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How racism affects the view of the social economy

Derron Gatewood
University of Texas at El Paso

Racism is a word not used lightly around the United States. Racism has been a problem
that started before the 1960s to our current day. This conflict affects all generations, young and

old in our social economy. There are many things that can be affected by racism such as, how
certain races are treated, the outcome of certain situations, how the social world views crime and
how the social world simply views each other. In saying this, there is one specific weapon that is
equipping racism, and that is the people and media. Just because a particular person from a
particular race does something very wrong, everyone from that race is being discriminated by
people from so-called other races. This practice should be stopped for the good of the world. In
the following questions, racism and how it affects the view of the social economy will be


What is racism? Has the social media changed the meaning of Racism?
Are there groups that are more prone to racism than others?
Does racism affect someones ability to achieve upward social mobility?
Is the media teaching children to have hate toward different races?
Abstract: The following review of literature will provide strict information on the
meaning and definition of racism according to different sources. The review of literature
will also provide information regarding which groups are more prone to racism, if racism
affects upward social mobility and will also be discussing if the media has affected
childrens view on different races, forming any hate.

What is racism? Has the social media changed the meaning of racism?
Racism is the overarching societal paradigm that tolerates, accepts, and reinforces racial
inequalities, and is associated with racially unequal opportunities for children to learn and thrive
(NASP. 2010). Racial inequalities lead to discrimination against different races that are of the
minority. People who consume the attribute of racism believe that he or she should have more
social, mental and business power than the others outside their own race. Racism was
furthermore invented by society, one that never should have been created nor as powerful as it
has become.

In 2015, technology has become very powerful and through this, social media has
derived. Social media was created to promote the greater good but can be twisted and turned into
something that is now able to be used for discriminating against anything. Through socials
medias such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumbler, etc. people are able to bully anyone
about anything behind a screen feeling dangerous and unharmed. Social media allows one to post
anything he or she so chooses. This plays a crucial role in racism. Racism via social media can
go as far as discriminating against our own President of the United States. For example, on the
social media network: Twitter, the username @Staylormade95 provided a tweet in 2015 saying
About time we get this monkey out of the office, go back to the zoo. Another example through
the social media network: Facebook, a user named Ann Coutler posted, I highly approve of
Romneys decision to be kind and gentle to the retard regarding president Obama during the
2008 election campaign Obama versus Romney. These racial post not only affect President
Obama but will also affect those of President Obamas same race. Uncaringly, the people post
these as free speech but with the profanity that comes with it, completely changes the view and
meaning of racism.

Are there groups that are more prone to

racism than others?
Many people may see racism as discrimination toward African-Americans, but racism
can come from any type of race discriminating against another different type of race. Jareen, who
is a CNN iReport producer published a story about a man who use to be in the army. This was a
male, white middle aged man. The man reported in his story about how he was discriminated
against by his superior who was of the African-American race. I've never quite understood
when people complain about one particular race and then call racism. I've experienced racism
from all races. In the Army, I was under a black 1sg. He clearly hated everyone that was not

black. He screamed at us at minimum twice a day to tell us how we were all trash Sergeants. He
would make sure to get in our faces and push the limits of our patience. It was so obvious that
while in a formation, for example, there was 5 guys in the front. We'll say guys 1,2,3,4,5. Guy 2
and 4 are black. He would scream and spit in the faces of guys 1, 3, and 5 and completely skip
guys 2 and 4. This was daily and nobody would help us, not even the Commander or Inspector
General. (Jareen, 2013). Someone in this situation may feel pressure as to not bring up racism
and discrimination to the media of any sort, because it would actively involve the military.
However, one solider of one race may feel threatened by another solider of a different race,
therefor proactively feels the need to discriminate against one another. Discrimination within the
military branches happens more than one may think because of the need and desire of power and
being the superior among others.
It has been known that the same race will discriminate against the same race in certain
situation if involved in for example, an interracial relationships. Certain people in the same race
may or may not agree with interracial relationships. Those who do not agree with interracial
relationships will may discriminate against their own race simply because they do not agree with
the color of race of which he or she is in a relationship with, according to Huffington post.
Another group that is prone to racism is Asian-American. Racism toward AsianAmericans is much suppressed in being taught in the United States. According to Anti-Chinese
USA Until 1965, when the Magnuson Act was repealed, various Exclusion Acts and legislations
not only barred Asians from immigration, but subjected all Asian Americans in all 50 states,
(including US citizens) to disfranchisement, high rents and punitive taxes. (Zak Keith, 2009).
Asian- Americans suffer the cons of racism for many other things such as characteristics, food
and intelligence.

