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Publithed by williahtparke,Fermetick Philof.. and Phyftian, , AB. : In bin was'life, the Life-wWas the} Hight of nien and: the light fhineth in darkaéfs, and the-darkjeofs cdnt- prebeideth it not, So ids Se og, BOND: , Printed in the Year, v6634., EPPS THE DEDICATORY.. T? thew that are Eleéted of God, aud Borz of Nature. “MVSEVM) SRITAN ian al ci) | seeenvdaeeseessieneoocss Suppofita. Odis Unity in Trini- ty, and Trinity in U- nity. : 2. Godisall things poffible and exi- frent. 3. Allthings arein God, as Rays in their Centre. 4. The reflection of Gods Image, iw (peculo trinitatis, was the begin- ning of the Creation. Axiomata of the Creation and Harmony of the World. a Image emanating from God , is | the firit matcer of all things: The firt termination wliereof .conftituced the Circle of Intelligence; The fecond rermi- ination whereof conftituted the Circle of Souls; The ‘third termination whereof conftituted the Circle of Nature; The fourth termination whereof conilicuced che Circle of Metals. A2 2, By (2) ae 2, By the Reflegtion,each Circle was im- pregnated according to their diftance from cheir Centre: viz. The Circle of Intelli~ gence with Forms 3 The Circle of Souls with Ideas; The Circle of Nature with the Seminal Reafonss T he Circle of Matter with Material Forms. ' ' 3. Thele Circles being Univocal and Homogeneous , are linked together by the Golden Ghain of Unity, Love, and Harmo- ny: viz, The Inteiligences, with Nature 5 theSouls, with the Quinteffence; Nature, with Matter, as with a Vehicle. 4. The Intelligences are defined both to the power and knowledge: for they can- not operate any ching withouc the comp mand of God. ‘ x. Propofition. Od operateth 5 by the communication 4 of his elle or Decree, to the firlt matter of Creation; the firlt matter, to the Intelligence; che Intelligence , to the Soul; the Soul, to Nature; Nature, to Matter ; doth communicate the Velle Dei. , 1. Deutonjtration. ‘Od communicated his: Decree cf the Creation of Adart,to the firkt ne 3 the tL 3 the firft Mateer, to the Determinate Intelli+ gences the Intelligence, tothe Determi- nate Soul 5 the Soul, to Nature; Nature, to Matter. Thefe being concentrated by the Velle, or Decree of God, into one Micracofit 5 hence floweth the Creation of Adam. 2. Demontiration. N the Generation of Eve, God commu- nicated his Decree of her Generation to the firft Matter 5 the firft Marcer, tothe In- telligence of Adam; che Intelligence, to the Soul ; the Soul, cothe Fancy; the Fan- cy,, to the Animal, Vital, and Natural Spi- rits, The Animal, Vical, and Natural Spirits, being concentrated and fermented in the Spermatick Ve(skials, by the Phantafma of the Fancy Sigilled upon them, from the Spirits thus concentrated and fermented, by che Image of God in them ; * refulted che Generation of Evc. The Ge- Neration of our Saviour was after this man- ner, as hath been demonftrated. 3. Demonstration. IX the Cohception cf Chrift', the Effence of God united with the humane Nature A3 of 4). Shritt, by Concentration of che fick a Buicreian > in humane ae Therefore Chrift is Lighe and Life, the Light chat illuminateth every one that a meth into the worlds the Life chat sivet h Life, and sevivech all Mankind : - He we live, move 5 and have our being. TT i Us niverfal Pandced , ov Elixer chat cur on by the water of Regeneration,and fire oft he Spirie: The Philofophers Stone, who Se mutech the Signature of the Spirit eae a Univerfe, and liberats the Image of God, y Spirit of Man from Darkne& and Capti- Vity, into che glorious light of liberty. 2, Propofition. Jeifer and his Concomitants defiring TL? oe equal with God, united aon es wich the firft Matter or Image of Gor in the fecond , viz. Light, whereby they might have abfolute power over Matters. 