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dan Log)
AIT' Array Induction Imager
AMS Auxiliary Measurement Sonde
BGT Borehole Geometry Tool
BHC' Borehole Compensated Sonic
CBL Cement Bond Log
CCL Casing Collar Locator
CCS Cable Communication System
CDR Continuous Directional Survey
CET Cement Evaluation Tool
CFM Continuous Flowmeter
CMT Circumferential Microsonic Tool
CNLt Compensated Neutron Log
CPI Computer Processed
CRA' Cased Reservoir Analysis
CST Core Sample Taker
CSU Schlumberger+ Cyber Unit
DCA Detection of Conductivity
DDBHCDepth Derived BHC log
DIL' Dual Induction Log
DLL' Dual Laterolog
DSI' Dipole SOnic Imager
EPT' Electromagnetic Propagation
ETT Electromagnetic Thickness Tool
FAL' Flow Analyasis Log
FBS Full Bore Flowmeter Sonde
FDC' Formation Density Log
FIL' Fracture Identification Log
FLIC Field Log Interpretation Centre
FMS' Formation Micro Scanner
FMI* Formation Micro Scanner
GCT Guidance Continuous Tool
IES Induction Electrical Survey
IL Induction Log
[Type text]

ISF* Induction Spherically Focussed

LDT Litho-Density' Tool
LL Laterolog'
LSS' Long Spacing Sonic Log
MAXIS500 New
Logging Unit system
MDT' Modular Downhole Sampling
MID Matrix Identification
ML Microlog'
MLL Microlaterolog'
NGS' Natural Gamma Ray
NML' Nuclear Magnetism Log
NPLT' Nuclear Porosity Litho-Density
PAL Pipe Analysis Log
PCT Production Combination Tool
PI Pahsor Induction
PL Proximity Log
PLT* Production Logging Tool
PST Production Sample Taker
RDS Reservoir Description Services
RFT* Repeat Formation Tester
RML' Reservoir Management Log
SDT* Sonic Digital Tool
SGT Scintillation Gamma-ray Tool
SHDT Stratigraphic Dipmeter Tool
SFL' Spherically Focussed Log
SIT Stuck-Point Indicator Tool
SLT Sonic Logging Tool
SP Spontaneous Potential
SRT SFL Resistivity Tool
dan Log)
AIT' Array Induction Imager
AMS Auxiliary Measurement Sonde
BGT Borehole Geometry Tool
BHC' Borehole Compensated Sonic
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CBL Cement Bond Log

CCL Casing Collar Locator
CCS Cable Communication System
CDR Continuous Directional Survey
CET Cement Evaluation Tool
CFM Continuous Flowmeter
CMT Circumferential Microsonic Tool
CNLt Compensated Neutron Log
CPI Computer Processed
CRA' Cased Reservoir Analysis
CST Core Sample Taker
CSU Schlumberger+ Cyber Unit
DCA Detection of Conductivity
DDBHCDepth Derived BHC log
DIL' Dual Induction Log
DLL' Dual Laterolog
DSI' Dipole SOnic Imager
EPT' Electromagnetic Propagation
ETT Electromagnetic Thickness Tool
FAL' Flow Analyasis Log
FBS Full Bore Flowmeter Sonde
FDC' Formation Density Log
FIL' Fracture Identification Log
FLIC Field Log Interpretation Centre
FMS' Formation Micro Scanner
FMI* Formation Micro Scanner
GCT Guidance Continuous Tool
IES Induction Electrical Survey
IL Induction Log
ISF* Induction Spherically Focussed
LDT Litho-Density' Tool
LL Laterolog'
LSS' Long Spacing Sonic Log
MAXIS500 New
Logging Unit system
MDT' Modular Downhole Sampling
[Type text]

