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COMPETENCY 11- Student Personnel

Specific Task

Knowledge of principles of discipline, student control, etc.

Related Tasks:

11.2.2 Analyze discipline referral and suspension data for a school year to identify the nature and
frequency of student misbehavior. Based on findings, recommend a plan to reduce most common
form of misconduct.

11.2.6 Observe the administration of discipline and participate in informal and formal due process

11.2.8 Survey or interview staff members regarding their perceptions of problems that arise during
implementation of the school discipline policy and what they recommend to overcome the

Narrative Description of Specific Task

Develop a data analysis process of the students that are visiting the office. From there develop a
plan to lessen student traffic in the office. Work closely with the behavior committee within the school
building to develop a plan that works for all staff and office personnel.

Description and Analysis of the Administrative Activities

Office traffic was tracked for the month of February. Before the data was tracked I met
with our building secretary to discuss what the high traffic requests for the office. We

developed a list of five items which included discipline, lunch supervision, phone calls,
temperature, and copies. This did not track the phone calls of parents into the school. Our office
is a very high traffic area and often time is full of many students with different requests. Data
was tracked and compiled. After the data was gathered I presented the findings to our school
behavior committee. Through this data and the amount of traffic that was seen, the behavior
committee, along with the principal of our building, decided to repurpose the At-risk liaison
duties. The at-risk liaison was repurposed to become a behavior room within the building. This
would lessen the student traffic throughout the day. The room also became an isolated lunch
room throughout the lunch periods. No longer would students eat lunch in the office. They now
come to the at-risk classroom. At the request of many teachers, after school detention was also
reestablished within the building.

Reflection on Lessons Learned

The office was too high traffic of an area throughout the day. Many important and eyeopening conversations happened regarding the data that was collected. Our building has about
400 students. On average, our office was seeing an average of 150 student visits for five
requests. As an educational system it is important to protect the classroom, but the student visits
were getting out of control. Many honest conversations were had regarding student discipline
and office visits. Teachers wanted to protect the classroom instruction. After reaching a new
policy on discipline, copies, and phone calls all parties involved seem to be happy about the
resolution. No teacher believed that the office was as busy or as hectic throughout the day as the
data showed. This was eye opening to them and very beneficial for teachers, who are usually in

their classroom, to analyze. Due to this data analysis and subsequent conversations, office traffic
has diminished.



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