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ROCKY MOUNTAIN SECTION - SEP CCENOZOIC PAL EOGEOGRAPHY OF WEST CENTRAL UNITED STATES RM FLORES AND SS. KAPLAN, EDITORS. DENVER, COLORADO (085 LATE CRETACEOUS AND CENOZOIC OROGENESIS OF ARIZONA AND ADJACENT REGIONS: A STRATO-TECTONIC APPROACH Stanley 8. Keith MegnaChen Exploration Ine. 10827 §. SIst St Phoenix, At 85082 aestRacT Streto-tectonie analysts of Late Cretaceous ~ Cenozoic’ stratigraphy, structure, and resources of Arizona and adjacent regions. reveals the presence of ‘three major afachronous aragenle events: 1) Laramide rogeny of late Cretaceous to lute Eocene; 2) Galiuro orageny (new) of late Eocene to mid-Miocene, which vas formerty called the mid-Tertiary orogeny: and 3)"San Andreas orogeny (nen) of late Miocene 1 resent, which includes saein-Range nomenclature. Lavamide orogeny fn the Basin and Range Province consists of five’ major, eastward-younging, Sequential assemblages that include, trom oldest. 20 youngest: 1] metaluntagus, quart2 alkelicy. hydrous Imagnatisn; “Cusfu porphyry deposits: and” EK to Wii-trending, “wedge uplifts and. folds. (iT isboro, assenblage);"2) metaluninous, alkalt-etleic, hydrous Yiaghatisas Po-Zn-Ag_ vein and ‘replacement. deposits; and Ne-divected “folds “ane "thrusts. (Tonbstone assenblage}; 3) mataluninous, cale-alkalic, hydrous magnetism; large zoned’ porphyry Cush systems: and EW to NE-striking dikes and distributed’ left. shear bn. kiesériking faults (Norene! assemblage); 4) pereluminous, " subalkaline, hydrous plutenisn; Fegional-scele, "SW-directed thrust faults and related —“nylonitic. deforsation —_(wiTderness, assenblage)s and 5) greonscnist-grade, mostly socic, nnetsgrayvacke beneath crustal-scale, Sk-directed, thrusts (Orocopta assenblage). Galiuro orogeny consists of major, westward-younging, sequential assemblages that include, “fron ofdest: to” youngest: 1). Yex-energy sedimentation in reverse(2}-rautted basing (Mineta three assembles); 2) extensive, metaluninous, Eslers]ialic and alsali-caleie, tysreus saninbritic, mmagnatisn; —Auag-K and Po-ZneAgvetvs. and replacements; local, coarse clastic sedimentation with megabreccia "unites and crustal-seale, HWeSe-trending, broad folds, and Ni-striking 403 anc. eile Consul ting Geologist 3035 5. Shiela Ave. Tucson, AZ 85786 reverse(?) faults (Galiuro assenblage} netaluningus, “alkali, hydrous magnet isms veins and minor Cy replacements Sedinentation; aajor Tow-angle norma? faults, minor reverse faults, and crustal-scale warping (ahippie assemblage) ane 3) Aunaa Coerse clastic [cetachnene) cont inuee San Andreas orogeny consists of tha oragentc assenblages: 1) NE=SW. to. E- trending folds (Transverse assenblage)s and 2). metaluninous, allatine, anhydrous, tron-rich, —wagnatism) Ne$ trending’ horses and’ grabenss ttemnaly drained, Tacustrine basins with fringing coarse clasties; and industrial “mineral deposits (Besin. and. Range assemblage} suTRooueTioN In spite of @ general agreerent on a tripartite division ‘of late Cretaceous-Cenozuic orogenesis in Arizona and adjacent regions, there is considerable disagressent “onthe tectonte’ style and dynanies of ach orogenic event. Several recent development, provide new constraints for structural and dynamic interpretations of the various orogenic events. Perhaps the ‘most significant development. Ts the discovery of the “Corgilleran two-mica granites (Willer and Bradfisn, 1880; Keith and others, 1980). Several thousand Tine miles of deep sevsric sections were shot in” 1979. to 1961 during the southern Arizona ofl play. The seismic dala showed conclusively that. southern Arizona is. pervasively Unceriain dy nuserous Tou-angle seisaic "reflectors down to depths of 25 kn (Keith, 1980; "Reir and Robinson, 1981}. Drilling. results’ north’ of Tucson provided’ persuasive evidence that the top of one lirray of "strong reflectors was a major low-angle fault (Reif and Robinson, 1981). Results of recent mapping in westera Arizona and adjacent southeastern California (exe! and Dillon, 1978; Reynolds and others, 1980; Frost and SB. KEITH AND 1C. WILT vartin, 1982; axel and others, 1984) have cocumerted the vegional extent of several events of Jonsangla thrusting that range in age from late Durassic. to early Tertiary. In addition, recent hnapping and geachronclogiea? studies have shown the Toweangle normal faults. oF middle Miocene age. aré distributed through a broad’ region (Davis, 19805 Shakelford, 1960; Frost and Martin, 1982) Since 1980, several hundred chonfeaT analyses. and "several hundred nen radiometric dates. (Shaftqutlah and Cthers,, 19805 "Frese and Mertiny 1982) provice a powerfil_ new database” for regional stratigraphic Eorrelation of igneous units. As a result of these new breakthroughs and the sundance of quantitative flava, concepts of late Cretaceous and, Tertiary fragenes\s must be adjusted to fit the new data. [Approach and Methodology The resynthesis of late Cretaceous ~ Conozotc loragenesis presented in tMs paper 15 based on a detailed "“stroto-tectonic "approach. a Stratortectonie correlation chart consisting of 100 Shratectectonie “eolums fron Vmited geographic areas. wes prepared with the colunns projected to a Eve-#SM. Line, approximately perpendicular to. the North Averiean plete margin. Data used inc}uced Stratigraphy ane structural data fron detatlee Quadrangle ‘sapping, geachrorological cata, igneaus Fock chemical composition, and metal contents of essociates wineral deposits. The igneous rocks were Categorized