah the predominance ot the norma: fie, tne pic and te abrct, However we may estimate the record of nineleorth century bul ing, t nol hare fo ee how idene of order and type should have ‘eeommended themasives 1a Ine modern mavefsant. Far, i co ‘rset fo the products of Romantic Inchacueliam and poi! llssaz {air mere wns slvaya the evidence of previous centuries, of Bath fr FotudamAmatargam or Nancy: and, there was suave InvoWed Soma sort of fatsey concered wih & contemporary amulet am of just auch elles ar these, Than, in the vidlungen of Franklur fr 8 Siemenstacl, among the sary tsumone ol moder eho cesumably discern the influence of this intention, ture, one may pr ut yen developments belonged 10 the 298 of nocence: ana we Peja ne tesuonabls demends ofthe parlcuar versus theo vse apes urea vere general ype mig seem tonave sese seoscaimalely ret, tere sit remained to prevent te Tul Siebutht Sock achvevenants he owercig nian a 0 rept foesthecomchan st rapraause someting tallow precedent US'hrce fast wast betray ne forces et change ante ey the eve ot neon. Now wnetner i was thus thatthe demai or oraor became viistes brine compoting necessity To livetrate ihe acton of experiment ot the benavor of rat principles, 1 should be enough fo state that i Seems lely whatever value we may wiah to aloute Lo change Sndorder-~ tata high valuation of change must nna eng, cancel Guta high valuation af erder, that, given the perpetual re-datinlion Gi a stuation, no hoary ol types ean surive, thal i he tarms of & problem are constant altared belote aporoaching solution, Mer That prabiem sever eam be solved Bu, wih his statement, though iva raraly mass, tere is nothing remarcable announced. then st tention might usally be sivected towards shather of those pars Goxee which sprout to cis tho more the theory of modern Srehitectue ia, oven easly, scrutinted Modern architecture prolessed to asorss ital fo the great puble Winat was beleved to be ie intana rliaalty was navet overly intended for no selection of minar profesional meres groups but sane the erchtet wen to aaaress mime tothe natural man, Enlightenment won by ir strugglo was to speak fo enlightenment Which was innate. Ae simpy 8 selene determination of empire fala modern archiscture Was tobe understead by tno natura ma Snd tence tha the modern bulding, balleved to ba purged of myth: Gal content, became concaivablo ag the inevitable shelter Tor'2 Mya singin whoseaborgnlpaychoogy myth could ocztpy The notion, of course, continues to possess 2 cenain sight Cantury decency. without nator, the th il be secepteg a the trun But n practi, thas slwayaaliaa with an altamate ambition ‘The mogemn Guiding shovid and ean act as a ahvophetc state rant Retraspecton let be labooes: he memory fo more; nosttgla can only corrupt: and tvs with re Smblion, perhaps ever exslsty uitered, that we ov tho thesis ofan erchtactre which dose nt Involve itslt ih minor fSphsiicatons,wnlen ig no way concerned wih focal amblguives Tronics! reteroncaa ang wy azidee, won is aofutaly et at all sssressed to the few but which of nature, ie abesutey ave bie and infelisinia to the uninerctod for to the Rowever In Etructes) many. For there should ba no ovat whatsoever that this ‘asthe bbjecte, and fis hee, hen the ied! of pubhc ins ity makes ts exirame claim, that t mght bo proper to brug the Iehdo of prophecy versus memory. ‘The concep o Be modern busing as» compilton of cecognizable tempat fats iy eudenty, immediately compromised by the more uporessed concept o he uluing as a propmelicstlement (or are prophetic specuiatane empires ect?) ut the simatoneous oven {atin towards bath he prephelic ena the inaiigble shasta naw Be ‘elated fo modern archicclure's emphaic Brathama of felroapee: AN eet sion and its prodvets. And it should not be necessary 10 itemize the ‘Sra ol this anathema. Simply shouldbe enough to ast (he ‘uestion: How Yo be nfeligile without invoking retospection? Sins setnou! being unduly senantous, should Be enough to ob: Serve iat exceprin aime ol respect, in eum of memory upon Uihich prophecy seit Bsbed, upon recollection of wares with Ieaning. mathematica symbols with valuss and physical forms with btendant ovaranes, i ie dificut ta see how eny idea! of commun. Eaton can faurah Ina beter ward, no gout, tha problem would hot exist bu if, Jn eoncailng e bear wore, modern aremtacture here conceived’ no problem, then we might sbruply conclude this Issue by suggesting tat, uilese'e bulang in some way or other fvonee something femeniberad, i x'not ay to ses how i can nat even’ 8 shred of popular inaret. Tee Leal of orcer based Upon publle underslanaing te fobe Inssieg urn, requires some tppression of both sepermentalit and futur! enhisiosm ‘The foregoing remarks have been an atlempl, sdmitesty over Compressed and ar top generslize,J0iSently not without ct. a) aed the complex of sentiments Sbout architects in terms ‘thich he buidinge here pobliened are ely tobe condemned — ‘or formal. bourgeos lack of sanaciones, esaevie privacy snd {ature fo keep pace mth fhe socal ene technologie! movereot 2 the age. But the moment that Ine body of Iaeas is subjected 10 ‘sea the mest ceaualsheplesl analysis, he moment that i ee {e'be unevsminad gospel: mani also Becomes evident tna wna IPomay serve to tusiate whos waa once creative state ot ming, an no longer very setiosly serve the purposes ol use eriism, ‘he Theoratca’ presumptions ol modern architecture. loesteg. ae {Moy once wore a matty of eschaologiel and utopian Tanta, Began to mean vary iia when foe tachnalogiel and eos ral: Man atsce imminence the modern movement had assumed foie to'take piace: For wih th fra, Ih became Dbuioue hat tNeory Sa practice ware also become apparent that ‘rao tse was never so much » eral deste forthe making of Duldings as it was an elaborately Incirect mechaniem Tor Ne Sup> Bresson of feelings of gull gut about the producte ofthe mind fell fo be comparatively nsigntican, gull about high culture — fa Yo be urvaalguit sbout art the mort the role of pivete udgment in any ansiica r symelic enterprise, Inthe end wna fs understood 96 the tneor of adern aenioct Feduees tat toile mare tan # conseletlon of ercapit mine Unicare sl getve In endewvourng a relieve te Siac ot ro Sponaibity fr ha choices snd which alae combine 1 persusse Fim that his dacsiors re not so much his ‘wn ae they are, s0m0- Fw, immanent in scientifi, o historical ar social process Ang this realization broads anotner For if these once convincing fd Sil seductive: docinnes > with thei etong deierminst and istorii ‘as are vary veodlysuscepiis 10 demolition, ané {hoy are no! vet demolished is surely 2 itu to modern aienace {ores public Uren tan one might sil a why Th thal an at {eof mind whem plaene ro much emphasis upon change. when ‘sis sueh a high value upon exploration and discovery, sll con Tinves nora chango. The sengo of hat waa sag roma ly yours 4390 prohibits repaiion; but then the rpaton of wht was aad Now, eitharslatements made about architecture in the Ninete “Twenties comprise an immutable