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The technique of reading the pulse is known as nadi vigyan.

Ayurveda is a science
of meditation and medication, Nadi corresponds to pulse and vigyan means unders
tanding, comprehension or specialized knowledge. The pulsation of the blood thro
ugh the body carries the vibrations produced in the cells of one s body due to the
action of the mind. These vibrations and cellular informations are carried to d
ifferent parts of the body. These get stored in the cell s memory and result in th
e symptoms like headache, hypertension, hypo or hyperthyroidism and all other si
milar physiological symptoms. Through nadi pariksha we read and translate this i
nformation and also identify the cause of the physiological effects and symptoms
of the disease in patient. So, diagnosis through pulse helps us in understandin
g the resultant physiological effects generated by our actions and emotions.

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