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Sacko 1

Mohamed Sacko
Debra Dagher
Writing and Inquiry Academic Context II
31 May 2015
Develop a Working Knowledge
On the previous assignment, titled building an interest inventory, I have identified solar
energy as my topic of interest. I believe that I have asked myself the right questions in order to
fulfill my passion which is to offer affordable solar energy to communities in Africa. This
assignment consisted of finding the answers to those questions using diverse sources such as
articles, journals, and websites just to cite a few examples.
The first question I asked myself was: Is it feasible? Yes. Africa has on average 5 to 7
kilowatts of solar energy per square meter (Wang 141). Such high sun radiation is favorable to
the implementation of a solar energy system. In addition, sun energy is free and inexhaustible.
Solar energy has shown promising results and has been used to supply energy for entire
communities such as Solarcity (
Most African countries still rely on technologies harmful to the environment such as
biomass or fuel. While being inefficient, those energy sources also represent a danger for the
future generation. Furthermore, one of the biggest obstacles in solar energy adoption in Africa is
the implementation cost which is relatively high. According to Boxwell, it takes on average 500
to 1000 US dollars to equip a home just for basic energy use. That represents a fortune for most
households. I believe that I have the tool and knowledge necessary to make this project a reality
and I am hoping to lay down the foundations through this inquiry project. The sources that I have
identified in my searches will be very helpful in taking one extra step toward my goal.

Sacko 2
Issues & Policies. SEIA: This website details the Issues and policies involved when it comes to
the implementation of a solar energy system
Research & Resources. SEIA: This website links to valuable resources as well as researches
that have been done previously when it comes to solar energy
Energy Efficiency. DOE: The department of energy website uses statistical data to show the
efficiency of different renewable energy alternatives
Wang, Heng, et al. Proquest: In this research paper, Wang and his colleagues details the
processes of modeling and designing an optimal Solar Energy-Powered Base Station System
Committee for the Assessment of NASA's Space Solar Power Investment Strategy: In the
effort of laying down the foundation of a Space Solar Power, this NASA committee outlines their
strategies into building the most efficient solar energy-based system
Solar Electricity Handbook: In this yearly published handbook, Boxwell explores the
advancement in solar energy technology and details the methods in use
Solar II: How to Design, Build and Set up Photovoltaic Components: As its name implies,
this book by Hurley introduces to the design and set up of a photovoltaic solar system
"Solar Power." The Encyclopedia of Earth: This online encyclopedia regroups useful
information concerning solar energy systems

Sacko 3
"Issues & Policies." SEIA. Solar Energy Industries Association, 2015. Web. 21 May 2015.
"Research & Resources." SEIA. Solar Energy Industries Association, 2015. Web. 21 May 2015.
"Energy Efficiency." DOE. Department of Energy, 2015. Web. 21 May 2015.
Wang, Heng, et al. "Modeling, Metrics, and Optimal Design for Solar Energy-Powered Base
Station System." EURASIP Journal of Wireless Communications and Networking 2015.1
(2015): 1-17. ProQuest. Web. 22 May 2015.
Committee for the Assessment of NASA's Space Solar Power Investment Strategy, and National
Research Council Staff. Laying the Foundation for Space Solar Power. An Assessment of
NASA's Space Solar Power Investment Strategy. Washington, DC, USA: National Academies
Press, 2001. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 21 May 2015.
Boxwell, Michael. Solar Electricity Handbook: A Simple Practical Guide to Solar Energy: How
to Design and Install Photovoltaic Solar Electric Systems. 2015 Edition, Ninth ed. Print.
Hurley, Phillip. Solar II: How to Design, Build and Set up Photovoltaic Components and Solar
Electric Systems. Wheelock, VT: Wheelock Mountain Publications, 2012. Print.
Smith, Eric W. DIY Solar Projects: How to Put the Sun to Work in Your Home. Minneapolis,
Minn.: Creative Pub. International, 2011. Print.
Hogan, C Michael. "Solar Power." The Encyclopedia of Earth. 25 Apr. 2010. Web. 22 May 2015.

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