revelaion val for ah ine (which ig eanray1 the meaning a ane tai, tay dona, ut 1 coat) in tema of fhe principle whieh tence (a sipulate— i aecstkg reuse of verbal or polemical made deriving trom the STwonies shoud be. eonceved as subject To. ho same Nineestone ae the coe ofa physical mocelbslongng te same (ean het sven Tog does fol wlgsly apply Ts eaey 10 ox Peru the forms of words con sill seem to prove an heros Fiiy'c teotuon, the form of bulings does not to teas ofer Ia S2 any raligiousIntowleant and the stoacy mearaton tow voy 01d evolutionary’ themes wil encourage the further joys UP hetorteal excursion nto srese of assumed socal and lechnolog {Gar elevance, he recapllaton o he themes of bung otere no prseont cares! ao Bisel and ies trom Wousie, sna th, le the Garvie argument continues fo tive, exponen, coneehing thersewes tobe te legitimate ané sole hers af tho modern move je aigplay very litle folersnce fr what ought to be recognizes ‘he absolut parallel phenomenon atthe denvative Bulla, Wich is again to eetbligh thatthe phyeique and the morale of fnogern architecturo is llesh and ts word, were and could) never Bevtoincisent: anc ite whan we recognize that esther werd nor fan was ever colnclsent with feel, ot alone with exch ofr, tal Uinout undue partial, we ean approach Ine present say For uncer the exeumstanees hai lo 60? I'ap believe that magera architec. lure did entablsh one cf the great hopes of the world always, in [Seat ridiculous, tut never, Jn fora, be velected —then 6 we Sahere'a pysiguerlesh orto moratecward? To repost: thie enolee became visble once it became almost too Stentecture hea tales or alternatively, thal this migtion had Became dissolved In the asniimentaliles and bureaucracies of the Welfare state. The simple fusion af at snd technology, of symballsl Sestur and functional requirement was now not to be made: snd, Invdefauit ofthis fusion, a varley of lteralves have. eiflered themselves These have inclused what has already been ‘ated: Mieslan neo Claeseitm [ath come Kind of dependent theory of Platonic torn) the Now Brute (uh the inference that zell-tagelation may eel the beter wora) the Futurist Revival (withthe vary popular suppos ti that selon fetlon might provide the uimete nope); and the Nao-ar nowveou (which, both ints Shing Syl and Italian Tong, inite tha it we only retreat to the Eghtesn-Ninat Algo Simulate a nalvete then hesih wil newly enaue, And © thie calslogue here must also be adaed tha nation that we ‘gneve the ciation stogeher: that In gefault of tat convent Sita entity of the Twenties called the machine. we eubsttute tha aguaty vseul entities designated the computer and the people tnd that hese two abstractions are abeolutay at variance. mth tach car, we al nt indulge ourelves In too many seropoe about ths problem. Ite problem which exits ony in the minds of te far too seraive: andf research and datecolecton are of the fture ithe puble wisdom so inceates then Ils carsiy tothe ture we belong Its inthis context of choices (noe of them very agreeable) that we should pace whet here publishes and, having recogn'zed the Context, wa shauld rat thee 150 r889) 1 impute charpee ot le. sponsibliy. Ii dtfcut 0 generalize the work ot these fe archi= feta Eisenman coms Io have racalveds revelation in Comer Hejauk seams to wih afiaton both to Synineic Cubiet ale nd Eonstrustvct Moecou Nor wil the more ebviouly Carbusion arch: lation of Graves, Gwaihmoy ana Meter so ready succumb to al fncarpassing observations, Bu, Tor el his, bore fs 8 post of ‘tow shared which ie cue simpy ni: tha, fathe lorendore the revolutionary myth, mght be more ‘more modeet to fecognize than the opening Yeats of tha setury, feat fevalutons in Roush secu'res ana trat then profoune visual “lscoveres rest, that these aro sil unexplaneg, and hat ther ‘han astum intinee enange tobe he prerogative of evety genera: tion, might bs mere use to recognize that contain changes are so enormevs as fo Impose 8 crecive which cannot be veaslved in ‘ry naval fe span ‘or, af leat, such would s9em to be the argument It conesing the Pisstc and spatial inventions of Cubiem ‘and the propastion thal, ‘ntover maybe eaid about these, they poecees an eloguence and 8 sly whic continues now fo Be at suerheiming at wae then Ita an argument largely about the pryesaue of bulding and nly Inairacty about ts moral: bul, since t should aleo bo anvaaged a8 ‘tome ot of interrogation ol ihe mctiwentath cant architects Capacity to indulge tis mosty ‘rival moral enlbusisem af Denes of any psteal product it gh ego be appropriate to con lode what has been a largely negative iraduction an tack Upon s potential stack — wth a‘sertee of rlaied questions which ight, ambiguously, help to establish the ‘meaning it ary —in Alda Van Eyeks terme of whale here presented + leit necotesry that architecture ehould be simply topes! desta tive (com functional and techologiesl Isle and, indeed, can it 4 let necessary that «saris of bulaings should imply vison of 1 net and better wed snd if hs ls (or even I lena) than how frequently can ssigniicant valon of anew sn Bett Word Be prapaunaea? fa the architect simply a vetin of cteumstances? And should he be? Or may ne be allowed to culate Mis own Troe wil? Ana sta et eultute and eivilzsion the produets ofthe Imposition of wil? 1+ Wingt is the zaltgeity and, thie is a eres selon, may the boner act contartlan to Aa alaged dltates? + How parmissibe a to make use of precedent; and therefore, how legitimate ls the ergument thatthe repetition of 2 form fe 8 estructon of autheniety + Can an architecture which professes an objective of continuous sant aver become eongruove with the ideal ofan BTehi- ‘onien fo be popular ineligba, and profound? Frontality vs. Rotation’ Kenneth Frampton Doeepte the signicant diferences of ese work, they have much BFSEmmon in the tat place they sur wom a certain Seale” They imply much targer structures, and a tet Sincuto seectatatrirue sae since ney a all shown snout 2p Snibropemorphic kay. inthe second pace, they al pen fo deve iid dommon curl base in es much se almost sl these {Jesse know each einer reiher well Om ezcasan nthe nes, some fave sven worked together and tus they shorn comparabi efor Minar respective postions” | wil stant my ciclom with John Hejdok’s House 10 of 1886 te Impossie fo kraw the program n this cate since hee nieroglyose ‘rauinge ara prevented winaut athe egand ov turnora, The ee ‘Stottta moxe Ms oun deavetions at t9 where fe bulging i, Nok ‘idan who wil ogcupy Since hare are even no indeatons 30 ‘nentatin, ste, it probably incite, mora than any cer project here, Gna tormai spate! This scheme represents 9 new departure for Hejduk ince many of ojos carer polects were bsted on tnapentions of 8 amona within a sguare, that i, on a girl” of recinear fuga relaton- thion stacked shave each other vertically” Usually these houses ‘ments trom lea to oor: reciahating changes it stuctre, onesie. {Tom 0d space. Ths present projet on the contrary it nawzontal in ‘inpasl Any fuga ply here sakes place Sete the dspoction ‘rine related forms at einer end ofan slangsted mass, lt engencs Snilusion of considaratis. na cay palatial 26 due fo fs hore Sonia extension, Furthermore there laa cata secrecy abou the Imam entrance, reminiscent of the wore of Fak Lloyd Wight. The (eaignarnsisie ona very svecl apprcach to the canter of gravy ot Tong mass, yet tis is nal the paint ol entry A vata hasta ura {haha Its ord to enter ite the organs shaped foyer. belore Bracaeding fo the two interdependent, pat "slid part “lazea. Bivlone the lat ofthe eomposiion ‘The letinang complex cones of 0 pails which establiah the Is “end condition, so speak Al thecher end ot he compasiion Sno setond "end condition” Tne llcnand complex comprises. an CEnspes pavilion anda teen quarters squares Bavihon” Both are Sstembled around Ushaped "armotures," as ie Owe eomctrcular pavilon at he nghtnand ng. One to Thus pi ving" pavilons exch ot which Nas two structural slementa 9 com ‘mon. namely column and an Leshaped ‘all as the. cempoune Imeane for sypporing tne rock In adtion each has.2 Kropiace 48 En adeitonel Wee'stanging spatial stament. luge! counteromange 'seatablahes: for example, the nvge quarters semicviar paullon bas win i 3 cular chimney structure, while the tvee-duarere Square’ within a tee-quariers square chimney sttueture. How fer, at his junclre he consisteney athe sytem breaka down, for tha 't*formnas witin ita square chimmey erclure Na aligned viii one sida atthe ‘further inconeistony ais tom the “coos” implied by the format storions inst accur at the entrance. Hore to organ {overs ae st in elation tothe tree pailons. One le Sy Soe fonsion ol the ante: the olter conaina sresang room And tot {aohiis. Tha igniicance of inose "Dolageal” elements hee tsiverdated by he adaton of “leanto™ lated tueture paral ih the spine and atached lo ora a! tNe forme. W one en teasonaby tute “myth to lomauoge, there ave secondary mping Srey here apparanty Rousing svectie centom whieh ie Bt erptealy Prpressed” gen one of he Gass pavilons incorporate 4 Veion Seis relates theme. They ase each cannaciad By 4 spine whieh Gass anune ade and solid on he other Various vews out song tit na yal cileren joxtaponttons tthe paviions ie foisonal » gluta of nme ano spaces the house clearly recall the work et ‘eight, end ae ath Waght Ihe Bane srstgy has been to suggest Z.ieeatenave ier space hough the doce of an algae ‘Anan tam the grtutous cultural reference to Weigh, another thing ‘at sas one sbest Wis Rous ithe onaity oft taal maga ih Contest tothe olaion ob extremiicn Ths thame of fronalzay Tian versus raion erp up, mone farm or another In ata he works presanted here. advancing rom the roacsige garege Io the Hejaut House one a presorted svn a tors of planes, party de- ates by pains an the gtound ane party eeiiaheg by laned sor faces so tat tie tayaning Monta planes is velnforced as mo proaches the house. Once within the spine, howeve, Ne nl frontalsavioncolspees (ke 8 mirage Into te sx ts fabyrnins Sgastiation tion ang rotation amount 19 an ter present config whieh at no pal fe goat llowod (o be resolved inmatons of totally ana saymaiisl spinning are present constant. Nene nade nor Oo [sta ane allowed to besome master over the olnar,alROUSR para Goxicaly. in eomparion 10 the Hojdox House, the Bulli ie Nat Sporaaches tantly. Toe museum entry ie aranges In eh 8 Way fata the Insite tin reminiscent othe approten to Tevragh Giuian-Prgerign Como, where Ine i nautetent depth fo part Trontazaion* wily siscures, the museum le based on an nae Uclure which ameunis ton overlay of tartan gis unning i two directions. These gids generote s number of augmenting and Conlcting planes. Apart rom ihe coatrastine phenomena of Moni Iiy'ana rotation there ie another aypeet to his museum whlch § totaly absentin the Hejcuk project This aspect, wnich one can ony ‘all he-"thome of erosion ie prosent in bolh the Elsenman and raves procs, although the form in unlen eeprosees a ailers from one ta the other Elzanman's facing for erosion seam To be {atormined by his allauon tothe prewar alan Retinal trade fon Egenmen'spreciiton for he “oudng he TN” ot Bx plotted for plouragque ands Gn the contrary. he appears fo exph {he maton of tho “buikg as rn from a "mania polnt of view.” For exampla, he timber bearsea pattern ot the ground Naor Sua ‘pete, wih great gracaton, the presence ol the “absence of & SEppod which has been mapiealy removed, On this level the "BUTS Sl Inga run” doesnot evoke tha notion of tral doeay. tis more ike i blghiolnand deviee at le uses To mainin the unvosclved ter Lise Between tentalaation and rotation, Internally the presence Sno/ov absonca of sailass sec! cyindiel columns seve to main {din ls inesoluion, One enters she main double neght volume fo be"prosentad wth forma hich Inia rotation. Ona tuna 10 the Ten 'in accordance sith thie Impulse to. encounter tayering. of planes whien angenor a feeling a rentalzation in depth. Mea Sie, he stlnies ste! columee In he arse space maintain oh Unresolved galogue between eonfeng signals There are thi alumna: two pastas, one freestanding, The pal at once suggesis tha strong possibilty of entering Delwoen them wale the soltary Sloment in conlnetion with a feveen wal Inien penataion Yond inta the eatcase ala. ‘The ovgriay af the grids themseties siso stems from the strategy” tte “oulding ae tun" What one hag heroin fact, isa con faterence to on intorsel system of frontalzaiion ond to a. column rd thal, However mannered, archyplealy laasial. The uae of En ABABA gris key in has ‘aspect. Yat, he stem ls 80 manipo- sing fat no. point ever Being geortrcaly reauces ot slasgnt of mang, He a plastic fact In whieh tha prime Intent cannot be pecelved at al In’sonaral, materis euch as slanies sles, wood, an ties are bed In such a way in the Baronhltz Pavilion ae mointin the omplanty of these rastige interactions. The roo! igh rerloree 2 prime rotational reading by being —slusted. over circulation “routes” In he ntamal ontaizaton may ve taken Io. conattte srchtectural promensd Is compromise tory elreviaton tae to @ point ot 6 vata” 1 Hanselmana house by Michssl Graves is a fe lea complex Ihroeby-hree bay savers gia ig Conict tatween otazaton. snd so hair Being allowed 10 Became. dominant. Gr Rouse la much more delermineg by titaran needs fan ater of the provioue works flan which makes very caracious “spartion beeen the aus level and te chiens ven hit In’contast 10 the Eisenman pavilon, ane approaches 2 dt more concemed with volumetric rotation. {ovvad forthe exterior Aer the fora” ao layering occurs intise the system, There it © code etabished in the hause af contrasting recilaenr and round columns, which, {peciively, rafar to "point ané “plane” The facades have ‘hong two-cimenglonal quality, They evoke ® "earcboard au fanvalope oF camdlex surfaces which ate ahr cut ito ‘Out of 2 defined plane: engendering Wwnleh exists almost indepandasty rom the main ep tion: Sometimes Ins sur gi imueoum there le a oroson of 2k _ Aa tajshnas maa cee stain gl hn te 187 pj a2 34 ‘ts oan nonin Poneto 192: etan