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Clare Harwood

Professor Wansor
Education 225
Spring 2015
Final lesson plan
Students will be able to define what an archaeologist is, how they find artifacts, and why
their job is important to us.
Students will be able to gather, evaluate and research information about a famous
Students will be able to create a mini-lesson about an archaeologist through an
Educreations video.
Standard 3 Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather,
evaluate, and use information.
o Performance Indicator A: Plan strategies to guide inquiry
SMART Board and computer
At least five iPads
White boards (one for each student)
White board markers (one for each student)
Developmental Sequence

Have students grab a white board and marker before sitting down on the carpet in front of
the SMART Board.
Open lesson by telling children that they will be learning about famous archaeologists,
what they do for a living, how they do their work, and why they are important to us.
Bring up the KWL Chart (slide one) on the SMART Board.
Have students T/P/S about what they know about archaeology and what they want to
learn about archaeology and famous archaeologists.
o Give students about two minutes to converse with one another for each section of
the KWL.
o If needed, prompt students to think about what an archaeologist looks for, how
they find objects and bones, what tools they could use, etc.
Once students have done the think and pair part of the T/P/S, have students raise their
hands to give you answers to write up on the board for the two columns.
After having reviewed what students Know and what they Want to learn, move on to next
Using a Popsicle stick container with the students names in it, pull out four different
students names to share with the class what they thought an archaeologist is and what

their job entails. (Leave out the students names pulled out so other students can be
picked that havent answer questions yet)
Discuss with students the definition of an archaeologist to make sure students have a firm
understanding of what one is.
o Definition of an archaeologist: the study of the past by looking for the remains
and artifacts (historical things) left by the people who lived long ago.
o Archaeology is a science that studies past cultures and the way people lived based
on the things they left behind
Once the first question is reviewed, use the Popsicle stick container again to pick four
different students to answer the questions What do archaeologists do to find these
artifacts and human remains?
Here is some information that you should look for from the students and go over if they
do not understand.
o They survey, excavate and analyze data.
o They use: handpicks, brushes, pointed bricklayers trowels , hand shovels,
dustpans, whisk brooms, stakes, string, cameras, notebooks and pencils and
sometimes a bulldozer.
o Archaeologists dig in a scientific way with neat, organized, square holes on a grid
system. By doing this they can record everything they find and where the items
were found.
o Excavation: most artifacts are buried in the ground and archaeologists must dig
them up.
o These remains can include old coins, tools, buildings, and garbage.
If the students do not understand the question and dont know how to answer it, discuss
how archaeologists go about finding these artifacts and remains with the information
given above.
Move onto the second slide which has the interactive matching game on what tools
archaeologists use.
Have students come up to the board and match the answers to either the tools or not tools
that archaeologists use.
o Although this is a pretty simple exercise, if a student misplaces an answer, take
the chance to explain to the class about why it might not work there.
o One example would be the hammer. It would be difficult for archaeologists to use
this tool because they want to be careful around the artifacts they are excavating.
Once the answers have all been placed, ask students why are archaeologists important?
Have students do the T/P/S process in order to discuss the reasons behind why
archaeologists are important to us.
Using the Popsicle stick routine, have four students answer the question.
Once having four students answer, make sure to go over the reasons thoroughly if the
students dont understand why its important.
o There are no written records for 99% of human history; this is one of the reasons
why archaeology is so important.
o Archaeology helps us understand how humans evolved and culture developed.

o Archaeology has helped us learn how early human societies used fire, stone tools,
metals and agriculture.
o Studying the past actually helps scientists understand the present and can
sometimes help scientists predict the future.
Move to the third slide titled but WHY are they important to us?
Have students come up to the board and match up the words to the short sentences.
o Review any answers that might have been placed in the wrong spot.
Ask students to give thumbs up/thumbs down if they understand what archaeology is,
what tools archaeologists use to find artifacts, and why they are important and if they
have any burning questions that they are dying to ask about archaeology.
Turn to the fourth slide and push the sound buttons linked to the objects as a fun way to
end the more lecture part of the lesson. It also is a good transition into the project part of
the lesson.
Now introduce the main assignment and research project that the students will be doing.
Tell students that they need to find two other people to partner with (three people to a
Let them know they will be creating their own mini lesson, through the Educreations app
on the five iPads available, on a famous archaeologist. They will be randomly assigned
one of the five archaeologists: Howard Carter, Kathleen Kenyon, Louis Leakey, Gertrude
Bell, and Sir Arthur Evans.
o Pull up the resources slide up onto the board. Let students know that these are just
a few resources they can use to find the information needed for the project.
HOWEVER, they are expected to also do research outside of these websites to
add even more information to their lessons.
o Let students know that each student in the group needs to be a part of the
recording for the lesson. Each person should have an equal part in the lesson
creating and recording.
o Go through the steps of creating an Educreations lesson with the students so they
understand how to use it.
o Also go over the safety and responsibility rules of using the computers available
to them in the classroom.
As the students start their research, assist when needed and make sure that everyone is
getting equal time using the computers and iPads.
When students start to get their lessons together just make sure they are on the right track
and the lesson is coming together nicely.
Have students present their lessons on the SMART Board to the entire class a week later
so everyone can compare and learn about other archaeologists.

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