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‘Test BookletNe. —¥ yet JBC -12 ‘Tost Boakjot Code Utlgr year tet This booklet. contains 48 pages. PAPER I / 384-02 I vite 7aiea ga gfe Yas Ye G1 MAIN TEST BOOKLET / yea Wien yfreT f Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do 0. Fe wien gitar wi aa aw a Utd om ae we ToT Read carefully the Instructions on the Baek Cover of th ‘ Ba han greta & feast araco w feu Peet wt eat a ud | iesnicrai Foe ance ect # fre ft ‘est Booklet. 1. Bho OMR Answer Shoot is insie thin Tent Booklet. [1, OMR SR FH Ea WOT es 1a When you are direxled to open the Test Booklet, take eat of out, the Answer Sheet and fill in tha particulars on areal wee aa #30 sm, ete Side-I and Side-2 carefully with blue/black ball Framer az ys-1 ud yrs-2 yf point pen only. aie vige 33 @ fear it 1 Patent nee eee aml come of fa bra ata 2 3. Use Blue /Black Ball Point Pon only for writing | Ze sina af & | particulars on this page/marking responses in the | 3. 34 YS 3% RATT wa & fren md Raswer Shoot 3 fae Braet sey a san a 4. The CODE fur this Booklet is A. Make sure that the 2 ae a Fe ge Gra CODE printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet 1s the a ‘same as that on this boaklet. Also ensure that your Test, BY vide @ freer B 1 ae af) Booklet No. and Answer Sheet No. are the same. In ano of discrepancy, thn candidate should immediatly ay report the matter to the Invigilator for replacement of aro ‘fr ik both the Test Bokletand the Answer Soc ah ager oma a | SPT 11 lV Sit v &, fart a 5. This Test Booklet has five Parts, 1,11, 111, Vand V, consisting | 5. 150 @, Tycda 1 sie wa: of 150 Otjective Type Questions, each carrying I mark Part: Child Development and Pedagogy" (@. 10 Q.30) Part II Mathematics @31 0g 60) a feerems (1 #5, 30) Part IIT; Environmental Studies 1. 61 t0.Q. 90) frie (731 8H. 60) Port IV; Language !—(Engtish/ltindi) — (@. 91 2. 120) w Apiaceae (& 61% 90) Parl V : Language U~(EnglishiHind) — (Q. 121 #0 Q. 5 @ ‘m1 — (38) fA) (4.91 BH. 120) 6. Part IV contains 90 questions for Language 1(@nd i sma (8H I) (121 3% 150) Part V contains 30 questions for Lat ge IL. h ~ test booklet, only quostinne pertaining to English ONGA S00 fe 30 a oh amy tm fax Hind) language have been given. In ease rer faq me # | gu ihe yea Hae sida fe languages you have opted for as Langu a 8 ee en FR TE Heid Peal aoa and/or Language Il is a language othe ean English or Hinds, please ack for a Test oie cae & that contains questions on that languay languages being answered must tally languages opted for in your Applicat} 7 Candidates are required to ‘art V (Language I) in a I the one chosen as Language the list of languages. 8. Rough work should be done o} in the Test Booklet for the same 9, The answers are to be recorded Sheet only. ‘Mark your whitoner is allowed for chan 2 adhere ory (ser) 3 Fre, ere AH a Ret ee GA sts aera (st 1) ee were ATT 8, 5 al wan Gear ge sm & fore Ge ae ore KG a | 9, ait sae ame OMR arm TH 1H a aie BL | aT oe Answer | sarap aifear at 1 amt acer by aa we wT fied __ Invigilator’s Signature : Freres eae: A iD PART I/ 4M I CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND PEDAGOGY / ater ferora a Rr Directions ; Answer the following questions by |fider + reais weal & av 82% wea fear a eat i fav ort ¢ he selecting the most appropriate option. fre fie 1 1, Human development is divided inte domains such as 1 (1) psychological, cognitive, emotional and physical (2) physical, spiritual, cognitive and soctal (3) physical, cognitive, emotional and social (4) emotional, cognitive, spiritual and social-psychological 2 Which of the following is a principle of development ? (2) It is a discontinuous process (2) All process inter-connected of development ure not, (3) It does not proceed at the same pace for all (4) Development is always linear (2) it offers better opportunities to tea ay Al ari afm ah ¢ A ast strand olerarafer wa & i faareat war aa ah @ era sole frei a} ogee wa & 3. Individual uttention is important in th ~ safer aise A caf wa A eat Sat teaching — learning process because 8, wae to discipline each learner (2) children develop at differdSt rile 4 learn differently (3) learners always learn better i (4) teacher training program: ryt 4. Human personality is the rest (1) only environment fre fears at deme race fra (2) weal ah fem efi St 2 te 8 Be aaah & aa aed (3) frendt ren wy A A ae ates @ (© ese ofoes de ¥en et (2) only heredit 4, Ae-eafer aftor 2 (3) () Feet STAT aT (4) (2) ae ongaferesar a (3) Werte alk fara ar 5. In the context o ‘on, socialization (4) srgelferrar site areraen a) sirfieet a means a f ‘Adjusting to social |5, fren & den #, austin & catered 2 Q) -ernfies aman ¥ arggert sik gare (2) (2) Wife aaget a aaa sre Sor ce) 's own social norms (3) aR anf aes aa @) ws fag a wa scr 6. 7 8. a (3) 6. Young learners should be encouraged to interact with peors in the classroom so that (1) they learn social skills in the course of study (2) the teacher can control the classroom better (3) they can learn answers to questions from each other (4) the syllabus can be covered quickly According to Piaget's stages of Cognitive Development, the sensori-motor stage is associated with (1) ability to interpret and analyse options (2) concerns about social issues (3) imitation, memory and mental representation (4) ability to solve problems in logical fashion According to Kohlberg, a teacher can(nstlf| moral values in children by (2) involving them in discussions on for issues (2) giving strict instructions on behave? (3) giving importance (4) laying clear rules Which of the follodtug ) progressive education > (1) Frequent test@nd edpinations table) and seating arran, @) fh solely on prescribed te a asid ing good marks in 9. () 3 ae & eter anata (2) Foes aaa a Ae i Ree (3) 2 wget a ye an oy 3 oT Ue (4) rear aE frat a we agar, aia fee aa wafers @ 2 ERS sit fared aA al & ag, fram aed a atte ged ar om wate Q) afte agi orate als Pee wf co @) Sa een fen orn afer ga aE Feet ta (3) erffee fren at Hera Gaz (4) Bee 3 ee Fra za a fate ns # ert EO) ue relellds gs) frafefod 4 8 att wfavia fee at 4) vient A ons sig ot ae aa A 10, LL. 12. 13. 