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Plan Template
2.8 (REDO)
Unit & Topic: Exploring Weights and Scales, Odd and Even Patterns and Equal Groups
Date: October 1, 2015
Essential Question(s):
Essential Understandings:
-What is the purpose of, and how do I use -How to understand units of measure
a spring scale and a pan scale?
enough to utilize different types of scales
when comparing the weight of two objects
Topical Questions:
Topical Understandings:
-When to use the words lighter and
-Be able to use the terms from today
heavier properly
-Notice patterns in addition of odd and
-How to find patterns of odd and even
even numbers
-Be able to use scales and know what each
-What will a pan/ spring scale show me
type will show you
when I use one?
-How to divide object into equal groups in
-How to make equal groupings of objects order to later understand multiplication
Concepts and Skills: (what are the specific standards, skills, knowledge)
CCSS: SMP1, SMP2, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6, SMP7. SMP8, 2.0A.2, 2.0A.3
CC.2.1.2.B.3: Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and
subtract within 1000.
CC.2.2.2.A.1: Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within
CC.2.2.2.A.2: Use mental strategies to add and subtract within 20.
CC.2.2.2.A.3: Work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication.
CC.2.4.2.A.1: Measure and estimate lengths in standard units using appropriate tools.
CC.2.4.2.A.4: Represent and interpret data using line plots, picture graphs, and bar
CC.2.4.2.A.6: Extend the concepts of addition and subtraction to problems involving

Learning Objective:
(What do you want students to understand and/or be able to do after today?)

-I want them to be able to understand how to use pan scales and spring scales
-Know what units of measure are used in the US
-Have a basic understanding of light and heavy/ lighter and heavier
-Be able to understand odd and even facts when doing addition
(How will you determine if students understand it and/or can do it?)


Seeing if their answers are correct using their slates

Filling out pg. 39 correctly
Filling out the Math Masters sheets correctly
Being able to do the Math Boxes on pg. 40
Completing the nests activity with equal groupings

Timed math practice quiz
Mental Math and Reflex practice box
- Have them use their slates to show this to me
- Tell them to use the number grid to count spaces from one to another
Math Message
- Once they guess without prior knowledge (Hook) tell them there are 16 ounces
in one pound
- Tell them things counted in ounces vs. pounds (one marble is one ounce, so 16
marbles is one pound)
Math Message Follow-up
- Explain that in the US short distances are measured in inches and long are
measured in miles. Light things are measured in ounces and heavy things are
measured in pounds.
- Again remind them of the marbles and also say that many drinks and creams are
measured in ounces but people are measure in pounds.
- Is there anything else they have heard of that demonstrates the difference?
Demonstrating the Pan Balance
- Explain light and heavy
- Show the Ernie and Cookie Monster Video to demonstrate the pan scale and
how it works before I do
- Pan balance does not have numbers on it like a bathroom scale, it drops and
rises like a seesaw to demonstrate what is lighter and heavier
- Play the Sid the Science Kid, online PBSkids game
Demonstrating the Spring Scale
- It is likely youve seen it in a grocery store to measure how much the fruit your
getting weighs
- Show and demonstrate on the spring scale I made
- Does have tick marks to know how much it weighs like your bathroom scale
- Often used for things that weigh less than a pound, therefore is measured in
- Show that when something is more than a pound it is too big and you can no
longer see how much it weighs
Exploration B: Finding Rules for Adding Odd and Even Numbers
- Break them into groups
- Pass out the copies of Math Masters pgs. 36A-D and a set of dominoes
- Have them try to remember their observations about odd and even numbers of
the dominoes
- Come back to desks so we can discuss the results and observations
o Adding two odd numbers makes the sum even and adding an odd to an
even is an odd sum
Exploration C: Making Equal Groups of Objects (May be done in Friday Review Day)
- Math Masters pg. 37
- Making nests to hold equal amount of groups in order to make a baseline for

- Should be done in partners
Math Journal pg. 40- Good morning work
Materials/Resources/Field Experiences:

(Do you need to sign up or sign out for anything? Any special materials?)

No need to sign anything out, there is a Promethean Board program I use through the
textbook as a resource for demonstrations and activities/ lesson ideas. Need marbles to
demonstrate and ounce vs a pound. There are extra handouts of graphs and surveys in
order to create a graph. They will use their coloring supplies as well.

Reflection following lesson:
(Was this lesson worth doing? In what ways was this lesson effective? What evidence do you have for
your conclusion? How would you change this lesson for teaching it again? What did you observe your
students doing and learning? Did your students find the lesson meaningful and worth completing? )

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