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Thing 1: Basics

Part I Technology Readiness and Targets for Improvement

Assess Yourself!
Review the Michigan K-12 Checklist, or an alternative more appropriate to your
setting on the Basics: Introduction page.
Copy and then Paste the URL to your Checklist source here:

Based on your review of the checklist(s), identify/describe in the chart below 5

skill areas that you feel are most important to target for improvement for your
students success and your own. Identify the skills that you feel need your own
personal improvement with an X in the right-hand column.
Student Tech Readiness Skills My Students Need to

Grades 6-8 Multimedia Skills

Grades 6-8 Research (Discern Credible Websites)
Grades 6-8 Spreadsheet Skills
Grades 9-12 Word Processing/Writing (Advanced
Formatting for Citations)
Grades 9-12 Research Skills (Modifying databases and
spreadsheets and Source Analysis Strategies)

I need to improve
this too
(place an X)

Part II Basics: Technology Skills

1. Screenshots
Which tool will you will use for taking a screenshot?
I will be using the alt and print screen buttons on my PC laptop keyboard. I will then
paste the screenshots into Paint.
2. Browser Navigation
A. View the How To videos for Parts 1 of Browser Basics. Capture a
screenshot showing one of the techniques (resize the window, new tabs,
new window, multiple windows side-by-side) you learned and paste it
below: After pasting it, please resize it so it is a smaller image.

Briefly describe what you did and what you like about it
I learned how to screenshot my full screen with Prt Sc and how to
screenshot specific windows with Alt- Prt Sc. As pictured here, I also
learned how to use Prt Sc to show multiple windows opened at once. I like
that I can capture a portion of a specific window Im using and paste it
into a document so I can show just exactly what Im trying to highlight on
the screen.
B. Browser Navigation (Part 2)
View the How To videos for Parts 2 of Browser Basics.
a. Capture a screenshot showing a new Browser technique you learned
(zoom in and out, find, history) and paste it below: After pasting it, please
resize it so it is a smaller image.

Briefly describe what you did and what you like about it
Here I used the shortcut Ctrl-F in my browser. My entering the
word Africa in the search box, I was able look for the highlighted
sections to see each time the article used Africa. I like this shortcut
because if youre reading an article but want to focus exclusively on a
specific section instead of the whole piece, you can use Ctrl-F to help you
locate your desired sections.
3. Basic Browser Shortcuts
My computer: I will be using a _____PC________ (ex: Mac, PC, Chromebook,
Surface Pro, etc.) for the majority of the work for this course.
My favorite browser is: (ex: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.)
_________________Internet Explorer_______________
Post a screenshot of your favorite shortcut, and briefly describe its use:

My favorite shortcut on from the Basic Browser Shortcut Chart is Ctrl-t, open new
tab. This shortcut is helpful for allowing you easily navigate between searching
various webpages at once. If you are doing a research paper and need to refer back
to several different articles when writing, you can use the shortcut to open each
article on a new tab so you can click between each article quickly.

Part III: Implementation

1. ISTE Teacher Standards
A. As you review these ISTE-T standards provide an example of at least one thing you
do in your teaching. See the sample provided below and then share the your own
Standard: 2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments
Performance indicator addressed: I selected a.
Standard 2.a. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources
to promote student learning and creativity.
My Lesson Example: I teach a math unit on geometric shapes. I have students use the digital camera to
take pictures of different features or items around our school. I recently started having them edit the images
to create a collage for different types of angles to post in the room.
Future Lesson:
Standard 2.c.: Customize and personalize the activity to meet diverse learning styles and working
strategies and abilities.
There are only two cameras available but our school is going to let students bring their own mobile
devices. Id like to customize the geometry lesson so they can bring pictures of geometric figures they take
outside school and find a way to share the images to add to our lesson, like on an online bulletin board.