MID Matrix Identification

ML Microlog'
MLL Microlaterolog'
NGS' Natural Gamma Ray
NML' Nuclear Magnetism Log
NPLT' Nuclear Porosity Litho-Density
PAL Pipe Analysis Log
PCT Production Combination Tool
PI Pahsor Induction
PL Proximity Log
PLT* Production Logging Tool
PST Production Sample Taker
RDS Reservoir Description Services
RFT* Repeat Formation Tester
RML' Reservoir Management Log
SDT* Sonic Digital Tool
SGT Scintillation Gamma-ray Tool
SHDT Stratigraphic Dipmeter Tool
SFL' Spherically Focussed Log
SIT Stuck-Point Indicator Tool
SLT Sonic Logging Tool
SP Spontaneous Potential
SRT SFL Resistivity Tool
AFCD Area of future casing
MNOR Micro-normal resistivity
AMPL E2 Amplitude (Sonic)
MP Manometer pressure
ASIG Sigma water apparent
MSFL MSFL resistivity
AZIM Azimuth pad 1
MSI Minimum shale index
BI Bond Index
NITD TDT Near detector count rate,
gate 1
BILI Bond Index level for isolation
NPHI Neutron porosity
BS Bit size
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NPL Neutron porosity, limestone units

BVW Bulk volume water
ODRI Orthogonal drift
C1 Caliper 1
OVAL Ovality
C2 Caliper 2
PEF Photoelectric factor
CALI Caliper
PHIA Apparent total porosity
CBL El Amplitude (Sonic)
PHIC TDT count rate porosity
CCL Casing collar locator
PHE Effective porosity
CGR Corrected Gamma Ray
PHIT Total porosity
CLOS Closure
PHIX Crossplot porosity
CSMN Minimum compressive
PHUN Pressure, hundreds digit
CSMX Maximum compressive
PONE Pressure, units digit
CVEL Cable Velocity
POTA Potassium
DCAL Differential caliper
PRES Pressure
DEVI Deviation
PROX Proximity (or MLL) resistivity
DIA1 Diameter 1
PTEN Pressure, tens digit
DPHI Density porosity
PTHO Pressure, thousands digit
DPL Porosity from Density, limestone
RO Water-filled formation resistivity
DRHO Bulk density correction
RB Relative bearing
DRIF Drift
RFA Apparent resistivity of fluid
DT Sonic interval transit time
RHGA Apparent grain (matrix) density
DTL 10'-12' interval transit time
[Type text]

RHGF Formation grain density

EATT EPT attenuation
RHOB Bulk density
EMCP EPT matrix corrected porosity
RMFA Apparent mud filtrate
EPHI EPT porosity
RT True resistivity
ETIM Elapsed time
RWA Apparent water resistivity
EXCE eccentricity
RXO Resistivity Or flushed zone
FHPG Fractional part of HP gauge
SA Small arm caliper
FITD TDT Far detector count rate,
gate 1
SATT Sonic attenuation
GR Gamma ray
SFLU Unaveraged SFL resistivity
GRHO Gradiomanometer density
SGP Strain gauge pressure
GRS Gamma ray (production)
SGR Spectroscopy gamma ray
G RTE Trace ejector gamma ray
SGS Spherical gas slope
HAZI Hole azimuth
SIGM TDT Capture cross section
HD Hole diameter
SP Spontaneous potential
HDS Horner gas slope
SPHI Sonic porosity
HPGD HP gauge digital pressure
SPIN Flowmeter spinner speed
HSLO Horner slope
SRAT Sonic ratio (near/far amplitude)
HTF Horner time function
SSGP Smoothed strain gauge pressure
IHPG Integral part of HPGP
STF Spherical time function
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ILD Deep induction resistivity

SW Water saturation
ILM Medium induction resistivity
SWT Total water saturation
ITT Integrated interval transit time
SXO Flushed zone water saturation
IVEL Interval velocity
TAU Neutron decay time
LA Large arm caliper
TEMP Temperature
LLD Deep Laterolog resistivity
TENS Cable tension
LLS Shallow Laterolog resistivity
THOR Thorium
MDEP Measured depth
TPHI TDT ratio porosity
MDIA Mean diameter
TPL EPT lossy formation propagation
MINV Micro-inverse resistivity
TPMA Apparent matrix propagation
TPRA Thorium/potassium ratio
TRAT TDT ratio (near/far counts)
TT Single receiver transit time
TT1 Transit time for subcycle 1
TURA Thorium/uranium ratio
UMAA Apparent matrix volumetric
capture cross section
UPRA Uranium/potassium ratio
URAN Uranium
VSCG Shale volume from CGR
VSH Shale volume
VSPC Shale volume from POTA
VSSG Shale volume from SGR
VSTC Shale volume from THOR
VSUC Shale volume from URAN
VW Bulk volume of water
VWXO Flushed zone water volume
VVSIG Sigma water wet
Mark of Schlumberge
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