14, i) A teacher makes use of a variety of tasks to |10. cater to the different learning styles of her learners. She is influenced by (1) Vygotsky's socio-cultural theory (2) Piaget's cognitive development theory (8) Koblbery’s moral development theory (4) Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory Vygotsky emphasized the significance of the role played by which of the following factors in the learning of children ? 1. (2) Physical (2) Social (3) Hereditary (4) Moral A school gives preference to girls while Preparing students for a State level solo-song |12, competition. This reflects (2) Progressive thinking (2) Gender bias (3) Global trends (4) Pragmatic approach Learners display individual ditte A teacher should Va (2) inerease number of tests (2) insist on uniform pace of (3) provide a variety experiences (4) enforce strict discip) School-based agsestpent based 14, nt than external very economical their learners’ capabilities (Dwi. feereit dates fram weféer ara 2 1 ser free a G) Mest st den aa SH etter 2) afer a Raa aft we ae aa aeT G3) Sea & fer og at svar aaa cate, 4) ak apm yi Fen see faarra-srater omar yer wy a fire fara 1 safer dat @ 7 () fae, ara véen fara et site sare ware (2) amet aga Rewer (Freer) ear ener (3) we weet at ooter ferme ar} franfat at annsit at dear ara t @) feat ot at we faerie a and de fret ate 15, 16. i7. 18. 18. 20. 6) A Which of the following is an objective |15. frafefan #8 whew ages wea & IX question ? () True or False (2) Essay type question (3) Short answer question (4) Open ended question Inclusive Education (1) includes indoctrination of facts (2) ineludes teachers groups (3) celebrates diversity in the classroom (4) encourages strict admission procedures from marginalized 4) Wea a same (2) frierere (3) aRRTETE eA 4) Re BA ae TE 16, wart fren ‘The emphasis from teaching to learning can |17, Faer @ aif be shifted by (2) adopting frontal teaching (2) focusing on examination results (3) adopting child-contred pedagogy (4) encouraging rote learning When a child with a disability first comes to school, the teacher should (2) discuss with the child’s parents to evolve collaborative plans t (2) conduct an admission test (3) refer the child to a special according to the disability (4) seclude him from other stnder h7 (3) 7 When a child ‘fails’, it means i (1) the system has failed 19, 9a en ra’ dar a, a aaa aed a fe (2) the child is not fij.for s () area ta ee (8) the ela has | ca) mem want & fee ara aa 8 pence () wea A geil Bh ae at @ ae aE Pe (4) the child shod aken Geate a eaten. (@) wa A mete za Ot ateq at ‘The most effective) medhdd to teach the concopt of germination of goes is 20, ait wr sige drerar % fram at wad wat sige vaft ast at gf & fer fear (2) fea ae eer (3) fee gr G8 & ate der alk gem agar} ait a aac sor (4) Farag oq far gamn ait acta ae 21. 22, 23. 24, 25. 26. (6) When a child gets bored while doing a task, it is a sign that (2) the child is not capable of learning (2) the child needs to be disciplined (3) the task may have become mechanically repetitive (4) the child is not intelligent Which of the following is a domain of learning ? Q). Spiritual (2) Professional (3) Experiential (4) Alfective Which of the following is the first step in the scientific method of problem-solving ? (2) Collection of relevant information (2) Formation of hypothesis (3) Verification of hypothesis (4) Problem awareness Errors of learners often indicate (2) absence of learning (3) how they learn (4) the need for mechanical d (2) socio-economic status of the learners @) A child starts to ery when his fin ech takes him from his mother's 1a) cries due to (1) Stranger anxiety (2) Separation anxiety (3) Social anxiety (4) Emotional details with 1 earn the concep! is based of onditioning of learning inforcement, a. sa aca art a ae ae em @, ch ae ee amt a daa 2 fe a wim sem aS () wea Ht arqufea aA at @) Wan ari aie ec 8 aa e @) wen aaa wa zt 22, ffafiga # & ata-a ? (a) Sentara (2) aera a an cy etme 5. A EA A ae ga saat ai at aoa 84 amt @ | Fe __ anes Q) ase freer (2) fader ¢feaar (a) wane frac (4) Gamers gee 26. we fore dea ah watt ge fait arin act @ ak oy feof a sah ach 2 1 faondl ga oranda om eZ sted @ sit den at dacrn at tad tt ser wm smafta 21 Q) atime 3 atea orp @) 9 & feat (3) afer & wete ager a @) der & faeia a@ A Critical pedagogy firmly believes that en. ReSaaras fermrerer at ae ay Breas @ fis (1) the experiences and perceptions off (1) frmnffeit & appa oh wee | learners are important aa é 7 (2) the teacber should always lead the @ we fas a dan aurae 3 classroom instruction an get or ateT (3) the learners need not reason (3) frafaal at mia wr @ independently afew (4) what children learn out of school is ® 7 ae a am me irrelevant 7 ° ‘ata aaa @ ai a vter a wea aya 28. A teacher, after preparing a question paper, checks whether the questions test specific |28. testing objectives. He is concerned primarily about the question paper's (1) reliability (2) validity (8) content coverage (4) typology of questions 29. Which of the following is a teacher-related factor affecting learning ? (2) Nature of the content or learning log 9.8 aaa ere @ wakes afer experiences mt ay are aes 8? () Brea aT smal at seh oy Fawa-aeg, A setorat (3) 439 a sfan sae 4) freer - afer caret at sacer 30, A teacher never gives answers herself. She encourages hof@ g a peat a = el = iy - await ait wearers afi om % fare (2) Mastery over the subject-matter, i (3) Proper seating arrangement (4) Availability of teaching ~ learn) 7 adopt collaborative, lea is based on the prigeiple Grae act 2 ae corm ¥ (1) readiness to leat fait w srenita tt (2) active particfogtion a) Aree a aera (3) (2) Bea aptieafie (3) aes aah & sfaa dea a) @) se sR RT aT ot A (8) PART / 9M 11 MATHEMATICS / TfPTa Directions : Answer the following questions by {Rider ; frratatard wat % sa a9 ter selecting the most appropriate option. Fre aac 1 31. If 567567567 is divided by 567, the quotient 13, af 567567567 a 5G" oma §, fr at area @ ee M3 Oo @ im @ im (3) 10101 (3) 10101 (4) 1001001 (4) 1001 82, In the product 3759 x 9573, the sum of tens'!g9 3759 3 4, eee ate atk eat digit and units’ digit is ae Mm 0 G @ 7 7 3) 9 3 (4) 16 38, 19 Shourands +19 hundreds +19 ones ba . TR sists sowed & equa ) 191919 a (2) 21090 a) 191919 (3) 20919 (2) 21090 (4) 19919 (3) 20919 (4) 19919 34. What time is 4 hours 59 before tree 2:58 PM. ? 