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iWalkObservation Main Menu

1. Info and Config Menu Icons:

The Info button will open a browser inside FileMaker Go and bring
you to the iWalkObservation Support and Contact Page. From this
page you will be able to view helpful videos and documents. The
Config button will take you to the configuration menu where you
can add staff and customize elements of the toolset.
2. Location:
Location is defined from
the config:staff menu and
can be quickly changed
on the main menu.
Location based staff lists
allow users to define staff
by build/campus location.
This feature is particularly
helpful for whole district
3. View / Edit
Walkthrough Data:
This will take you to a
view all screen that
allows you to review, edit,
and resend past
observations. Data can
be sorted by location,
teacher, or date of
walkthrough visit.


6. iWalkObservation Toolset:
Seven primary tools and two custom lookfor observations can be accessed from the
main menu. Each button will take you to the selected walkthrough observation form,
allowing you to document the classroom walkthrough and send the feedback form to
the classroom teacher. All nine tools, including the two custom lookfors can be
customized through the config menu.

4. Summary Reports
Icon: Create summative
reports sorted by
observation type, date, or
teacher. Reports are
viewable on the iPad and
sent to you by email in
PDF format.
5. Teacher Tally: This
will bring you to a list of
all teachers you have
completed walkthroughs
on with a tally of the
number of visits and
types of
completed. Teacher tally
can be sorted by location,
teacher, or date of visit.

iWalkObservation Tool Menu

1-5 Menu Bar Icons:
#1The iWalk icon will return you to the initial main menu of iWalkObservation. #2 The tools config button will allow you to quickly customize
features of the current tool during a walkthrough visit. The View All icon will move you to the index screen of all walkthrough data currently
stored on the device. #3 Preview allows you to preview the email that would be sent to the teacher from the current walkthrough screen and
icon #4 will call up the email dialog. #5 will move you to the photo screen allowing you to include up to four photos with each observation.
Once photos are sent, they are removed from the device to save on your devices memory resources.
6. Teacher and Date:
Each walkthrough tool
contains the teachers
name, email address,
and walkthrough creation
date. Teachers name
and email address are
pulled from your staff
address book which can
be edited in the
configuration menu off
the main
iWalkObservation screen.
Creation date is set
according to the date you
created the walkthrough.
This date can be edited
when needed.

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9. Photo and Email Sent Data:

Once a iWalkObservation tool has been sent, the sent date will be inserted here. If
photos are taken during the walkthrough, they are sent with the email. A date
replaces the photos once sent.

7. Walkthrough tool:
The content of this
section will change
according to the
walkthrough tool you
have selected. Complete
each field or area,
pressing the send (#4)
button when finished.
8. Signature options:
You can select one of
three signature options
for each walkthrough.
The individual signatures
are set in the
configuration menu off
the main
iWalkObservation screen.

iWalkObservation Configuration Menu

1-4 Menu Bar Icons:
#1The iWalk icon will return you to the initial main menu of iWalkObservation. #2 Module Configuration icons will appear only if optional
modules have been installed. These icons will bring you to the module customization scree. #3 Edit Staff will allow you to enter into the staff
address book to update your teacher name and email list. #4 You can select one of three signature options for each walkthrough completed.
The individual signatures can be set from this button. #5 Here you are able to access device setts should ever wish to manually change it. #6
The register and upgrade icon is used to register with you user code and upgrade from another version of iWalkObservation.
7. Observers Name and
Email: Both the
observers name and
email address are set at
the time of purchase and
installed during the
registration process.
iWalkObservation will use
this information when
sending walkthrough data
to a teacher.

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9. iWalkObservation Toolset Customization Options:

Seven primary tools and two custom lookfor observations can be customized from
this configuration menu. Each button will take you to the selected walkthrough
observation form, allowing you to customize the language, checklists, email
introductions, and field labels. You can easily reset each tool should you ever need
to return a customized walkthrough to its original format.

8. Secondary Email:
Every walkthrough that
the user sends will be
sent to the teacher and
the licensed observer.
Use the secondary email
field to send all
walkthrough data to a
third party. Email
Subject Field will be
used as the subject line
of every walkthrough
email sent.

4x20 Premium Add-on Module

1-4. Menu Bar Icons (below):
#1The 4x20 module icon will return you to the modules main
menu where you can return to iWalkObservation, create a
new 4x20 walkthrough, or further customize you 4x20 tool. #2
Preview allows you to preview the email that would be sent to
the teacher and #4 will call up the email dialog sending the
walkthrough email and the attached PDF. #5 will move you to
the photo screen allowing you to include up to four photos
with each observation.

5. 4x20 Lookfor PDF: When
you send the 4x20
walkthrough, all ticked
elements are included in the
body of the email. Attached
to the email teachers will find
the 4x20 Lookfor PDF. This
document will contain every
element ticked or not ticked.
Those element you noticed
during the walkthrough will
have a X to the left.
6. Teacher and Date:
Teachers name, email
address, and walkthrough
creation date is added and
pulled from your staff
address book which can be
edited in the configuration
menu off the main
iWalkObservation screen.

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7. Domain / Category Buttons

The 4x20 Lookfor tool uses four domains, each containing up to 20 elements.
The title of the four domains can be set in the setup menu off the front menu of
the 4x20 module.

8. Elements
Each domain or category
screen contains up to 20
elements. Each element
can be selected as
noticed by simply
tapping on the elements
text. The check mark will
turn red indicating the
element has been
ticked. Selected
element are listed in the
walkthrough email and all
elements are
documented in the
walkthrough PDF.

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