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Portfolio Management

Portfolio Concepts:
Mean Variance Analysis -> expected returns, variances, covariances, of individual investments
to analyze risk-return trade off combinations

All investors are risk averse

Expected returns, variances, covariances, known for all assets
No taxes or transaction costs
Investors create optimal portfolios relying on expected return, variances, covariances

Expected return -> w1 x E(r1) + w2 x E(r2)

Variance 2p = w2121 + w2222 + 2w1w2Cov1,2

Correlation 1,2, = Cov1,2 / 12

Covariance = 1,2 x 12

3 assets
Minimum Variance Frontier -> Least Risk for given return
Efficient Frontier -> lie along upper portion of minimum variance frontier E(rp) Vs 2p

Equally weighted portfolio ->

i2 = avg variance all assets



Cov-bar = avg cov of all pairings

*-> as # of assets gets large, 1st part gets close to Zero; Cov gets close to Avg Cov (n-1/n) close
to 1; equally weighted portfolio approaches avg covariance as n gets large
Max Risk Reduction -> # of stocks very large;
lower the correlation, greater potential benefits; But, great the # reqd to reap those benefits
Including rfr in portfolio changes efficient frontier from curve to linear: E(rc) = wf(rf) + wp(rp)
Variance = 2p same but w2f 2f = 0

2wfwp Cov Fp = 0 (third term in 2 asset equation)

Capital Allocation Line (CAL): Lies tangent to efficient frontier; intercept to tangency = lending;
beyond tangency = borrowing;
line can become kinked; Tangency portfolio optimal

Sharpe Ratio = E(Rt) Rf / T

CAL: Intercept = rfr;

Slope = Reward to risk ratio; Y = a + bX

Y = dependent variable [E(Rc)] expected return;

X = independent variable (c std. deviation of investment combination)
a -> intercept (rfr);

b = slope

E(Rc) = RFR + (E(Rt) Rf/T) x c

c = investor risk

Choosing weight between rfr and RT? c = wtt; Each investor CAL depends on expectations
CML -> Captial Market Line (returns and total risk); [all investors agree on expected return, std
dev, and correlations of all assets.]
There are many different CALs but only one CML; Intercept RFR; slope = sharpe ratio;
tangency portfolio = market portfolio (mkt value weights)

Assumes all assets in market place included@ proportional size.

Identical expectations;
- Returns, deviations, correlations

Security Market Line (graph of CAPM) -> shows relationship between Assets return and
systematic risk (measured by eta).
E(Ri) = Rf + [E (Rm Rf)];

= Cov i,m / 2m

= correlation (i,m) x std dev i/std dev mkt



B>1 = cyclical;

(Rm Rf) / i

B<1 = defensive

* watch out for variance 2 vs standard deviation ; watch for risk premium vs mkt risk wording
Risk & Return for individual asset can lie on SML but Not CML; will lie below CML
SML includes unsystematic Risk;

CML uses total risk;

Inputs to Mean Variance Model:

Historical Estimates: Too many #; large error
Market Model: 2 sources of risk -> systematic and unsystematic
Market Model Ri = i + i Rm + Ei
i = intercept (value of Ri when Rm equals zero);

Rm = return on mkt portfolio

i = slope (estimate of systematic risk for Asset i)

Ei = regression error (expected value equal to zero); (error uncorrelated with market return)
Firm specific surprises are uncorrelated across assets;
Expected return for asset i: E(Ri) = i + i E(Rm)
Systematic unsystematic
Variance Asset i: 2i = i22m + 2e

Cov = ij2m

Expected Return on Asset i depends on expected Return on Mkt Porfolio E(Rm), sensitivity on
returns to Asset i to movements in the mkt & avg return to i when mkt return = 0;
Covariance between any 2 stocks is product of betas and variance of Mkt portfolio
Adjusted eta: All this theory above uses historical data to compute estimates; We must adjust
Beta to forecast the future: past future -> beta instability
i,t = a + 1 i,t-1 + vi,t ;

vi,t = random error, expected value is Zero

*Beta instability -> historically may be wrong; tends to gravitate towards 1 over time;
Historical Beta > 1 -> Adjusted beta will be less than historical Beta and more than 1
Historical Beta < 1 -> Adjusted beta will be more than historical Beta and less than 1

Multifactor Model
1 Macroeconomic Factor Models Unexpected surprises (GDP growth; Credit Quality, etc);
sensitivities are regression slope estimates
Intercept = stock expected return; surprise unexpected; error term is unsystematic risk
2 Fundamental Factor Models Firm specific factors (P/E, Mkt Cap, Leverage, Growth)
Standardized sensitivities; not estimates! Intercept term not expected return
3 Statistical Factor Models Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)