according toa new chemical Classification of igneous rocks based on magne Series chemistry and metal contents of associated hineral deposits currently being ceveloped by Keith. After compilation ofthe Targey strato-tectonic, cerrelation chart, the date were organized in 2 nanner stinlvar to thet used by Coney (1872) into. “strato-tectontcassenblages that Contained unique arrays of lithologies, structures , Inineral. resources, ‘isotopes, and. tagna chen{stry: Tose asseeblages” are naned for particular type areas and ave shown ora sumary ‘strato-tectonic Chart (Fig. 1) and are Tso presented in a series of assonblage aps (Fig, 2-7). where rock end resource features differed, Dut Wore associated with the same Structural features, the strato-tectonic sssenbleues were subdivided into. facies. On 2 larger. scale, Hinilar strato-tectonfc assemblages neve grouped into broader oragente phases that reflect different stages of oragen’e. development. AIT of the above Strato-tectonie facies, assemblages, and phases of ¢ iven orogeny are generally diachrorous (Fig. 2). Results Analysts of the strato-tectanic correlation chart. revedied three. gajor orogentes. In the Tate Eretaceous and Cenozoic that canbe subdivided into orogenic. phases and strate-tectonic assemblages Grable 1). the orogenies are: 1) Laranide orogeny feb-43. Ma); 2} Galture. orogeny (37-13 Na}; and 3) Sam Anoress orogeny (13-0 Ma). where necessary, the Strato-tectomle aseenblages of the oroyenies "were Subdivices into different facies. Wore detailed characteristics of the various asseiblages and their factes are. shown in Tables 2-4 and are ciscussed below in order of decreasing aye. awacew | croctnc ratse | assewances | wacuattsn ern iweea aesoinees | TH Toe sa int tange | sasin & Range pasateic rene st, clngers, ane | risers | cas ments voveanisa aos, zeotes Teanserse sransverse [rane or rare enrcteton goles | setroievm ans | rutocee | ont3 LAT | totaeet Gaia] Wrote Yet wees aTeavie| provity sTice | Gachokp iw detach. | wvaeWiboE valeantes etecteen's | Nts; Aus | up OLIGICENE swaiat Garon | catture | aresitucatese | awnarene folas | Pbouredg wre wlorene nian catsoro | ss rare veleanies | tesa basins us Gr ctastses |p ou icoene Coarse clastice | ie ante Tow meta TRE TOTATAT Tar Fee PAY pera Ta ae Pm eT eae Pe ir Green River | enlefe bealeath, ty, nate nesate Srocopie resin Larenide | orenet | eale-alialte ne aiees veins | porary copper | enctue 1650 ster stacks Paronene ticiat torniie | denser [attaticentese | ne aie, fonts | rrratg twersceaus | an-<0 Temstone | vate. & stacks | 8 thrusts acces hitiesers |" votcanies | toi wedae eplifts |_Giote “TR Wate stocks | Sart aire Tact aca | TR Table 1. General framework of Cretaceous and Cenozoic aragenesis in Arizons 404 ‘OROGENESIS, ARIZONA AND ADJACENT REGIONS cewwocmre | assemmace | seusenrarion our STRUCTURAL FEATIRES race veseuncrs | ace (ve) ase Tatninsat | Teme Far GETS aTTavs fase Seavey abaene | Ricerendiog shar aan. —oranon ear aa owns en echelon Tae RI aTTar platen, wallets | waar Target tes trercing Jor) Tle, posh | Soto Tacustrine ferien exgmetrica) thet uli [uraniyy of), 6 We rusia rave? a Sia Mesa paleosooe oe ear (oene erosion sures] Wears [Fae HITE aot Hal owoeippiag aylontte [Re Wiseavations § | OA telete, hydro roves eis rernutirous eecangle Shei. thrusts |i velney nor see Govien ranitolgs | “urge snot of transport | AacPeczn To rae wee PTargeretonsT trate | Sierte baa a7 Teal | SETAE greenest meta, | Chorolate-Vicent thrust | aroraous A Ta Wareeet a SalesaTiniie, episwal [Ret the Tithing ete —[porahyry Crkey Ot | TSS0 AE Tete Plitanian 8 oteansen | distributed Jott snr harness wees | S980 8 hose, netaluniness | thraugh Tens Zo fringing 29-6 TET] Berner] Goer cTaUTGS We asap ocat neshet ne Terere, Concise Tee Lee basins ff E-facing | allelic sugmtism | sorectinal uplfts cece ennoe salts ass 00 TBE pont tnental claetiee ATTICS Wares | Very WaT Toles Roig vals co Tarp esate books, | “plotanae b yrociart.| A theurts sith [10 ke | replacnere dgosits | 708 9 Tnterovetheanectast, | toleansn, ertstunte, | _ shortening Taras — agree arate noe TEIN tree sreTiaee [ead Tenaire ST Sry ahy Te, Gertonte’ | wy fee vole, clasts | peas W604 foes oil, yanige aes WiVabare | eoarse Conti elastied | HAaTTE Ryde voles] Ek medgeoplives Bbavins | epfgeetle Gok =o angle ballavs fans | anal stocks ESE stra, Regangle | zoroyries retalunireus reverse tnulty an oles Tacle 2, Sumary of asseeblages of the Laramide orogeny in Arizona This paper presents a summary description of consists of the Hillsboro assenblage, followed oy the various drogenies "and their conponent the Tonbstone assenblage. In. tne Colorado Plateau sssenblages. Detailed documentation and dynamic. and Provine’. initial Laramide oracery consists of the plate tectonic interpretation of the different Laramie asserblage, post-cated by the Denver ssenblagesy and comparison wlth previous work wit) assemblage. bev presented” later. For example, "detailed flocunentatton, dynamic analysis, and plate tectonic With respect to tie, Laramie and MilIsboro Significance” of the assenblages will be presented Laranide strato-tecton‘c in Keteh and WiTE. assemblages are equivalent.” The Laraaie assenblage ‘of the Colorado Plateau and Rocky Mountain. provinces (1385). LaRaMTDE oROGENY In eny given area the Lararide orogeny can generaliy be subdivided into. three broad phases that Sequentlally overprint earlier phases in a systematic manner (Table 2). On a regional basts the orogenic phases are