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C 20220


Bucaramanga (Santander) I Colombia

Dear Mr. Caro Moreno:

This responds to your r'e que s t; of Oct.ober 10, 2005, s ubm.i t.t.ed to the Office of Foreign Assets control ("OFAC") for the reexamination of your by OFAC as a Designated Narcotics Trafficker ( "SDNTI') pursuant to Executi ve Or(h':r 12978 of October 21,1995 ("Blocking Assets and Prohibiting Tr:ansact,iQns With Significant Narcotics Traffickers!!)

In order .for OFAC to properly evaluate your petition, you should provide your own detailed narrative responses to the following requests for information, in a signed original statement submitted with documentation in support of the answers given. Ori9inal statements and documents prepaxE:',d in Spanish should be accompanied by English translations.


Please prov~de the following:

a) Pull name (last ria me , first name, middle name);

b) Any a1 ternate names or al .i a s e s j

c) Date of birth and place of birth;

d) Current residence address and phone number;

e) Alternate residence addresses and phone numbe.t:s;

f) Passport .nurnbers , places and dates of issue, exp i rat a on a ,

9) U.S. visa numbers, types, places/dates of issue, eXpirations;

h) u. S. resident al .i e n numbers or asyl urn document; numbers;

2. Curre~;~".,Employmen"~.. Please de ac full y your current ernp10ymentand all other ernp Loyrnent; concurrent or .s ub s e qu.e nt; to your employment: $nd/or association with Coopdisan and Drogas la Rebaja Bucaramanga S.A., the dates of such

erap l oymen t, the names, addresses, phone numbers I and fax numbe r s of those employers, and the names and titles of the owners, officers, directors, and other senior managers for these companies.

LCCR Q & R - 000065


3 . Empl2Yment. PI ease de.scr the nature and tit 1e of each po·sT tion you have held or any other a.s soci at; Lon you have had w.i th Coopdisan and Drogas la Rebaj a Bucaramanga S.A., or any of their pr-ede.ce.aao r s , and othe r nti t.i.e s owned controlled b Q:(. Ciffiliated with

and/or or any other entities or

individuals on the SDUT a copy of the current SDNT

list is enclosed). If associated with or employed by additional SDNTs, provide the length of time and specific dates of employment and describe \·each posi tion, your dut :leE; in each position, the salaries and other benefits (such as stock shares) received in each position, and the date and condi tions of separation or ret..i rement from the company. If you held a ' ...... ri t.t en employment contract, a copy should be provided. If you had some other type of association with these SDNT errt i tLes or I nd i v Ldua.Ls , p I ease provide an explanation.

4. What is your relationship with the fo l Lowf.nq entities and individuals since 1995? If you have terminated your relationship with any of the entities or individuals listed below, please documentary evidence of such termination:

a. b. c. d.


f. g. h. i. j . k. 1.

m. n.

o , dora de Santander

p. Drogas la Rebaja Bucararnanga S.A.

q. Copservir Ltda. (a.k.a Cooperativa Multiactiva de EmpleadoB de Distribuidores de Dr.ogas Copservir Ltda.; f.k.a. Distribuidora de Drogas la Rebaja S. Ad f. k.a. Di.stribuidora de Drogasla Rebaj a Principal B.A. i f .k. a. Droga$la Rebaja)


LCCR Q & R - 000066


paqe DU

'-' ,

r. s.

Credirebaja, S.A.

Cooperativa Mercantil Colombiana Coomercol (a.k.a. Coomercol)

5. Shared ACCOLlTlt.,§3._ . .':::,":.nd Assetf?_. Please provide the name and complete address of any individual or entity for which o r in which you have held any type of shared accounts, property or other assets with individuals acting for or on behalf DE or

d or c . rolled by or E iliated

and/or or any other entit ·s or indivic1ua s On

with the identities of all shareholders, officers, or other senior managers in such firma and a description of the nature and extent of the ho l d.i riqe .

6. stoc_!:s_.g~!].ership. Was any stock in Coopdisan and Drag'as la Rebaj aB'Ucaramang-a S.A., or any of their predecessors, ever held in your If so, please explain the circumstances under which this occurred and the nature of any t:ransfers of stock out of your name and to whom this t3tock was transferred.

7. U.S. Accounts and Assets. Please detail any inLerest you 110"1'(1 in anyf inanciai ac~counts in the Uni Led States, including names and addresses of financial institutions, types of a c oc-un t s J aooount; numbers, and your r e a aorrs for choosing the part:ic:ular U. S . financial institutions at you have held individual, joint, business or charge accounts.

B, Proper£z.. Interests. Do you hold any interest in real property in the United States? Please detail.

9. Travel t9_U.S. Have you traveled to the United States since 1995 and engaged in any transactions not incident to travel-related expenses and your personal maintenance while in the United States? If so, please list dates, places traveled, purpose of travel, and addresses utilized during stays.

10. Additional Information: Provide any additional information you deem appropriate, which could assist OFAC in the review of your appeal.

