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NATURE AQUARIUM CREATIVE DOCUMEN ‘A Nature Aquarium by Takashi Amano Nature AQuacium i the tayou iin the aquarium, eréeting 8 beaut underwater wor of he toplGal Teh and agus plants. Takashi Amano is an exponent of the Nature Aquarium, and he cont ues 10 propalna Rew layeUtsylec. The Nature Aquarium js the 2adalic plant Jayout feking in thevessence learned trom the Mather Nature, ana sometimes it Sealed ‘Amano style", ar its circle Is akpanding may eountias aroune the works, However. form ition prog his aquariom pictures, itis hate to imagine the layout o» ss, many quostions Fras been sent to ADA abou the layout process. Se we take 90cm ad siz aquarium as nd intvodues the latest layout technique in step by step, Bs Bp Se Sete ao Ed PO ta Uae ants CeCe see OT Cad PUR Co Meee 2 Le CeCe ce eee NL oaks Ue eee Ue eded Scere emt ie eee Cre te Dread Nee em Do ae Le ce pad ae eee eee nant acess Leg cL) Clee ot eee Uee rt Linas Creative Document 1 Betore making layout, tis important to Set up a tank securely for enjoying the Nature Aquarium, Setup a tank on proper eabinet or stand on stable toor Wwe use Garden Stand 90cm. ‘Assemble the Garden Stand in advance, following attached instruction ‘manual. Don't setup the stand on unstable Tatami mat floor or on the carpet. [wood teering or eancrete floor ete) H Setting up a tank ‘The selaction process of the aquarium tank ie the frstimpocant process for enjoying Nature Aquadum, (CUBE GARDEN, which has high transparency ane clean joint par, without any frame is an optimal ‘aquarium tank for creation and appreciation of the Nature Aquarium layout. Special Stand or Aquarium Cabinet is very important for enjoying the aquascane for @ long period, Please Keep in mind that the aquarium seting must be made careluly, regardless the aquarium tank size. Ifthe floor or aquarium stand 2 Thon place Garden Maton the Garden Stand. Soft form materia, Garden Mat abeorbe small gradient or vibration and it works for protecting tank Thorefre, i i nocossary to use Garden Mat when using Cube Garden. As Garden Mats vunorable against heat, andi tends to shrink when exposed to the heat, itis precut abit larger than actual aquarium tank size. If tho mat is to big, please cut according to the stand top, of strteh the mat with your hand in case i was too small Is not secure enough, of do not have enough Strength, it may lead to the watarloakage from the ‘guatium tank, oF crack in the aquarium glass, Even ft looks OK italy, dstorton may progress 5 the time passes. Please make sure to choose the right aquarium stand for your selected ‘aquarium tank size. When placing the aquarium tank on the stand, please pay attention not to hit ‘he aquarium tank comer tothe aquarium stand, CUBE GARDEN P22 3. Set up a tank altor placing Garden Mat. Here, we use Cube Garden (lar (W90xD45xH445em), Pay attention NOT to get damage at the comer han cotng up the tank Garden Mat has grip effect as wl thorafore itis rat easy to move the aquarium after placed on the mat. You naed to decide ‘ne place of he aquarium on cabinet oF stand by acjusting postion above smuraeg any 4 After you placed on the garéen stan, use the acjustor on bottom of the cabinet stand in ordor to level the aquarium tank |Agein, you must avoid ary contortion or gradient Creative Document 5 First drow the Ene on the bottom of the aquarium tank, showing the boundary of ‘AQUA SOIL and Bright Sand Keep in mind your planned ‘aquarium layout Image, ane decice the balance of the sail ar, where aquatic plants grow, and the sand part, where used ae an open space. As the Ines wil be covered by the substrate lator, you can draw many lines and choose the best one 6 Here buld partons with bended earaboard slong wth the atawn lies in the tank. You need to sat the cardboard vertically. Use adhesive tape and ‘ix one side of the cardboard with side glass of the aquarium tank and stand the cardboard. The cardboard is used for separating