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COMPETENCY 3- Community Relations

Specific Task

Knowledge of methods of communicating with staff and community.

Related Tasks

Provide consultant assistance to the executive committee of PTA.


Demonstrate techniques for effectively involving the community in establishing

educational goals.

Define a role and work with a parent group and/or advisory committee.

Narrative Description of Specific Task

Create and implement a Family Night Out program. This program will offer families a
non-threatening free evening at Garner Elementary School. This will help get families into our
building and offer free activities to our ever changing socio-economic population. Funds will be
provided through our school PTA. Activities may include but are not limited to: movie night,
BINGO, school dance, family picnic.

Description and Analysis of the Administrative Activities

Clios average socio-economic level is continuing to lower. Many of the families that are
served within our district are facing first generational poverty. Families having extra funds
where they can spend money on nonessential activities are growing fewer. I approached the
school PTA and asked them for a budget in order to provide free family nights for our students

and their families. These events are planned bi-monthly and take place on Friday evenings.
Each event is completely free of charge. Staff members sign up and facilitate the event. The
PTA only supplies the money for each event, so they are able to participate as a family as well.
Presently we have had movie nights, beach blanket BINGO, school dance, math game nights, as
well as a family picnic.

Reflection on Lessons Learned

These events can be a very powerful when they are planned and run correctly.
Unfortunately, one of the hurdles was getting staff members on board. Some were unwilling to
participate and help outside of the school day. This was unforeseen but many staff members
were on board and willing to help out. Another lesson learned was that parents need adequate
time to plan and adjust schedules in order to attend. The first event that we held we planned well
in advance and hand many social media posts, newsletters, and fliers that went home. Our
attendance and participation was strong across each grade level. For our second event I did not
do as much publicity and our attendance was not as high. When I had the third event, I did as
much publicity as I did for the first one and attendance was strong again. Family members were
all very excited about each event.


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