If OFAc: does not receive a response from you within the next 90 days, we willas$ume that you do not wish to proceed. Your case will be closed, and your petition tor removal from the SDNT list <,vi 11 be deni e d .


teen Q & R - 000067

\.<Je may pOl::leadditional questions and document.ary requests as we proceed. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. please direct any questions to the Office of Foreign Assets Control, Designation Invest.igations:

OEficeof F' Asset:s Control U.S. Department of the Treasury ATTN: Designation Investigations 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20220


Jenrllfer Houghton

Assistant Director

Designation Investigations office of Foreign Assets Control



LCCR Q & R - 000068

Director Acting .Associete Designation Investigations Office of ForelngAssetsControl




Day respuesta a Iacarta en referencta de fecha octubre 10 de 2005, relacionada con la sollcitud de informacion para la exclusion de laorden Ejecutiva ("SDNT")[l] 12978 del 21 deoctubre de 1995.

1... Datos Personales, Por ravor surninistre los sigulentes datos:

a. Nombre Complete (Apellidos, Primer nombre, Segundo nombre): R// ARCADIO CAROMORENO

b.Cualquiernombrl:l: alterno 0 seudorurno: R/ Ninguno

Fecha y luqar de nacimiento: Rf

- - - - -- ---- ---------------- - - - --

, de la residencia a I Telefono:

e. DJrecciones y nurneros telefcnlccs altemos; R/ celular Numero

f. Numeros del pasaporte, lugares y fechas de emision, explraciones; R/ No

poseoeste docurnento, nunca 10 he solicitado.

g. Tipos y ruirneros de visa de Estados Unidos,lugares y fechas de ernision,

expiractenes: R/ Nunca he sollcitado III obtentdo visa americana.

h. Nurnerosde residente extranjero de Estados Unidos 0 numeros de documentos de

asllo; R/ Njnguno

2, EmpleoActuai.

Desde lahore

hasta la fecha laboro en Copservir Ltda. Aclaro que Rebaja Bucaramanga $,A, haste 1 de agosto de

LCCR Q & R - 000069

s made on

A la fecha ocupo el cargo.

Copservlr es una Cooperativa can sede principal en la Ciudad de Bogota ubicada en la Calle 13 # 39-10 telefono 09133S1700{conformada por mas de 4000 asociadas y can Sucursales en cuatro<CJudades del Pais: Bogota- Barranquilla-Caf y Bucararnanqa,

3. EmpJeo vasoclacion con entidades SDNT.

Nunca besido empleado ni asociado dlrecto de ninguna de las personas mencionadas en este punto nlde lista SDNT{ salvo con las soctedades Dlstribuldora de Drogas la Rebaja Bucaramanga S.A.r empress para la cual trabaje como empleado hasta e! 1 de agosto de 1996 fecha en la que se dio la .sustitucion patronal a copservir Ltda. En Drogas LA rebaja en suentonces y en Copservlr Ltda. he ocupado los siqulentes cargos:

4. Cual es su relacion con las siquientes cornpafiias 0 personas desde 1995

Con las personas relacionadas en la lista del punto 4 (documento anexado par ustedes en respuesta a mi solkitud). - De la lista de personas y entidades solo he tenido relaciones asf:

Todas estas personas fueron vinculadas laboralmente 0 son a la feoha aun trabajadores de Copservlr Ltda. y nuestra relacion fue 0 es de cornparieros de trabajo exclusivamente.

En esta Cooperatlvade B/manga fui _ • _ • EstaCcoperatlva se encuentra tiquldada.

5. Cuentas de Acetones y blenes,

Ninquna, Nunca he rnanejado alqun tipo de accion, propiedad u otros bienes, cuentas cornpertidas, con personas actuando par 0 en representacion de otrascornpafias,

teen Q & R - 000070


page pursuant to

~olados por los _I'll euatquter otra cornparu 0 persona dela lista


6. Propletanode Acetones:

No; No hesido soclo, accionlsta, ni nunca he tenido acetones a mi nombre con ninguna de las personasv las empresas descritas en su llsta.

EnCopservir Ltda. No poseo acetones ya que esta es una Cooperatlva.

En CopservirLtda, Poseo aportes y su naturaleza se generaba dela oblipacion que poseia como Asociadaqueera de aportar los cuales hada a traves de descuentos quincenales del sueldo que devengaba.

7. Cuentas y Bienes de Estados Unldos, .

Noposeo I'll he temdo rentas de nlnguna cuenta finenciera en los Estados Unidos. Nunca he posefdocuentas flnancieras 0 bienes en ese Pais, nunca he visitado su Pais.

8. 'Intereses de Propiedad en los Estados Unidos:

No heobtenido ninguna renta en propiedades reales en ESTADOS UNIDOS ya que no poseoalguna propiedad en ese Pais. Nunca he vlsitado su Pais,

9. Viajesa Estados Unidos.

Nunca he-viajado a Estados Unkles: nunca he solicitado visa a ese pals.

10. Informacion Adicional: Anexo fotocopia de la certlttcacton de la relacion laboral sostenida con la Sociedad Distribuidorade Drogas La Rebaja Bucaramanga S.A. Y Copservlr Ltda. Certificadode la cooperanva Coopdlsan.




[lJ SigJa en Ingles de traflcante de narcoticos especlalmente designado.

tees Q & R - 000071

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