the AQUA SOIL and Bright Sand. Adust the length ofthe cardboard so that it wi oom along with ‘he curve drawn on the bottom ofthe aquarium tank, and fk the ather end ot the caraboard with back side glass. The cardboard is to be removed after setting the substrate, but i is very important to fix the cardboard surly 10 spread tho Soll and Sand propery SUBSTRATE Setting The substrate of the Naturo Aquarium is important sand in eubstrate, please make sure to spread the for the growth of water plants, Basically, you ‘combine Power Sand and Aqua Sol, Power Sand contains various organic materials and provides rich rutrition for water plants. Aqua Soil promotes bsorpion of nutiton and growth of plant roots by organic acid that soil naturally has. Recently, Gressing sand, which can express natural feeling, S used in the foregroune! of the layout, in order to increase the art value. In case of using dressing sand neatly and not to mix up with other soil ype substrate. Hero, we introduce en exampla with @ 90 cm aquarium tank how fo spread Aqua Soil and Bright Sand soparately in @ concave composition layout wih an opon space in the center. Depending ‘upon the composition of layout, the way of spreading soil and sand difer. Werk out the general layout plan in advan, AQUA SOIL-AMAZONA~P:138 7 Place some proper size stones by the cardboard for fixing it surely. This is impertant as the cardboard might move, when spreading the eubetrate 8 Spread Power Sand behind the partion. Here, we chose Power Sand Special M. Necessary amount must be adjusted according to the area Sze. In this layout, the planting area covers about 2/8 of total bottom area, land we used 6 liters of Power Sand Special M. If the amount of Power ‘Sand Special is too much, nutri inthe water got too much and you may hhave to change water frequently at intial aquarium setup pha Creative Document | —s | 9 Atter spreading Power 10.0n top ofthe Power Sand, Sang in the background, pour Aqua SoiLAmazonia. For spread Bright Sand at the planting work easily, AQUA foreground. By spreading the SOIL must be spread with substrate alternately, the enough thickness. Here, we partion stabilizes. Then faten ‘mad a slope trom both back the surface of the Power Sans comer to the font ‘an Bright Sard wih Sand Flatter 11As the amount of Bright Sand was not enough, we aided a bit and smoothed sabeate so that AQUA Soil tnd Bright Sand makes up a rata coking slope. You can 4 sense of perspective Joe layout i te substrata i ow at foraground and high at back ground. 12 Aer smoothing out, here we take out the cardboard, Remove the adhesive tape ‘and pull it out ata stotch, That | the point for making clear the dividing line. Ifthe both AQUA SOIL and Bright Sand ae at same hoigh, you can make a beauttul boarder no. Creative Document 13 The substrate is separated at 14 7Then, decide main stone 32 ratio between eft and right (Fight. Select one size smaller size planting areas. So here we make than the main stone (lett). Any two groups of IWAGUMI by stone has ‘face’, showing the rock? following area balance. Fist, main 's character. You nood to consider stone (left is placed in the midale ace’ and “Flow” of the rock in of lot planting area. Seiryu Stone ‘was used this time, The Placing of the Stone ‘The choice and placement of the stone are the most important processes for an IWAGUMI layout therefore it is necessary to consider balance ‘caretlly In this layout, we use Seinyu-stone which has cold color for matching dressing sand with sencation of coolness al foregrauné. As the te has been already spread for making concave composition, we made an arrangement o! rocks with two groups in the mind. As the area of panting foaekground) Is separated 3:2 for lett and the tank right part, you need to adjust the balance of two ‘groups of WAGUMI as 3:2 For this arrangement, you need to place main stone (let), which is the largest one in a tank, at left sido fst. Then, decide ‘main stone (‘ight wich is ono size smaller at tight sido. Dosing tho balance of right and loft main stones fist 'S very important to decide the whole layout balance, Thon wo arrange the sub stone and sie stones. all 15 tn ths layout, IWAGUMI has wo groups at right and left side ‘The basic IWAGUM! combination Consists of three stones, main stone, sub stone and side stone as 2 group. Hore we place sub stone rex fo main stone and decide the incline angle of main stone. 