Discrimination against opposite races or discrimination within one race its self is an
evolving problem. Hate within each other because of different races but within the same
Nationality will not change until people decide within themselves to change. Until then, any
individual of any race is fully capable of victimizing or being a victim of discrimination.

Does racism affect someones ability to achieve upward social

Ones definition of social mobility can be, someones capability and potential of changing
their own class or social status within their society. For someone to be able to achieve upward
and positive social mobility, one must have a profound potential on their education, wealth, and
occupation. These are only a few examples of social mobility.
To have an increase of social mobility because of ones education level, one must exceed the
high school level, but first one has to survive grade school. According to a scholarly article titled
Using critical race theory as a tool of analysis of race and racism in education, a statement is
made by a 9th grade African-American female, Everybody knows that racism exist and people
are racist, so when it comes out they [Faculty and staff] arent surprised that it is there (Jasmine
2004). After this statement, it is easy for someone to see that kids as young as 14-15 years of age
understand that racism is vivid and no one, not even faculty and staff is doing anything about it.
During grade school, young minds need a place that they feel safe to learn in instead of scared
and hesitant to enter a schooling environment. If faculty and staff do not decide to step in and
inhibit the racism within their school walls, grades and social personalities can be affected as
early as elementary school. If this happens to a young individual then this can add a long term
affect in having potential for an individual to achieve upward mobility.

Another subdivision of positive upward mobility is wealth. In society, one is classified into
the upper, middle and lower class depending on their own or family income. In order for an
individual be classified into the upper class, that individual must have an increased income
change. It has been known that depending on an individuals race, results in their income.
According a scholarly article titled, How Racisms Legacy Created a Crushing Depression in
Black America, there is a wide income gap when comparing African-Americans to WhiteAmericans. That wealth gap has widened into a yawning chasm in recent years. In 2007, white
families, on average, had 10 times the accumulated wealth of black families earning the same
amount. (Joshua Holland 2011). The statistics on this have increased and decreased overtime
but there has always been a gap between White-Americans versus African-Americans. According
to The New York Times, by 2009, the median wealth of whites [was] 20 times that of black
households. As a result, we now have the largest [racial] wealth disparities in the 25 years that
the [Census] bureau has been collecting the data. If our economic society continue to have a gap
when comparing income between White-Americans and African- Americans, it will always be
harder for African-Americans to pursue their desire if any, to move upward in social mobility.
The last component in moving upward in social mobility is occupation. In order to move up
in in class or change their social status, one must have a sturdy and liable job or career. For
example, one who is a doctor will get paid more than someone who works as a sales associate in
a retail store. This component is the least likely to be affected by racism, if one has a high level
degree and for example, is any type of doctor. However, if an individual has only a high school
level degree or has not graduated high school yet or at all, then the boss of the job the individual
is desiring may be of a different race than the applicant and therefore can affect the pay of the

applicant. In this case, it is easier for someone of a lower education level to be discriminated in a
situation of occupational pay when attempting to increase their upward mobility.

Is the media teaching children to have hate toward different races?

Media this generation has turned into an evil component of life. Media can affect the way
an individual thinks, acts and what the individual may believe in. There are many different types
of media, for example TV media or social media which will be found via internet. In our
generation today, not only is media affecting the mind of middle aged and the elderly, but it is
now affecting young minds of children. On January 29, 2007 the first IPhone was released to the
public. There are now 9 different types of iPhones. Too many individuals, this was just a normal
day to day phone, but children figured out how they can have the world at the end of their
fingertips just by simply touching and taping a screen. IPhones abled the user to search the
internet and any type of media possible. This isnt the only thing that has allowed children to
interact with media. On April 3, 2010 the first IPad was released. This new technology of course
intrigued the children more so than the middle and elderly ages. The IPad was created for a
bigger and better way for individuals to search any type of media at the touch of a button. There
are now 6 different types of IPads. For those children who may not have a computer of their
own, smartphone such as an IPhone or a tablet such as an IPad to search the web, children may
have Sony Play Station or Xbox console. These video game consoles now allow an individual to
also search the internet. There are a variety of different types of Sony Play Stations and Xboxs
All of these new technologies in our generation allows children to search the internet, the
latest news and any social media that has been created. Although, this was created for the greater