Briefly describe an activity or lesson that meets one of the five ISTE-T standards you
teach in the table below:
ISTE Standard addressed by my activity or lesson
4:Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
Performance indicator(s) addressed:
I selected d
Standard 4d. Develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by
engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using digital age communication
and collaboration tools.
My lesson description:
When teaching about global cultures, I would love to get in touch with a class from
another country and have each class come up with a list of cultural questions they would
like to discuss with the other class. I would then like students to make presentations about
their findings about the differing culture.
Future Lesson: (target and describe an additional performance indicator from that
standard for a future lesson)

Standard: 4c. Promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions
related to the use of technology and information.
Before skyping a class in another country I would love to address the importance of
intercultural social etiquette and the appropriate way to share the information about
others lives through technology appropriately. I would also discuss how conversations
with these students should be conducted outside of the classroom if they try to connect
with the other students through social media.

B. How I would rate myself based on the ISTE-Teacher Standards at this point using a 5point Rubric:








have an
idea of
what I need
to work on

Awareness, feel
experienced &

and proficient
user and
integrator, Very

Awareness, the
integration of
tools/resources at
a high level of

Your score/reflection:
I would give myself a 3 Performance Proficiency. While have many ideas for how I
would like to incorporate the technology I feel comfortable using into my lessons, I
know I have much more to learn.

2. Best Practice Connections

Select from one of the lesson/teaching examples you provided in the ISTE-T section, or
another from your teaching. Identify and give an example of three of the nine researchbased best practice teaching and learning strategies (identified in the Framework for
Instructional Planning) and a technology resource you use (or might use) in the chart
below. You may find it helpful to refer to the techbestpractice site.
Best Practice

resource or
tool(s) used


Brief description of what I do

Example: Setting
Objectives &
Providing Feedback

Google docs
(or printed
handout from
docs template)


At the beginning of each new year (7th grade) I

do a quick review of math problem solving
steps from 6th grade. I help them identify some
learning objectives. We check progress at the
end of the month with feedback and discussion.

1 Summarizing and
Note taking

Document or
Google Doc

Data collection
and Analysis

2 Identifying
Similarities and

Document or
Google Doc

3 Cooperative

Google Docs

Data collection
and analysis
tools and/or
& collaboration
software and

Students would take notes from lessons about

the other classes culture and then document and
summarize the information gained from their
discussion with the students.
Students would compare and contrast the
information they learn from the other students
about their culture with their own cultural
Students would be divided into groups and use
shared documents through Google Docs to
create a group presentation about the
intercultural interaction.

3. Models of Technology Integration

Review your examples in the Question #2 above (Best Practice Connections). Explore
the SAMR and TPACK models and identify a strategy you use in a lesson or activity that
fits one or more of these models and list it in the table provided below.
Connecting with students
globally and creating
collaborative presentations
that can include multimedia
Using google docs to create
collaborative presentation

SAMR level (Redefinition,

TPACK Knowledge Level

Modification, Augmentation,

(Technological, Pedagogical,


Technological pedagogical
content knowledge


Technological content

Final Reflection
Based on the resources in Basics, and your own experience, reflect on how thoughtful
integration of best practice and technology can improve your instructional practice. Give
some details.
Thoughtful integration of best practice and technology will undoubtedly improve
my instructional practice. Using technology to engage global student, otherwise
inaccessible to my class, will not only provide my students with an opportunity to learn
how to effectively use the technology used in the lesson, but will make the lesson far
more personal and meaningful to the students. Instead of learning about a new culture
through an impersonal textbook, students will get primary accounts from students their
own age to supplement their learning. This will help them to not view different cultures
and global lifestyles as something inaccessible and distant, but realize it is something
they can experience first-hand and feel personally affected by. By creating group
presentations with multimedia creations, they can share their learning with the students

they interviewed and help other students around the world feel more connected to their
fellow students around the globe.
REMEMBER: Post your document to your portfolio or provide a link in your portfolio to it.
Note: If you are taking the 21things4teachers for graduate, SCECH, or other Professional
Development credit there will be additional Capstone requirements and extended
assignments your instructor will tell you about.

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