16 Then place small side stones fon the fight of main stone. Side stone is to adjust balance of whole WAGUM! and plays important part for making an imaginable cea ‘Tow in the aquarium layout. Every stone becomes stable by pushing into substrate, a ae Creative Document 7] 17 Next part ts the right rock ‘group. Place sub stone on the right of the main stone (right). Here, we placed it along with the line made bby AQUA SOIL. ana Bight Sand, \ ms 18 Lastly, placing small side stone (on tha let of main stone completa tha setting of the second rock ‘roup. Now we adjust their incine angle, so that they lack tke there is ‘water flow from lett side to the right. Then spread the AQUA SOIL ‘around the stones, so that the rocks look to ‘be buried naturally in the substato 19 Here, we use Aqua Sol Amazonia Powder to sproad sound the rocks, Using plastic case makes your work easy. Tea Spoon is useful or detailed work 20 This picture shows the layout ffter spreading AQUA SOIL ‘Amazonia Powder around the rocks. As the background substrate fot even higher, we can feel a senso of unity from rock group. Fine ponder type AQUA SOIL looks reat, and tie easier plant, mS i ty Eee EEE EEE EE EE EE EEE LE it aa Creative Document 4 21 Hore we place Fuji Stone tied with Ricela on the diving ine of AQUA SOIL and Bright Sand to block Aqua Soil crumbling on Bright Sand, Ricsia is to be Fixed by Fecia Line The Planting Once base ofthe layout was completed, row isthe time for aquatic plant planting. In the Nature ‘Aquaum layout, we divide planting ground into tree groups, foreground, middle ground, and background, and select proper plants for each section. Gonorally, plant low water plants at the foreground and high onas at tho background. tn the Imdolo ground, we place layout material euch as cittwood and stones, and middle size plants around tmom, When selecting the plants, you have to -_. 22 iter placing Fuji Stone at the Gividing line, place smaller Fuji Stone around the Ful Stone on the tne at random to cover the dlvcing tine Fuj Stone. censider not only the color or shape of the leaf, but also how much they grow, or whether sun plans or shade plants, in what water conlton plans su I you choose water plants not careful. they grow too much or they don’t grow at al tis important to expect grown water plants when placing water plants Hore we attached Rlecia around smaler 23 .Bolore planting, you should pour water to the top of substato for making planting easily by Tweezers. For harmonized blaring, i's Important to consider the planting balanca in advance. Fortis purpose, marking the area © dlanting with bamboo stick spit eps to grap the approximate locaton of the plans. 24 Plant Glossostigma in front of stones. Glossostigma, which has small leat and grows horizontally can be planted easily if divided as the picture shows. Glssostine i e—“(‘(i‘(‘(‘(‘“‘ia Creative Document 25 Next, plant Echinodorus 26 Plant Eleocharis acicularis, tenelus between the stones. This ALAA (IK behind stones. Its sutable to plant plant also grows horizontally and i at the middle ground as it grows forms @ natural thickot aftor horzontally ard ther leat grows up growing. It Ig recommondable to to proper length. Eleocharis is plant with high done. eee \sualy sold in unos It bocomes easy 10 plant by diving into small ‘undies. y 2 Last, plant Eleocharis, Vivpara behind Eleocharis coves, This water plant is fanly of Eleocharis aciculars and (gos longer than it therofore it is suitable at backgroun 2B Remove bamboo sttews and pour ator into tho