4, Dentonjiration- ° Ucifer and his Concomicants being in 1 » Fermentation , chorow che Sere oe Union with che firft Matter aoe ted che Signature chereot to Matter, Be 7 Vihicle of Nature, Matter being yi ; (5) fermented with the- Signature » became pregnant; Matter being thus conceived 5 God therefore eclipfed the Conception, whereupon followed Abortion, Lucifer_and his Concomitants being e- clipfed , in che Conception of the glori- ous light, Sigilled che Sircumference of Nature, viz. the Elementa Elementata, and Principia Principiata , withthe Signature of the defire of Dominion each over anothe, Hence followeth contention and contrarie= ty, tranfmutation of each into another, Corruption and death. Having thus Sigilled the Elementa Ele. mentata , and Principia Principiata, they Concentred and fermented them in .the fight of Eve ; whereby fhe faw the forms of all things , ina Gtobous Figure: with the which afped , her Fancy being faffinaced , (he was attracted, Her Fancy being chus atcracted, with the Species of the object reprefented, communicated the Spe- cies thereof to che Soul,andcothe Animal, Vital, and Natural Spirits, and confequen- ly cothe whole Body. The Union thereof was multiplied by the Efflux and Reflux of the Celeftial Body : by the Efflux co matter Sigilled, with the Signature of Envy, and emulation againft God > and againtt his I- mage. Ag By (6 By the Reflux from Matter, thereby. the - Spirit of Man is more and more cranfmu- ged according to the Fermentation and Ex+ altation of the Fancy from Light into Darknefs 3 from Union and Communion with God’, into: Union and Communion with the Spirit of the Uluiverte, Fue being thus faflinated , ‘did fafli- pate Adam by Union of her Animal, Vital, and Natural Spirits, (eran {piring and ex~ haling through the pores of the body) be. ing Sigilled wich Adams Spirit: The Spi- cits being chus United, Sigilled che Spirits of Adam; the Spirits, the Fancy 5 the Fan- cy, the Soul < hence Difeafes, Death, Dam- nation. 2. Propofition. -y\He Primitive Origin of Difeafes, isthe Union of the Spirit of Man with che, Spiric of the World. The fecond Caule is the Signature of Emulation , Sigilled in Humane Nae ture. As che Canfe is two-fold, fo the Cure. : Firtt Cure is by Diffolution of the Uni- on; The fecond is by Tranfinutation of the Signature. c 5. Dewton- ns <2 ee 5. Demonfiration. ry is Union of the Spirit of God, is “the Dilfolation or Dif-union of the Spirit of the lniverfe: As the Degree of inion, fo isthe Degree of Diflolution; a otal Union of the Spirit of Man with che Spirit of God, is atotal Diffolution or Li- beration from the Spirit of the Univerfe. ‘A cotal Union is Glory and Heaven. The Mulciplication of the Union is by the cony tinual reflection of the Spiric of Man upon God inChrift- The means are the Holy Scriptures, Faith, Love, Patience, Repentance, Contrition of Spirit, Humiliey, Self-denyal, Prayer in Spirit and Truth, Continence, Tempe- rance, ‘Lhe 2d. part of the Devtonfiration. "TP Ranfatation of the Signature is effe&- ed immediately by Prayer in Faith, working by Love. S e _ Tranftmutation of the Signature is mex diately by Signature , Sigils of Conftella~ tions, charaéters of Planets; and of Angels, Numbers, Words, &c. Concerning which Thave written in a Book, called Lux e Ze 5 as nebrisy Neo tc Gonal matter with Klixar and Balfam + wich Elixars onc of Mettallick bodies, Mer- ials, and out of the Univerfal {piric incor- porated and fixedin Corals, Pearls, Sale pecer; Vitriol, oc. . . With Balfam ‘made. out of the mineral Sulphur, and oat of vegetable Sulphur 5 viz. by the coagulation of che Oyl with che , Volatile Sale :“oue of Animal Sulphur by putrefagtion, (eperation of the principles, and-conjun@ionand tnion of chem again. nebris, which ¥ intend (hortly to put to th Prefs;_therefore. l thall be Brief in this Treatife. . The Signatures arein Animals, Vegitables, Mettallick, Bodies, and Mettals. Among{t Animals Man hath the chiefe( Signature in his Blood: Among Vegeta. bles the Quinteflence of Saffron; of the Berries of Juniper, of the Seeds of Rew, (Juniper and Rew having the fignature o| the Crofs) of the Quinteffence of Cedar o! Wine, &c. Amongft Mettallick Bodies and Meteals preparations made out of the Minera of} Mercury and Antimony, Venus, Luna, Sol, have the principalleft fignature. Demontirations and Preparations of Mettallick, bodies and Metals, and of the Spirit of the Univer{e ¥ncorporated. Ake