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The Golden Goblet Writing / Homework Portfolio The Golden Goblet Table of Contents Writing Acti Completion Checkmark Points Possible Points Earned Daydreams, 5 - Pride & Accomplishments 5 34 Two Activities, 5-6 3 A Better Life, 7-8 5 A Fear, 9-10 3 Secrets, 11-12 5 A Film Director, 13-14 5 —— A New Scene, 15-16 oe 5 Epilogue, 17 5 Chapters 1-3 ee 10 Chapter 4 ee 5 Chapters 5-6 - 5 ee Chapters 7-8 ee 5 Chapters 9-10 5 a Chapters 11-12 ee 5 ee Chapters 13-14 _ 5 — Chapters 15-16 ee $ Creative Cover 10 ‘he Golden Goblet — Yafeiting Activities Everyone has daydreams. Sometimes the daydreams we have when we are young become a reality later on. Our daydreams often begin with the thought, “If only.." Write about a daydream you have had that begins in this way. Complete while reading chapter 1 and 2 Ranofer was filled with pride and delight when Rekh let him make the gold leaves for the necklace. Describe a time you accomplished something that made you feel a similar kind of pride. Complete after chapter 3 and 4 What task or activity do you despise about all others? Which activity is your favorite? Use a T-chart to make notes about the two activities, Then use your notes to write a brief two-paragraph comparison the two activities. Complete while reading chapter 5 and 6 Daily meetings with Heget and the Ancient give Ranofer a much brighter outlook on life. Even though he is stil at the stonecutter’s, how is his life better because of his friends? How do your friends make your life better? Complete while reading chapter 7 and 8 Ranofer is very frightened as he follows Gebu at night. Almost everyone fears the unknown at some time, Describe a time you were afraid of something your rational side told you could not exist. Complete while reading chapter 9 and 10 Sometimes it’s a good idea to keep secrets, and other times it’s better not to. Write a paragraph about each instance. Be sure to give several examples of the kinds of secrets you would keep, and those you would not. ‘Complete while reading chapter 11 and 12 Imagine you are a film director who wants the events in Chapters 13 and 14 extremely suspenseful and exciting Make a list of the scenes and events you will show Under each, list special effects, music, and stage directions for the actors. Add anything else you can think of that will make your film suspenseful that everyone will be holding their breath in anticipation. Complete while reading chapter 13 and 14 ‘Add a scene that does not appear in the novel, but might have. For example, write the scene in which Ranofer tells Zau that he is now ready to become his student, the scene at the tomb when the guards catch Gebu and ‘Wenamon, a scene a year later when Heget, Ranofer, and the Ancient meet at the thicket by the river, or any other scene you want to create. Complete while reading chapter 15 and 16 Epilogue ‘The Golden Goblet — Yafriting Activities You will have to delete the blank spaces after typed work 1. Daydreams: (chapters 1 & 2) 2. Pride & Accomplishments: (chapters 3 & 4) 3. Two Activities: (chapters 5 & 6) 4. A better (chapters 7 & 8) 5. A Fear: (chapters 9 & 10) 6. Secrets: (chapters 11 & 12) 7. A Film Director: (chapters 13 & 14) 8. A New Scene: (chapters 15 & 16) 9. Epilogue: This should be very long ‘The Golden Goblet Character Jdentification Complete these 16 chatacters by end of book 1. Rekh- Heget - Huaa— 4, Thutra — 5, 6. Thutmose Zobek ~ 7. Wenamon— 8. Qa-nefer— 9. Pai- 10. Lotus ~ 11. Tbni - 12. Ranofer — 13. Queen Tiy 14. Gebu— 15. Zau— 16, Setma ~ 17. Who is the Ancient? The Golden Goblet ~ Chapters 1,2, &> 5 Write a brief description of each character. Ranofer Rekh: Gebu: ‘Thutra: Setma: Ibnit Write the meaning of each Egyptian word. So Answer the following questions on notebook paper or type them up after each que: shenti: neb: deben: kheft: mn, Be sure to rephrase the question in your answer and answer all of the parts of each question. 