34, 2:58PM. a 482 59 fie Wee gat Ta a 2. 9:57AM. (9:57AM. (2) 9:59 AM! (2) 9:59AM. (3) 10: 01 AM. (3) 10:01AM. (4) 9:59 P. (4) 9:59 PM. ° FACE FOR ROUGH WORK / em wre 3 fre Te O° S iw 35. The solid as shown in the figure is made up [33.wS dha, tar fe sagt @ fearar men wy 3 of cubical blocks each of side 1 em. The ARE (cubical blocks) 2 az number of blocks is 13h @ i stat at don @ a 48 eee 8 @ 6 (2) 62 (3) 60 faites @) 36. The figure consists of five squares of the same Jag aan stan & ota ait & fran size. The area of the figure is 180 square ar att 190 wi Sethee 3 centimetres. The perimeter (in em) of the (a) a figure will be Sfert a 36 a) 36 (45 (2) 45 3) 48 3) 48 @ 72 72 oO Seag¥ FOR ROUGH WoRK / x ard & fru sme S 37. 39. 40. AL. (10) 500 em + 50 m +5 km = () 55m (2) 500 m (3) 555 m (4) 5055 m In which of the following divisions, will the remainder be more than the remainder you get when you divide 176 by 3? a) 173 +5 (174 (3) 175 (4) 176 The difference of 5671 and the number obtained on reversing its digits is (1) 3906 (2) 4906 (3) 3916 7436 Sum of place values of 6 in 63606 is @ 6 (2) 60606 (3) 6606 (4) 6066 Study the following pattern : Ixded Wx 11 = 121 111 x 11 = 12321 What is 111 x 1111 (@) 1234321 (2) 123454921 (3) 1234541 (4) 12345342) 37. 38, 500 Si. + 50 Hh 4. 5 Fenh, w @ 3) w frafafad 9 2 fra arm wa sy 176 at 3 55 Hh. 500 Hi 555 Hh 5055 Ht. qx 12 ut x 1 ene 7 ay (2) 3) @ 1234321 123454321 12345421, 123453421 PACE FOR ROUGH WORK /< are % fee sme O° ° S i 42, A shop has 239 toys. Seventy more toys were brought in. Then 152 of them were sold. ‘The m 42. wm GH 30 fer BT sik me Sa 52 few me we TH 3 umber of toys jefl was om a (1) 239 ~ 70 ~ 152 ayaa gore eee eee (2) 239 + 70 + 152 Oe eae (3) 239-70 + 152 ee eee (4) 239 + 10 - 152 Oo 43. How many 2 are in 2 7 1 1 . 2 arein 42 ws, Lima he @ 16 @ 16 @ 8 @ 8 4 aa 4) 2 & 44, Which of the following is correct ? aa ata a 2? (1) Successor of predecessor of 1000 is 1002 » & lect a wart 1002 @ (2) Predecessor of successor of 1000 is 1000 (ay) )r000 % wre at Ea 1000 8 (3) Predecessor of predecessor of 1000 i 999 3) 1000 % ydadl ar yd 999 & a) S x of pred Qf is Eee a So 1000 % aah a wat 1001 2 45. A pencil costs two and a half ry ths, we tft a apr ag wie @ 1 afta 2g ahr buys one and a half dozen pencilf a 100-rupee note to the sho money he will get back is fe fa s3 tied wate @ afte garex a 100 ea AT ste dar 21-38 fat Bue ama fie 2 a) %55 eee @ 845 (2) 845 (a tos (3) %65 @ &80 a ( %30 re FOR ROUGH wi S ORK | we wre & fee ore A a2) 46. Ms, Reena uses a grid activity to teach the concept of multiplication of decimals. A sample is illustrated below : 0.06 os 1 02 02 x 03 = 0:06 Through this method, Ms. Reena is (1) focusing more on procedural knowledge and Tess on conceptual knowledge (2) focusing more on conceptual knowledge and problem-solving and on procedural knowledge using traditional approach of learning less @) (4) focusing on developing problem-solving skill 47. A suitable approach for explainin, remainder is always less than the 46. gat Or cra oR at Femror art & fore fre fafaty an rar SAA, we ap ara fer aren a 0-06 NA ib N AG ZpSH “Os Z 0106 eee aa maT a We % ulna sar} a won at ae a ramen hare & fer « aa 2 wh Tv & faenféeti at ae amar & fer fe a ferns @ ame ctor @, sferr sare @ Class IV students can be Q) aes at fears 3 qt 8 agi ae (1) grouping of objects in multiples ha alk sefera aon fe apt at den, a and showing that the number, wag Fa 2, fame 8 at not in the group, are less tha (2) Wage fan aa ae aga a ware! (2) perform lots of division he wor ik fearn f& aR de Anna ay black-board and show tha ‘me ae the remainder is less 1) : - a (3) explain verballto joveral (9) See an frat at ats er a ew times tH (4) represent @ivisic @) PSR at Bare ai Hira fie wo F fractions and\xplai erator fret Gon sik ae ETE wer A fi a of the fraction Dat is r sia te Oo S oO ACE FOR ROUGH WORK / <> ard & fee ome 3) A 48. The objective of teaching number system to [48. Fa I % faaffai a) den-yehr Class ITI students is to cnable the students ae LL) to count up to 6 digits (2) to see the numbers as kroups of hundreds, tens and ones and to understand the signifieanee of place values (8) to master the skill of addition and subtraction of four-digit numbers (4) to master the skill of reading large numbers 49. Computational skills in Mathematics ean be 49. enhanced by (2) giving conceptual knowledge alone (2) deseribing algorithm only (3) conducting hands-on activities in class (A) clarifying concepts and procedures followed by lots of practice aero eee et ok wirmt a we we afte 8a ore aT 50. ‘The concept of areas of plane figures can be ft introduced to the students of Class V, wav & faenfiedl at came arpfrel & arc (1) caleulating the area of figures e Herr @ fae arr vffer aera on A help of counting unit squares a2 (2) measuring the area of any fg ith b7 @) sag vif & wr at wera & orgie the help of different objects. & Sana at wert eT leaf, pencil, ete, (2) fafrr aeqat SA eae, wi, Afeer, aaa (3) caleulating the area o at aera 8 fast of ogi & area Binding length a ae rectangle and ui (3) sa a dag sik cted a ver ene area of a recigygle aca ara & Sra Sy a eT ah aad & Sane A eT Fer (4) stating the (em ak at & Area wR AAT rectangle and squt oO oye FOR ROUGH WORK | <5 ard & fore ae Ss A 51. 52, ay ‘The NCF (2005) considers that Mathematics |51. involves ‘a certain way of thinking and reasoning’, The vision can be realized by (5 giving lots of problem worksheets to students (2) giving special coaching to students (8) adopting exploratory approach, use of manipulatives, connecting concepts to real life, involving students in discussions (4) rewriting all text-books of Mathomatics While teaching the addition of fractions, it was observed by Mr, Singh that the following type of error is very common oe eeee 3°86 10 Mr, Singh should take the following remedial action (2) Explain the concept of LCM of denominator (2) Give more practice of sat problems 7 (3) Give pictorial ret fractions, followed by aceans) Q of problems (A) Advise the aifdeats and practise lems faction addition Ye Oo of S Beil hast wat (2005) ae 4 fara otk aim a wa fg ie ee F amt 7 (1) Pred a aga a (worksheets) 21 (2) freee at fate (3) Ghste sorry ar BEN, ReTETCTA ari AS wee a) arafay ) B® & age waned (aa. at deem 2) TAR war % wart ar af apa (3) TH fia & an at daerar (4) fafa at esa ae al gee tar at FOR ROUGH WORK / up ard & fire ome 53. 