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The Newport Daily News September 23, 2015 NEWPORT Experts discuss Roprosentatives of three major telecom- munications companies Tuesday night addressed the Newport Schoo] Committee -antd neighbors opposed tothe presence of an “expanded coll tower that looms high above the Rogers High School campus. ‘Attorney Joe Hall of Newport represented Verizon Wireless, which testalled anew array of antennae on the tower as well as a new ‘maintenance shed on the property last year. asked the commitiee and the neighbors to sive the firm time tomdlress their concerns. For example, he said the company would reconfigure the antennae to correspond to ‘what other companies using the tower are dowgand paint the shed any color the neta bors wish, Adlorney Michael R. Dolan of Providence represented ATRT and TMobile atthe hear Ing; during whch expert conultanis eed field levels around the tomer in response to neighbors’ concernsabout the health threat of the vadio wave emissions. He cai the peak reading of the total radio frequency field was \/7otho! the maximum permissible exposure value asset by the Federal Communications Commission and pases norisk. ‘Douglas Sheadel of Modeling Special: ties of Westford, Mass. tested noise levels from the tower and found themn well below thomaximum decibel levels allowed by ity ordinance. ‘Neighbors argued after the presentations. that consultants usually present findings, that correspond ta what those whro hired themdesine. ‘olan said the School Committee cou! hire independent consultants to do testin, ‘and. the telecommunications companies ‘would reimburse the costs. ‘Neighbors from surrounding residential properties have condenmned the ugliness of the tower, the noise and the potential health risksftom the leetromagnetic radiation that is emitted from cell towers and antennas. Haes said electromagnetic radiation comes from power lines and radio frequency is the proper term in connection with the cel tower. ‘The School Committee must decide ‘TOWER AS Tower Coie 3 ‘whether tonoaly the comps: ‘Bes that ther eases wl be {erminated in 207, hen al econ ate extended The neon must ie ‘ven one yaar ahead ef time. ‘The committee mace o deck sonsat the worcshop and could ‘ake up the suet he upeon- ‘ngregularcomimitiee mei en oct “ste Nell Gavin repr ening th School Comte, seid the committee has until ‘Tune el tonouss Veron: ‘Ost 28,2016 tonetiy ATW land Dee. 28, 2916, 10 nots TMebie, “ive uth yartoshow sou wnat the companies ill to ‘eeamntdatseoneorna” Hall sad “The tower wasn't mach of an sus intl Veron Wiest ‘ameonlestyeseadingncise fanteanae anda ualding sie ‘Mary Nolan, he neigiber whe Tipesclenet othe ower stout Motet away. orTecrtaonstant ting noise" shesail.“Tusel tocar fenieats Irgeosall night and alld. Commercial entities have no business on sheol properties in eseatla beg Dochoods. Ie just common Teale ester aged hat ho presence ofthe cll tower has Pedued property values inthe Deighborhcodantrespondacto the company representatives’ Dresentations tat the ewes ‘roviled noted coverage or fepotesin he southern ne Hone! theaite "The School Committee te not charged vith providing ‘ervices based on cell com- [any needs” she ste, “The ‘School Committe is eolett- Ing $5,000 (he epprostiaie total of payments for the Ipases) off eur Decks and tak ingawsy theonjoymentof or

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