good, it has turned into something that causes hatred toward others. It promotes the way society
thinks and acts. Unfortunately, this problem has evolved in affecting children and their thoughts
against different races. This affects children at a young age, when the brain is still deveploing.
Such as the frontal lobe of the brain that is located in the front of the skull and controls the way
one thinks and decision making. When a child at a young age sees or hears negative racial social
media or commercial media it engraves in their brain a negative attitude toward different races as
their growing older. This can affect how the child acts in grade school, through college and as a
young adult in their career. According to a scholarly article titled Racism and the Media, The
media in the form of novels, journals, diaries and the press used its powers to communicate the
dominant interpretation of these groups as being inferior. Racism thus refers to a systemic
phenomenon. It permeates the values, beliefs, norms, attitudes and behaviors of members of the
dominant society. (Yasmin Jiwani 2013).
An example of children forming hate towards different races via media is the issue that
involves White-American police officers having bad and violent intentions toward AfricanAmerican citizens in the society. This problem has formed via TV news and social media on the
internet. Although this may not be true and is just a rumor formed through media, it is constantly
affecting the lives of children every day. This situation may cause young African-American
children to form a hate against police forces, when they need to feel safe around any police force
despite the race.
In conclusion, one will be able to understand the true meaning of racism and if social
media has changed the meaning of racism. One will also be able to see the groups that are more
prone to racism, how racism affects someones upward mobility and how media is currently
affecting childrens thoughts and forming hatred toward other races. Racism can be seen in many

different shapes and forms, it is ones choice on how they perceive racism and what they decide
to do to put an end to it.

Reference Page:
NASP. (2010, June 21). Retrieved November 1, 2015.
Racism is the overarching societal paradigm that tolerates, accepts, and reinforces racial
inequalities, and is associated with racially unequal opportunities for children to learn and

Thunder, M. (2013, August 15). Racisms from all races. Retrieved November 1, 2015.
I've never quite understood when people complain about one particular race and then call
racism. I've experienced racism from all races. In the Army, I was under a black 1sg. He
clearly hated everyone that was not black. He screamed at us at minimum twice a day to
tell us how we were all trash Sergeants. He would make sure to get in our faces and push

the limits of our patience. It was so obvious that while in a formation, for example, there
was 5 guys in the front. We'll say guys 1,2,3,4,5. Guy 2 and 4 are black. He would scream
and spit in the faces of guys 1, 3, and 5 and completely skip guys 2 and 4. This was daily
and nobody would help us, not even the Commander or Inspector General.

Keith, Z. (2009, August 1). Anti-Chinese USA: Racism and discrimination. Retrieved
November 1, 2015.
when the Magnuson Act was repealed, various Exclusion Acts and legislations not only
barred Asians from immigration, but subjected all Asian Americans in all 50 states,
(including US citizens) to disfranchisement, high rents and punitive taxes.

Decuir, J., & Dixson, A. (2004). So When It Comes out, They Aren't That Surprised That It
Is There. Using Critical Race Theory as a Tool of Analysis of Race and Racism in
Education, 33(5), 26-31. Retrieved November 1, 2015, from
Everybody knows that racism exist and people are racist, so when it comes out they
[Faculty and staff] arent surprised that it is there

Holland, J. (2011). How Racisms Legacy Created a Crushing Depression in Black America.
Using Critical Race Theory as a Tool of Analysis of Race and Racism in Education, 3-4.
Retrieved November 3, 2015.
That wealth gap has widened into a yawning chasm in recent years. In 2007, white families,
on average, had 10 times the accumulated wealth of black families earning the same

The New York Times. (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2015.

by 2009, the median wealth of whites [was] 20 times that of black households. As a
result, we now have the largest [racial] wealth disparities in the 25 years that the [Census]
bureau has been collecting the data.

Jiwani, Y. (2013). Racsim and the Media. Stop Racsim and Hate Collective, 1-1. Retrieved
November 1, 2015, from
The media in the form of novels, journals, diaries and the press used its powers to
communicate the dominant interpretation of these groups as being inferior. Racism thus

refers to a systemic phenomenon. It permeates the values, beliefs, norms, attitudes and
behaviors of members of the dominant society. (Yasmin Jiwani 2013).

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