diachronous in that. all. phases oF the Leranide orogeny became generally younger in 2 west to. east direction (Fig. 1}. Only the Gulminant phase (Palegcene-Focene) of Laramide orogeny is summarized in detail in this paper. Rovever, for” completeness, the earlier Laramide phases are briefly sunmarized below Initial Leramide Orogeny The initial Laraméde orogeny is subdivide into two strato-tectonic assanblages in both the Colorado Plateau and Basin and Range provinces. In the Basin and Range Province, initial Laranide orogeny 405 Consists of fine-grained sedinents fron marine and Goastal nonnarine (coal-bearing) facies of the Fegressiva, Late Cretaceous, epteontinental sea Strand ina’ facies contain detritus: with volcanic Tmeponents and exaibit facies. relationships with straight, NéOW-trending shorel ines that are parallel to” broad "foles with coat. accumuletjans "in the Synclines. The #iIlsboro assenblage (Keith, 1988) OF the Basin and Range Province consists of coarse Continental clastics and winor volcanic components that wore deposited in west-northwest-trending basins ‘adjacent. to west-northwest-trending, conan y double-sided, wedge uplifts. The nagratic’ component of the Kilisborg ascenblage consists of quartz-dearing, alkalsc, metaluninous volcanics and Gpizonal stocks that aré associated with copper-goid ‘sineral deposits. With respect to tie, the Denver and Tonbstone assemblages are equivalent. The Denver assenblage was. narea for the "Denver basin type’ of Chapin anc Cather (1981) and eceurs mainly th Colorado and SB KEITH AND J.C. WILT 25 howe el = ex 4B Seton evoch For vears| | Asenblace om. lesan ge ye) B edie ieee [|g | Sa = : a Hiocene Law] Tel ioe ae Pa n | » [a] ae a 5 01 fgocer a ® ane Orocopia 8 i. Campanian _ 3 } 2% 7 § | Sentonian Tenis tore Se & (nea = i Tarenen | gg S Troan | sco Figure 1. Sumary strato-tectonic correlation diagrar for late 406 OROGENESIS. ARIZONA AND ADJACENT REGIONS Assenblage ar Basin & Range wisppte Pe eeceaes Gatiuro Wilderness Forenct Tombstone HiNisboro. Cretaceous-Cenozoe orogenesis in Arizona and vicinity 407 grabens Forned by fornal faults Folds “wt wv ee reverse fault ow-angle norual (detachment) fault “ direction of ee ransport uplift A nae reverse fault severse-fault = bounded graben WS TEEN “ east 412 magnetic sweep on the tine-distance curve of Coney urd. Reyroids (1977). In any given tine slsce, the peraluninous plutons occupied a. diffuse plutonte Belt west of ‘the older metaluninous. nagnatisa ane noved ‘eastward with the metaluingus sagnatisn in 3 coordinated, paired fashion (Keith and Reynolésy 1981). This, Wilderness assemblage megeatisn sn ony given’ area ‘represents the culnination of Laranice orogeny. Reduceé Isotopic fges, wilderness assemblage plutehsne—wefomattons and metanorthisn ts accompanied by widespread resetting of relatively wonresistant K-Ar and. fisston-track, Ss0top\e systers. The reduced Isotopic ages aré about. the sime’age as or STightly younger than the enplacenent of the “peraluningys” granites in the gerersl Vicinity, "AS with the peralurinous plutons of the Wilderness assenblage end the magnatien of Laranige strato-tectonic assenblages ir" general, -MiTderness, assend]age reduced ages become jourger eastuard For exanple, in the Transverse Sangee of southeast California, "Willer and Morten (1980) have obtained Ihumerous reduced K-Ar detes thet ranye fran 88 to 72 Ma. To the east in the Big haria Mountains K-Ar cooling ages on" Precarbrian through Mesozoic hnetasedinentary rocks “range from 72-50 Ma (Martin and others, 1982). In western Arizona" nunercus educed Kear ages cluster. between 60-08 Me (Shafiquileh and others, 1980). “In each area, the Faduced Kear and Fiss'on track’ dates cotnetoe” with enplacenent ages af peralurinqus plutons of "the Wilderness Assemblage. Orocopia Assenblage The nene Orocopia assenblage nas given by Keith (198a)""to" Lararide recrystall zation phenomena. in alder schistose rocks that possibly were durassic o” Cretaceous metagreyackes and that now occur. in the Tower plate of the regional Chocolate Mountain rust" systen of southeastern "California ang southwestern Arizona, Laranide recrystal Nigation 1s indicated by numerous reduced Kehr ages that record termination of a netarorghic event thet «as possioly associsted with the tinal anplacenent of schistose rocks, such as the Orocopia, Rand, and. Pelona Schists suimarized by Haxeland Dillan (1978). The tem Grocopia assemblage nas chosen for recrystall ization phenomena in the Orocopia Schist beneath the Chocolate Mounte in thrush within’ the Grocapia Mountains in southeastern Califarnia, Rocks of Grocopia Assemblage There are no sedinentary, volcanic, or plutonic rocks in the Grocapta assendlage. ether, Oracopia Assemblage "rocks" consist of metanorghism and recrystail ization phenomena in rocks that predate Orocdpia assemblage tectonisn, rocapia essendlage netanorphisn consists of greenschist-grade netanorphism of metagraywackes that had. previously been netanorphases to blueschist grade (Zbl ig, 1968; Graham and England, 1976). The original blueschistegraue metanorpnisn could nave accurree. in fan accretionary melange wedge developed above the Subduction zone fron "late duressie through OROGENESIS, ARIZONA AND ADJACENT REGIONS In\d-Cretaceous tine. The greanschist, metanorphisn of the Grocepia assenblage would then be related to Gnplacenent via unéerthrusting heneath the North Gmericen plate. The original setanorphisa of the Sehists is 90 older. than 163 Ma, which 