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Soap Opera Production Management Evaluation.


Was able to coordinate the group into performing

individual tasks.
For example, in one scene I set James Krige as the
camera man and Georgia Harvey as the boom operator.
Sometime after I would swap one of the roles for Emma
to then be able to do something.

Individual A.F.I

Area For Improvement: Would next time try to organise

location sessions earlier and see whether the conditions
(I.e. amount of people) will affect filming.


The group was able to carry out and listen to instructions

effectively. They also offered their own ideas, such as
instructions for what the actor could do or should sound.

Group AFI

Next, time, we should cast the actors before planning our

schedules, as we would then be able to work filming
times around their availability.

What would you

change if you
did it all again?

I would change Sophies character and have her stand up

to Kane, representing a stronger positive representation
of what at first seems a defenceless female with a
stuttering condition.
We would try to include more various story lines, to
create more widened appeal, such as someone owing
money to a bully, or a student being stressed with exams.

The Soap Opera Critical Approaches Evaluation

Please critically analyse the following:-


The plots were rather similar as they mainly centred on the concept of
For example, Kanes abusive nature toward his girlfriend Sophie,
Aleysha having a relationship with the teacher Collin and Lauren
arranging to meet a guy named David on the phone.
Although there is the exception of the CLASS ROOM prank, but it is
only a small story arc.
Next time, we would probably try to come up with a story arc which
completely detaches from relationships, such as owing money to a
bully or a character having difficulty with exams.
Thus the series as a whole has a more likely chance of appealing to
different audiences, as not everyone can relate with relationships.


However the stories do have their own unique twists, with David
turning out to be a girl and Bradley revealing to be gay.
The script was reasonably short and effective in informing audiences
of what the scenarios were about.
The dialogue comprised of shortened words and slang terminology,
hopefully making the characters sound more realistically convincing.


The characters persoanes, I feel were reasonably conveyed in the

For example, Rachels character conveyed a rather tom boy like
attitude, with common conventions including a rather aggressive and
pushy attitude. In the script, Rachel said the lines So I guess Im just
like all the other girls right I allowed for a gesture of her voice being
raised to a high pitch as well as pushing her head in front of Collin.

Misc en Scene
Ie Location, Costume,
Lighting, Positioning,
Body language

The Misc en Scene was achieved reasonably effectively, due to generic

items being applied to the settings. For example in the cafeteria scene
with Sophie and Charlie, there was a drink bottle, coffee cup, apple
and lunch box positioned in shot. This gave a realistic quality to the
setting, due to these all being familiar items in a cafeteria.
The cosutmes meanwhile were applied to a reasonable degree, as
many of the youths wore hoodies and T shirts. However particular
characters though were not given a specific dress sense.
For example, Charlie wore a scarf and coat, giving a less rough and
slight feminist personae to his character. However, he was wearing a
coat, which despite seeming legitimate to the outside weather being

cold, was too anonymous to conclusively state particular characteristic

Rachels character meanwhile wore a cardigan, necklace and shirt,
which gave a feminine vibe. However this acted very controversial
against her character being a tom boy, whom would naturally want to
wear more male based clothing, such as a T shirt, jeans or jogging
However, Sophies introverted personae was conveyed reasonably well
through her costume of a cardigan and scarf, giving of a unique and
rather intellectual personae due to the dress sense in its self looking
quite smart also.
Additionaly her body gestures were from her eyes looking down at the
floor and rather lowered shoulders to convey a lack of self esteem in
her character.


Facial expressions and gestures were conveyed reasonably well with

easy to read facial expressions and gestures to convey a variety of
moods from, annoyed and concerned.
Sophies character was represented as a typical defenceless female
with a stuttering condition.
The stereotype was unfortunately not broken, as Charlie told Kane
to go away, instead of Sophie standing up for her self. Otherwise
Sophie would have been represented positively as a capable female
able to defend her self.
The other characters though were represented a fairly neutral tone.
Charlies character was represented as a kind and caring character. At
the same time though, he exhibits a rather teasing and humorous
manner, giving of a lads vibe.
This represents males positively in showing that while they joke about
things and take the mickey out of others (e.g. Charlie making fun of
Sophies stuttering by saying Cat got your tounge), they can also
show compassion, as Charlie later reassures Sophie that she can tell
him what the problem is.
Aside from Charlie though all the other characters were represented
as a particular stereotype and unfortunately not broken.
For example Staceys character was represented as a gossipy and
nosey character and no more. However, she was also given a slight
light hearted humorous appeal, by her smirks in knowing Lauren was
going out with someone as well as asking a random question such as
Whats his shoe size. This lightens the nosey and gossip stereotype.


The majority of characters in our episode were white. However there

was a reasonably good mix of both male and female genders.
Additionally, one of the extras was originally born in South Africa,
which is quite a minority, giving of a diverse and welcoming vibe to
the College environment.

i.e. How does it fare
in comparion to other
Soap Operas?

The extra is also seen speaking with a white male, enforcing the idea
that Colleges are able to be diversively accepting with different races
interacting with one and other.
Most of the end shots for each scene last for a long duration as well as
including a characters reaction. This is a common convention applied
to Soap operas.

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