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The CCCNJ Weekly Prayer Requests

1/27/ 10
Scripture: " 1Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies
as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. "

Weekly Theme: “ The Mandarin Ministry ”

1. We are thankful for the pastorship of Pastor and Mrs. Tim Chen; Pray that God would help
them to know their sheep more deeply, and send Holy wisdom and ability to them for His
use in His work.
2. Pray for the fellowship leaders, cell group leaders, Sunday school teachers, and coworkers.
3. Pray for more faithful, spirit-filled, humble brothers and sisters to serve Him.
4. Pray for more brothers and sisters to build God’s altar in their families, to worship Him
earnestly, and to set good examples for their children.
5. Pray for the Mission organizations﹕ Chinese Gospel Broadcasting Center Inc;
Missionaries﹕ Rev. Lan-Tien Wang, and Seminary student﹕Mark Shen; Also pray for
the peace and safety of those brothers and sisters who are on overseas short-term

---English and Youth Ministry:

1. Pray for David Hsieh and Tim Chia for this Sunday’s preaching and chairing .
2. Pray for youths and adults as they pray for direction on their participation in STM.
3. Pray for FEAST as the series on 2 Corinthians begins in February.
4. Pray for lessons learned in the ‘Truth Project’ have impact in the life of the attendees.
5. Pray for the 6 fellowship groups and the leaders. Pray that more people who are not in any
regular fellowship will come to attend.
--- People:
1. Health of the many who are suffering: Tim’s neck, Fenny’s spine, Mauro’s prostate cancer
treatment, Elder Lee’s heart and kidney, Anna Chau’s shoulder.
2. Job seeking: Fred, Jill, Rob.
3. Pregnant Moms:, Wei, Fran, Ann.
4. New moms: Beverly, Jenny, Jennifer.
5. Yuey: Bill, Amy, Kevin.
6. Hannig: Markus, Kathy, Emmanuel, Elijah.
--- Children Ministry:
1. Please pray for ages 2 & 3 Sunday school teachers: Lily Cui and Lina Chen; assistants: Ren Li
and Lillian Xie. Pray that the Lord give them strength as they plant the seeds of children’s faith.
2. Please pray for all parents as they build good characters in their children, the Lord will give them
wisdom and patience.
--- National:
• Victims and rescue workers in Haiti due to the earthquake.

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