1 2 What is the setting of the story? Explain who the main character is? What is the problem in the story? Is Ranofer learning to become a goldsmith? Why or why not? Who is Gebu and how does Ranofer feel about him? (Cite details from the story) Why does Ranofer think there is something strange about Gebu’s reaction to the wine? How is Rekh li ¢ and unlike Zau? ‘What seen wineskin? to bother Ranofer most about his suspicions that gold is being smuggled out in the What does Heget have that Ranofer wants? What does Ranofer have that Heget wishes he had? 9. What things from his life before Gebu does Ranofer miss the most? 10. Why doesn’t Ranofer just tell Rekh what he suspects about Ibni? 11. Who does Ranfer meet at the river? 12. What does Ranofer daydream about? 13. Do you think Heget realizes that Ranofer doesn’t get enough to eat? (explain) 14, How does Ranofer feel about not telling Rekh about the wineskins? (why) 15. Why does Heget call his friend “neb Ranofer"? 16, After the work day is done, Ranofer does something that is very courageous? Explain what it 17. What happens to Ranofer when he comes home without the wineskin? 18. With what does Gebu threaten Ranofer if he fails to bring the wineskin the next day? Study for Test on Chapters 1-3 The Golden Goblet — Chapter 4 Answer the following questions on notebook paper or type them up after each question. Be sure to rephrase the question in your answer and answer all of the parts of each question. 1. To what does Ranofer attribute his waking up with a solution to his problem? Why does Ranofer take food to his father’s tomb? 3. What is the major risk that Ranofer must make to implement his plan? 4, How does he know that his risk is not going to be a problem’ What plans do the two boys make? 6. What happens to interfere with their plans? n of each character. 1. Ancient: 2. Lotus: The Golden Goblet — Chapters 5 S- 6 Answer the following questions on notebook paper or type them up after each question, Be sure to rephrase the question in your answer and answer all of the parts of each question. 2, 6 10, Why is so unusual for anyone in Egypt to be out at ni Write a bri How many days does Heget wait before telling Rekh about Ibni’s wineskin? What happens? Why is there a crowd streaming toward the palace? Why is it so important to Egyptians that tombs be filled with valuable possessions, and that the bodies be preserved? What advice does the Ancient give Ranofer regarding the execution? How does the Ancient live? Why is the morning after the execution an especially good one for Ranofer? What causes Ranofer’s good spirits to plummet? What has changed since Ranofer came home to find Wenamon and Gebu talking? Why would it be better if Ranofer were apprenticed as a sculptor rather than a stonecutter? What does Ranofer realize one night as he hears the leather hinge on Gebu’s door squeak? oh? description of each character. Pai: Zahotep: Nebre: The Golden Goblet — Chapter 7 3-8 Answer the following questions on notebook paper or type them up afier each question. Be sure to rephrase the question in your answer and answer all of the parts of each question. 9. What happens to the Nile River every spring? What happens at harvest time? How are the trade shops affected by the harvest? How does Ranofer describe how he feels after he shares his feelings with Heqet? What offer does Heqet make to help Ranofer reach his goal of working as a goldsmith? What tempts Ranofer into meeting Heget at midday? What makes him hesitant to go? How do the boys get into a quarrel? ‘What convinces Ranofer to go ahead and enjoy the food brought by the Ancient and by Heqet? How do you know that Heget and Ranofer trust the Ancient? Where is Ranofer going with Heget on his errand? How did Ranofer act when he arrived at Zau’s and why? 10. How does Ranofer’s daydream compare and contrast with what really happens at Zau's? The Golden Goblet — Chapter 9 S10 Answer the following questions on notebook paper or type them up after each question. Be sure to rephrase the question in your answer and answer all of the parts of each question. 1. How is Ranofer feeling the morning afier the meeting with Zau? 2. Why is Ranofer becoming more resentful that Gebu will not let him have any money? 