cant hore tres [genoates & Dulcing mass that ssems ephemaral. One perceives ‘nly inthe weet facace. Gn tne nerth and west ele pein et "col ‘ ie complex strongly denies the inital (or= {dfeston ofthe approscn, wile apperenty respecting certain fea. {vos dpacee etgonaly across th ste lo Fichara Mere Smith mouse, in Oarian, Connecticut, the plastic [yatem i much loss complan. yl once again we are prssantd with tConlict between teontazaion and rotation, in ti building tho (G57 it Betwoon rotary "exatosion” toward 2 panoramic view toward public this confit has is ovgine Inthe » Suantaion. Because ote relaionship to 2 specter Jgvianascape, Ine recliner pram af this house tz vaguely ore hnsod around diagonal axes. ule hese sues are geaeraly to be Tecogelzed there ie no epocte geometrical fx. These pltureeqve ‘eforencee Begin 3 whale unresolved formal cizplacement whch Drmarily serves to [ustiy the erotgn of the plastic integrity o he ian iseace. There Ie 2 erong contrast betwen the Slane ‘rant landward lacade ang th tendency for ne house 1 "otate™ round le contr onthe aiher three idee. The, the whole of the ‘use when viewed trom the seawsrd tide, appeats to eanast of ‘vemhangs, glazing slaments, beams, sla\eaten. ola, tht ate all ‘xploaing slagonaly cutwards. Thate Ia 4 fel cluassocition be- {ween these forms tending fe “blowout” War the center and the ‘ontaized planar system avin the Interior Th apt acknow- ‘2903 nthe srcture onthe seaward side teestancing eclure, ie) and suppresseg in tha structure on the landward sido, ‘boarded wate In general. a in the Graves" Mouse. hare fa achlem between fentalzation and ftatan which clagonal sit reterences Ninally fai to account for, This lenesocaton is not alpes by 8 {pe height volume which emphasizes tha vertical of the neon 4s eguinl the panoramic sles! the exploding exterior The one house that does not Involve any system at ronalization at sis ihe Chatlsa Gwalhmey Resigenee and Sludia ot 1965. This house sited so hat an approsch by ca yelde an immediate obllaue it'simply cannot ‘Waniy a8 a continually changing se ‘quence of oblique views ng 2 rouse and 9 tree standing slusie, Ths composionsi spitnaturaly engenders a rotational ay ‘om part om hie the Guatnmay navse Ife be sistinguishes from thors by Hs cubist style ant emphasis onthe vatleal. which ‘reaches an ulate expression inh raised itaned roo! and inthe {chmney-At the same time. narzonai slots ae used to unite carain Space sed aguare wingow opening fo formally accentuate here [Sguint the ptened 00! complex he eytnareat tai acts se 89094 of union tha composition "spina In al hie he "code" appears to be guast- programmatic, auitarianserga, Thus, balroom spaces Ste danoies by squars windows ete hie # ing sia window Used fo indicate tha presence of @ double Neigh ving room. Sim Iany nthe studio. he sive window wagrifee he large siusio lume. The horzonal openings srese he central ptal compos ‘The skin. planes ofthe prams are proclealy respected through ut They ar proven nly bythe How oho form. volumes facade acs trom these plans, Im conrat tothe Graves” Flt Wayne House, CTT + temas arasarce stem of ps den, igh ater "tugs rato tay A640 had Coen oaks leh {yom shi Molson 568 on € 4° ana tLe Cea sa ‘eva uy acing ha much moe sy Care Cato pa pa ‘neat nse 285 (1) Asm vont eur, hae fe wo ot ces er Tre cast igura 80 (51) wena selon TF E — Bs . aT iS bolo fae eine a a ne ih cyan fn dnt ‘Sata singesine ome hen 808 i, To spear tay ‘Soros c he rccing saa! sera our Cts Corhage a ‘fon east et ho enumerate Cn Tar Caen ceases aan a 98 18 pe rm rer « } ots are not used in e-entrant comers ta ssparata two mest the same token, structural ramos re rot usoa INS hig ouse could very easy be (oadtbeoring masonary structure, although ite in a6t 8 lose Dearing tame In ll ese houses rather Lenuous “route” rslationahips are esta= lied between the bung andthe ate inal wits exception ofthe wath) and Mojéuk houses thera tam unvoscives cont be. teen Trontaizaen and rotation. Again inthe. Graves, and Ielor fouses ard in the Eisenman potion thera ia also en “orsion® af the surface, raf he structure oF ofthe mass, oF ot thing of selaness in tage works 2090 ‘modala” for larger Gulaings atncugh Ico not tink ths applies to ‘ther the Matar House in Darien orto tne Gwatnmey House on Long Iniana! Wot of these houses wth the exeapton et the Gwathmey Tesigenee azpear to be indierent ‘a the general bung culture ‘hoy ara more concamad auth 8 "el of form” Deapte ths. most ‘ofthese works are escapabiy felated'to the East Coast waation of Font ramed buldings (ike he sary United States Novses of Gropie yd Brover, for example) In al theve projects except Hejau's there is an allusion to concrete forme and to go ealeg "post-Cerbusar Space: that, there ave certain symactialrelererces to Le Corbusier saance ediret allusion to balding in conerota, Vet mot ofthese Structures are Bult ood In the cate of the Guathmay house, the fact that th siding i let fatal places itll witin an american wood bulaing traction (ne cansot but be rsminded of those remarkable Bath Roures de- Sigrea’ by Musencrinem and built an Lang iland inthe ale 50° ‘te ve in the provence neve ofa special Eact Coast sudullre cor Bounded aI European stavacton ana American tecnnigue? The Searee of "ntelectualiy” present in hese projecta certain wares Thesennan pation no dsb compas he ost camped sion {na atthe same time it no Sout representa the most "mannered hall those works is also palerly for removed Hom any Kind of Kmerian balding culture of ical agin. Wathing could be further trom the shingle sile tan Wis, ts afatone re wih tay ot ‘mora preciaely. sath the haan Ralionaist movement ofthe 30. Finally, though al of these works are permeated by the aura post Corbusian space, nane ot them manipulate reace n'a wy that resembles the work of Lo Corbusir, aa for example, at the Maison Cook where epece is typically handled as though it were translucent macs Maison Cook comprises complee interlocking ot Blocks of space in which a fugal, masewolume relaianah isto Bo experience by pasning Irogh and aroun te mane of weal ‘ns mot such S propostion Paradorealy ony the Gwathmey Hovse conta hat fsceteary elemert of surprise at naturally accrues fo auch spatial Iwanepostions ‘imate iota le au CBE mig ‘srs ele fo» onsen Moe y en Wolusoes aura ans ‘sane br Ennis Graney. Ts erica sea ne eccsoe hte mado movamant hi ay paler apo he et ott wah ans ota wort abn ha a ase Sangre wg dee, ‘Sct t he Incense wat o Le Covi Of mare meade, ot ator toa wrk own a he CASE Haat 3 9 wae te Cals Rows 4. Th arc ob jean he pane oda Shy mga i ‘sty aig sb nt oh Ord Sn he (Sercnecs guicuarnhascs ef hlaa's mow ots tie. any © ang ne ana oe Sorin Ms Pa: Hane rates soy foe nh Wh {he wore fe tym Paonia ue tngc sagan fo he hea ‘cen cer re lh ryt ny mye wr Wa ine baok ty ad Canpage wn Po rte “Langue ta at an ‘gin aad Ines carat ih reser fam wich hy ah se Sites 8 indpendn mane Thay we tas ves eho rom hse ‘lee. oncotaten ta haghaning a Sle sanary uparnen Peter Eisenman House | 1967 Cardboard