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Anthony Rossetti


Australian Government
Unit Overview

Civics and Citizenship
Year 5/6
Australian Government
2 weeks 6 lessons
This unit of work involves the understanding of the three levels of Australian Government and how laws are made. The unit is based on the
curriculum outcomes for the Humanities and Social Sciences Civics and Citizenship learning areas with links to English outcomes. During this
unit students will learn:
What are the roles and responsibilities of the different levels of Government in Australia?
How are Australian laws developed?
Year level description Key points
The Year 6 curriculum provides a study of the key institutions of Australias democratic government, including state/territory and federal
parliaments, and the court system. Students learn how state/territory and federal laws are made in a parliamentary system.
The civics and citizenship content at this year level involves two strands: Civics and Citizenship Knowledge and Understanding, and Civics and
Citizenship Skills. These strands are interrelated and should be taught in an integrated way; they may be integrated across learning areas and in
ways that are appropriate to specific local contexts. The order and detail in which they are taught are programming decisions.

Civic and Citizenship: Strands and Sub strands
Strand: Civics and Citizenship Knowledge and Understanding
Government and democracy
The roles and responsibilities of the three levels of government, including shared roles and responsibilities within Australias federal
system (ACHCK036)
Laws and citizens
How state/territory and federal laws are initiated and passed through parliament (ACHCK037)
Strand: Civics and Citizenship Skills

Anthony Rossetti
Problem solving and decision making
Interact with others with respect, identify different points of view and share personal perspectives and opinions (ACHCS043)
Work in groups to identify issues and develop possible solutions and a plan for action using decision making processes (ACHCS044)
English: Strands and Sub strands
Strand: Literacy
Interpret, analysing and evaluating
Use comprehension strategies to interpret and analyse information and ideas, comparing content from a variety of textual sources
including media and digital texts (ACELY1713)
Creating texts
Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts, choosing and experimenting with text structures, language features,
images and digital resources appropriate to purpose and audience(ACELY1714)
Lesson 1
This initial lesson will introduce the students to the three levels of the Australian Government and identify previous background
knowledge. Worksheet 1 will be handed out and class discussion will be based around what the three levels of government are and what
their roles and responsibilities are. Students will watch a short video and further discussion will take place to clarify any misconceptions. Worksheet 2 will be handed out for students to
complete which will be referred to later in the unit.
Lesson 2
This lesson will focus on what the federal government is and its roles and responsibilities. Worksheet 3 will be handed out and a class
discussion will take place.
Lesson 3
This lesson will focus on what the state and local governments are and their roles and responsibilities in the community. Class discussion
will take place and worksheets 4 and 5 will be handed out for students to complete. Worksheet 6 will be handed out for students to
complete in groups. Answers will be discussed as a class.
Lesson 4
This lesson will involve students identifying Australian laws and the process in which laws are made. Students will watch four short videos

Anthony Rossetti
on what is Parliament? What is the Senate? What are the House of Representatives? Making a Law and will be asked to take notes. The notes will help the
students during the final assessment task. Worksheet 7 will be handed out to students.
Lesson 5
This lesson will give the students an opportunity to listen to an interactive resource which
focuses on the process of a bill being passed in Parliament. Students will have an option to choose a bill and identify the stages in which it
becomes law. Class discussion will take place at the end of the lesson for students to ask questions to identify any misconceptions they
might have.
Lesson 6
In this final lesson students will recap on their newfound knowledge before participating in a short formative assessment task (to be
The formative assessment task designed for this unit will be a short quiz. Questions will be based around what the students have learnt
throughout the unit and their note taking during the lessons. Student participation and enthusiasm during class will also be taken into account.
Ongoing monitoring and feedback will be provided to students throughout the unit of work.

At the


completion of this unit students should:
Explain what the three levels of Australian Government are and identify their roles and responsibilities
Describe the roles of parliament in regards to creating new laws
Identify the process in which new laws are created

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