54. (5) A To assess the students’ competency on [53. solving of word problems based on addition and subtraction, rubries of assessment are (1) incorrect, partially correct, completely correct (2) comprehension of problem, identification of operation to be performed, representation of problem mathematically, solution of problem ‘and presentation of problem (3) understanding of problem and writing of correct. solution (4) identification of problem, performing correct operation While planning a lesson on the concept of }°* fraction addition, a teacher is using the activity of strip folding = 2 2 Fe 1 a a 5 <¢ sadn atatats a () fray & ei ah affair (2) Ferra ara ufatafin (3) post-content adijty (3) fava-aeq ova nfafafir (4) wastage of time @) we at wale The above activity is a (1) pre-content activit (2) content activity © sax FOR ROUGH WoRK / x ard 3 fee ae SS 56. 57. U6) ‘Recognition of patterns and their completion’ is an essential part of Mathematics curriculum at primary stage as it (1) promotes creativity amongst students and helps them to understand properties of numbers and operations develops creativity and artistic attributes in students @ (3) prepares students to take up competitive examinations (4) helps the students in solving ‘Sudoku’ puzzles Use of Abacus in Class II docs not help the students to (2) _ attain perfection in counting (2) understand the significance of place value read the numbers without error write the numeral equivalent of numbers given in words @ @ Rizul is a kinesthetic learner. His teacher Ms. Neha understood his style of learning. Which of the following strategies should she choose to clear his concept of multiplication Q) Skip counting 01234567 2) Counting the points of in criss-cross lines (3) (4) 55. ‘ted ot wea ae atk TE OH, rating BRC ating a TTA aT wa 3h fren? rife (4g fraféat 3 gamer ame silt emai wer sitar rail at o12g4 bets (2) ome Yasil ac afeder frgait at frat Fa @ Sh eel ag ae & foe oe wa i (4) 2,3, 30 3 pra ret wd 3 fam a fe ae att sie art ay wha en eesceece Sieg, acc 58, 59. 60. 7) To teach various units of length to the [58 students of Class 1, a teacher shall take the following materials to the clase 2) Relation chart of various units (2) Centimeter ruler and measuring tape (3) Rulers of different lengths and different units, measuring rod, measuring strip used by architects (4) Measuring tape with centimeter on one side and meter on the other side A teacher uses the following riddle in a class |58. while developing the concept of base 10 and place value ‘Lam less than 8 tens and 4 ones.” The objective of this activity is (1) te introduce the concept of tens and ones to the students (2) to have some fun in the class and to break monotony (3) to reinforce the concept of base 19-4 place value (4) to do summative assessment ‘Most appropriate strategy that cai to internalize the skill of addition is (1) Use of ICT @) Use of models (3) Role play (4) Solving lots of probs: war 11% fate at car at faire wer & fay fea frafatod amd ar 3 aren ) fefer ganze or wearerae (2) Better ate Bax sik 3) fafa carat sit dy BRR (Fe), WA ah ws, aA TH at angen ga wr sree @) amt ant ty ‘aahie a sik gt a ee fers om am dae Jo a tart A a aa a BT are area BET wat orgs oye, fea wh erate & 2 at Geren Bt oro WA fare Feet oT wea 2, a ) Fat ak ayo gas UCT) a1 sat ea (2) sft ar aT aT (3) yrarfrafe (Ger a) (4) Jer aR wat a Bear OseAQE FOR ROUGH WORK / <6 ed & fre ae O° S A (8) PART It / HRT UT ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES / Wafexer Hea Directions : Answer the following questions by | Fader : Frater weat % sae 3 selecting the mast appropriate option. Fraea fire 1 61. In which one of the following groups are the words intimately related ? 61. frafafad #8 wha frat (1) Mosquito, Dengue, Iron, Jaggery ra Bahar & ? (2) Mosquito, Malaria, Anaemia, Tron Fer, 8, ote, 7 (8) Lron, Malaria, Anaemia, Blood (2) eR, Fea, arian Miser), che (@) Tron, Haemoglobin, Anaemia, Amla 2 mt 62. Arti noticed the following precautions related ae to provention of spread of a disease on 1 fgg amt a team a poster i wah? a Do not let water collect around you fe . ys ort A ra ae db. Ree * pots, coolers and tank Wa : Eagar pty costars ood tata) AN sit afea) ame wa © Spray oil if water has collected ut some (CRG Et soe Bam dat place 5 car aL d. Use nets to protect yourself SH wea fee ach ar eta The poster is aimed at creating awareness sue & tw ea a about the spread of ta Fart (1) ‘Typhoid and Cholera 7 1) ageigs ait da (2) Dengue and Japanese Encephalitis LY); 7 ait stort feEs-= (ncephalitisy (3) Small pox and Malaria (3) ane ait maheqr (4) Dengue and Eye flu @ 3q sik ong wy 63. Study the Venn diagram given b 63. ie fen me ay ante ar storey aif Animals that A soi wre wi iw ad live on land aa haa stay 38 Bad steag Which of the fallowi animals can be placed frefotira i -& aha shaw x a AD on at X'? ° wae #7 Cae (3B @ op ) Tere (3) ¥4 (aia) 4) me 64, 66. 67. 68. a9) A Anjali’s friend suggested the following four ways to avoid tooth decay a Brush your teeth twice 2 dey b. Wear braces to avoid enamel decay Avoid sweets, carbonated drinks @. Rinse mouth after every meal Which follow ? () aande (2) bc and d (8) Gdanda @ daandb chocolates and of the above ways should Anjali ‘An air-pump is kept in an aquarium in order to 64, 65. tafe oh atell edt Hae a aR (1) enhance the beauty of the aquarium (2) make water cleaner (3) provide more carbon dioxide to water plants, (4) allow more oxygen to dissolve in water a Which one of the following pairs of life x processes cecurs both vin plants. and 48 stersieasi or ata animals ? sik sha-sigaii drt # fea @ > (1) Growth and reproduction af sik sera (2) Growth and food making ) Bf alk eh earn (8) Reproduction and food making (3) RRA ait is aa (4) Reproduction and germination, @) RR sik sigur Which one of the following best de. er. Fefefar 2 @ seam we Mt war a features on the surface of the Maen Fedrrarait % aH wad ore ais wear 7 (0) No air, no gravity eer) () a a8, TRE, oH ae 2) No air, no gravity sty (2) Fal ae, Yor FE, AAT ATE (3) No water, en: igh tho ntahps (3) wil adi, aks gal, St ere (No water, deep fains| a, Ra, TE 68. A UH Ach A Ve a sad, Aer St tact peng) Sauer ota TOLER we ae to room tempyratute, TE} happens because grat ra @, Ht ae me a 1 Ren gee et the water in tKeraquahum 1s fe sorte (safe) a oF () deplety Ce) als QQ) Gtr dea & 2) ow igiR@{ing by fish 2) Rost & tere ater we Brg 3) (3) aitretsrr tied 2 a) for Yrihking by fish @) Fed gra WA & ater aa @ 69. 