the King and the Queen and pe "Tins in the Wedlock bed 5. then after fourty dayes the Queen {hall conceive with a Royal Child 5 (the ‘conception being ini+ tiated) che Embrion is to be nourifhed wich Virgins Milk untill the full perfection he Gold, ‘and diftill it feven times’ over the retort, withthe menfirunit ptundi 5 the Gold being thus volatized by eaQifla. tion, is to be fublimed with three parts of Mercury toone of Gold, until all che Gold be fublimed. . on. The. Gold being thus fublimed with Mercury, Numbers bave Efficacy and Energy. eas he that hath the Number feven, A in his Nativicy; ean by the fignature thereof, cure, difeafes univerfally, ificbe fortified and multiplied by a continual re- flection upon God: with the which Signa- eure I was dignified in my Nativity; and thereby have cranfinuted with admirable faccels,che Signature of theKings Evil,Epi- i Jepfy, Podagra, cc. and have removed the occas 10 Mercury, then fhould it be calcined with a Philofophical calcination. The Mereury with the Gold, being thus calcined, then che bodies of both are pre-difpofed for the Excragtion of the cin&ure with the mens Sirnum mundi. Hence ye hall have the me. dicine, whofe Vertues and Properties will celebrate ic felf, ‘ Take Mettallick Bodies, Mettals and Spi- rit of the Ulniverfe incorporated, and ele- vate chem unto thejr Heaven; then circulate them uncil chey have traced the feven {phears of the Planets, then reduce chem anco their Virgin Earth: whence you have a Medicine and Elixar (of each of the pre- mifed) curing all difeafes Corolary, Mercu- xy and Antimony being prepared according to their ordinary manner of preparation, areac the belt exalted Poifon, until they be perfectly fixed, which can be done means but by feparating the impure from the pure; and by joyning and congealing the central Mercury with that which is of a homogeneons nature; according to thele Axiomes, Natura natura letatur unitur, tranfiautat & wiultiplicat. om i), Demonfirations of the preparation of Balfums out " Sai of Minerals Venerable : and Animals. : Ake Miaeral Sulphur, and elevate ic to its “Jeaven by che Separation of the mpure from che Pure, with a fie medinnt the fupe .fluous Sulphur being thus fepara- ted, ye may extra&t the cindture cheréof rith the Spirit of Wine. Take saffron, Juniper Berries, Seeds of few, Aloes, Cedar, and digeft chem in the nenfiruum of A\calice volatalized with effen tial Oyls according to the ordinary way 5 Bue if yefhall prepare them according to the Method that I have prefcribed in the forefaid Book, you may do much better. Dewon{iration of the Univerfal Panaceza , op of the Spirit of the Wniverfe Incorporated in the fecend matter of Generation; by Axiomes and Conclufions, Axiome 1. The Iutage of God is in Light 4s in its Vebicle. - AX. 2. Light is the Secret watter of Gene~ tation, Ax. 3. Virgine Earth is the fecond matter of Generation. : Ax. 3. Chay wi Ax. 1. The Intage of God by the Vebichey. Light 5 iswnited aed coucentred in the: Earth, : Xs Ax. 5. Light the fin dratter is concentreds and fixed in Virgine Earth, the fecond matter. + + Ax.6. The Intage of God, in the firft matter: of Generation, uniting univacally and homoge. nically with the {pirit of man, (being liberated from the bondage of Elementa Elementata, of the Principia Principista ) doth increafe dnd multiply it according to the degree of union. Con. Virgine Earth is the fubjett matter; in which Light and Life is terutinated and cons centrated. . Con. The Light and Lifein Virgine Earth, eanfeth Vegitation, Generation and Motion in all the produtts thereof. J Con. Virgine Earth being purified by exalta- tion and fublimation , frowt the circumferental and fuperficial impurity , isthe wniverfal Pa- nacxa that conferveth and multiplieth Light and Life in all its produtis. Having demonftrated briefly che method ' and procefs of Creation , Generation, of Origin of Caules, and of their Cure, Hhall conclude with praife and slory to the IM« MENSE LIGHT, in whom we live,ntove, and bave ony being. (UVSEV : _{ BRITAN Finis. | BRITA} y

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