Architecture: House! Peter 8: Beenman ho atin ew goeaten Pe oy ci ie ate nc ne os sac re a nn trent dauesoy fo Garoue ra Gotue were whan teeing hich iw oced by te pana conte {i tig mena ons pce err ‘Theres ten an atampt made to rationalize ehtectre In terms et ite program. In oper ven at the ALBA in 1857, Sit ‘Summerson represented this position epleniy rten ne aeompted tamales hao fora theory of arehiecture with teh 8 programmatic bau Ingesonee, Summereon {hi the souree at unity In modo architec: {re ein he octal ephere, nother wore, inthe architect's program, But would seem that the tation te more earapieted than Sumserton alowed, For the program to fuston such ah emphoois, should be able To epacily and cletnguish what the fact of 5 poriewior atuatlon. sre, and except for Gafain physical lave, acts in a programma fe songe are In redliy 2 ceriee of value judgements Much of the eauvre of mogern Brentectural theory Ie invlvad ing base Gliomma precisely Because I has refveea to Siatinguish between problems of fact anc probloms.of value, And more spaciicaly, Because it hen toed to resoghize. prob: Tom ot form as predicated by anything ox Cent Ideas of social and technalogies) change of a8. a male for siylatie ane ‘esthetic speculation ‘A museum ae a program offere very ite in tha way of specie functional requlrements \ihich San act ae either a suggestion for oF limitation to formal davelopment. This might account forthe fact that many of the Best museums are. ones which have bes rented in buldngs originally designed for tiner purposes, Equal, since ie eicut {o detine & presiee farm irom the funciona ‘equiemants the form ol a mussum sce fealized as ey ldealzeg shape, Since Tite fs Imposed on the farm of 8 mo im by its function, its form may be uses To help claniy part ef the problem cutines ‘ove ‘The making of form can, for instance, be considered es a problem of logical conse: Tency: aca consequence of he ogieal sue {ure Ieherant m any Tormal relationship. The ‘making of form in tis senze 1g more than tho saistaction of funclonal reguiremente land mor than the creatan of seshetealy Beating objects, but rathar the exposition Gra eat of formal rslaonshigs, ouso 1 was an atompt to conceive of and Lnderstand the physica) environment Ia Ieplelly conaatent mariner. potential In Aependnt of Ne function tnd te meaning ‘natant pretanied In Yugo the Bao raz Bevin ine oiotge Gad wye a) Podungan isc teh ntat Beate Mane paneer nee than at present, is to under 2 fermte means House | petits one altematve to existing Eoncepicne. of spatial orpanizaon sera there wae an attempt, fet tnd waye which form and space could be structured 20 ‘hat thay would prstce 4 ae formal rele ionsipe which i tho result of te loner Teale Inthe Yorm themselves, ang {2¥onrl precsty te ose rl There wore tre House ist an attompt was made to make S dlelinctan Betweon those aspects of frm Uinlen respond to programmatic and the rologieal requirements ana thoes aspect of four which folate t0-9 logic! structure: In Cider to make this setineon. an alt ‘ia mage 10 reduce or Unload the exiting meaning of the forme, Second, a formal tract wsa mede tron’ these marks nthe {tual srurcrment Tha, this forms src: {ure of marke wes (lated to another formal Stacture of @ mare abelect and funae montal nature, The purpose of thle proce. ‘Sure we to provige an awarsnase of formal Information latent in any enirenment when provioaly was unavailable ta the (ne sapect ofthe fist step was an {rreguee or unload the xisting meaning &t the forms dictated by function go that the {rms could be een aes eres of pine ture, and shape of the bull forms, Whi forms. inoue 4 ent aur Visual poroeption and. conception of aveh forms: From the perception oft real, angle, white \olumetne trchtectire ta tha concestion of Snisbetract colores sanar space polemic of the “unite” of the 3820' tthe eutray f “cerdbeara” The wile. color nd ine Mt texture are sloer To an abstract Blane tnan say 0 naturl wood ora ut stone SI Ao the ey tt at he te plaice arty 2 apecine messing elated to 8 known Te sivle (the International Sie). makes th SEE kel to take on now meaning, should ‘Seinbe easier to reduce thee exsing mene fig'ss wit be aeen Solow, when thay are ficed in'a ailerent context To ths en, Eater ang mstetal wil be seen in the args fran! bolow fo be used in House as marke Ing devices, Trectionaly, uhon white wae ted, window muons and hand rai ere pamadlacs, and planes of primary or pastel slow ware introduced for aerhele ae in House h unite or black planes ae used ‘Imply oppasten m8 formal srvclure winery 9 ear as ae comiered A second aspect ofthe ital marking pro Cas imaved the sluctural elements the elurms and beam. They appear intially to Be sator convanttana! parte of stuctral Sytem. Howover, upon closet inepecton {hes fourd nat to be the caso. it a actully nol posite to astermine how the sree {actions trom fooking at tne columte and ‘beams AN of the aoparentsiuctura! spe rain —Ie exposed beara. he He sane ‘his Is understood, 9 at step as nto unload, abet Ina very ele tie way alr structural meaning. Wile the Sparen physi! Tact ls tha ama wether they are loagbearing oF not, thelr meaning has changed because thoy Tact Nat Ibeatesrng, snd thus the intention implies Inhairuse Ip spartielar location must now Belconlcered i 8 ateren sy Once one fone must ask what are they? Winy are they where thay ate? Teke hem auay, or chong Ther shape, and what have you gat? It.can slso be asked, why go to lh trou ie? WV the columns sre eupposed To be on Siuctural, why not Jt out them ff at tha {op ao hat we know immeditoly by the fact frat they 60 nal continue othe celing tet they ave vot columns out meray a notation tor soma other pursase? But "cuting the columns sar of fhe caiing wausd infact do the opposite what a intended would Qjve the column's further meaning byob ‘uly ealing sterion to ssl 88 8 n9ne ‘uppeting column, wharaas Wis auppacea tobe merely ane mark or prmitve cement “tne second in lon of thie work elles for hing trace mars ane deploy ma in shen a way 0.28 To. mane’ a complete formal stele and lo shew tht thar ite ture was 2 primary consideration in the de Sign ofthe whole buling. To focus on ths, feauited'a further enfin the primaty con Cepilon ol am oruronment” th me rom concarn morely (or marking sismants 3nd fein meaning to » concer for Mal rel tonehig in forma structure Ta farsa Ps shit in House he sense overatiesued oF over atou that would Bacome 2 dominant aspect of the bulloing, ne means la overatess uch a stucture was fo suggest two simultaneous Etuctures which overly ara ntavact. These tere bases on 9 simple combination of Io pia of formal raleranese planes ana vale times, on ihe ora Rand, ronal and abe (anthips, gn the ober, alums snd beams. These ara not deployed lita Yegulae pattern auch ao 9 columnar a linich in such eonaton soul'be geen 22 8 heutral valent, nor sre they fo Be sean 2 the residue of ch 9 gra, bul rather thay are [etna oiscad Ih an aooareniy Fandom arser'This inlonton cane Blained inthe fllowing