70. n. 2. (20) Rekha’s mother adds Phitkari (Alum) to water |69, collected from the pond every day in order to a 2) (3) @ kill germs in water decolounze water sediment light suspended impurities change hard water into soft water In order to separate a mixture of sand and salt, which one of the following four sequences of processes has to be used ? (2D Sedimentation, decantation, filtration, evaporation (2) Filtration, decantation, evaporation, sedimentation (3) Evaporation, sedimentation, decantation, filtration (4) Decantation, sedimentation, evaporation, filtration Weight-lifters are generally required to mak, more muscles and body mass. For purpose, they need to take a diel whi rich in ay @ co) @ Vitamins Proteins Carbohydrates Fats Which one of the Practice ? (1) Cooking to kill bact e vi bles nicely and then @) a) Sua and then wd in running water a ggetables in sunshine for dre cutting and cooking ta aH — & fem arena a are ort a fecad sre @ wa 4 sige mpi at wet a orf wet ee Fratiar areas adh ot ag AS a) @ @ & fore, &¥ ter sree AA at onaeara apes Prafafad 3 a arate ? () aad ae ee fae ahs a met aed Ge ST (2) Wert a orth ae & der sik fiz wea (3) Wert A aen ak wa ve ad Tt # grr @) Mera at aed ak va a Ra oe ge wa & fag A a aise aR a shea afar 73. 4. 1. ips While teaching how different fued items ean be kept fresh for some time, Radha enumerated the following techniques to her class @ Put it ina bow! and keep the baw! in ‘an open container having cold water b, Wrap it in a damp cloth ©. Spread it open in sunshine Cut it into small pieces and keep it in the dark Which one of the following food items is she referring to, corresponding to technique ‘b above ? @ Kaju Burfi (2) Cooked rice (3) Onion, garlic (4) Green coriander All big cities are facing the problem of environmental pollution as a result of a large number of vehicles on the roads. The best way an individual in the city can_ contribute towards environmental protection is by (2) not keeping a personal vehicle like scooter, car, ete. (2) getting the engine of personal vehicle checked regularly for envirory aN safe limits (8) using a public transport system Gor travelling (4) avoiding frequent. travel ow ¢ home While performing experiments floats but a small ii This can be explained w (2) iron is lighter th: ‘and steel is heavier than @pter (3) force on a_steel oe, fs more than its weight ‘on an iron nail is Tesser Wight (4) for of nail is more than its we on a steel bow! is eer 1) 73. 7 Te ae Ph ge ama few oT fra ae an TaN wy ese, THT aT a) a) aa af ord Hen ae % a HW ae fem wet & cit afm ey a W ava weary aaa FT aed, Sa Ret, or, onfe aa a tha fae afters anes Sor fratia wa 8 aie aa arian % fay adatie aria ere a vain ae (@) oR Ra a SH a aR ort % are waa aa gu, wife ae Qadt 8 fe ela at are sald ori oe ate 8 Afar aie at we aa woe wa ae ar) areata fear sn aera 2 @) ote ot at Gear a ord @ sit wer ot a qari wena aie wet at Gear # ecm @ at Rte ort at rt A age aa at aati OH aH aa Sa AR at gem 4 sag @ aafs G2 at att amet aren wat sae ae at qe H ane ae at aia A Te aa aH oR a gra 4 sag @ safe ete at act eee TaN at SeH oe st Gear Yay a yp (2) (3) @ A (22) 76. Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and |76. ¥nfi@ @El (Engage), ST TT (Es Evaluate are five important Es’ in relation SIRE ET (Explain), fear laborate) to effective teaching of Science. sik Rais ST (Evaluate), To provide practical experiences to the students related to the concept of ‘Necessary a conditions for germination’, a Science teacher asks them to do the following activities a. Soak seeds overnight and keep these is a wet cotton loth, b. Observe the seeds after two days and record the changes. ©. Read the book and attempt the given worksheet, Which of the five ‘Bs’ given above are not being covered in the above activities given by the teacher ? (2) Engage and Explore @) Engage and Evaluate (3) Explain and Elaborate 4) Explore and Evaluate faeces EB sit Blaborate 77. Which one of the following sequences of WAC ApIM SE Evaluate steps is the correct way of preparing a] sree ward & fee freaefen av balanced question paper ? yn au (1) Writing the questio paring. the yi a steer al ater & 7 ing the questions, prej blueprint, matching with the design, < faa, “fie (wien) tan wa, writing the marking scheme W fester @ frat en, siete fra (2) Preparing a design, _preparin ) femme tae ae, aie tae we, re blueprint, writing and ihe ferent ait saa) Scr Se, sa ator questions, writing the marl fren (3) Preparing the design, the questions, preparing the (3) fess dan aa, yea fee, sie scheme, matching with the b aan aca, aie 8 fred AT (4) Writing and editing G@) 3 feet ak sar suet ae, fest 8 fro ae, able da ae, ate-atsaT fear ee, So oe one wine, a area fantail 3 aan aA} feu 7 with the other Sahat ape-can aad woe et 7 (Give them a (8 aca at S fore after aad Gar (2) &€ amet die 8 dort sit sak arr ar at home i (2) Make ara eae aerAT supe (3) 33% afer & aa aa at sea sca (3) Teenfity ait Te saga GRE za sue P aT they attend the school 4) 3e gffeer ear. a fet er a (4) za frrereta srt 79. 80. 81. 