1s the date Gf a presnetanorphic, pyroxene-horablende ciorite ike that intrudes metagraywackes of the lower plate (Wukase and others, 1284) and may pre-date final enplacenent subsequent to 65 fa. Munerous recucee Fear" ages. between’ 4? to 60 Ma reflect. cooling and termination of metasorphism of the Orocopia Schist pernazs during the last phases of explacatent. For Bxarple, the Pelona Schist beneath the Vincent thrust in the San Gabriel Mountains was metanorposed during "the —Palaccene —(Ehlig, | 1968). The concentration of Kehr and Rb-Sr isotopic ages. fron the Pelona Schist and Vincent thrust In the interval betwsen 50 to 60 Ma suggested to Harel and Di11on (i578) ‘that “the metenorphisn occurred. in Paleocene Tine, Structural Features of Orocopia Assenblage Structures herein assigned to the Orocopta assenblage consist of the regional thrust faults of the Chocolate-Vincent-Rand thrust. system, which is egionally present throughout southeastern California and. southwestern Arizona (haxel and Ditlon, 1978; Crowell ,"1961}. Principal thrusts are the Hand thrust. dn the Rand" Mountains of hortheestern Kern County, the ¥incent thrust nthe Sen. Gabriel Mountains "of northern, Los. Angeles County, andthe Chocolate Mountain thrust. in Riverside and Imperial counties of | southeastern California ane southern Yuna County in southwestern Arizona These structures are very Targes very shallowly inclined, northeast-dipping, possibly — southwest directed, regional thrust. faults. the fol fatton fabric within schists of the Tower plate below the vhrusts” generally aye northeast- southwest- trending “Vineatian. "The upper plate of | the Orocapta-Vincent thrust system’ 1s_comonly affected by, thrusterelated mylonitic fabric that cuts tetrogreded granu ites, anphibylste-grade,paragne’ss and” orthognefes, of Precanbrian through possibly Hidecretaceous age The thrust-related mylonites in The upper. plate’ camonty contain a hortheast-southwest-trendingTinestion areliel to Tineation in the lover plate scnistose rocks. Tectonie’ transport directions for the upper plate nmylonites yield contradictory results, with sone Suggesting ‘northeast and sone indicating southnest transpart Wagritude of Thrusting. Lateral transport ajong oroccitt Gesenorage THATSE ravies probealy. wast Yeast’ 150 hn and may have been as much as 625 kn or more, The metagraywackes, minor tape! ites, Cheris, and garic netavelcaric rocks in the Tower Plates’ of Orocopia assenblage thrust faults have no Vithologie analogs anywhere in the orth American Upper plate. In Southeastern California and Southern Arizona, an overlap of Worth Anevican upper plate rocks over lower plate retagraywackes of the Brocopia Schist end carrelatives can be inferred to 413 be at least 150 fn projected pareTiel_ to # MSOE-SSoW Hine, which 15 the average trend of Tineetion in the ower plate schigtose rocks. Evidence for continent-scale underthrusting of Francisean-1ike materials beneath North erica wes Feported by Helnstaedt and Doig (1975). They dpeaines samples of blueschist " ecologite fron nelusions in the nepheline atkalic diatrenes of mideTertiary age ab Garnet Ridge ard Moses Rack in The Four Corners Region of Arizona and Utah, The affinity between the scolagite inclusions -and the Franciseat-like rocks "was affirmed by Tawsonite cores within amphibole phenocrysts and jadei te cores Within’ pyroxene. ghenocrysts Tram the ecologite Gnclusions. Helnstasdt. anc Doig (1975) suggested thet, the” only way to” get a high-pressure, Yow-tenperature assenblage Seneath a continental area such as the Colorado Plateau wos to invoke massive. continent-scate—_underthrusting of Franciscan-1ige materials beneath North anerica. 1f Sts ascuned that the ecologite inclusions “are indeed underthrust Franciscan, then the anount of implied Tithologic overlap would be et least 625 kn Missing Crust. ® remarkable structural feeture of RecoTatapte stsowblage thrusting is that deep Tevet senistose terranes or metagraywacke packages have. been connonly juxtaposed under supercrustal assemblages of the Horch fnerican plate. Deeper North American crust, such as. the granulite lever wnich would be expected In 8 normal crustel profile, "E conmonly missing. Teere are places, such as sh the San Gabriel and Orocopia, Mounteins, here the Granulite lower crust Is locally preserved in the Upper plate, out for the most pert the granulite crust te missing In tne upper plate. In effect, the fiorth pnersean rust throughout much of the western Mojave desert region Is a rootless, crystalline plate. that 1s resting a)lochthonously on a” proveb!e Eehtstose basenent, Sone of the deep crustal COCORP Setante Vines recently shot across the. western Mojave block show numerous reflecting horizons at depth seneath the western Yojave that could in part represent the Schistose basenent. Based on the Sefenie data, the base of the present crust in the western Hejave region occurs no ceeper than 20 to 25 my onich is. about half of the expected thickness For normal continental crust, Thus» the possibility exists that regional-seale tectonic erosion of the Nortn Seerican plate cccurred during Orocopie aosenb lage metamorph fs apd thrusting. Age of Orocopia Assenblage Relative age relationships and geochronologic calioration along the various thrust faults suggest Drocopia asserblage thrusting occurred after Bo Me fané terminated sbovt 60 Me. In the San Gabriel Mountains nornbTende-biotite cuartz éiorste in the Upper plate, that. is in fault contact with