way. Inthe het oh Elance, he apace is conceived of a8 layer Ing'er paising (cross layering) of planes “ne rectineat columns and” pesmhe oe placed that they wil reaa ae residue ot {hee planes, Conversa, the round columns re uses to mars tna fterssctions of Iwo Blanes, which might possibly be 1ead os fainod'a ths intersection, ns forming vo Limes if ha columne were sauare. The round ‘column prevent the posite iiarpretation St columns. sy vesisval "cornore™ of vole limes. fa the second instance, the three ole Urme (@ fourm ia mated inthe foe, Be ause of that paricaar siepoation, also mare laganal sytem, Tey can beter preted inne following way. Bot pairs of Found columns and beams were asenta span the entre space (Fg. 3) they would reas, feapite tha roundness of De calms, pert ofthe franal layering. By taking sway fo columns, round one in the apace 2nd fone attached fone wal (P18) at wll 98 the portions. of the sem connecting to these columas, eh omplied diagonal Ie create, Thus the intention was to use he columas nd bam to mario ayers uthout ge inp pretrence to alter. Together te cou frpoin of tase tw formal aystems, he frontal planar layering ane the @ agora vl metre aut, gverals ang itoracing lth fe another make It more dle 10 ead & single coherent format system avec fom {he physical tock. Ratner they renlorce the infetion that thase, mark in se Tobe Understood fel foqure. csengagement ot the tao systems trom one. anger, sn ae tity whi takes place tn a min, Such a moving of rma ean, in cul amurenant hs acy bon tne Son oie arenes oncom ah nat Spm Sut pres wom Takes Wine soo, ihe ana the store ot trconing any specie Coton we vesise ihre" seed The ao mening ‘nla orogrptic a toa ard ‘ee wom the aton of he evs soe Iiornce watch aroma ts er ae Spt he pear aostion of std {clomns into sh gen eo Stirs lia Savoye oneness 2 areth ‘eta the supecavacure othe nado ‘Stan nr, a8 ah line Icons thee’ dacovey. newest. "an ae ‘ately marie cones ona But on Seiggtet iat netting tare sotto atect nents pot source of ephemera ti ete om Side in Ssonn nharen inte satura itu bn, for orang: he sue hstapos on trl otk sd clans t Poy ues vicoes tony, satuance of mone Brent, hein St open to: Cone ‘pack, ote cere tee pele. 30 ‘Sit tis orton canbe sudo be he Prodi fhe iret stack tarm EGENinialomatwavarcne eon axl in Stenuronmem sta aces we ere 25 Sndn bol em rough fenune perception hear teaching = ieee onan nai eel in wen URold at seen, ino 2am be woown ne SSR ee ete many enone Beer used oy anginal eter orn Reie o eWfie econe eel conde See taay we pore ne tt va roving’ Secret te vail ice CAEN’ eaPin ute tee Ad nce Sasha etoaciy to be Krown we mest bo _ehctfncd into th appar te mak SahRaue eet nthe eosroomert hey 2aifon scny eres and uncersacd SRL ine ma sepect of he work =a fied trie ond tothe telson be This second love) may be thought of 35 fange of abstract and more universal formal tagulanties which ene In any conception ot iyscal space. These formsl raguarias 21 eatin the sae that euch formal 2Gpcupts so 20 ene old conor ad felgr?fianar and volumetric are primis ois ten connat ba reduced and mien Seta 9 sate of oppostion In any epaval SEncepton. Tnis second level incleges in agian toa get of wresuable formal reat isthes" tho enstormations of ase "ag. Bani necessary to produce 2 speciic enitonmost Transormatons may ede. Sorted Gy such formal actions as. ses eShpreslon, and rotation, fa produce anew feaP ot tormal inormation ony specie ica anrenmsnt Agan Ihe marge todo signal ne teraction between these {ceva Ths physica environment san than be seen ol ony n fe Yonconal Sn IeStographc imensions but aise in is formal gre a8 elng generated fms ‘Sites of tatact tonal eguanies nich ‘tayo desclved a8 9 deep sirscurs, These MTanetomatona ‘end regulanies hove ro Sotsantaavsense bola meray a. Scration of tis ascend lve frm ra ‘Soonhps, inher worce» possi model {eran acitocrs deep sacra ‘one means of making the deep stuctre in &'partcvlar envionment exphiot ts fo force Seindiidval to oxpeence the environment 432.1 nolnanal aye shien has 9 recognize bie elaionanip ta deep structure Thos ‘tempted in House tin the follouing mane fer Fist the serie of Yarmal relsonshipe Uihien aro marked in the actual apace (he Davai ayers and diagonal volumes) crete onrast botueen aca! space and implied pace, "This contast maven ‘one. nialy ware ofthe presence of snothor level of format Stucturo. Saccnd, the two sats of formal notations which are iscarible (one ‘end ae incompiete he ether aeymmetiea) because one can conceive o/s symmetrical Shs complote ivvetoe of formal raguar= ‘ih are uaratione of the formula ABABA Sppear inthe aetuelervirnmant i the fl Towing way The fiat hese corresponds ‘he formula A,B.AyA, (Fig 3}and the secons tothe formula A,8)A,B>ay (Fig. the mid {Tatas A, tng samnon fo Bah When Iying-telure ie tear ae compracsed, Sat than they are cippea nnd, ‘eves a0 be a simple sya “The basie for eraatng this veationshlp of sotual etucture To deep stvctue Is guile primitive. dapende on an ital shit along times (Figs. 1 ana 2}, One square. may be oun at chilled out ofthe omer orice versa s5° nat the notations both for the. plag Irentl ayering and forthe iagona volumes tan be Seen 88 dening trom ora, more bale Sjslem ‘The agonal read as 9 ressotion iho lo ditecions in he pla, othe pad {a tana as tne tacit of tha agonal nit “nus he desp structure te revealed ony through sn embadda reittnanip bstwesh two formal structures inthe neal eniron mont, Although one may perceive thesa So Eucires in te aetua enurcnment. one 1 lino te perceive the Seep srstire be {usa of Ie enstonee inthe eruironmant 3 Snrtegular estat. These actual sructsres Tus have common vlaionahp in dop Hadcte which a at perceptible Bu wich sn be. underteod sfter bath. Sievctores eve been perceives ‘ny physical enuronment has this second or Gdnag structural level uni nol oni nas he tapacty 0 convey ‘nlormaton Sut does £6 onmusly aa lexethancconacicus level It ‘isle without being sonesiouly designed. Sho there ian conceplvn! capaciy win tach indilaua t9 receive th ifarmalion lating the deep structure in he sotal en ‘ronment may bring to 4 more eonaeious level as was ald above hare Isr reason br meaning Intendas Inte use of ts ps" Sular formal sistegy. The two oveala sjetems are neither good nar Bad in ie elves. They ate intended ree 10 exer Billy the ogic inrarent in any format siruc- {ira, ana ihe potential eapacty of tat loge {o provide an area at new meaning In summary, vee shits ware atempted in ‘Eten conceinee an atlempl fo sep aclual physical anitonmant fromm meaning, to tn tha ugwer. The fet concarned the mark tng of tha slomente of tho acta enron- ‘ant: the second concerned the maring of the arma sirgture in the actual eniron ‘ment; thetird cancomad the marking 3! he ‘elationship of is ermal siactue Toe deep Suen & conception ot assign attempts to {ange the pray intntion © architectural form fom the patcepion f spac to und fanging’ the feintionshp of maria in het Space to wns! is caled hora 2 deen true lire, The capacity to