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Learning Activity Plan for Infants and Toddlers

Teacher Candidate: Katheryne Rodriguez

Date of Scheduled Visit:
Name/Address of School: CAS East Harlem Learning Center
Age Group: 4s
Cooperating Teacher: Ms. Janet
Room Number: Blue Room
Title of the Lesson:
Pumpkin Seed Counting
Brief Description of the lesson: Students will be able to practice one-to-one
correspondence with pumpkin seed counting.
Developmental Focus
Fine motor skills: All of my students are struggling to develop their fine
motor skills. Even the ones that seem like they need it least could definitely
use the practice. This activity allows them to develop this skill by using tongs
and pumpkin seeds.
Social emotional skills: Students will work in pairs to learn how to share and
work with others. They will be paired with those that they usually do not
interact as with, through out the day. Teachers will model how this
partnership should look like before the activity. Both students will count each
seed out loud when it is each of their turns. They will take turns for every
o Expanding vocabulary by expressing themselves in complete
sentences (the teacher will scaffold this)
o Emphasize and encourage phrases like now, youre turn, youre
next, lets count together
Students will work in small groups to be able to grasp the concept of one-to-one
correspondence by matching the correct seed amount to the number on the
pumpkins. This will support their recognition of numbers 1-10. They will work in
partners to further develop social emotional skills (specifically sharing and taking
turns). This would be a follow up activity to our science experiment where they
explore and feel the inside of a pumpkin.
Connection to Standards: Using the objectives from Teaching Strategies Gold:
Social-Emotional: 1. Regulates emotions and behaviors. B) Follows limits
and expectations. 2. Establishes and sustains positive relationships. C)
Interacts with peers
Language: Uses language to express thoughts and needs. B) Speaks clearly
Physical: Demonstrates fine-motor strength and coordination. A) Uses
fingers and hands
Cognitive: Remembers and connects experiences. B) Makes connections
Math: Uses number and operations. A) Counts B) Quantifies C) Connects
numerals with their quantities

Learning Activity Plan for Infants and Toddlers

Science: 28) Uses tools and other technology to perform tasks

Relevance/Rationale: Students will take their time to count the seeds one by one to
match the numbers on the pumpkins. This will help them to understand that they
have to count one by one instead of just taking multiple seeds to throw it on the
pumpkin mat.
Time Needed: 15-20 minutes for the activity in small groups.
Instructional Context:
This activity will be done in small groups. One teacher at each table helping them
with language modeling, counting and correct tong usage.
Procedure: (step by step)
1. The activity will be introduced and modeled with another teacher so that
students can see how the language should play out.
2. Explain and model how to hold the tongs.
3. Teacher will go around helping students.
Attention Grabbers (if needed):
Rum Sum Sum song
They will be dismissed to center time by acting out animals (Ex: hopping like
bunnies, buzzing like bees)
Resources/Materials Needed:
Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin number mat (one per two students)
Room modifications:
Put S.M in a seat where she has enough body space otherwise she may start
getting fidgety.
Sit A.P in a seat that has enough room for an extra chair next to her. The
teacher in her table will sit next to her to help her concentrate throughout the
A.P and S.M will not sit in the same table.
Plan for differentiated instruction/Instructional modifications:
For students like S.M and A.P they can be given the opportunity to explore
the seeds for at least 1-2 minutes before the lesson so that they wont be
distracted feeling them out during the activity.
Pair the friends that do not usually team together through out the day in
other activities.
Add dots to the pumpkins to indicate how many seeds it needs for students
that need more visual support to help them count.
Method of assessing childrens growth and learning: Teachers can take:
Teachers can take notes at their tables to observe who are meeting the

Learning Activity Plan for Infants and Toddlers

Teaching Strategies Gold Objectives
Follow-up/Extension Activities:
Read Ten Orange Pumpkins by Stephen Savage (count pumpkins in the story
Any additional information that would be helpful for the observer to know:

Observer feedback on the lesson plan, including commendations and

recommendations for improving aspects of the learning activity

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