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COMPETENCY X- Leadership

Related Task: Job Shadowing

Narrative Description of Task:

Spend a minimum of one entire day (including after school and evening responsibilities, if any)
shadowing the cooperating administrator.

Narrative Description:

Assist administrator, when appropriate, in accomplishing responsibilities. Maintain a journal of

activities and prepare a thoughtful analysis of the number, nature and focus of activities, and with whom
the administrator interacted. Describe and assess the decision making process and style used by the
administrator in responding to various categories of demands or problems. Identify several crucial
lessons the day taught about the art of administration and school leadership.

Description and Analysis of the Administrative Activities

Throughout the course of my job clinical experience I had substantial time and
conversations with my administrator. I had full disclosure of all activities that were happening
within the school district as well as our building. Each Wednesday throughout the semester I
would meet with my administrator and debrief about specific topics such as evaluation,
discipline, staff morale, state assessment, and building staffing.
I also had the opportunity to fill in for my administrator when he was out of the building.
Activities throughout the day included but were not limited to student discipline, staff
communication, and parent communication. The day and a half was fast paced and involved.

Reflection on Lessons Learned

Keeping a fast pace throughout the day is vital as an administrator. A leader of a building
has many different hats that they are required to wear. The largest lesson I learned through this
process was communication is the key. Communication between staff, students, and parents
must be concise but well thought out. It is the leaders responsibility to remain in control of all
situations. Especially with parents, this is vital. A leader must be available for parents and
willingly answer all of their questions until they are completely satisfied. Another lesson learned
was the time that discipline and evaluation takes out of an administrators day. Both are key to
running a successful building.



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