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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Attach pictures of worksheet to the last page of this lesson.

Is Chocolate Scarce?
Name: Kelly OConnor
I. Goal(s)/Objective(s)/Standard(s)
A. Goal(s)
Students will understand economic concepts.
B. Objective(s)
Given real life scenarios students will begin to recognize the concept of scarcity,
explain the concept correctly, and develop their own example.
C. Standard(s)
IDOE: 3.4.1 Give examples from the local community that illustrate the scarcity of productive
resources. Explain how this scarcity requires people to make choices and incur opportunity
costs*. Scarcity: the idea that resources are limited in relation to peoples wants Productive
Resources: human resources, natural resources, and capital resources used to produce goods and
services Opportunity cost: term used in economics, to mean the value of the best alternative
that would have been chosen instead. For example, if a city decides to build a hospital on some
vacant land, the opportunity cost is the other things that might have been done with that same
land instead.
ISTE: Creativity and Innovation; students demonstrate creative thinking, construct
knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. (c) Use models and
simulations and explore complex systems and issues.
Skills: Literacy Skills; Define and apply discipline-based conceptual vocabulary
NCSS- 7. Production, Distribution and Consumption; This theme provides for the study of
how people organize for the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services,
and prepares students for the study of domestic and global economic issues.

Management: time, materials, space, behavior

Materials: 1 or 2 bag(s) of Hersheys Miniatures (Mr. Goodbar, White chocolate,
Krackel, etc), 2 Worksheet copied for all students, calculator, computer for Youtube
clip of song, exit ticket.
Anticipatory Set: Time (3 minutes), Space (desks)
Lesson Presentation: Time (15 minutes), Space (desks)
Guided Practice: Time (5 minutes), Space (desks)
Closure: Time (2 minutes), Space (desks)
Independent Practice: Time (5 minutes), Space (desks)
Management: Pull cards, Keep students engaged throughout lesson to avoid
behavioral problems, reward with the chocolate candy at end if students behave.

Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

II. Anticipatory Set:

I will begin lesson with a portion of the song by the Rolling Stones: You Cant Always
Get What You Want.
In a grand conversation I will ask students what this song makes them think of? Have you
ever wanted something you could not have?
I will explain that this song is a good indication of what economics is.
This song explains our economic term for today so well!

III. Purpose: Today we are going to learn all about a term called scarcity and how it relates to
our wants, goods, and services.
IV. Lesson Presentation:
Our wants are nearly unlimited, but the goods and services available to meet these desires are
limited. This is a real challenge for many people around the world. 40% of the worlds
population receive only 5% of the income.
We will discuss scarcity with a simple illustration; I will demonstrate how 40% of the worlds
population receives only 5% of the income by dividing the class into the bottom 40% and the top
20% quickly at their desks. I will show them one dollar in change and that the 40% only gets a
nickel out of the dollar and the top 20 percent gets 75 cents and the remaining 40% gets the rest.
This will open up the discussion of scarcity. Relating to real life scenarios for students to connect
their learning.
Can you live on a nickel? How does that make everyone else feel? Etc.
On the board I will already have written the definition and reveal it to the class. Using the
following example I will demonstrate the concept.
On the front table I will dump a large pile of mini candy bars. The pile will be large enough so
that there are far more candy bars than people in the classroom.
Without counting can someone tell me if the candy here on the table is scarce?
Student will most likely respond by saying NO, since there is enough candy for every student to
have one [Keep in mind that scarcity is based on the number of candies that the students want,
not whether or not there is enough for everyone to have one.]
At this time I will pass out the first worksheet in order to determine if the candy is scarce.
On this recording sheet I want you to write the number of candies you want for each type of
candy. For instance I really like milk chocolate so I would write (50) and for the dark chocolate
that I do not like I would write (5) because maybe I could give it to my mom who loves that type
of chocolate! When you are finished filling out the sheet raise your hand and I will come around
to collect.
Prior to this lesson I will have the total amount of each candy counted and written down on a
post-it. I will ask students when their group is done to count their totals. Then I will collect these

Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

sheets and add up all the numbers. On the board I will write the total number of candies under
each candy type and the total number of candies students desire underneath.
Now that we see the comparison of the total number of candies desired, and the number
available to distribute. Do you still believe that the candies are not scarce? [It is very possible
that some types of candy will be scarce and others will not be. Special Dark, for example, is not
usually scarce when doing this activity with young students who dont like dark chocolate.]
If candy is scarce, I will ask students for suggestions on how to divide the limited number of
candy bars. [They might tell me to divide them equally, to base it on the best grades on a recent
test, etc.]
V. Guided Practice:
After the lesson presentation I will pass out the second worksheet to all students. On the
overhead video projector I will show my copy of the worksheet for students to see. I will first
explain the directions then I will demonstrate by completing the first question.
Now we are going to practice our knowledge of scarcity through a worksheet activity. We will
go over the first question together on the overhead board. Please do not move on to the next
question until I instruct you to do so.
After modeling the first question, together as a class we will complete the two other scenarios on
the worksheet.
When the worksheet is complete I will ask for students to hold on to flip their worksheet over to
VI. Closure:
On the back of your worksheet I would like you to respond to the question, how did you
felt when you did not get all the candy you wanted? Also, how you feel when your
choice resulted in other people receiving candy?
After students answer the two questions, in a grand conversation we will discuss how
they felt. I will touch on the theme less is more Students had less candy but they felt
good about everyone having an equal share with the candy.
Through this grand conversation I will assess students understanding of the lesson. If I feel they
understand I will move on if they do not I will re-teach.
VII. Independent Practice/Extending the Learning:
Play the song again. Have them respond to why this song relates.
At this time I will re-play a portion of the song You cant always get what you want. On a half
sheet of paper that I will be handing out, I will ask students to write down why this song relates
to the lesson on economics. Why did I choose to play this song?
When you are finished writing down your answer to my question why did I choose this song for
this lesson, how does it relate? You may bring your half sheet of paper to me. Those of you who
do not finish in class will be assigned to finish at home.
VIII. Assessment:

Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Formative: I will check for understanding by asking questions throughout the lesson. I
will also assess their understanding by walking around the room while they work to see if
they are answering question correctly. Students will answer in their own words what they
believe scarcity is, I will assess their understanding according to their answers.

Summative: Worksheets students fill out during independent practice will be graded
assessing their understanding of the lesson. End of the week test on economics that Mrs.
Durr will give students will assess their understanding of scarcity.

IX. Adaptations:
Exceptional Needs: Students who have problems with vision will be seated nearest to the
Enrichment: Students who master objectives in a faster rate will surround students who
comprehend information at a slower rate.
Remediation: For students who do not understand content I will stop by their desk during
independent work and explain one-on-one. In advanced I will have those students who
learn at a faster rate help out those who have trouble.
ESL: Mario H. will sit by students whose first language is English.
X. Technology Inclusion:
The video camera projector will be used during this lesson, along with the computer to
play a video clip (song).
Self-Answer Questions
1. How many students achieved the objective? For those that did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
a. Blooms Taxonomy
b. Gardners Multiple Intelligences
7. Was this lesson long enough or was the worksheet too short?
8. Would it be more beneficial for students to work in groups or partners during activity?
9. Were students engaged throughout the lesson or do they need more opportunities to get up and
be active?

Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Worksheet 1: Is Chocolate Scarce?

Name: ____________________

In the front of the room is a pile of candy. If candy were given away to you for
free, how many pieces would you want? Record your desire for each type of candy
listed below.





Tootsie Fruit Rolls:





Total Pieces Desired:



Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

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