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2. d
3. c
4. e
5. b
6. d
7. d
8. F it will just change the number of photons emitted in one certain amount of
9. energy =

, choose d.

10. =Power/energy. Choose a.

11. a
12. KE= eV. Choose b.
13. KE= mv^2 -> v = 2 KE/m . Choose d.
14. KE=eV=eVd/L. Choose a.
15. choose a. energy conservation.
16. use energy= hc/lambda-> lambda=hc/energy. Choose a.
17. yes. A.
18. e. I am not sure.
19. 3: green. 2: red. 1: IR
20. e.
21. a
22. F. We cannot see those kinds of light.
23. Because sodium is highly interacting with other elements in the gas of the tube.
This will make the quality of the tube reduces with time. Mercury doesnt interact

strongly with other elements, which keeps the quality of the tube good for longer
24. e. not sure.
25. c
26. b
27. d
28. Thats because for the signal to be transmitted further, it must have higher
energy, or higher frequency. However, the signal from the voices is not so high. In
order to send that low frequency signal, they modulate the signal by combining
that low frequency signal with a much higher frequency one. This will create a
signal with constant frequency but varying amplitude, which is called AM
(amplitude modulation) signal.
29. No it cannot.
30. b.

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