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SUBAQUEOUS TAILINGS DISPOSAL IN FRESHWATER AND MARINE ENVIRONMENTS - RESULTS OF PREDICTIVE GEOCHEMICAL TESTING USING TAILINGS WITH DIFFERENT COMPOSITIONS ROBERT K. MUGO*, DARCY MCDONALD AND GEORGE W. POLING Rescan Environmental Services Ltd, Sixth Floor, 1111 West Hastings Street Vancouver, B.C., V6E 2 J3, CANADA Abstract The disposal of reactive mine tailings in an environmentally sound yet cost-effective manner is an issue of concern facing the mining industry worldwide. In particular sulphide-rich tailings pose the greatest risk due to their potential to generate acid rock drainage (ARD) and concomitant release of metals to the environment. Subaqueous tailings disposal (STD) is considered an attractive option both from an environmental (the water cover reduces the influx of dissolved oxygen to tailings and hence retards or slows oxidation and metals release) and economic (little maintenance and ongoing support required, allowing for a near “walk- away” solution) perspective. Some of the negative impacts resulting fom STD include temporary alteration of benthic habitats, Over the last few years, we have been carrying out laboratory tests on tailings with different geochemical properties in order to predict their likely short- and long-term behavior once disposed of in the natural environment under either fresh water or seawater covers. Our approach involves measurement of contaminant concentrations in overlying waters and in tailings pore waters, to determine the magnitude and direction of concentration gradients, and hence, metal fluxes from the tailings. Additionally tailings are subjected to mineralogical tests in order to identify potentially reactive metal-bearing mineral phases, and also visible signs of tailings alteration resulting from under-water storage. The data gathered so far suggest that the reactivity of tailings with vastly different geochemical and mineralogical properties is reduced by storage under water, in contrast to tailings stored subaerially. This paper presents laboratory results of the reactivity of tailings from three different mining projects. Using these results, we examine the factors responsible for tailings geochemical behavior under water covers, and in particular the likely long-term stability of the tailings once disposed of in the natural environment Key Words: Mine tailings, acid rock drainage, subaqueous tailings disposal, geochemical reactivity, pore water, metals, peepers Introduction One of the most significant challenges facing the mining industry worldwide regards the disposal of mine tailings in an environmentally sound yet cost-effective manner. Sulphide-rich tailings in particular pose the greatest risk due to their potential to generate acidic rock drainage (ARD) through tailings’ oxidation, As a result, new and better ways to store tailings in an environmentally sound, yet cost effective manner are needed. Tailings storage under water covers has the advantage of reducing the influx of oxygen to tailings, and thereby limiting the rate of acid generating reactions associated with sulphide oxidation Furthermore, this method of tailings disposal may be cost effective depending on the degree of containment in place at the particular disposal site. The reactivity of tailings under water is governed by complex interactions between the geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of tailings and the physical, biological and chemical properties of the receiving water body. As a result, predicting the behavior of tailings in contact with receiving water is not a straightforward task. Despite the difficulties inherent in trying t0 mimic tailings behavior once disposed of in the natural environment, some useful data on the likely behavior of tailings reactivity is possible through carefully controlled laboratory studies. For instance, the nature and extent of remobilization of metals to the subaqueous environment, as well as changes in various other chemical and physical parameters that may result from direct tailings reactivity (e.g , SO,”, pH, O,, ete.) may be used to assess the likely post-depositional behavior of tailings in a natural environment’ (Over the last several years, we have been conducting laboratory tests with the aim of predicting the likely geochemical behavior of reactive mine tailings once disposed of under freshwater or seawater conditions in the environment. These tests are providing useful information on the reactivity of tailings with different geochemical and mineralogical properties under water, supporting the notion that storage of reactive mine wastes under water is effective in attenuating long term fluxes of contaminants to the overlying, water column. In this paper, we present laboratory results on the reactivity of mine tailings from three projects (Mining Project Case #1, #2 and #3), under fresh water and seawater covers, 99 Methodology ‘The tailings reactivity tests are conducted in 400 litre Plexiglas tanks. Tailings are homogenized and placed as a foot print at the bottom of the