You are on page 1of 1 THE WORLO'S LARGEST Wes DEVELOPER SITE HTML Tutorial HT Base MT eco ar arrons MT ye ‘MP Forman Tt Compucade HTML Taiee a tayo MT pone HTL olin rt aang Mr Sys HTML Forms MT Type ra pu atoes HTMLS TMs Spent HTML Migration rts Seo HTML Graphics HTML Media Tt We, ht age HTML APIs nut oop rt tol rane mut Arp Cache HTML Examples rt apter HTML References HTM Adaeo Mr Doeypes| mL Lan Cases LMITP Mecsas oyboa Stones Pere rere ory RESTATE HTMLS5 Migration « Previous Next Chapter » Migration from HTML4 to HTMLS “This chapter is entirely about how to migrate from a typical HTMLA poge to atypical HTML poe, ‘This chapter demonstrates how to convertan HTM page ito an HTMLS page, without destoying anything othe conga content or stctre. @ vovcan mato om HL or HT, sg the same rece ‘Typical HTMLA ‘Typical HTMLS: “tv ideheader”> -shonder= te id=*men> nav div id="conten’> eection> ance