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KET QUA NGHIEN CLL VA UNG DUNG LY THUYET ON DINH DAN HOI CUA DAM TIET DIEN CHOI CO MOT TRUC BOI XUNG CHIU TAI TRONG NGANG Bui Hing Curéng’ Tom tét: 83% b0 gi thigu nl Wy thuyBt trong phn tich én dinh cts dm chu ti trong ngang bat ky, 6 1a: y thuyét ob dién va ly thaydt due xdy dung adn dy bo Tong v3 Zhang. Bai bao phan tich ahiing didm giing va khéc nhaw gia fai i thuy8t. Dua trén phan tich dé, bai bao 66 kién nghi 6 sung véo bik thc thé ning foan phén cia Wy thuyét cb dién. Mat sé vi dy phan tich dn dinh dan héi ea dam due thy hin nhm ching minh vide @p dung bidu thc thé nang toan phan ni {trén vao phuong phap phan td haw han. Ter kha : &n dinh cém, ty thuyét 6n dinn, thé nang toan phn, PTHH. ‘Summary: The paper introduces two theories in the lateral buckling analysis of fboams subjected to an arbitray transversal loading, namely: the classical theory ‘and the new theory developed by Tong and Zhang. The paper analyzes sinilar and iferant points between these two theories. Based on this analysis, he paper has 2 proposition to complement the expression of the total potential energy of the classical theory. Some examples in the elastic lateral buckiing analysis of beams fare performed fo prove the application ofthe above expression ofthe fot potenti! energy to the finite element method. ‘Keywords: lateral buckling of beam, buckling theory, total potential energy, FEM [Nhdn ngdy 19/09/2012, chink site ngay 90/11/2012, chbp mht ding ngdy 18/12/2012 1. Dat van a Lich sir phat tién fy thuyét &n dinh t8ng thé ctia dim 68 duoc hon 100 nam. Nhiing te Cl dau tdn 6 6 la Prandtl va Michell v6i cac nghidn ctu duo céng bé vao nim 1889 vB bal ‘oan én dinh téng thé cia dém don gidn c5 tét dign chir nhét hep, chiu uén thud thy. Tiép theo, Timoshenko da thit ip va idl bai toan én dinh ota dim don gin tt cign chor I chiu un thud tty yao ndm 1905. Timoshenko tiép tye phot trig ly thuyét Bn dinh dm, cac ket qua

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