423) A Science teacher administered a test after |79. teaching the topic on ‘Respiration’ and observed that majority of the students did not understand the difference between respiration and breathing. This could be due to the reason, that (1) there was usually lot of indiscipline in her class (2) she could not explain the related concept effectively in the class (3) she was not their class teacher (4) the students could not understand the question correctly 80. While teaching the topie on ‘Air’, an EVS. teacher wanted to demonstrate that air has weight and occupies space. Her colleague suggested the following four different activities for this purpose to her Place an empty inverted beaker on the surface of the water and start pressing it down b, Suck the juice through a straw Blow air in a balloon 4. Tie two inflated balloons to a rod and establish equilibrium, Then puncture one of the balloons. Which of the ebove activities will demonstrating the desired result ? (1) aandc (2) aandb (3) aand d (4) bandd et. Which one of the follow! hyaGees will be most ra involvement of sti teal he concept of food chain (2) Ask students to chains ao in (2) As studen’ te ollect related int@ret @ @\copy all examples of @ forganisms and ask inge them to depict um faery ‘zawa’ wT UgIt wae a ards acd @ sik ae tad afi facréf vasa sik ais aS a ae) wag 8 ae frre aro at a cy ee aA awn eR age wit a CT dacrt a orentad zt a (8) 3 Se wa HH © (4) frerdt rer a ae) ore wa veeator are (BV ay eT a yard wa we 2 fe ary om far @ sit ae, 1 ses wear ga ata & fae rare fr afeatirat até a. Url al wae & oe Ta b. oye a ae Ce War A5) w we os a ad aa 7 Sa ea ee cfafatea # a ata- ta onewr & Reni ar & aRHR act i fer ai omar & at Fach ¢ fearea # Ad that ort é farts ore é @ 3 w fer ect wan 3 umd @ sik ae a aga stam aren 8, Ham me one ar vat edt @ | ate Q) ae FW at are & ata (2) fea, =r, fren anfe at ge, aa owin ae or @ @) Fan ear a a (4) aa fern at i sat at adh O° 108. ar 135) 10, 4IT at aaayere ay fain ay arr a erayet fag & () fara # aie am at fata wert sara afew oe 2) 3) @) Wet at de cra-onta aft um wet wel Ta 7 qi. SMisia 8 faficr doce mga wat & 7 4) aerate 9 a it aga a sen al fern ort 12. gratia seit at one: frend ae (ye veh set Tea-gere ar Pfr far ‘arr afer ofte-2-sfers vies at ar eit aT oem (3) S¢ aa 2 ater dara alee ae ar we fete ert feat aa @) we fer afi fata 3 anf ad ee afer @ A 113. 4, 115. 116. (36) wa & ats armait ar sett () Aararare fear 8 vera 2 ©) fet we arm F fry Hanes # 8) ward sfecansit st aera @ (4) feet & fre mea wea & Foafefaa 9 8 ater feta are feamr ar sea Fett? () tre shea a fed ang aan ata a ama a fear @) 4e8 a ener & agen Ret a) am am faa (9) fafa at, eater HA fae sarah aed at aeqar ar farere © fed 3 crating feet a} seer wear ws agai ar A amy Pea way an nee, a? ) Far agus of agaresfier aft ddcagitcrar @) wat i fran fe a fer aH a 3h aT Q. Ga (3) fara wa a are 4) Fart fair are feet am aT fara nea Bt 7 117, sans Fat ar a Urge 118. eel f fea ae a vert ei fea a a u) st sem et a aR (2) Faq wefeat saat (3) fateh afer a fe enti ea wa a ron oth wean ‘oy a “ 4 sageit ot avis 28 ate asi a ates omen seer ar wae shag atlas 8? (Ota a fear sifere Q) wits a ee daw aa wet a win at ae wm sent fea @ (4) Fan at viearsr at ar atone mT HEY 3 fore saa cares waitin weary b? Garr a weg age we aera @) Hm & oqeniing frm ) We % swat see (37) iS Candidates should answer questions from the following Part only if the have opted for ENGLISH LANGUAGE ~- II. wee Fresteers are A (38) PART V LANGUAGE 11 ENGLISH Directions : Read the passage given below and |121. When a part of the body is Ayfeath) ed, ‘answer the questions that follow (@. No, 127 to 128)| (1) that part. loses thg-ei) SH Aoel any by selecting the most appropriate option. pain Anaesthesia in any part ofthe body means] (2) the "nearby orm ages Vilx_ fain a loss of sensation, either permanent or Permanently temporary. The term is usually used 1o| (3) the body loses its “egtnsnen describe the artificially produced loss of| (4) the part ééts 5 sensation which makes a eurgieal operation painless ‘There are four main types of anaesthesia :/122. The real plsrpoae of vsing anaesthetics is general, spinal, regional, and local w patiayés of diseases Anaesthetics may be given as gases, by : 10 inhalation; or as drugs injected into a vein. A] —(®)_-RUffake Hatients unconscious patient given -general anaesthesia loses| (SX operations without emusing consciousness, Anaesthesia of a fairly large area of the body results from injecting the to YpAlicially produce loss of sensation anaesthetic drug into the spinal canal » all 15 that portion of the body below the level at which the drug is injected is anaesthetized )) anaesthetic is inhaled when it is Regional anaesthesia is the injecting of t inistered nerves "ae they emerge from the apifa G) as adrug column : the anaesthesia induced by ) conan 20 method affects only that arcaof the\God' (2) by injection supplied by those nerves, In le (3) asa gas the drug is injected directly at WEKw of S74) _as a spray operative incision and sometimes: nearby surrounding tissues. 25 Formerly the most com 124, When a gas is used as an anaesthetic, the anacsthetie was cotaine, a anaesthesia is from the leaves of (1) general introduced in 1879. 2) spin disadvantages jeaeeinal 30 side-effects. For (3) tocal anaesthesia, (4) regional modifications instead of coca operations, . Spinal anaesthesia is resorted to when 35 local anaest! : atient has to be made unconscious Gather injgesitg) a chemical, ethyl eat eat bas obo oad acon chloridd/amsQ\ sn¥ail area of the skin; in| (2) a smnall area has to be anaesthetised chang Je liquid to the gaseous state, ; ‘3 the area sprayed, and| (3) the operation involves a big are of the 40 Pt is pal ‘sion, body (4) drug has to be injected into the vein (39) 126, The expression ‘the site of the operative incision’ (lines 22-23) means all the surrounding tiesues (2) the place at which a cut is to be made (3) the spot at which the anaesthetic has to be injected (4) the area of the body supplicd by specific nerves 127. An ‘abscess’ (line 34) is (1) a deep hole (2) an operative incision (8) a collection of poisonous matter in a hole in the body (4) an open wound requiring surgery 128. The word opposite in meaning to the word formerly’ (line 25) is (1) industrially (2) fortunately (3) later (4) significant 129, ‘Anaesthetic’ (line 26) is (1) a verb (2) an adjective (3) an adverb (4) a noun Directions : Read the passage git answer the questions that follgw (Q. by selecting the most approprigte of The farmer is shearing-day, driving hi eight o'clock the sh€rers hearty breakfast, they ta 'r has improvised taken from