3. What does Ranofer decide he will do this time as he tries to learn what Gebu is up to? 4. What do the three friends plan to do when Ranofer tells them his suspicions about Gebu? 5. What does the Ancient put on Ranofer’s back? 6. What promise does Ranofer make to the Ancient regarding his plans to follow Gebu? 7. What happens on Ranofer’s first evening of surveillance? 8. How does the spying game become less dull on the night Gebu goes to Wenamon’s house? 9. Why does Ranofer finally decide to follow Gebu at night? 10. How does Ranofer’s hunger- caused by Gebu- lead Ranofer to make a very important discovery? ‘The Golden Goblet — Chapter 11 — 12 Answer the following questions on notebook paper or type them up afier each question. Be sure to rephrase the question in your answer and answer all of the parts of each question. 1. List three things that Ranofer is doing that he would not have done a few months ago? 2. How does Gebu’s behavior when he comes home work against him and for Ranoter? Why didn’t Ranofer take the goblet to Zau? How does he feel as he hurries back to the shop? 4, How dos the Ancient restore Ranofer’s hope? 5. Later, how does bebu restore Ranofer’s hope? 6. What is Gebu’s problem? 7. Where does Gebu hide the goblet the next day? 8. To what day do the three friends look forward? Why? 9, Why doesn’t Ranofer simply go to the palace and explain that the goblet is hidden somewhe scroll room? e in the 10. What information does Heget divulge to Ranofer, and how does Ranofer eff doing anything about it? tively shut Heget out of 11, What last bit of information does the Ancient give Ranofer to help him decide to follow Gebu and Wenamon to the Valley of the Tombs of the Kings? The Golden Goblet — Chapter 13 S14 Answer the following questions on notebook paper or type them up afier each question. Be sure to rephrase the question in your answer and answer all of the parts of each question, 1, Why did Ranofer think “the chances were slim that he would ever taste another honey cake" 2. What is so unpleasant about the winding pathway along which Ranofer follows Gebu? 3. What does Ranofer realize in “a flash of understanding (page 204)? 4. Why did Ranofer follow Gebu and Wenamon into the long tunnel? 5. Why does Ranofer decide to continue down the passage, rather than climb back out and summon help? 6. What is Ranofer thinking about as he follows the tunnel toward the tomb? What is the chipping sound he hears? 7. What is the ushtabi? What happened to it? 8. How does the tomb surprise Ranofer? How does he reaet when he fully understands the nature of the crime taking place? 9, Who are the two people buried in this tomb? Answer the following que: ‘The Golden Goblet ~ Chapter 15 S16 ns on notebook paper or type them up after each question. Be sure to rephrase the question in your answer and answer all of the parts of each question. 2, What thoughts are in Heget’s and the Ancients minds as they turn back toward Thebes? How do you suppose Ranofer felt as he saw his friend Heget running toward him across the sand? Why does Ranofer say he is glad the vulture flew up and startle him? Why is Ranofer so worried about where to go for help? What is it that gave Ranofer the nerve to go to the palace? How do the people who catch Ranofer inside the palace perceive him? Who takes pity on Ranofer and decides to listen to his story? How is his name ironic? Why do you think Qa-nefer’s expression changed after Ranofer mentioned the names and trades of Gebu and Wenamon? What surprised Queen Tiy about Ranofer? How does she treat him? What seems to be Count Zobek’s primary concern? What “royal treatment” does Ranofer receive while he is at the palace? How does the queen thank Ranofer? What does Ranofer ask for? Queen Tiy gives Ranofer a reward he could not buy anywhere. What is that? What does she give Heqet and the Ancient? ‘As Ranofer leads his fine donkey from the pa true. What is it? e, he has another daydream — but this one will come

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