the Vineent’ thrust. yields. K-Ar dates on hornblende of 7 Ha (Miter and Moreen, 1380) One of the plutons in ‘the San Gabriel Mountains es yielded 2 U-Pd date on Ziveon of 80 4/- 10 Fa (Carter ord Silver, 197) Thus, avaflable evidence in the San” Gabriel 8.8, KEITH AND J.C. WILT Mountains indicates the Vincent Unrust after a0 He enplacerent of In the Randsburg area, Silver and others (1984) report Us? date of 88.5: Ma on zircon. fron a grenite “in the upper plate that fs cut by the Rang Thrust zone. ‘This date strongly suggests tet fnplacement of the schist beneath the Rand thrust 1s, Younger’ than 85 "Mb. In. the southeasternmost Erocolate "Mountains," ininun” ages for. rock Gustapositions slong. the Chocolate Movrtains * dates on. tno samples. of the netaluninous, calc-alkalic Faranay anen Fornation yiold dates between 29.5 and 28.0 he (Snaftquitah and others, 1978}. To the west in the Southern Santa Rita Mountains, the Grosvenor HINTS volcantes, ts a fairly widespread volcanic pile with tale-alkalic cheristry.” Four K-Ar dates fron three Eanples of Grosvanor iiV1s volcanics and a related Subvoleantc Taccolith range ‘ram 27 to 28. Ma (Drewes, i972). Ta the northwost at the type locality of the South Mountain facies at south Mountain south of Phoenix, the South Mountain intrusive "complex is calemelkalic (Keith and Reynolds, unpub. geochemical data) and is well dated between 26 and 22 Ma by Kear, Ro-Se, and U-Po techniques (Reynolds, 1952). To the west in the Harquahata Mountains 100 kn wat “of Phoenix widespread, cale-alkalic, microdiorite ike swarms Of the South Mountain Facies are dated at 28 to 25 Ma (ShaftquTtah and others, 1980). To the south in the southeast. Chocolate Mountains, the ain volumes of voleanisn are cale-alkal ic and erupted between 20 and 22 Ma based ch nunerous K-Ar dates (Crowe and Others, 1973). Farther to. the west voleanism in the Ditigencia Foreation of the northeastern Orocopia Nountains 1s calc-atkalic and has yielded three K-Ar dates which range trae 23.0 to 19.1 Ma (Spittier and Arthur, 1982) The Datil facies of the Galiura assenblage exhfoits a broader geographic distribution than the South Mountain facies and thus exhibtzs a more abvious pattern of younging to the west. In Southwest New Hexico the ragnatisn is mainly 38 to be "He and becanes younger’ westnard from Southeasternnost firizona "(23 to 2% Na) to Southeeentral Arizona (28 to 22 Ma) to the Phoenix region (24 to 16 Ma) to west-central Arizona (22 to IB'Ma) and to southeasters California (22 to 18 Ma) SB. KEITH AND J.C. WILT In the Mogo}ton-Datit volcanic Tietd, akalt-calcic volcanics (Borthorst, 1962) erupted in several valeanic cycles. that ‘range in age from 38 to 20 Ma (Eiston and others, 1973), In tne PeToncilio and Aninas Mountains of" southwestermnos. Hew Mexico, am extensive Tielé of caldera-related, alkalt-cetcie Noghat ise ranges fron 37.10" 20 Na (Deal. and others, 3875}. "In. southeastern “Arizona alkalt-calcic magnaiisn, such as the Stronghold. Granite of the central Dragoon Nountains ylele K-Ar dates of 27 to 23 ta (Oanen en¢ Bikernan,. 1968; Marvin and others, ig73] ‘and volcanics in the’ southern Pinaleno Mountains yleleed Five ‘Pission track dates. that range fron 26.8 to 22.8 (Thorman, 1680). To the horthwest GaliureVoleanies “of the alkali-caleie DatiT facies yield mnerous Ketr dates. that range from 26 to 22 Ma (Creasey and Krieger, 1978; Scarooraugh and HiTt, 1973). In the Catalina ane Tortolita Mountains Northwest of Tucson, the Catalina suite of plutons Is welt-datea by KeAr, fission. track, U-Pb, and RbeSr. geochronology at” 27 Lo 24 fa (Creasey and others, 1976; Keith and others, 1960). "To the west fin the Tucson Mountains age “data show that "the id-Cenozeic volcanics in’ the eastern Tucson Meunsains are 22 to 23 Ma (Daron and Bikerran, 1964; Shatigutlah’ ana others, 1978). Near Phoenix nurerous Kear “ages and geackenical data show that the najority of the Superstition Veleanics. (below the Mesquite Flat’ breccia unit) have allali-caleie alealinity ang are mostly 24 to 16 Ma (Stuckless and Serigan, 1971). Northwest of Phoenix the Castle Creek volcanics’ are mainly \slkaTi-caicic ard are probably 22 to 18 Na (C. Kortemier, pers. conun, {S48}. Yolcantsn in. the central Planosa Mountains 15 shown’ by geochemical cata’ (Gene avis, pers. Cormun., 1985) to be alkali-calcic and hes aye dates of 20 "tp 18 (Shafiquiiah and others, 1880). In foutheastern Califarnta a Targe volcanic pile in the Furtle Nountains a0 ka west af Parker, Arizona, has lelded numerous K-Ar dates between 22’and 1B Ma and Kg-entirely alkati-catcic.(Hazelett, pers. commun. 1985). In any area where both facies are present, the south "wourtain facies precedes. the. Dacil facies For exaapte inthe Phoet!s ragion, the cale-aleal ic Sout Mountain Granodiorite. pluton and. ies Suociated. wicrodiorite dikes. and gold inoralisation “are. 2. to. 22 Ho in_ age. (Reynoldsy snd). To the “northeast in the Superstition Hountaingy. alaalicealcte, Superstition Voleanies of then datit facies are. radleretricatly younger” and Yieid ‘tater setwoen” 24" ane. 18 ve (Stuckless. snd Srerioamy “is7il; sin the "chocolate \ountains “ot Southeastern Californsay Crowe and others. (1978) Rove Ndcconented. en’ extensive’ volcanic. pile. the Toner part of the woleanve section {Unit and Unté BITS Ghenicariy cale-stketie ane Is assigned to. the South fountain facies.” eis overlain aye younger Secuance of morv tafic Tava’ tows (Unit. €); which are alkalicesiele, and. are. assactated” "with