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Emma Steever

Aural/Oral Tonal Dialogue- Improvisation Activity Plan

1. Summary of Lesson:
In this lesson, students will learn a major tonality, duple meter song. They will
learn how to differentiate between and improvise tonal patterns on a neutral
syllable in dialogue-improvisation.
2. Student Characteristics and Prior Knowledge:
The students are in second grade and at the Aural/Oral Skill Level. Eighty percent
of the students have sung major tonal patterns in Teacher and Evaluation modes
and have participated in dialogue-imitation activities. The students are ready for
differentiation and dialogue-improvisation, and will now be assessed on their
ability to improvise melodic tonal patterns.
3. Learning Goals/Objectives/ National Standards:
1. Sing improvisatory tonal/melodic responses in major or minor tonality.
a. In the context of major tonality, students will improvise melodic tonal
patterns on neutral syllables.
2. Differentiate between characteristic tonal patterns in major and minor
a. Students will differentiate between characteristic tonal patterns in
major tonality.
3. Sing improvisatory melodic responses in major and minor tonalities
a. Students will improvise melodic responses to those given by the
teacher in major tonality.
4. National/Delaware Standards:
1. Sing alone and with others a varied repertoire of music.
1.2 Sing on pitch within the appropriate singing range.
3.1 Improvise melodically with voice or instruments.
3.3 Improvise unaccompanied melodies.
4. Assessment Strategies:
I will record the degree to which students improvise melodic tonal patterns within
the context of major tonality using an observational checklist (See at end of
Activity Plan).
5. Instructional Materials:
Whos That Tapping at the Window?- Content: JRI Book 1, p. 320
Microphone for teacher to hold and have students sing to
Series of 3-pitch Melodic tonal patterns (DRM, MFS, SFM, MRD, DTD) See at
end of Activity Plan
6. Teaching Methods/ Instructional Procedures/ Learning Activities:
1. T and S are seated in a circle, and T sings the tonal sequence in major tonality.
2. T sing the song on a neutral syllable and has S keep the MB by swaying from
a seated position to the MB.
3. T sings song with words and S keep MB through swaying, and keep mb by
tapping fingers on their knees.

Emma Steever
Aural/Oral Tonal Dialogue- Improvisation Activity Plan
4. After two repetitions, T will engage students in differentiation. T tell S that
she will sing two patterns and the students are to show whether they are
audiating same or different patterns using hand signals.
5. T sings a melodic patter (DRM), then sings the same patterns (DRM) again. S
show whether they audiated same or different with hand signals (Same).
6. T sings a melodic pattern (DTD), then sings a different melodic pattern
(MRD). S show whether they audiated same or different patterns with hand
signals (Different).
7. T sings the song again to re-establish context. T repeats differentiation several
times, observing students ability to discriminate between patterns.
8. T brings out microphone and sings a pattern into the microphone. T informs S
to all sing a different pattern into the microphone.
9. After allowing S to try different patterns at the same time, T sings pattern into
the microphone, and then directs microphone to one student for them to
improvise their own pattern.
10. T sings several melodic patterns for many S to have a turn, and then sings the
song again to re-establish context.
11. T repeats steps 9 & 10 several times, recording which students improvised
cohesively in major tonality.
12. T concludes the activity by singing the song.
7. Possible Pitfalls and Teachable Moments:
1. Students do not sing melodic patterns accurately.
a. T will engage S in differentiation of melodic patterns.
b. T will have S imitate same melodic patterns
8. Extensions:
1. This activity should be repeated in minor tonality.
Achievement Record
Major Tonality: Improvise Melodic and Harmonic Tonal Patterns
Melodic Patterns
KEY: I= Teaching Mode; X = Evaluation Mode; 0 = No Attempt

Emma Steever
Aural/Oral Tonal Dialogue- Improvisation Activity Plan

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