APT: assumes no mkt imperfections; Arbitrage not possible; unsystematic risk can be
completely diversified away;
Cross sectional pricing model (explains variation across assets during single time period);
intercept is RFR;
Active Return: Rp Rb (Difference between managed portfolio & Benchmark)
Active Risk: tracking error =
(std dev of active return)
Active Factor Risk: risk from deviations between Portfolio factor sensitivities & benchmark
[over/underweight an industry compared to benchmark]
Active Specific Risk: Risk from deviations between Portfolio individual asset weightings &
[over/underweight specific firm within an industry ]
Information Ratio: Demonstrate Fund Managers consistency in generating return;
Active Return
Active Risk

is better; active return per unit of active risk

Just like Sharpe Ratio

Active Risk squared: Active Factor Risk + Active Specific Risk

Factor Portfolio: hedged against all but one risk;

higher active factor risk

One factor beta = 1 all other factor beta =0;

Tracking Portfolio: set of factor exposures; same as benchmark; tries to select superior
securities and beat the benchmark without taking inc risk;
factor betas = benchmark
Residual Risk and Return: Information Ratio
Alpha (residual return) : Return of Portfolio in excess of benchmark (adjusted for risk difference
between Rp & Rb);
expost -> realized;
ex-ante -> forecast
Rpt = p + p Rbt + Et ;

Rpt = excess (Rp Rfr); (regression slope)

p = ex-post (actual or realized) alpha (intercept); Bp = portfolio Beta; Rbt = excess return on
benchmark ( Rbt RfR) ; Et = random component
alpha -> weighted avg of alphas in portfolio;
Information Ratio:

ex-ante -> fwd looking; expost -> bkwds

annualized residual return / annualized residual risk

Ex-post information ratio:


t = t-stat of ;

IR =


n = # years of data

Budget Constraint: = IR x w [intercept term]

Can increase return only by inc risk
Information Ratio inc w time horizon: numerator inc w time, denominator inc w time
IR = slope of residual frontier;

Level of aggressiveness does NOT affect IR****

Value Added:

Active Return Vs

Active Risk

-> trade off

( x w2)
= risk aversion parameter
(higher -> greater risk aversion & more conservative)
VA = higher -> higher or with lower risk aversion or lower residual risk w
and w -> not decimal! Use % =

= IR x w -> budget constraint; VA = ( x w2) - sub into ->

VA = IR x w - ( x w2)

*VA initially increases with risk, but eventually penalty for risk outweighs gains from taking
additional risk.
Optimal level of risk:
VA = IR x w ( x w2)
w* = IR

w* = IR
New subbed in formula
VA = IR2

= IR
Or = w* x IR

Manager level of aggressiveness does not affect their IR;

aversion -> the higher the optimal level of residual risk.

The higher the IR & lower the risk

Active Management
Information Coefficient (IC): Measure of Managers forecasting accuracy;
Breadth (BR): # of independent forecasts of exceptional return per year that manager makes
BR = 2 forecasts per month x 12 months per year = 24 forecasts per year
Information Ratio (IR):

= IC x BR ;

*pay attention -> differences of IR and IC

Additivity Principal: IRF2 (firm) = IR2FI + IR2EQ ; F: Firm; FI: Fixed Income; EQ: Equity
Do each IR independently, then 2, then add them

IRF2 (firm) = IC2FI x BRFI + IC2EQ x BREQ

*dont forget IC not IR; dont forget to 2 and in right order
Optimal Level of residual risk: w*= IR / 2;
VA* = IR2 / 4

w*=IC X BR / 2

= IC2 x BR / 4

Market Timing -> bet on direction of the market

IC = 2 (Nc/N) -1;

Nc = correct bets on direction of mkt; N = # bets on direction of mkt

*if correct half the time -> IC and IR will be Zero!

Lets say original investment strategy results in IC; If new information is correlated to old one, IC
will change by proportion of correlations
ICcombined = IC x (2/1+r)

r = correlation between two information sources

Assumptions of Fundamental Law of Active Mgmt

1 - Manager has accurate knowledge of his/her skills and exploits this optimally
2 Sources of information are independent; 3 information coefficient is same of each bet;

Portfolio Mgmt Process & IPS

Evaluating Investor & Mkt characteristics: objectives/constraints; environment,
Develp IPS: Formalizes objectives & constraints, guides decisions, strategy;


Asset Allocation Strategy;

Measure & Evaluate Performance: Rebalancing may be needed
Monitor dynamic investor objectives & capital market conditions: ongoing process
View Risk Vs Return on whole portfolio
3 steps: Planning ; Execution ; Feedback

risk tolerance / aversion; reqd vs desired return;

income vs total return


liquidity, time, legal/regulatory, tax, unique (ethical practices -> tobacco, guns)

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