underatang, a8 98- posed fo exparience thie Intentin does not Sepend eriraly on the obtervar’s parieuiot funurai Bscxgroura, Ne eubjacine percope ions, or his paricuar mood al ary given ey ah Gch canditn hs beta pernce ofan actual smite, but rather Idepands an bis nnate capuely 49 uncer: Sand formal structures Such 2 pasiisn inraguees, a8» primary once of archtciure, he ue of shen ‘ew manta image ol an anconmment {nt tram tat whch we are tushy seeing ‘he deep siucturer when itis eomblned wih the pereepible phjical realty, haa the po™ {era lit is slacturea laa pels fahion, tomaks eualable a new tee! of iformaion hemore.the suet. appronmates Purely fora environmen, the leas Wade nal the meaning it possesses, and hus the Clogerit isto an Sruronmentihah might be 1 ehicle for euch now information, To do ti, form must be tet conslserad 10 be potentaiy"separoble om it exating perception and’ conception, and second, it Imust be coneigeraa aa capable of ehanging raising he level of cansclouonees By pro: gosing a esltaue of te xsi shuaon i ii a ‘i | a i nT A ba ro = IL. Lr i I rt | JU} min — HUA = Ie eV Peter Eisenman House |! 1969 cardboard architecture: House! Pater Eisenman jn when tiled by the con- tm the pat, Ws ected by avaiable materials, erch- iis sgh fo ae euctral Smerts {00k Spar Ulan tose cates by pute Webchat requirement Modern technology tune arcectore wnt naw meant of Proesing of apace. lea sonse, nace wae eoregersecessoiy ited or deines by EERE fexcluton of functional problems, Fae tes Copacaly run wih reapact vo the Tee ot te loo bearing wel the eolmn be Eanes prima srucral lament and slong EARS nontoad bearing wal 2 potenaly innovative formal sevice House | was concerned with using clumns Shatweal io mark a tet of formal elaion= Ships Continuing rem ths, House Is con EXineo wih a zystematic davelopmert. of fo ways In which information may be cor Genad a! and oeeiteg Tom rg Ileractan, STicrmat elsronshins, To aricutate these ways of conceiving and producing formal Inirmation mm Hove ovat frmal meane were chosen each i= “hing ‘sn everoasing othe. objet with toumal eterancee “his development can be aaea tat trom a Zehof analytic lagrams (Figg 1s). These Slagrama deschibe the development of a sat fl strect formal propositions as a possible ondtion aan underving evuetoe. and their inal vanslormaton’ into. a apace ‘Any given cootcnates of space can be oe Sete ae tulher lest, planar 60 vl fate The coordina oa eb apace are Seserived bye {composed of lines or planes, t Stine oF volume, in le parveular havse tha center canation i arvitariy aeinag by square. volume. From th the orginal guste divides inte rine squares, Thase ‘Guares are marked by aman of 16 square alumna The fst sin Sagrams present one ot condions posse rom thi nil Gsiniuon he slecton af tha conations 38 Sppoted io ary siher candiion ot auch ¢ Seep strgure ls eh stage of wan, Bivary Figure 2 shows the grsed nine Savare arrangement. Figures 3, and'S cl and iclate toe possible conations iat ising ast mato 16 column, fs 9 seis of four planes, or ae a selet of thre volumes soon au sige setucen te Blanes te tobe noted iat he plonar and folomerne conaiions are nga ana ce Monat in opposing axes, While ther are Sbriouty emer combinations of planes snd Selumes hese cnosen oppositions suggest tne pier conditinn oF an uncaring tise fire Shien uoantantcrmed wit precuce 8 lect at malo or va crmatcn Sot apace. Tous ule he gre one Equares can be sean as on undorying see tire the ‘nat opposition ot planes. ond ‘shuimes wil be een to oeale a ransiorms Won ot is stuctore The assumption here ig that these inal sonia oppestons Te ‘cintansnp pawaon he setun eioomant {nd inserting scare (ow or wry the soa is 9ubloc or Yate war) ‘The further diagrams concern the deveioe- mmant of one: pessole transformation, tom this undering siuctute to th aclual er ‘ronment There was 8 secend Wrenatorme Hon fliwing from the iil ployment 8 lines, planes, and volumes which was a as locaton, inthe form of siaganal sit (Ths tan ago be seen nthe doted outing of two Sending volumes in Fig. 2-6) This ait Erostad the potent! fr developing another fot of oppositions i the sual envionmant by atcutting two squares, ona aetna by the’ planet and Ihe second detined by the matty of columns. The panieuar location ‘and vies proavead by ‘he shear walls 55.4 neutal raterent sapeclaly when Seen from areupan he columns exh Su he raion these lanes rane Bored clagonally rom tnem (Fg 8) Alterna {ely the columns can be road 39 9 net refer” sepecially ‘shen ‘sean. tram the oui, whereupon the shea! wale may be Teas as heving bose and (rom the plane ionic ae re ies Saree a Siartle ts eens Recta eer sreacrtts eae ce, ieee Pe a Peete petegttit Se otee eae ae ih dere es tae Bent eerste soe wrterass or aes ietshainmeee tae ae iis ta aoa ee rea tr canes at Secseere ce ea eeaes senate teats Peace ‘other ways were explored to crea a cle leate Gran ‘opposition between an actus) ‘elationsnip end on lmoled raatonsh the envvonment using ine columm and he Stam andthe wall and the volumay First the eluons, walle, and volumes wore treated 3 ‘Squaly weighted In jerms of disposition and umber,” and second, thay were seen 36 “arlanis ot ane sbstrat planar sytem. In ther words, tough format deve using The plana a2 fulcrum, @ dialeatis was ee: Sled between the resi column, wal, and foam volume, and tal which imped ine, plana, ena lis. In ths cone! a. room ‘olume is seen 92 an extension of the wal Sle eolumn appears as a residue of the vial The dsb tn sytem the wall sjatom, the window ante an undareninied Gonstuct, ‘intrced 3 condition here We ilfleat for thexe conventenal arhiteturalele- ‘mente io be conadared indivi a8 9b [Reta thay became merely pats of & total Stuctae of relationships, The focus is thus twanstor'oa trom the physical object itll Ine understanding ofits elationsnip to an ‘nderiyng structire, ‘ne way 19 make someone aware of these sith to contol the. ocecnon ot ‘ietnovement in const ay te sachin Ofna wesc space oui he Seuore mples.plenes which gious lect soact paral tothe volumes Cote nina upbar ieee coum seer {ona might angie to he vues (a ‘Dhinusaveing he sbacepo'pendiulr line columnar imp planes ort Sround lve to Gotna someones move. Stent perpandtular tothe wppor level vo times fend onthe upper eve since move mont sow poral ane nto soles {Cute by creating layers whieh Counter tothe majoras of the mover Tha use of yet snotner formal strategy — Ghloney —ean be seen In Figs, 18-28 Bivolency ls formal condilon where an lament ora elaine between smarts hes mo nolaions, mers, or weightings of Telatve equvaienca, An important distin tion most ba mage betwoon perceptual 3nd concopival Siaslonee A» perceptual br “lence ia one which reidee in the obec Ital, euch ve the higute-ground ambiguly Betwean tolls and vols, Between window Sind'wal, oF somo of the exams used Io Gestalt payencingy. A conceptul bl-ualonce | wich isi the reaicnahip balwees ‘lomanis rather than in the lament sel ‘Thus It may nol Be perceives Inthe sctul environmen, but rather may