mangancce-cilvercepos its. ane are assigned to the Sati factossunsts Aand'®. are calecalfalic. and Yielo mmurovs Kehr deter that renge fron 38. t0.26 tae “wtoreas ‘Unie. "c “is comniy skal iccaleie. and 422 yields Kar dates that range fron about 26 to 22 Ha crone and others, 1973) Age of Structural _Oevelopeont. — Gatiuro asseaklige harping and nagnatis™ appear to be Virtually coincident. Uplift. of the lover. plate gneisses was not underway during deposition of iHineta assemblage rocks because lacustrine facies of Nineta assenblage occupied basins across. the sites Of Tater Galiuro assenblage uplifts. im the axes of fhe antictinal warps. Thus, warping yas not active Sn Southeast ‘Rrizona prior 028. Ma or in West-central Arizora” and. southeastern Cal ifornia Prior to 25 Ma. However, by middle on late Galiuro Sssenblage, the gneisses hao’ been up] t#ted and at east locally exposed to erosion because clasts of Tower plate mylonitic rocks. fron the crystalline cores Gf the uplifts are locally present. in the Gatiuro assenblege sedinenzs. For example, in the Kipple, Mountains, mylonitic clasts. are’ locally present inthe congTonerates in oper portions of The Gene “Canyon Formation. One of these sylanite clasts yielded an_age_of 83 Ya" by the fission track teethed or sprene (Davis and others, 1962). Thus, tn arly. Gene Canyon tine (32-28 Na) the area of the Uiippte. Mountains wes occupied by lacustrine sediments, but by late Gene Canyon tine (26 to 22 Ma) "the ‘basin had’ been disrupted by anticlinal Uplift of the lover plate crystalline rocks, which began to supply mylonitic clasts to. the Gene’ Canyon Forma tion. Similarly, in the Sante Catalina mountains near Tucson, the “Rito II unit of Peshley (1986) contains mylonitic clasts thet are derived fron the nylonitic Wilderness complex in the crystalline core of the Tower plate. fl thyelitic clast from RiTIito T1 yielded 2 22 Ma Kehr date (ik. Peirce and K. Shafigullah, pers. cormun., 1902)" suggesting that the RIO IF is younger ‘then 22 Ma. However, it contains clasts of Eocene aged Milderness suite plvtorte vocks which have yielded a reduced age of Peta by ‘the Kear method on muscovite. The area of the Santa Catalina-Rincon Mountains wis also a site of lacustrine sedimentation during Ninets assenolage find before 28 Na. By 26 Ma, the complex had been uplifted about & to 8 kn and cooled fron 400° te 2000 C to refrigerate the KeAr click; after 22 May The area. was supplying clasts to basins adjacent to ‘the uplift Voleanies {intercalated with sedimentary units that contain aylonitic clasts are the. seoe age as the reduced dates ‘or cooling ages on the ylonitic racks” inthe ‘lover plate, for example in the nipple Mounteins, K-Ar dates from the Gene Canyon Formation are 3-25 Ma, and. cooling ages on nylonitie clasts range fron 26 to 16 Ma. (Davis and others, 1982). Inthe Catalina Mountains fission ‘rack and cooling ages on nylonites are 22 to 16 Nay and Rillito I] strata’ that. contain the mylonite Glasts are post~22 Ma and probably are 22 to 1B Ma. Tn the Areitlery Mountains, the basalt menber af the Artillery Formation, which contains large egadrectia units of mylonitic racks, yields dates from 21 to 18 Ma (ShackelFore, 1980), ane overlaps reduced ages on nylanites in the loner plate in the OROGENESIS, ARIZONA AND ADJACENT REGIONS neardy Harcuvar and Suckskin Mountains and nore Gistant Miippie Mountains (26 to. 16 Ma) (Reynolds fand Rohrig, 1980; Davis and others, 1982). Thus, if che mylonites were predominant)y formed ducing the giddle Tertiary, as is widely advocated in Vitereture (Rehrig and Reynolds, 1980; Gavis, 1980), then the mylonites. would have” had to, be uplifted instantaneously Fron their deep Formation depth in order’ to. supply clasts for the syntectonic Secinentation associated with the uplift, It 1s ore reasoneble to. support, an older age (tate Cretaceous to early Tertiary) for the formation of most, of the mylonitie rocks in the Tower plate throughout this region (Fig. 1). Culminant Geliuro Drogeny Nipple Assewlage Because of the excelent exposures in the linipole Mountains of southeastern California and. the extensive work cone there {Davis and others, 1980; Frost, 1981; Frost and Martin, 1982), the rocks, structures, ‘and minerel deposits the culninané Galiuro orogeny are raned the Whipsle assenblage and the Miippie Muntains are designates the type area for the ithipple essendlage. Rocks of the fhipple assemblage are broadly similar to upper Unit lof Eberly and Stanley (1878) for te the post-igninbrite sedimentary package of Wile and. Searboraugh (1381). xripple “assenblaye covers the interval of the "Transition Phase or Stage’ ex used by shafiquilah and others (1980) ang Danan and others (1988). Wnipple assenblage strata are camonly separated fran older Galfuro assenblage fine younger strata of the ‘San Andreas orogeny by Sngular uneonforn' tes Rocks of the Khipple Asserblage Sedimentary Rocks. Sedimentary rocks of the UhipoTe Reserbtage conéist of coarse clastic. rocks, and finer grained lacustrine facies (Fig. 5). In general, thous, the frequency of negabreceia units, ebris 'Flaxsy and ccarse clastic sedimentation tppears to” be less than that in the preceding Gatiuro assemblage. Facies changes in” Whipple assemblage sedigents appear to be much more rapie andthe size of basing. seens to be smaller on an faveral! basis. In arees. of kiown — detactrent Faulting much of the Sedinentation accunulated. in small,” halfagraden basins between antithetically