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6-M: Sits at a group snack or lunch table without negative behavior for

3 minutes (O)
At least 1 minute? Y N
At least 3 minutes? Y N
(1/2 point)
(1 point)
7-M: Puts away personal items, lines up, and comes to table with only
1 verbal prompts (O)
With 1 verbal prompt? Y N
With 2 or more verbal
(1/2 point)
prompts? Y N
(1 point)
8-M: Transitions between classroom activities with no more that 1
gestural or verbal prompt (O)
With 1 verbal prompt? Y N
With 2 or more prompts (not
physical)? Y N
(1/2 point)
(1 point)
9-M: Sits in small group for 5 minutes without disruptive behavior or
attempting to leave the group (O)
At least 2 minutes? Y N
(1/2 point)

At least 5 minutes?
(1 point)

10-M: Sits in small group for 10 minutes, attends to the teacher or

material for 50% of the period, and responds to 5 of a teachers SDs (T)
Duration in group


% attending

# of responses to
teachers SDs

Classroom/ Group Milestones Data Sheet to accompany ALL PICS during VB-MAPP

11-M: Uses the toilet and washes hands with only verbal prompts (E)
Washes hands with physical
Washes hands with only verbal
(1/2 point)
(1 point)
12-M: Responds to 5 different group instructions or questions without
direct prompts in a group of 3 or more children (O) **1/2 point = 2
different group instructions without prompts
# of group instructions/questions responded to:

13-M: Works independently for 5 minutes in a group and stays on

task 50% of the time (O)
Duration working
Duration spent on task

14-M: Acquires 2 new novel behaviors during 15-minutes groupteaching format involving 5 or more children (T)
(1/2 point)
(1 point)
15-M: Sits in a 20-minute group session involving 5 children without
disruptive behaviors, and answers 5 intraverbal questions (T) **
point = 2 questions
Duration without disruptive
# of questions answered

Classroom/ Group Milestones Data Sheet to accompany ALL PICS during VB-MAPP

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