tank (foot print depth of ~ 30 cm), and subsequently overlain by ~ 300 L of test fresh water or seawater, depending ‘on the environment being considered for disposal. We use this very large volume of water in order to minitnize potential alterations ofthe water column composition as a result of sampling during the period of the test (3 to 6 months) To simulate actual benthic conditions, water is recirculated in the tank and also directed laterally across the tailings-water interface through a baffle resting on the tank bottom. This is done in order to eliminate chemical stratification by inducing turbulence, and also to minimize the diffusive-sublayer at the sediment-water interface. Tailings reactivity is monitored using three different approaches, namely water column sampling, pore water sampling (using dialysis array membrane samplers or peepers) and ‘mineralogical analysis of tailings samples. Water column sampling involves sub-sampling of the water cover at different time intervals, and analyzing the samples for a suite of physical parameters and trace metals. Fluxes of dissolved metals are estimated by normalization of whole-tank concentration changes for exposed tailings surface area and elapsed time after the start of the experiment (in units of mg/nv/day) Dialysis array membrane samplers (peepers) are used for passive sampling of tailings pore waters. Peeper samples are analyzed for various physical and chemical parameters including dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, nitrate, ammonia, sulphate and a suite of dissolved metals. Mineralogical examination of tailings is used to identify potentially reactive mineral phases, and also visible signs of alteration on tailings surfaces following storage under water (ie. via oxidation), Results Mining Project Case | ~ Fresh water and Seawater Covers Tailings management options considered for this base metals project included disposal in a tailings pond (fresh water), or in a marine fjord using an engineered sub-sea pipeline. Tailings from the project were sulphide-rich (~ 40 to 80 % sulphide) and hosted clevated levels of several metals of environmental concern (e.g. Ni, Cu, Co, Za, etc.) Leach tests were conducted using both fresh water and seawater covers and lasted for ~ 200 days. Tailings pore water data were also obtained; selected data are presented ‘graphically in Figures |, 2 and 3 Inthe freshwater cover overlying the tailings (Figure 1), pH decreased during the duration of the leach test going from 6.4 at t= 0 to 4.5 after six months of storage underwater. Dissolved sulphate increased steadily by almost two orders of magnitude during the same period, going from ~ 2.0 mgiL at t= 0 t0 180 mg/L at the end of the test duration. These data suggest that surficial tailings in this tank underwent some degree of oxidation, generating acidity and sulphate, Dissolved Ni and Co concentrations showed a rapid increase during inital stages ofthe test (0 to ~ 30 days), with a more gradual increase during later stages of the test (Figure 1). High initial metal fluxes, averaging 17.3 mg/m*/day (Ni) and 0.61 mgm*iday (Co) during the first 28 days of test decreased with time reaching values of 3.1 mg/m/day (Ni) and 0.1 mg/day (Co) after 200 days of test. Similar behavior was evident for other metals (not shown), ‘These data suggest that the reactivity of the tailings was reduced by storage under water. Unlike with the fresh water cover, pH and sulphate in the seawater cover remained relatively (Figure 2). These data suggest that any increase in acidity resulting from surficial tailings oxidation in this tank was likely buffered by the higher levels of alkalinity in the seawater (145 to 160 mg/L.) relative to freshwater (0.5 to 3.5 mg/L). Similarly, an increase in sulphate concentration in this tank ‘would also likely be difficult to isolate based on the already high values in the seawater cover. Initial concentrations of dissolved Ni and Co in the seawater cover (Figure 2) were higher than those measured for the fresh water tank, likely due to rapid ion exchange processes with the seawater matrix. Similarly, intial fluxes of these metals were higher than in the fresh water tank. ‘The highest fluxes were measured after the first hour of leach test, being 236 mg/m"/day for Ni and 2.0 mym*iday for Co. Fluxes then decreased markedly with time with long-term fluxes being lower than those measured in the fresh water tank, 100 Pore water data for tailings overlain by both fresh water and seawater covers are shown in Figure 3. Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration decreased markedly across the interface in both cases, indicating consumption within surficial tailings. In the seawater tank, pH remained relatively constant in peeper cells both above and below the tailings-water interface. In the freshwater tank, pH increased across the interface in tailings pore waters, suggesting that oxidation of tailings was confined to the surficial layer and that deep tailings were not undergoing oxidation. Slight differences were evident in the distributions of dissolved Ni and Co in the fresh water and seawater tanks, However, in general, metal distributions in the two tanks revealed a pattern of decrease in concentrations with deeper tailings pore water cells displaying much lower concentrations (in some cases values were below detection limits) than those measured in peeper cells above the tailings-water interface. These data indicate that the submerged tailings were not acting as a source of metals to the overlying water column, Based on the pore water diffusive gradients in Figure 3, it appears that tailings may be a sink for metals from the ‘water column, rather than the reverse. Mining Project Case 2 ~ Seawater Cover Submarine tailings disposal is being considered for this gold and copper project. ‘The main metals of environmental concern in these low sulphur tailings (~ 1.0 to 2.0 % sulphide) were identified as arsenic, antimony and copper. Geochemical tests. were conducted using a seawater cover; some results are shown in Figure 4 (note that only water column data were obtained). Both pH and sulphate remained relatively high and unchanged during the three-month duration of the leach test (Figure 4). The ‘concentrations of metals (As and Cu) increased during initial stages of the test, but decreased or remained relatively steady during the latter stages of the test. Figure 4 also shows that elevated fluxes of As and Cu were measured only at the beginning of the leach test, but decreased markedly to lower values during later stages of the test. Thus the long-term reactivity of tailings was reduced as a result of storage under water cover. Mining Project Case 3 ~ Seawater Cover This is also a gold project for which submarine tailings placement is under consideration. Some metals of environmental concern in these tailings (~ 0.6 % sulphide) were arsenic, chromium, copper and zinc. Tests were conducted using a seawater cover, and tailings pore water data were also obtained. Select results are shown in Figures 5 and 6, As inthe previous two cases where tilings were overlain by seawater covers, pH and sulphate remained relatively constant through the test duration (Figure 5). Dissolved arsenic and chromium increased rapidly during intial stages of the test, but decreased or remained relatively unchanged during the latter stages ofthe test. The highest fluxes of As and Cr were measured inthe first 24 huts of the test (approximately 5.0 - 17.0 and 8.0 = 25.0 mg/m/day, respectively), subsequently decreasing to much lower values of = 1.0 mgjm’/day ater two weeks ofthe test (Figure 5). Pore water results for Mining Project Case #3 are shown in Figure 6. Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration decreased markedly across the interface. The pH remained relatively constant in the seawater cover, decreasing slightly across the sediment-water interface. The concentration of Cr decreased across the interface in tailings pore waters (with the exception of the single sample collected at depth which showed an increase). Arsenic concentration displayed an increase across the interface, followed by a decrease to neat-umbient levels at depth. Arsenic results suggest a possible coupling of the As eycle with the oxidation-reduction cycle of Mn and Fe (data not shown) Thus any dissolved As efflux to bottom waters (from tailings pore solutions) would in all likelihood be significantly reduced through various geochemical interactions of As with Mn and Fe oxyhydroxides (e.g. sorption, 101 co-precipitation, scavenging, etc.). Overall therefore, the data suggest that these tailings are not acting as a source of metals to the overlying water column after submerged storage for two months. Discussion Results of laboratory geochemical testwork on tailings under fresh water and seawater covers suggest that the reactivity of tailings with vastly different geochemical and mineralogical properties is reduced by storage under water covers. This stands in marked contrast to storage under subaerial conditions where tailings oxidation is usually severe leading to acid generation and @ concomitant efflux of metals to the environment for prolonged periods. Initial high metal fluxes are observed under both seawater and fresh water covers likely as a result of dissolution of either the more soluble minerals or of altered (oxidized) particle surfaces, coupled possibly to ion exchange processes. However, once this initial high flux of metals is over, a much lower release tending towards steady-state levels is generally observed. This later stage release likely involves a balance between various geochemical processes acting on tailings (dissolution, precipitation, co-precipitation, sorption, oxidation, ev.) and is probably a better indicator of the long-term reactivity of tailings once disposed off in the natural environment. Results of passive sampling of tailings pore waters (Mining Project Cases #1 and #3) show that metals are not being leached significantly into tailings pore waters, ie. tailings reactivity is minimized as a result of storage under water. As a result, submerged tailings are