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Darcy Ledford

June 26, 2015

Classroom Management Plan

Beginning class routine.

a. Roll call, absentees - The students will unpack their backpacks. They will remove their
books, folder, notebook, pencil, lunch money, and any notes from their backpack and
place it on their desk, and they will then hang their backpack in their cubby on their
assigned backpack hook.
b. Lunch Money - The students will return to their seats to sort over their belongings. The
students will place any lunch money or parent notes in the designated basket on the
teachers table. The books will be placed in the desk on the provided shelf. The students
will be left with their folder, notebook, and two pencils on their desk.
c. Lunch option selection - Once the students have put away all of their designated items,
they will grab their name tag off of the wall and place it on one of the three areas that
represent each lunch option. The options will be:
a. the first food choice on the menu, #1
b. the second food choice on the menu, #2
c. brought lunch, lunch box picture
This will show the teacher who is present, absent, and what each student wants for
lunch. The absent students will be made apparent because their name tag will still be
in the beginning position. The lunch selection will be easy to determine by counting
the number of tags that selected either of the two menu options. The teacher will
complete attendance by 8:00
d. Tardies - Any student who comes in and is tardy will follow the same rules, but they will
do the procedures silently to avoid any distractions to the other students who are working.
They must provide a tardy slip from the office, and they must place it in the designated
spot on the teachers desk. The teacher will keep the slips in the students file for any
future verification.
e. Homework - Once the lunch option has been selected, the students will return to their
desk. They will remove their homework from the homework folder and place it on the
corner of their desk, so that the teacher can come around and grade it on the spot or
collect it for later grading.
f. Bellwork - Then the students will use their notebook to work on the bellwork. This will
be done quietly and independently unless otherwise instructed.
g. Reading - After the bellwork has been completed, the student will pull out their
accelerated reading book. They will read independently and quietly, and this will signal to
the teacher who all is finished and who is still working on the bellwork.
h. Distributing Materials - While the students are completing the bellwork or reading
silently, the teacher will take this time to distributed any necessary materials or hand back

any graded paperwork to ensure that students do not see anyone elses comments or

Work Requirement Routine

a. Heading of papers - First thing the student will do once they start a new paper or
handout from the teacher is write their name in the top right corner, and below their name
they will write the date. The date is posted on the board in case a student is unsure or
needs help.
b. Writing on back of paper - If the student uses up the first side of their paper or
worksheet, then the student can turn the sheet over and continue their work on the back of
the page. In order for the students to keep the pages in order, all pages after the first page
must have a number on the bottom right side of the page.
c. Neatness, legibility - All papers, handouts, worksheets, and projects must be neat and
legible. If the teacher cannot read it, then the teacher will not grade it. If the student
makes an error in their writing, they are to erase it completely and write in the correct
answer. The students will use pencils to eliminate the need for scratch outs.
d. Incomplete work - All work must be complete when turned in for review or grading. If
the work is incomplete, it will not be graded. The paper will be handed back to the
student to complete, and they will receive an automatic 10 point deduction from the final

Instructional Activity Routine

a. Student attention - The students will give the teacher their full attention when the
teacher is giving any instructions or teaching a lesson. When an activity is going on, the
teacher will clap twice or use the first half of the class jingle to let the students know that
I need their attention. The students are to clap back twice letting me know that their eyes
are on my and they are ready for me to speak.
b. Before classwork - Students are expected to have all materials for class at their desk and
ready to go prior to beginning a lesson. The student needs to have two sharpened pencils
and their notebook or worksheet before we begin instruction. If a student forgets some of
their materials, they can borrow from the teacher. To borrow an item from the teacher, the
student must offer something of theirs for collateral. This item can be a shoe, jacket, or
any personal belonging.
c. Obtaining help - When a student needs help, they are going to ask two table mates to see
if they know the answer. If neither of the two students know the answer or how to help,
then the student can ask the teacher. In order to as the teacher the student must be
a. Sitting in their chair or at their assigned work place
b. The students will each have a paper folded into a triangle with three sides. One
side will have a green smiley face, they second side will have an orange question
mark, and the third side will have a red exclamation mark. The student will work
on their work, and they will rotate their sign template to indicate how they are
doing on their work. The green smiley face signals to the teacher that they do not
need help. The orange question mark signals that the student has a question, but

they are able to continue working. The red exclamation mark indicates to the
teacher that the student is stuck and needs help to continue working.
c. The student will wait quietly and patiently for the teacher to arrive and answer
and questions.
d. After the work is completed - At any time throughout the day, if a student completed
their work they can ready their AR book. While the student is reading, they will need to
be at their desk and reading quietly without interrupting other students.

Group Activity Routine

The teacher will utilize group work often to enhance the movement and understanding of the
a. Expected behavior in a group All students will need to follow the classroom
group rules. All students must allow everyone to speak their ideas, and all of the
group members must be respectful of one another. Everyone must participate, and the
group talk must not exceed an allowed desired volume for the classroom.
b. Expected behavior of students out of a group Students will raise their hand to
get permission to speak or get out of their seat. The class will show respect to
others and items that belong to others.
c. Sharing resources The teacher will provide most materials to students who are
missing an item. If the student is in need of anything, they will ask the teacher for
supplies instead of asking any desk mates or friends.
d. Ending of group activity The teacher will give the students a 2 minute warning
when they are coming to the end of their group work. The students will need
return all times to their appropriate places and head back to their seats unless
directed otherwise.

Ending Class Routine

The students need to complete the following tasks before they will be given permission to exit
the classroom. Instead of the bell dismissing the students, I will let them know when they are
approved to leave the room. They will need to compete the following activities prior to exiting
the classroom.

