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Annotated Bibliography

Position Paper
TSA prejudice against Minorities: the balance between personal freedoms and security

After the events on that day in September of 2001, the world changed and the
USA started to change laws and introduce new laws that restricted personal freedoms,
and even changed the way we conducted ourselves.

It is clearly written in the

constitution that only congress has the authority to go to war but our then president did
not wait for that. There was the creation of The Department of Homeland Security a
bureau so large it was the epitome of big brother government. It swallowed under its
mandate, agencies like the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, Customs,
and a few other large service providing branches. Through my own experiences and
experiences of others one can see how the TSA is prejudiced institutionally against
minorities, especially towards people from a certain part of the world with certain kinds
of names, and certain skin tones. Amitai Etzioni, author of the book How Patriotic is the
Patriot Act? Freedom Vs Security in the Age of Terrorism cited the American Civil
Liberties Union stating the Governments Insatiable appetite, characterized by
government secrecy, a lack of transparency, rejection of equality under the law, and a
disdain and outright removal of checks and balances. (Pg 9, Etzioni) This power grab to
take the citizens rights away has resulted in a deterioration of what made America a
shining beacon of light to people from other countries, people who looked up to the
United States as a model of how accepting and for all a country should be towards its


Annotated Bibliography

1) Etzioni, Amitai. How Patriotic is the Patriot Act? Freedom Versus Security in
the Age of Terrorism. New York: Routledge, 2004. Print
In this book the author looks at how freedom was affected after the September
2001 attacks on the World Trade Center. He is concentrating on the PATRIOT
Act, and its long lasting and far reaching effects. The quote that I took from his
book is from the opening chapter which cites the ACLU and its findings on the
behavior of government after the World Trade Center Attacks.
I will use his book to show how the government post 9/11 had a power grab using
the terrorist attacks as justification for an attack on personal privacy and liberties.
2) Malek, Alia. Patriot Acts Narratives of Post 9/11 Injustice. San Francisco:
McSweeneys Books. 2011. Print
This book is a compilation of peoples stories that were directly affected as a
result of the manhunt after 9/11. It shows the names of the people it also shows
what they went through, using their own words, as they were interviewed. These
are first hand narratives of those people, of who are ninety percent of the
interviewees, only two were non Muslims.
I will use this to show the steady discrimination towards people of minority
backgrounds or those who are affiliated with minorities even if in a harmless way.
3) ACLU Sues To Gain Access To TSA's Behavioral Profiling Program. NPR
News. KUER, March 25, 2015. Radio.
In the interview the ACLU tells of its findings when it forced the TSA to provide
information on its procedures when profiling passengers. It mainly focused on the
SPOT program as well as the ineffective ways the TSA uses its staff and budget.
I will use this to specifically put a spotlight on the SPOT program the TSA uses
which generally relies on TSA employees to look at someone and assess whether
or not they are subject to more strict security measures and its extreme
4) Rothschilds, Matthew. Beware Anti Muslim Hysteria. Progressive. Feb
2010, 74th edition. Pg. 8-9. Web. 11/17/2015
This article is a warning to people to not get caught up in the hysteria that is
fueled by hate. Referencing times like the Japanese internment and other
instances. His article calls out the very mirror like way the Japanese people were

treated after the Pearl Harbor Attacks and drawing comparisons to similar
behavior against muslims today.
I will use this article as a calm voice of reasoning.
5) Jones, David. "No-Privacy Zone." Nation 13 Oct. 2003: Pg. 6 & 22. Web.
This article presents some of the ways the TSA has been trying to get to prescreen
people who are flying. It shows some of the techniques they would like to use. It
shows how the TSA has evolved and changed its more ineffective techniques.
Some of the older techniques are highlighted as well as the new techniques which
they have taken on as other techniques proved their inefficiencies.
I would like to show how intrusive and ineffective they can be.

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