leather ith whetstones; a fire the marking; and Soon the shearers fall into their r A lad seizes a sheep from the pen its fect — not with a cord, beed might injure it, but with a strip of ‘The sheop is carried to the bet shearer begins to slice off thy shears the coarse wool fr belly, then lays the animal on it? bench between his legs while he snis at the carly wool round the He Gobks to and fro along the ribs, pe wool back until it hangs like 6-10: led back over the animal. The: turn3vthe sheep over and begins on, d side, In a few moments the le flee falls away in one piece, looking\ ke a)\iirty grey rug, A few mare snips fr chears and the wool is Bide of the sheep's tai 1 white and naked, The he sheep to the ground and for another animal, ¢ lad daubs the farmer's mark the newly shorn sheep, unties and drives her out of the shearing 10 20 30 i 5 ‘A second lad — the farmer's son — seizes the fleece as it is tossed aside, rolls it , tucking the tail-wool in first, and secures ie bundle by knotting the neck. Any looso clippings are gathered separately The work continues till one o'clock, when, tho farmer’s wife summons the men to dinner. Bach man finishes the sheep that is beside him, then the whole party goes back to the farm house. ‘The men troop into the farm kitchen, leaving their dogs to scuffle in the yard. After the shortest of dinner-breaks — for there is much to be done — the shearing continues, and the pile of fleeces mounts, 45 130, What expression in the first paragraph suggests that shearing does not take place very often ? )” improvised (2) flock (3) whetstones (4) shearing-day A (40) 181, The shearer first cuts the wool from the 132, 133, 134, 135, of the sheep, (1) underside (2) ribs (3) tail (4) Tegs Why are loose clippings of wool gathered soparately ? (1) So that they do not get spoiled (2) Because they are not so valuable as whole fleeces (3) Because they are needed to fill up the top of the bags (4) Because they weigh less than a whole fleece Wool which has been sheared from a sheep is (1) cut into two pieces by the shearer with, a few snips (2) rolled and bundled (3) tied with sacking (4) bagged on sheuring-day What word from the passage that shears are like a ver scissors ? () snips (2) cut (8) slice (© sharpened “The sheep is Carried W the benches’ It is an |Direetions : Answer the following Yrkeuions by selecting the most appropriate option. 136. Substitution table driit hetps fegpherd\in () giving controlled languap’Garncepe (2) developing free wri (3) improving the fu (4) evaluating the listenh 137, When young lew text silently, thy (1) to res comprgtgad the (2) to stoy yhenever they encounter a lt wr phrase. (3) th)\ tteaning of new words from th ind read with comprehension 4 pecial attention to grammar sed in the passage Skills are best learnt 138, wen they are introduced in isolation, ¢ skill at a time only through written tests und assignments 3) if they are taught in an integrated manner @ with the help of challenging and ‘mechanical language drills The primary objective of using role play is (1) to develop acting talent (2) to evaluate dialogue writing skill (3) to promote the reading habit (4) to improve the communicative competence 140, The main responsibility of a language teacher as a facilitator is (1) to read the lessons aloud and provide explanation for each Line (2) to create a number of opportunities for the leamers to use the language meaningfully (3) to provide a lot of information and make the learners listen to it (4) to strictly control the class and cover the syllabus in quick time 143. 144, cay A 141. After a story-telling session, the learners are asked to change the ending of the story, This will help the learners 11) berome imaginutive and ¢ (2) understand grammar better (3) develop library reference skills (4) evaluate the toucher’s originality ative Which of the following will help learners take greater responsibility for their own learning ? 142, (1) Summative Assessment (2) Supervised reading sessi (3) Controlled writing tasks (4) Peer Assessment ‘Under Constructivist Approach to language learning, learners are encouraged 10 (1) learn the grammar rules by rote (2) discover the rules of grammar from examples (3) avoid errors completely (4) practise language drills mechaniegtty The main purpose of assessment is (1) to decide pass and fail (2) to measure achievement of le (3) to give practice in writing to improve the teaking lepepine process ‘Young learners will enka play included in the text-book when they @) ding the play (3) w tions about the 146, When young learners are taught wo imppfve their spelling and punctuzition, they will (1) improve their accuracy (2) enbanee their fueney (8) nurture their creativity (4) sharpen their listening sl 147. Alter reading a poem, a teach) Gs ube learners in group work, One group Wites the summary of the pooph anothen draws a picture to depict the((m: another sets the po (2) will distrao\Ghe 18ers from the lesson (2) isa shey tq oHyme (2) caters rersg bilities and interests @), 148. Inst ‘ing questions and getting angwers ‘her learners, a teacher gives sol texts and asks her learners to ie ions. Her primary objective is to ) hain the learners as good question paper S ake thir ap during examinations V7 w maring the learners for make the learners realize the difficulties faced: by teachers in preparing question papers enhance the learners’ analytical and critical thinking 149. Correct speech habits can be developed most. effectively through (1) Dictations (2) Pronunciation practice (8) Vocabulary practice (4) Quizzes 150. Reading between the lines as a sub-skill of reading mainly involves (1) identifying the grammatical item (2) understanding the stated facts (3) _ giving sufficient space between lines (4) inferring the unstated using the contextual and verbal clues A (42) have opted for LANGUAGE - II. 4g, > A ant V FM IT Rider + meray a ogat Fates weit (a 121 a]128, 7 Bat ora ae ae @ 128) # want afer fewer fie | Q) ae ge te wate 2) faery at wae vet oa fame & 38 onfers ued & freer 4 anita sit aa% Frater a aad Oe fear of were al A wea aT | Riva si Sag a deen & senna ard at en Bee &, opr Se fi aera 2, & gel ant aa sree} ? are Biter a aef et sr etn af, a s8 eed af eh aa wae fe ow ae aE var ar aad, wife aa a waar a) ae omer Hoo & sue sit ar ae a orem | 8 aa ar aaa fe seat afer ‘what & fase a ga are at orvard @ alg nee fat aac @ fe aon A ar a ae se Ae at ae ond & st sreaat 8 ae er SH at ait, fe gates art at us dco & fe wat yma aha ait Bee e a) wet & ar fret & ary (3) faaféat am 4) aera ary 121. 