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Grade 7 Social Studies

Review Sheet: Cluster 2

Global Quality of Life
I. You should understand the following terms:
1. standard of living
2. basic needs
4. educational opportunities
5. poverty
7. security
8. environmental protection
10. Millennium Development Goals
12. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
14. discrimination
15. racism
17. Adolf Hitler
18. prejudice
20. citizenship
21. rights
23. democracy
24. humanitarian
26. globalization

3. health care
6. peace
9. suffrage
11. human rights
13. United Nations
16. slavery
19. stereotyping
22. responsibilities
25. power

II. You should be able to answer the following questions:

1. List 3 basic needs of all people.
2. How well people live and have their needs met is called what?
3. Describe the conditions of a person who had a very low standard of living.
4. List other factors beyond the basic needs that must be generally be met before people
can enjoy a good standard of living.
5. What term means the right to vote?
6. True or False? At one time women were not allowed to vote.
7. True or False? Negroes in the United States have been allowed to vote as long as
anyone else.
8. True or False: Today, everyone is allowed to vote.
9. True or False: It is possible for poor people to still have a good quality of life.
10. Is the standard of living in Canada better, worse, or very similar to most other
countries in the world?
11. True or False: Most of the poor countries in the world can be blamed for their own
poverty because of poor decisions, overspending and so on.
12. What was the name given to the long-term commitment made by many world leaders
in the year 2000 to help the poorer countries in the world?
13. By what year do they hope to have met the goals set out in the Millennium
Development Goals?
14. True or False: The problems of the world are too great for individuals to make a
15. The rights that it has been agreed to that every person should have are called what?
16. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a document of what organization?
17. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, every person in the world
has rights in 6 areas. List these areas.
18. Give an example of a political right.
19. Give an example of a civil right.

20. Give an example of an equality right.

21. Give an example of an economic right.
22. Give an example of a social right.
23. Give an example of a cultural right.
24. True or False: Only a few countries in the world have agreed to uphold and protect
the rights laid out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
25. List other rights that are given in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
26. What is the act or practice of making or showing a difference based on prejudice
27. True or False: The way we think about people or act toward them does not really
affect their quality of life.
28. The belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another race is called what?
29. Why did Adolf Hitler feel justified in mistreating Jews?
30. What terms means pre-judging or judging before we have all the facts?
31. True or False: It is easier to treat people fairly and with dignity if we are not
prejudiced against them.
32. What term is given to ideas held about members of particular groups, based solely on
membership in that group.
33. Mark has just joined a new class in a new city. He does not know anyone in the class,
yet he assumes that Jason is a better Math student than Melissa because he thinks that
all boys are better at Math than girls. This is an example of what?
34. True or False: People sometimes use stereotypes to justify discriminatory behavior.
35. Membership in a political country is called what?
36. Name several rights of citizens of Canada.
37. Name several responsibilities of citizens of Canada.
38. How does a person become a citizen of Canada?
39. True or False: Canada will accept anyone to be a citizen.
40. True or False: In Canada, we have the right of freedom of speech. This means that I
am free to lie about you or verbally abuse you if I want to.
41. What form of government gives power to the people or to their elected
42. Name three rights that are guaranteed in a democracy.
43. True or False: In a democracy, people who didnt vote for a law arent required to
obey the law.
44. A person who works to improve the lives of others or to reduce suffering in the world
is called what?
45. Name a humanitarian organization that has helped to make the world better.
46. The ability to have an influence or effect on others is called what?
47. The increased movement of goods, services, technology, and money throughout the
world is called what?
48. True or False: Everyone agrees that globalization is good.
49. Is power distributed equally in the world?
50. Are the wealthier countries in the world more powerful than the other countries?

1. food, clothing, shelter
2. standard of living
3. They do not have enough food or clothing or proper shelter.
4. proper health care, educational opportunities, peace and security, environmental
protection, participation in decision-making
5. suffrage
6. True
7. False
8. False; you must be old enough to vote. In addition, some prisoners, etc. are not
allowed to vote.
9. True, though it is much more difficult if they have to struggle to have their daily basic
needs met.
10. much better
11. False: Many of the reasons for their poverty are beyond their control.
12. Millennium Development Goals
13. 2015
14. False: Many individual humanitarians have made a difference.
15. human rights
16. The United Nations
17. political, civil, equality, economic, social and cultural rights
18. the right to vote; the right to participate in government
19. freedom of opinion; freedom of expression
20. freedom from discrimination
21. fair wages; safe working conditions
22. the right to education; adequate health care
23. the right to speak your native language
24. False
25. see notes 7.2.2c Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Plain Language Version)
26. discrimination
27. False; It can have a huge impact on them.
28. racism
29. He believed the Germans were a superior race and the Jews were inferior.
30. prejudice
31. True
32. stereotypes
33. stereotyping
34. True. People often assume something about another person but it is only based on a
stereotype. As a result, they may not treat the person fairly.
35. citizenship
36. see notes 11: What is citizenship?
37. see notes 11: What is citizenship?
38. by birth; by having a parent who is a Canadian citizen; by applying to become a

39. False: Most are welcomed but some, such as those with criminal records, are
40. False: All citizens agree to restrict their individual freedom by doing such things as
obeying laws, paying taxes, respecting private and public property, respecting the
rights of other citizens, and protecting the environment.
41. a democracy
42. the right to vote, the right to be a candidate, and the right to have regular, fair
43. False
44. a humanitarian
45. Answers will vary: UNICEF, World Vision, Amnesty International, The Red Cross
46. power
47. globalization
48. False: see notes: sheet 7.2.4f page 2 The Debate about Globalization
49. No
50. Yes; The countries with a higher standard of living tend to be much more powerful.
The poorest countries are not considered to be powerful.

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