tank after planting. At tis timo, in this process, disentangle the Intortwined plant leaves with twoezers Suppply Brightly K and eliminate chlorine residue in the water when waters ful M lech voare RIGHTY K Creative Document 20 Here we sot up a canistor fier. This time we prepared 906m aquarium tank. For this size, Super Jot Filor ES:600 is the right fiter Hore, we use glass made Lily Pipe fo n and Outlow pipe 30 Then, set up COs supplementation equipment. Connect Pollen Glass Large 30 and CO2 Beetle Counter tiled with water, by Siieon Tube. Pollen Glass can diuse OOe most sffecvely by setting in 7 the mide part ofthe aquarium tank Ma Superdetriter P10 0: Gees Counter ~P101 Lyne opie Poten Gias arg 200 60 Setting of the other tool and maintenance of the Nature Aquarium The Nature Aquarium atter finished planting becomes beautiful scenery witn grown water plants. Lgnting, COe Supply, and tivation System are ‘essential tos for growing aquatic plants. Lighting is ‘essential forthe plans, as they can grow healthy by photosynthesis, And water plants cannot photosynthesize it CO2 is missing even there is song light. Moreover, water must be clean for keeping ih in tank As mantioned, you need 10 Lulze various tools for making good environment CChanging water and pruning are also necessary to keep beautlul layout, The scenery would be more ‘beauttul with deity roper maintenance. 31 Here, we use Tower!20 and COz Speed Regulator for COe supply. Connect the regulator and One Way Flow Vaive by [ressute-proof tube. Adust the amount of (002 supply and pressure, Set up ‘one bubble per one second” by the counter at frobeginning Towor20 CO: Speed Regulator “Pb 82 You can check pH level and amount of Coz supply by the changing color of the reagent in Drep (Checker After filling the aquarium water wih syringe and then adding a drop of pH reagent, be sure to set ‘he Drop Checker apart from Pollon Glass, wa « Drop checker P54 Creative Document ¥ y 33 attach Solar 1 Arm Stand tothe Gardon Stand, Solar 1 Arm Sland ean be attached ‘easly to the Garden Stand with supped Garden Stand Hook, as the picture shows. Ate setting, adjust arm part where the lighting is hanged is located in the center pattof the aquarium, ‘Garden Stand Hook P02 84 Hang lighting unit of Solar 1 at arm part Adjust longth of 2 wires in advance to make 300m spaco between lighting unit ‘and water sure, Also, make sure ighting unit be leveled — pov Soler | 36 Agjust wire length by loosing clamp it tho lighting unit is net lovelod. Lighting unit cd is fixed by cord clip along the stand, It is recommencable to let cord more spaciously between the light and the anging arm 86 This is tho tank which is equipped ecossary tems. Insort Solar | plug into the electric outlet, and tur on the ight. Alo, i 's recommendable to use NA Control Ter, which makes daily lighting and CO> supplementation control automaticaly Creative Document 37 You reakze the growth of plants after one week of planting. Riccia starts photosynthesizing and makes oxygen bubbles among thet loaves. Glossostigma grows in runner, and spreade new leaves. The leat color become well wth liquid fertitzar supply during this perio. 38 Alter two weeks, biological filtration starts working, yet the # rot enough, and algee appears in tho tank Siphon out tis algae as much as possible, Using thin hose ang ten release Carina laponica jon function 6 gaa aE EE CECE eee eee eee ee ee eee ee ee ee ee ee eee ee ee eee ee eee eee ee 39 cla, which grows fast ie necessary to Dune ater thee weeks. Curve type Trimming Scissors is useful for low water plants tke Ficccia. Trim emerge leaves of Exhinodorus teres as we Teg Sos (Cue TP 108 40 Alter four wooks, runners of Echinodorus teneive and Glossostigma grow on expected places. tmeretore itis necessary to tim thoso runnors as s00n a possible. Also, nip new buds on tip of Eleocharis. vipara : Roe ee Ee Ee Ee ee ti Nature Aquarium Gallery 01

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