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Recorded Problem Steps

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Recorded Problem Steps

This file contains all the steps and information that was recorded to help you describe the problem to others.
Before sharing this file, you should verify the following:

The steps below accurately describe the problem.

There is no information below or on any screenshots that you do not want others to see.

Problem Steps

Step 1: Open your Web Browser

Step 2: Go to ""
Step 3: Click "Downloads"

Step 4: Click "Community (GPL) Downloads" under MySQL Community Edition

mhtml:file://C:\Users\User\Desktop\PSR MySQL Setup\PSR MySQL Setup.mht


Recorded Problem Steps

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Step 5: Select "Download" under MySQL Community Server (GPL)

Step 6: Select "Windows (x86, 64-bit), MySQL Installer MSI"

mhtml:file://C:\Users\User\Desktop\PSR MySQL Setup\PSR MySQL Setup.mht


Recorded Problem Steps

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Step 7: Click "Windows (x86, 32-bit), MSI Installer"

Step 8: Click "No thanks, just start my download"

mhtml:file://C:\Users\User\Desktop\PSR MySQL Setup\PSR MySQL Setup.mht


Recorded Problem Steps

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Step 9: Once downloaded, go through the installer and install only the MySQL Server (no other connectors, etc.)

mhtml:file://C:\Users\User\Desktop\PSR MySQL Setup\PSR MySQL Setup.mht


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