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te chnology drive n C om pany with the prim ary obje ctive of
providing Spe cialize d Engine e ring Equipm e nt Supply & Se rvice s
re quire d to m e e t the ne e ds of various industrie s in the UAE and
othe r GC C & Middle East C ountrie s.
CSS re pre se nts se ve ral industry le ade rs in the fie ld of O ilfie ld &
Industrial Equipm e nt such as Me chanical, Instrum e ntation &
C ontrol Equipm e nt, Fire & Gas Prote ction & De te ction Equipm e nt
& Syste m s, Hydraulic Equipm e nt Se rvice s, Piping Mate rial,
C asing & Tubing e tc.

C SS is m anage d by Profe ssionally & Te chnically Q ualifie d and

Ex pe rie nce d Staff who are always on the look out for late st
te chnological innovations, bre ak throughs and de ve lopm e nts
in the global industry. The se global change s are constantly
re vie we d to im ple m e nt and cate r to the re quire m e nts of the
local m ark e ts in te rm s of Sale s, Se rvice , Afte r-Sale s Support,
logistics & adm inistration. C SS is proud that its clie nte le is
growing to the e x te nt that it now include s m ost of the
industrial installations in the re gion. O ur ability is to cate r to
custom e r-spe cific re quire m e nts & our m ain obje ctive is to
provide solutions to our clie nts in te rm s of pe rform ance and
e conom y & to pre se nt a com ple te solution.
CSS pursue s partne rship through age ncy or joint ve nture arrange m e nts in activitie s cove ring
com pany re pre se ntation, trading, contracting, Hydraulic Engine e ring and installation consultancy
se rvice s, com m issioning and te chnical support.
CSS activitie s are re giste re d with all m ajor clie nts and we have e stablishe d a re putation for
m e e ting the ir re quire m e nts in an e fficie nt and profe ssional m anne r.
CSS has re solve d to re tain its com m itm e nt as a dynam ic organization, to participate in the
continue d de ve lopm e nt of the re gion and the succe ss of its partne r com panie s.
CSS has faith on its de dicate d staff through a solid long-te rm association. W e are a highly traine d
and m otivate d te am , work ing as partne rs to e x am ine the m ost profitable opportunitie s for
continual growth and de ve lopm e nt.
W e are ple ase d to list our principle s and products as m e ntione d be low and we hope that the
products will be of an inte re st to you & we look forward to re ce iving your valuable e nquirie s for all
your ongoing and future proje ct re quire m e nts, which will re ce ive our be st atte ntion.
Assuring you of our be st se rvice s at all tim e s, we re m ain at your e ntire disposal for any furthe r
inform ation or clarification you m ay re quire .

C opyright 2 0 0 6 . A ll Rights Res erved.


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