Put away all supplies and equipment

Clean off their desk
Push chair under desk
Pick up any trash within three feet of desk and chair areas
Collect items from their cubby locker once instructed
Wait quietly for dismissal from me

Interruption Routine
a. Talk among students The teacher will call on students to speak freely when the student
is sitting in their chair and raising their hand. Group work noise level must remain at a
low volume to not disturb other students working.

b. Turning in homework The teacher will grade the homework while the students are
working on their bellwork if possible. Homework that takes more grading time will be
placed in the homework basket by the students. The teacher will collect the homework
from the basket for grading.
c. Handing back assignments- Students will receive their graded assignments within two
school days of turning it in.
d. Out-of-seat policy The teacher will have to provide permission for any student to be
out of their seat.

Use of Room School Area Routine

a. Shared materials Any supplies needed by any student will be borrowed from the
b. Teachers desk The students will need to ask and receive permission prior to obtaining
anything from the teachers desk. The students should not generally be wondering around
the teachers desk without supervision to provide confidentiality and privacy to work and
c. Water fountain and bathroom Students will use the restroom and get a drink from the
water fountain if desired prior to coming into the classroom. The students will all line up,
and will head to the bathroom area as a class. While the other students wait in a line next
to the wall, four girls and four boys will go into their designated restrooms at a single
time. Once the student comes out of the bathroom, they will be able to get a drink from
the water fountain. They will then return to the finished line to wait for everyone else. As
one student comes out of the bathroom, the next student waiting in line can go in.
Students will go in groups of five, ten minutes prior to lunch to wash their hands. The
students will receive another bathroom in the afternoon.
d. Pencil Sharpener Students will be allowed to take two pre-sharpened pencils from the
teachers supply every day. Once the first pencil is broken or no longer functioning, the
student will place it on the left top corner of their desk. This will signal to the teacher that
the student is using their second pencil, and that the first one needs to be replaced. The
teacher will let the student know when it is an appropriate time for the student to place
their broken pencil in the assigned cup, and they will grab a new sharpened one from the
sharpened pencil cup. Prior to class getting out, the teacher will walk around and collect
her borrower pencils to ensure that they do not disappear. The students will not use the
pencil sharpener because the teacher will have the pencils pre-sharpened to avoid any
interruptions and distractions.
e. Student desks- The students are responsible for keeping their desk and chair area clean
and free from trash.

Checking Assignments in Class Routine

I will have my students grade several of their own papers in class, but there are some rules in
place to keep the results accurate.
a. Prior to beginning the grading of a paper, the students must have everything else
cleared off of their desk

b. The student will need to get a colored marker to use for grading, so that I can see the
marks at a glance
c. We will go over the answers, and the student will grade their own work. They will
draw an X next to any questions that they answer incorrectly. In addition to the Xs,
the students will tally up their number of incorrect answers. This number will go on
the top of the first page of the assignment, so I can quickly calculate their grade.
d. All in-class assignments will be turned in once that lesson is complete. There is a
designed basket for in-class work, and there is a separate basket for their homework
to keep all of the work separate and straight.

Assignment Routine
a. Returning in-class assignments The teacher will provide comments and feedback on
the actual assignments when in class. On Thursdays, they students will take home their
graded work with their folder to give to parents.
b. Homework assignments The homework that is not graded during bellwork time, will
be picked up from the teacher from the homework assignment basket. The teacher will
use the homework to gage if any reteach is necessary before moving on to the next lesson
in the subject area.
c. Turning in assignments The students will turn in their in-class assignments and work
to the designated in-class basket. Once feedback and grade have been recorded, the
teacher will hand back to student to place in their take home folder.

Checking Assignments In Class Routine

a. Students exchanging papers Any assignments not graded by the teacher will be
graded by the student who completed it. Prior to beginning the grading of a paper, the
students must have everything else cleared off of their desk. The student will need to get
a colored marker to use for grading, so that I can see the marks at a glance. We will go
over the answers, and the student will grade their own work. They will draw an X next
to any questions that they answer incorrectly. In addition to the Xs, the students will tally
up their number of incorrect answers. This number will go on the top of the first page of
the assignment, so I can quickly calculate their grade.
b. Turning in assignments The students will turn in all assignments into the designated
basket. The students will not pass them up to avoid others seeing their answers and work.

Grading Routine
a. Recording Routine Once the students assignments have been graded, the teacher will
record the grade in the gradebook. The grades will be manually written in a physical
grade book, as well as input in an electronic grade book for back up.

Academic Feedback Routine

a. Rewards and incentives Students will receive a star in their folder if they bring back
all of the assigned work for the week. At the end of the month, if a student has stars for
every week, they will get to participate in that months fun activity. It can be going outside





for an extra 20 minutes on Friday afternoon, getting to play a fun game in class, or having
a pizza party.
Posting student work Approved student work will be posted in class on the wall or in
the hallway. The grade will be on the back of the work, so others are not able to see what
the final grade was.
Communicating with parents Every Thursday the teacher will send home a
newsletter. The newsletter will list all of the upcoming information, but it will also
include a list of the upcoming weeks assignments and homework.
Students record of grades Along with the newsletter, each student will take home the
work from the prior week. This will allow the parents to see the work, and they will see
what the ending grade is for each assignment. There will also be a section saying if there
is any outstanding work that can be turned in for partial credit.
Written comments on assignments The teacher will write comments and feedback on
all work. This will provide the student with what could help them, or it can let them know
if they are doing a great job.

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