122, () feat oemmil & @ F (2) area ae % (3) St agent (4) Farrer es SS wa wal oe we ont @ fe ante a anefion fsa we ame ard @, aihe-atiee y ae ty/ Frater G* frat ( SY 128. (3) afore fra wat ar @ meine . el ag ye aT a a ee (2) 8 ist a (3) Arel-fat 4) fara 3 3a arch adh a Fat aga, Fae @ ries shaq Stomufed ad a) ee aad i saan axa ary (3) Frente (4) frarat . frafefas 2 staan Tear 3 fae sep fader ae 2? (were a (3) ater 4) ted ‘oe! at anrall & Qs reer ) aRRER 3) sie (thr A (44) 130, Hare oh ads dtr 2 oa Rider : rater at ager frafetad weak (27 129 9 135) 9 want ster faaer gfe Fe Fa Tw a aed we Heyl date ane art ae) ar tT | any fart a aed a Fat a ae, ore omat am at gl =e, weg & a at, ah 38 ae a reer et sat? fae & a8 at ga} fe, 38 aga wa fore, Su ar fcr A aT ET aed #1 ake et facren or eB se et dea Matas Bs eal aR — gu OF | ane ye wa # fH “ore site arta ak Sak veh ait GAR TH daa ai sa as aa at at wen FF wa on?" sq war ww vem at ae fee Caer eta gi hae gas St fart & freee oe Ge at, sk aa oa ont gait at ame een a go a ast 8 teh ae anit a steam wa am satiate a apa via @ ge 83 81 8 ante, 129, aaa % a dah a wat FINA? a) at ee ST RAE Q aT Da @) a fae ones a wie S 135, ‘Sa vars waa al ag oH fener 2 aaa 8 area Home “a, “av et a) figar-fergremr (2) were @ fw (4) Weeder: (45) Fete: Favafetens wea % sere 29 % fee eran? shia Fear Fe 1 136. Fa a ape aT faa wa aan z a) fafia dent a gst een 2) Teqe # fee me anary (3) vie Hert a arene @ seh a ater seme ym we fave va ar 1 137, GE-gua 31 fae aa ewe an recat & Q) Feria ane a yore aoa 2) stata seat A fre (3) afafaty @ at geri at ya at sani-aista & tide # aise gem fan ae? A? (sees Wwe after merayt 2) 3 wa-aepie fara ab ey 9 sneer fear orm @ ) aT & fer de oe 2 @) eta @ amt ae atest wet wT a unfree fremy A A aa a 138, (yz a che & Re Tat wt Hea 140. agus we & ded A ay ay y fs A a cifafatr at walters, shat wag #7 ww fet ogi a ane fatgar, at BY omeat wa Baa wet 22 (2) Uy’, ae wal & fey i aif | ‘wad! wee A eH an afer ‘oa a m7 feafere 1 (3) (4) 2 RSM & waa sik oss ARGina Ho ded alia wet stat aeF a? aaa oi ane yee wel = aah Pe eee (2) 7 aot @ fe wedi Hi fee ae AT Wee ai sea 2 (8) We Fel Gel A a yeas axe é @ we wel at stvbarpipt ary fra art A faeary waar é . feat rr a gers H chested at aura wet an atu ster aa an ageget 2 7 () Stari a apr a wet at aiepias fatemnsii @ ofifaa sear damit at aes fevvasit & wife @A a1 same yea art @) Gert @ dee uit a seat bar @) cari st carafe @) (4) A 46) 144, safe ERT oy serferal, afacnall ¥ fare gy So aad sor nen ara é ? Cb FeawH, wet, wa a aera (2 statist Geet at vefaat, afaant asi a vad ong (3) ere seer (a) wetfad, afersit ar oareefine frei at ara a gfe 2 aye et OT aT rats eT a a) fafa (2) few (3) Bisa (4) arent eT at agit & weer H ats-a aaa afer ve} a? Q) aer we fae cae e (2) MTT fara fer Ba a oT ORS i feet 7 aefeer cH am é a sees ae at vaa-faa 7 ai @ oe 148, fafatad #8 fem stea & vata wut eP at ah 7 re ) at sa faa af fafa gee A sash gfe % fore eet (4) afer ait feet mer ar Terres ona ad gl NEON abet Age fe sori ar watt ath, 150, fee fed wer H stadt waa ag an scant é 1 om am att ? at Hac afer al G arcane ater fee aA 2) dd wad qe 38 vem oer & fae areas Se a8 sarept sree % ayy gant fk aah fe 38 oH Gag Ra A atone wat & at aed 8 ae fe afar & ame Fae afmeas % aa qd st a ORK (47) SPACE FOR ROUGH W we ord & fee sme (48) 1 2, 10, READ CAREFULLY THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS: Out of the four alternatives for each question, only one cirele for the correct answer is to be darkened completely with Blue/Black Ball Point Pen on Side-2 of the OMR Answer Sheot. The answer ono marked is not liable to be changed ‘The candidates should ensure thal. tho Answer Sheet is not folded, Do not make any stray marks ‘on the Answer Sheet, Do not write your Roll No. anywhere else except in the specified space in the Answer Sheet Handle the Test Booklet and Answer Sheet with care, as under no circumstances (except for discrepancy in Test Booklet Code or Number and Answer Sheet Code or Number), another sot will be provided, ‘The candidates will write the correct Test Booklet, Code and Number as given in the Test Booklet / Answer Sheet in the Attendance Shect Candidates are not allowed to carry any textual material, printed ur written, hits of papers, pager, inobile phone, clectronie device or any other material excopt the Admit Card inside the ‘exainination hall/toom, Bach candidate must show on demand his/her Admission Card to the Invigilator. No candidate, without special permission of tH Superintendent or Invigilator, should leave her seat, the Invigilator on duty and sign th Sheet twice. Cases where a candid signed the Attendance Sheet a seemed a haved ve fd dealt with as an unfair mea Use of Electronic Many Neoeustor is prohihited ‘The candidates and Answer Sheet y circumstances, ‘Ne test, the candidate fe Answer Sheot to the the Room /Hall. The owed to take away this Test No part of the Ted shall be detadidd unc 7 ho a 12, . Wate wer F fem fax TE aR frafefaa free ear a oF : fore Ome a oF & YO2 Ha wee aye act sie a a NG aad gen tr we Fae a8 aa a aK viral afar a fs eH A fee Te wer fen a a ails 2 ardor A fer areas wer rE % fae fa A ari, ak a weafafan, sma a yang sh, eager sean a ft a ara at a at a sehr we a org cashes ot fers at Pres argata & fear aE tenet save ear 7 Bie | carder Fis sen ere fee Fen we et 1a ga eae foe far anh ten let tHE | fe Pe ital 3 ge a eed nr eeeTER Ai K fasq ae AFT STE fs Se ore a Het tea @ ok 2g Safa WE AT HE HT SITET | eacifee / geoarte verers at ovata aff 2 1 verter aneco fee wile ahd ek Pre afro et Fried & tated ered & eh art a ‘ren ate & Fret ot faa & sega ae fre reat Hen gan ake sa oa a aE TA are aa wien wa we, Thane wat / ater aia et aR ta ay -Fitars at arava aha Baral oad aver ger vie glee aT a9 #1

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