be understood S2°2 tmenalconsiuch In & eoncaptual Be ‘aianga, are it not necessary any ambi- {uly inthe pereepion of an cD er mraggh ihe patouar ot elements Bewecn elements may leke on an ambigu- ‘sor bvalent malar ‘One way bivaloney ean be developed is to (he lot paricolar color wal tao 9 ‘haseter ans emphasis #5 thatthe specie column ot wal cum neve be hala inthe mind se. single lamer, bul tere Secreremacren ccna ments provides an orientation in sien the Beholder is primary concerned wth the ermal relationships and no! the element ‘is was demonstrates in House i veouh ‘hal might be bes! called the use of 8 tue lural redundancy. Geceuse al our exper ‘nce nth the patel nature. of wood anatevtion, we know that 8 certain post iionng of eer loae-benring wala or = gris bf colirine prostces in aach case reading ts compete sirctural system, I fo auch Shuctoral syetone are_coupled in suah 3 ‘hay that Oo can be read ab structural there a an obvious veduncaney whien forces {eh sytem Io toad in a now way. one a ae srvlural then tho omer must be 68d s8 being somathing ese. ahd isevare ifthe two Nove equal imporiance In erme of sie, number, inerval, and pos tion, inan bath cen be tebe athe semetime ‘or nat ehar the 0 Semane as marks in House I hase mates fave tuo purporee Fire, Decavze of ait Derfetlar placement they produce 8 con Captus! ivalency between the elements ‘RemaoWes, and, aecond, ty Sot Sean peo reference 10 some anderiing site- Fig. 18 and 19 show 8 series of walla which act a8 onoctal datum feterenee for readings along ine volumes in ‘Srnorinesoutn ection snd across tha vol. times in an eest-wes! araston in Fige, 20 land 21, a series of wall stop down in the Serta simension as they. move. sequen tally aeraen the volumes When reed bith {he wala im Figa Ye and 18 May tate on 3 Brvatent notation. The top edge sf he wall im Fige 16 and 19 are the same etah fom {toute level ang can be given the notation BAA" Tha top eae ofthe wale In Figs. 20 find'21 step oun and thus can be moles from right to lat 46 ASC. Bocause ofthe ‘het mat the bottam e699 ofthe len Figs 18 and 19\stop up, bath A constions 9: loach tero height Thue while Baty A ‘aris ore silo her interpretations te ferent, much as tne difernca In the valve Of hal in ot-2313 and Netware iowa Figures 22 and 23 show the samme sequence ‘of was an Fig, 20, again with two. ale ale readings. inthe mide wall 01 Fig. 22 (tage sea datum, tnan all other wats Io ‘he eras are read 95 shitad tam that um. the anc walls cond a8 8 eatum (Fg, 2) hen all thar walls are read ae hie ining het eat, No midai wal ean be rae fu A ana tha tno shd walla rea olf he te rum ge A, ang Ayla the teonnd eae, the ‘ond wall evens a8 A, Pen the cer two are fue ab 8 sequence B end ©. Figure 24 Is merely anothe varition ol ins theme, In both examples; one coves of walls a ing ae. datum tora cond series of wala on as shiteg, and ules versa Gy vinve 1 this ench walls piven a traslent weigh Ing. In'one sense there ‘2 “demeterai {ng the obnel, not for sestheie reasons ‘ne facades get in asia espacity in that they ecard 9 aumber of nelatons sim lantousy” The south cade n'a senses Daradigm of al vews, The aes of Inara Spoosions.whicn ate. éiferent and ve haetas in eacm facade are most {he souln facade, Since the bulding le gon ewved of aa 2 progression Wom cutsige To Inaige hare ie no facade, the senue of 3 plane or surtace ol the Boling, whch Sed 1a. mark the interior rangement In fact, ln conception thre Tea soiee a avare moving tam auido to mids. The 4a fren om ne reading of iad to oie pan the original alagonal chit proauees the contin where the facade becomes 8 erie of paral layer, The essence of viewing thes layers is a8 nother sot of contractors, or pevaiont feadings. For example, on the south the ‘column gra ie brought fo the outed ayer, ‘Tho leichand volume le pressed nto the Blane of solumee, ang becauee ol he way Irie amtutated, ‘causes both the volume ng columns 19 be read ae varans oF 8 plane. The fat thatthe shear wale behing Ere places in such a manner aa to couse the imide ight volumes fo appeat to. Be Puncring through them, serves fo further Feinforce te ides of compression of te at Volume lstenes against ang exged within fone ay intelalon tothe ariculaon (the ‘way i eut on he right of the fascia 35 {e lores he most exterior plane fo be seen 1 completing sll with this Shear wall Be hind Ths sate up a warping o” distortion fhe frontal plane. whi te lagons) hi J the two layers spar, sow 2 pressure forces 6 or the indvial to feed them 3 of ho whole objec Ttununion atte marking year om et various cements to be Inused Peesial end implied feedings through 9 wh of anstormaions. Compression and “2043 ton charge espace wih Boh pose Sera nagatvo reainge which wera, 1 achat s experience ol the space and Ihagmien hs awareness of i celalionsh Toy ptewousty enconacios fvel of formal Ie uel be pointed out that ile unconscious lovolhunie saye potential in ny arian ton ay tb vate or may ote Efatang_ oF impliee volume. A wall and a Sure may be just that and ne mete. Ths Uepancs on the esign of the specific con flgvatien a the marting in that conga ibn of fe pacteuar relationship to a seep Srueture rom which tha actual form Ie ur eerstoos In conclusion tnera are thrae points which Uoule'be mage. First stnoupn the Rena Since end'ne moders movemset wore cor- Extnee ih the meliagnapects of archi {Wl space, tay were olten 0 for purely esha 0° polemical reasons rather that io investigate imerent formal. princilen, The suggection inthe work i That he ele Tinehip of the imal aypects of architec: lurt spece ena ther potential meaning ood re'exammetion and aemaps ‘edatinon. ‘The particular way that tne formal structure Ie eveloped trough 2 agonal shift man Tested n'a eretural vedunganey i pemeps ny one manne to make such formal om ‘episas compression, elongation. ane (ror ty eco opraa, i emai frre Brincipies or aromteclonie re underlying these rlanionehipe whieh might help datine ‘Second, while the ciagramse whieh attempt \o descise these tlatonahipe ae anal, seyret ney ae potently an nega BM ofthe design proces. In aaaihon, the Slagrams act as 9 et of inatuchons: they avempr to make legibie the ‘elalonehips ‘whi an indus! may nol a2 They pro. ie what can be cated a conceptual frame- werk for hie understancing. Finally. stay bein the nature of areitecture {o proven! the rolaionenip Satween sha le {ua in am oruronmont ond some form of Seep structure it may be 2 fundamenal et Inthe making a! srenteeture and beyond @ mere formaliem to take carts regolaiies ‘ihich vet int Soop stvctors and present ‘hom systematiealy fo hat the ure Iss linen mare ie an inherant meaning implied or {entrling any iia choles ang subsequent {ransformation of & deep slructore i Durely ormal one, In flovee fl hare ia Eonedea tor apace ar the sect of legal Secor, Such alogica structure of space Sime not io cemment on the country Rours 4s's cultural symbol bat fo be nevial oth ‘spect ats sising social meaning, imi al

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