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Please place School Stamp here: EDFX316 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 368 PROGRAM INTERIM REPORT ee re pate 10/10 I seroot hoc Crock Stoke School — yoarrtove_4/3 TEACHER AS PROFESSIONAL __ErEvident CleEmerging Not Evident _ Responsibility for Personal Development * Reflects on set practice Sc Tan 7 + Identifies individual challenges Smead “ bee proach + Establishes goals ua Sseting honcelf Col aud ‘+ Implements change be. i + Responds pro-actively to advice ied Locked auct acted an Professional attitudes and practices j - —— + Emincs scominen wade TSCaod hor shan + Evi : Respects individual differences nachcal aud ole | * Behaves in an ethical manner attctude aud dowmoathake + Demonstrates appropriate dress standards fo Oo chu do betty Demonstrates flexibility and initiative " Reaching Aud loanung Professional relationships within the school community = Functions as a team member Wey worked to v uaa, © Establishes positive working relationships 1 2 Communicates appropiatey wihatters LACHES Ant show mahahye ia eniug clp . DlEmerging CONot Evident TEACHER AS PLANNER Dé + Gonfent knowledge Bunad v Well ogerurtec Planning ee ‘© Organisation and Preparedness Jaud preporecl axd hal © Motivation Iu toed . ty i + Inclusive and flexible lie foun good Caden luc dye Using Knowledge - — + Appleation offering theories [Smead hau ute 1T Aut ‘+ Application of knowledge of relevant et “Oud i curriculum JShacn soi hucds nee | _ Use of information technology and resources A lack Cumiculumn a* | © Decision making "i Z salen ® Problem solving |hou Shane gpecl Olegsi0. wale laud qrokken- cd TO 4, l Seaellone cppawding apicahen. F larg Hhgovnes Monitoring and Assessing Learning f Student progress Snead bos sel Aiforecr Assessment strategies / instruments q b Ue . eee forms q feedback .Te wea. * Records of progress Reovds TEACHER IN ACTION Dévident DlEmerging Not Evident ‘Communication = Confidence 5; Ae ae pad Enthusiasm and manner Smoacl cofden| + Written communication eultusathe Aud conmumiqhy Verbal communication . + Follows established routines and procedures }O "0. | VAuGe C : + Motivates and engages leamers Simaad Ulel a vaug dave! © Uses a range of teaching strategies Neaching Svateguer pr Wu * Questions, explanations and promotes ud engage incluca—g wed} discussions Hh a On! + Extends student learning ae ; a wing Managing students and the learning context 5 = + Establishes a positive leaming context Sued Lou edebithid a— + Transitions between lessons poeihne ie Mins CAdrtex fan + Manages time and resources Wet ‘ to Work On? MAKaging Thar | + Responds to inappropriate student behaviour | {UV OV Slat tele! Put Sh a (SCA MH COMMENT: | . si Blas shows hesell fo be commute ct to ease g aud “uia Pro AChNe mo Sho Lor Aken fi oO . -ShL ye oe telly Ao je PG akgds " saccatl PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE PROGRAM RESULT: AT Risk Satisfactory mw Associate Teacher Sy HOODS Date: fifi z oe Principal: SS ES Oo.. Date: C heace aucl Number of PEP days completed: [/] | Days ‘The EDFX213 Protessiqnal Experience 2B Final Report has been discussed with me. Pre-Service Teacher: Date: 2efog Ld By “This report has Been oa This form can be completed online at ag A 4 soy acted au/PEPQLD Australigustfalian Catholic Uni of Educatior Fe yc 2

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