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James Rostek Jr.

Assignment 1:
Information Literacy

1.Topic selection: Emerging technology


New technology in TV's and new technology in cell phones

CCBC Library website
It is part of the assignment and a reliable source
MLA format; Kalmykova, Yuliya, et al. "Out With The Old, Out With The New
The Effect Of Transitions In Tvs And Monitors Technology On Consumption And
WEEE Generation In Sweden 1996-2014." Waste Management (2015):

ScienceDirect. Web. 6 Sept. 2015.

e. MLA format; STOICESCU, Marius1,, and
Monica1, STANESCU. "Using Mobile Phone
Technology To Enhance Physical Education Efficiency." Elearning & Software For
Education 3 (2015): 380-385. Education Source. Web. 6 Sept. 2015.

James Rostek Jr.

Assignment 1:
Information Literacy


James Rostek Jr.

Assignment 1:
Information Literacy

2. Search of the internet for current event article for emerging technology

a. Toyota is going to help us all drive much faster by 2020

In this article the author discusses Toyota's collaboration with Stanford and MIT to build
an autonomous car. He discusses the different levels of autonomy that a car may have
and what those levels include. The pros and cons of autonomous driving cars are also
discussed in this article.
b. MLA format; Brandon, John. "Toyota Is Going to Help Us All Drive Much Faster
by 2020." Computer World. IDG Contributor Network, 4 Sept. 2015. Web. 7 Sept.
2015. <>
3. Additional article on same topic

a. New technology coming out soon

b. Tompor, Susan. "TOMPOR: New Chip Tech Coming to Credit Cards."
SunHerald. Detroit Free Press, 5 Sept. 2015. Web. 7 Sept. 2015.
c. Search engines used were google and bing

James Rostek Jr.

Assignment 1:
Information Literacy


39,800,000 results
Showed just news articles and lists

4,510,000 results
Showed news articles, videos and

of emerging technology under the

pictures under the news tab

news tab
Easier to navigate due to ease of

More difficult to navigate due to

There are no catagories of news

Has multiple catagories

under the news tab

underneath the news tab that all

expand and have even more

James Rostek Jr.

Assignment 1:
Information Literacy

4. TRAAP your sources

a. The article was written September 5, 2015, No it has not been updated
b. Yes this article does relate to my topic as it is new technology that is on its way
out to consumers therefore it is emerging technology.
c. Susan Tompor is the author of this article. She is the personal finance columnist
for the Detroit Free Press. I believe that since she writes about personal finance
she is qualified to write this article.
d. I believe the information is trustworthy. It came from a reputable source. She has
information from multiple banks and credit card companies in her article to
support her work.
e. This article was written to inform consumers of new technology coming to their
debit and credit cards. This technology will help crack down on card fraud. The
banks and credit card companies are not making this an option, all of their cards
will have the new chip technology in them. This article is subjective not biased.

5. Compare the internet and journal articles

James Rostek Jr.

Assignment 1:
Information Literacy


Ease of access



Internet article 1
Very easy to read for the

DB article 1
A little bit more difficult of a

average person

read for someone not use

This article was written

to that kind of article

This article was published

September 4, 2015 and

April 2015 and has not

has not been updated

The author of this article

been updated
This article has multiple

has a background in

authors and contributors

technology and testing of

who have a combination of

new products. I believe he

college degrees and

is qualified to speak on the

experience in their fields. I

topic of this article

believe they all are

qualified to speak on the
topic of the article

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