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Miranda Poloncak

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I am placed in a second grade classroom that is composed with a high English Language
Learners (ELL) population. My student is a second grade girl who my cooperating
teacher says has a strong love for literacy and writing. She is an ELL student (for her
Spanish but is very adapt at speaking English), and she gets pulled for fifteen minute
during language arts to work with a specialist. She is at a second grade level for reading
and writing. The cooperating teacher says that the student loves it when she (the teacher)
puts new books out at the start at each unit and immediately peruses them. She was very
enthusiastic when I asked at work with her and below is the interview that I conducted
with her.
1) I asked her to circle the types of literature that she enjoys reading. The ones
highlighted are the ones she liked.


Science Fiction








2) Do you read at home, if so who reads to you?

Yes, I have a lot of books at home. My mom reads to me and I sometimes read to myself.
3) What kind of music do you like?
Pop music like Arianna Grande and Selena Gomez. She added that she wants to read
about Arianna Grande.
4) What forms of literature do you like to read?
Chapter Book

Picture Book





5) What do you like to write about?






Make Believe/ Fiction

6) What are your favorite books?

The student loves historical biographies about famous Americans like Helen
Keller and Martin Luther King Jr..
7) What are your favorite and least favorite subjects?
My favorite is either PE and Language Arts. Math or lunch are my least favorite,
because the lunch ladies are really mean and they are always flicking the lights.
8) What is your favorite thing that youve learned so far this year?
About the Native Americans and the different tribes.
9) What do you want to be when you grow up?
A mom, a soccer player, or a doctor
10) What would you do if you had three magic wishes?
An iPad, the travel around the world, and to not go to school
11) If you could miss school for one day and do whatever you wanted, what would you
Go to Disneyworld with my cousin
12) What is your favorite kind of food?
Italian food, Pizza and Spaghetti
13) What is you least favorite food?
Any vegetable.
14) Have you travelled anywhere with your family on vacation, if so where?

I go to the beach I dont know which one. Ive never been on a plane.
15) What is your favorite thing to do?
Play with my cousins.

For the writing sample I asked for her to write about whatever she liked, and I
told her that I would write at the same time then would share what each of us wrote. I
wrote about Hippopotamuses and she wrote about fact on Pueblo Indians. She recently
learned about Native American tribes, and she showed me a poster that she helped make
on the Pueblo Indians. Her writing choice might have been swayed by the fact that she
recently did a PALs assessment that used a Native American themed prompt. She talked
about how kids used to work like men in planting, where they live, and about their
clothes. She was very diligent in her writing taking her time to the point that she had to
stop and continue it later, which she was a little disappointed about. In terms of her
grammar in her writing, she had inappropriate use of capitalization in her sentences but
understand that she needs to capitalize the p in Pueblo. She also confused when to add a d
to the end of certain words. For the most part she kept her words in the stanzas and did
have a space between all of her words all of her letters are in the correct direction though
the words are varied in size and a little choppy at times.

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