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Put the verbs into the correct tenses (simple present or present progressive)

Look ! Sara (go) to the movies.

On her right hand, Sara (carry) her handbag.
The handbag (be) . very beautiful.
Sara usually (put) on black shoes, but now she (wear) . white
5. And look, she (take). an umbrella because it (rain).
b. Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).
1. The receptionist (welcome) .. the guests and (ask) them to
fill in the form
2. The car (break) down and we (have) to walk home.
3. The boys (swim) .. while the girls (sunbath) .
4. My father (come) ., (look) ..and (tell) . to tidy
up my room.
5. While one group (prepare) .. dinner the others (collect)
wood for the campfire.
6. While the parents (have) . breakfast the children (run)
.. about.
7. Martha (turn) .. the light and (go) went to bed.
c. Put the verbs into the correct tense (future: will, going to)
1. Mary (wake). at 8 a.m.
2. I think I (start).my trip tomorrow.
3. Tomorrow I (start).. my Construction project.
4. Cindy (think). about her actions next time.
5. The train (leave).. at noon.
6. We(have) . dinner at a nice restaurant on 5 th Avenue on Sunday.
7. On Saturday at 8 I (meet) friend over at Angelos place.
8. They (to fly).. to London on Friday.
9. The English lesson (start).. at 8:45.
10.My mom (cook). dinner tonight.
d. Traduceti propozitiile folosind timpurile potrivite:
1. Ana merge la scoala in fiecare dimineata.
2. Marius merge spre facultate in acest moment.
3. Cand mergeam spre casa am trecut pe langa turnul parasit al orasului.
4. M-am trezit, am mancat si dupa am plecat.
5. Scriu aceste exercitii de 10 minute.
6. Susan a scris 5 scrisori.
7. Desi am incercat, nu am reusit inca sa termin de facut proiectul .
8. Am terminat deja de mancat.
9. Mary are de gand sa ajunga in acasa pana la ora 8.
10.El va incepe sa lucreze la proiect de maine.
12.Am fost martora la un accident.
13. Nu stiam cum sa reactionez in aceasta situatie.
14.Astazi l-am cunoscut pe colegul meu Mike.
15.Bunica isi va hrani nepotul de 5 ani.

16.Mi-am facut curat in camera in timp ce am ascultat muzica.

17.Nu mai am bani.
18.A iesit din casa trantind usa.
19.Raluca a strigat in somn.
20.Colega mea de camera hraneste porumbei in acest moment.

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