unlikely to cause a significant diffusive efflux into bottom waters after mining (and tailings disposal) has ceased. These results are in agreement with field data from various ARD-impacted marine and lacustrine environments column’*. These field results show that submerged tailings are not acting as a source of metals to the overlying water column (in some cases, disposed tailings are, in fact, ating as sinks of dissolved metals from the water column). Conelusions Laboratory geochemical testing of submerged tailings is providing useful information on the likely reactivity of railings once disposed of under either fresh water or seawater covers in the natural environment. Data obtained from these tests are used to identify potential contaminants of concern in tailings if placed under water covers, and therefore to assist in the design of mitigation and monitoring programs. Additionally, these data can be incorporated into various hydrogeochemical models and used to predict long-term water quality in the receiving environment. Acknowledgements We acknowledge helpful discussions we have had with various parties during the course of this work. We thank both past and present Rescan mining clients for whom these tests were conducted. We also thank Clem Pelletier for bis invaluable contributions {o the testwark program, and Paul Dagenais for assistance during the preparation of the manuscript. References f Mugo, R-K., D MeDonald, D. Riehm and W. Napier (1997). A quantitative geochemical assessment of the subaqueous stability of potentially acid generating mine tailings, Paper presented atthe th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, Vancouver, B.C, Canada 2 Pedersen T. F., Mueller B., MeNee.J J, and Pelletier C. A. (1993) “The eatly diagenesis of submerged sulphide rich mine tailings in ‘Anderson Lake, Manitoba” Can J. Earth Sei. 30, pp 1099-1108. 3 Resean Environmental Services L1d, (1994) “Geochemical Assessment of Subaqueous Tailings Disposal in Anderson Lake, Manitoba! Unpublished report prepared for the Mine Environmental Neutral Drainage Program (MEND). 4 Resean Environmental Services L1d. (1995) “Geochemical Assessment of Subaqueous Tailings Disposal in Buttle Lake, British Columbia” Unpublished report prepared forthe Mine Environmental Neutral Drainage Program (MEND). Resean Environmental Services Ltd. (1997) “Geochemical and Limnological Assessment of the Feasibility of Subaqueous Tailings Disposal into Moose Lake, Ontario" Unpublished report prepared for Falconbridge Limited, 102 Certo. 20031 ob No, 246-0 22/03/1980-00:309m es AP pH and Sulphate vs Ti (-y6u uopenuasueg sreuding Time (days) [[e-pi-o- Sia] ‘Metal Concentrations vs Time Cobalt Concentration (mg/L) (-y6w) vonenueouo9 19x21 80 120 Time (days) —@- Cobalt -O— Nickel Metal Fluxes vs Time Cobalt Flux (mg/day) (sepj uy) xn 9x Figure 1. Mining Project Case #1: Water Column Data (Tailings Overlain by Freshwater) 103 (oN, 240921 sob Wo. 246-0 22)097199-02:305m Bes AP (71/6) vopenuaouog sreding 80 120 Time (days) [Fer pto- supra] ‘Metal Concentrations vs Time (Buy vopenueauoy 1912IN 3 z 8 4 #0 20 Time (days) © Cobalt -O— Nickel Metal Fluxes vs Time Cobalt Flux (mglmiday) (dep ju.) 013 1041 Time (days) ‘Cobalt ~O~ Nickel Figure 2. Mining Project Case #1: Water Column Data (Tailings Overlain by Seawater) Cor No. 240031 Jb No 246.0 23709/1989-10:30am es AP PH and Dissolved Oxygen Depth Profiles pH and Dissolved Oxygen Depth Profiles (Freshwater) (Seawater) pH 40 40 40 0 (engit) 20 (mngit) ‘O= pH —@- Dissolved 0, Cobalt and Nickel Depth Profiles, Cobalt and Nickel Depth Profiles (Freshwater) (Seawater) Cobalt Concentration (mg/L) ‘Cobalt Concentration (mg/t) .005 0.005 001 aos, 03 08 08 08 02 oa Nickel Concentration (ait) Nickel Concentration (git) =e= Nickel —O— Cobai] Figure 3. Mining Project Case #1: Tailings Pore Water Data (Freshwater and Seawater Covers) Rescan) Tos CaN, 240844 Job No, 246.0 23/04/1998-10;30am es AP PH and Sulphate vs Time (181) uonequeouey ereyding 2 30 0 Time (days) (Gap =o ssa Metal Concentrations vs Time exyu22409 s8ddo9 i (yu) w 2 30 40 Time (days) —e— Arsenic—O— Copper Metal Fluxes vs Time ‘Areenie Flux (mgim'day) (Kepj/8u) xg soddog ‘Time (days) 2 Arsenic—o— Copper Figure 4. Mining Project Case #2: Water Column Data (Tailings Overlain by Seawater) ato a4a76e Job No, 246-0 22/03)1999-02:305m pH and Sulphate vs Time 30 0 Time (Days) [Fon 6 Siphate Metal Concentrations vs Time [Arsenic Concentration (mg/L) 30 Time (days) [-e= Asene =O Chom] Metal Fluxes vs Time ‘Areanie Flux (mgim'iday) Time (days) [+ Arsenic -O- Chromium] Figure 5. Mining Project Case #3: Water Column Data (Tailings Overlain by Seawater) 107 es RP (Bu) wonesue2ues veyding (y8uy wonenueau0s wnjwoiys ‘hepjay6us) xn13 wnnwonyg, Car No. 244771 sib No, 246-0 23)031999-1030ar es AP Dissolved Oxygen vs Depth Depth (em) Tailings ae Concentration (mg/L) pH vs Depth Depth (em) Dissolved Metal Concentration (mg/L) Figure 6. Mining Project Case 43: Tailings Pore Water Results (Tailings Overlain by Seawater) TOR

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