otatéd blocks in the upper plate and were up to 15 En Tong and 2-3 kn wide. khipple assenblage sedinentation also appears” to. have a nigher percentage of lacustrine facies than the Galiuro Essenblage. Mylonitic clasts are widespread and hruch more cormen In vipple asserblege strate than {hey grein Galluro assemblage strata. Thicknesses, Sf Mnippte assanblage typically range trom 200 0 to 1500 mand are generally thinner then those of the Ungerlyirg Ga) lure assemblage. feature of congloneratic assenblage is the tuffont A sedinentological unite of the Whipple 423 Weathering which leaves conspicuous noter pockets or pock rarks\ on ore resistant cxposures, —Goae examples of this ‘ttfont weethering are tne tiTted Fea conglonerate sections ‘inte uoper plate of the Plovosa fault in the northern Plongse Mountains, the Camelback Formation on Cenolback Mountain in north Phoentx, the ig Done Fornation south of Ray in Pinal County, the Apsey and hell Hole Conctonerates jn’ the Galsuro Mountains. (Sinons, 1964), and. the Gia Conglenerate near the Gila Cliff Owe tines in southwestern New Hexico. ne of the best examples of whipsle assenblage sedimentation ss the Copper Basin. Formetion in the Whipple Mountains. Here, the Copper Basin Formation angularly overlies the’ Gene Canyon Formation ane consists of red” sancstones, conglonertes, ane Siltstones with interbedded” trachyances!tas ane trachitie volcanics (Tee! and Frost, 1962). Primary sedinentary features such a5 muccracks, rippte arks, and cross-bedding are abundant within the Formation and. suggest a fluvial or fanglonerate deposition environment for much of the unit. Dther exaeples of Whipple assonblage strata occur in the” Plonasa, "fawhide, ang Buckskin Mountains. Here, the nipple assenolage includes the Chapin. Wish Femation, which is a nanganiferous, fine-grained siltstone and muds"one facies of probable lacustrine origin, and. the uncontomabl Sverlying Cobweb basalt. A characteristic. feature of the Chapin. Wash -and Copper Basin formations is, the pervasive brick red cota Farther to the southeast ihipple assenblage strata incluce the Big Tone farsation, the San anuel Formation of Heinal (1962), the RiTVito IT beds. of Pasniey (1966), which dre predoninantly Fedaich conglanerates with about 5-10 percent gneiss clasts, and the Ri11ie0 Ti] beds, which ate tilted, Tighter “gray colored sediments’ containing about 10-80 percent gneiss clasts. Igneous Racks. In general, igneous rocks of the nigpteaesambtage "are not! ‘at icespread os sedinentary rocks; however,” they can”Tucally reach considerable thicknesses (greater than 2000) Volcanic rocks are more common, but stall to nocerate size, stocks” of khipple’ assemblage are Tocally present, Voleanisn and epizonal plutons of Unippie ‘sssenDiage affinity are especially yell developed and have been nel) documented (Ransone, 1923; Thorson, 1971} 1p the Oatnan district of the Southern Black Mountains of rorehwestern Arizona. Shas, this greats designated as reference area for lnipple Assenblage raguatisc. Another reference area Ts, the Socorro. region of south central hew Htexico, phere extensive gecchenical data and cap Control exist for the Le Jara Peak Ancesite ano 1t3 Snterealsted ash flow tufts (Osburn and Chapin, 1983}. Mineratogically, Whipple assenblage magnetism commonly Tacks. qlartz but "doesnot contain fpephel ine, so that rock types such as Tabite, trachyandesite, oF shoshonite sre cmon volcante SB. KEITH AND J.C. WILT Whipple Assemblage Figure $. Map of unipple assexblage of the culuinant. Gel iuro orogony Im Arizona and vicinity Preses anc monzonite or quartz syenite are comon intrusive phases. Biotite 1s the. principal mafic accessory "followed by hornblende’ and’ TocaTly important augite, especially in augite. monzonite Stocks, suchas ‘those in the White Uaks "ard. the Rialto’ stock of Lincoln County, New Nexico, and the Tines ‘Porphyry and Moss Porphyry monzonitic. stocks nortimest of Gatien, Arizona (Thorsons 1971). 424 2 SH eneries Magne series chavistry of Whipple assenblage sn displays metatuninous alurinun ‘contents, calcic te mostly quartz alkalic. alkalinity. cape ane hy d, and Wy fi ard ts hycrous,ovigized, end. generitiy tron-poar? The strontium initial ratios range Betysen 708 and Orixdcicaving thet sma) rasta? component Ts presents OROGENESIS, ARIZONA AND ADJACENT REGIONS Uitracpotassie enomistry (where K/Nag0 ratios exceed’ Sui) 1s omothar Testure of ubiople sssenblage Seleamacs” within these. aveany ulera-potasste Shunistey, seats tebe restricted to, areas oF “high TET eaitdselial te Woncantam (especiatty trachytie pho! Wan ‘rernyoiite phases). for “exsepley Sfariqiiian and’ others (1976) and Rehrig. and others {1900} have “reported, vlarepotesste. chen'stry for rachytet ‘ Pitocho. Peak 16. cy nortinest of Tutsen tnd tron yolitse, in the Wulture Wounteins. 8. hm fortinest of Phouniny Uttracyutensie. trachytes. are Founein the Copper basin Fafmation of the western iingete "nourtsine (Ls Andersons. onowb- sata) and tMteaepatasete rocks are ‘wldeaprendin_ the Socorro Sra osturs bre’ chapin, 188}. ‘Unera-potessie Ehonicel vast hss net, bien reported ‘ron older Eatfuro assemblages. Structural Features of whipple Assemblage Detachwont faults, The ust wel =stucied structural eTeents oF the Galturo orogeny are the Spectacular detactnent faults. In previous Viteretire the terms. denudational fault, (Arestrong, 14/2}, dislocation. fault or dislocation. surface (heheig snd Meynatds, 1980), or decolenent (Coney, Yen; Davis, 1980) have been synonarously.enployed vyhen’ referring to these structures. “The | tems Mfetactnent. f2u1t" or "lexeangle normal fault! have been used {n tore recent. literature (Frost and Nertin, 1982; Davis, 1963) and arecort ined here. Low-angle normal faults or detachment faults of tthe Whipple. assemblage have beon well described in the ‘uniople, Rawhide, Buckskin, and Harquahala Fegion ard "in the Santa CataTina, Rincon, and Jortol ita region. In. both locations Tor-angle normal faults appear to have reutilized pre-existing, lowangle, thrust zones (Drewes, Soo). Haxel and” Grobensky (1984) have recorded Sinilar reutilizetions for detachnent-relatec faulting in. the Comoe! Mountains on the Papago Indian Reservation ang in the Kofe Hountains of Yune county, Many of the detachment fauTt zones occur in areas that are undorlain by aylonitic rocks of the lower plate, and sone ‘observers heve interpreted the Spatial association as causative (Davis, 19803, Reynolds, 1982; Rohy'g, 1962). Nowever, areas Bifected” by” low-angle detachment fauiting are aemonly r08 geagrapmiceNy restricted to areas of mylonitic “rocks in the lower’ plate (Qevis and Tlnerss 1960). This. 1s. documented in che central nipple. Mountains” shere ‘Tomylonitic™ gneisses. and Matontc "rocks "uneerise ‘the detachwent. fault. at Rvaniar Peak ‘(Grose ard ‘Hitieneyer, — 1982). Betacnnent. fouling inthe Trigo. Mountains occurs hbove. normylonitve. crystalline racks. (Garner ond Sthers. 190d}, ait does tthe Sober Peaks ares of une County (Orienore. ang Craig, 1982). SiniTarly, etachnen faulting in. the Owlshead. Nountains. Vn Southern Death fattey. places antitheticaTly tilted, sRadleTertiory. rocks “of the upper plete against fonmylonitic, probably “nig-Cretaceous, _granstoids {ovis and. Fleck, 19/7). In. some of "these areas, Mreh ts “the Ouishced Mountains and west oF the Trigo 425 Mountains, there is ne evidence of any forner thrusting. Thus, tectanies responsible for nylonttie phenonen and detachsert ohenonera are not mnetually coinetdent, and are, therefore, probably rot causally related. The steuctural stvle of detachment fault zones consists of a. Basel” chloritic. Ureccia. zone, icrobreccie zone, end a nicrovreccia ledge with © planar. surface, above which are unnetenorphosed end Romylonitic racks of the upper plate. The Crystal tine. vocks of the upper plate comonly are Gepositionaity. overtain by Mingta, Galiuro, and nipple essenblage volcanics and sedinents.. “These Sirera are. tilted fav a few degrees to near vertical but’ generally. dip betwaen 30 and 60 Gegrees. Areas characterized by the save dip Girections are geagrapnicatly distinct, so. that 4 fs possible. to cefine domains of dip. direction Gtenert, 1980; Renrig and. Heidrick, 1976) that (merentianly overlie. a single, cowon, basal Getachrent. zone. In sone places the dip'donains can he inferred represent antithetic: tilting of middle Tertiary strata. in the upper. plate a5. 3 response to detachment. fauiting at depth. ot all Of the tilt directions or dip domains cen be Snterpreted az a result of detaciment faul tings for Guanple. the tilted Galiura Yolcanics within the Synelinoriun of the southern Galiuro Mountains. In nese. places. the tilt sorains outline areas on” the Sane Flank of ‘regional warps oF Gel iuro.assenblege and. dip. anay ‘fron the volcano-tectonic. troughs. Areas of "thick. Galiuro. sedimentation coincide Geographically with avec. that separate regions of Snware dips on tiTt domain aps. (On @ subregiona) scale, tilt directions of the arger-scale blocks appear to be fairly consistent, bulvin detail, the georetries canbe considerably ore complex. "A good example of the complexity has Been cocumented by Gross. and HiVleneyer (1982) for Soall-scaie, detachrent-related structures in the western. lntpple. Mountains and. the ouckskin Moontsins. The oyerel’. sovenent as indicated within ae given domain. of titted blacks may be Coungerbatanced by small scale, less noticeable. antithetic faults. Gross and WiTiemeyer (1982) Genonstrete that single, upper plate, synthetic, fhomal-fault focels that are widely used in thé Titerature. cannot oe structurally balanced, ans eave gaping words thet somehow ust be accounted for by more complex, keystone-like, fault Felationshigss Also, the obvious antitherie tiTting Of upper plate Blocks aay be, to sone extent, Countersalanced by nore subtle, synthetic tilting. Figure 10 in Gross and MilTemeyer (1982) 18 especially Spectacular. Direction of Transport on Detaciment Faults. tn generate the Sure oF the tilted mii-tertiary Strate 15 perpeneicular to the direction of tectonié Stansport on the. underiying “basal” detachment fault. Stickensiaes on the detactnent surfaces are generally parallel to. the ip direction of the overlying, "tilted strata of ie-Tertiary age. Bithough the eiraction of dip of ‘the tilted strata is commonly parallel to thet of the Tinegtion inthe SB KEITH AND 1.C, WILT uylonitic rocks of the Toner plate, it is not always parallels for exanple, lineation jn the southern Forerange af the Sants Catalina. Mountains, trends castenoriheast te east-west, whereas the. inferred trangport direction curing " Nipple assemblage: imorenent on the Catalina fault 4s thought to de S9OM (Davis, 1943), a difference of about 300. kn even nore ‘discordant relationship is apparent in Revingcor Pass between the Santa Catalina and Rincon hnountains where lineation in the lover plate of the Catalina fault analog. trends N20-S0M and is clearly Gscordant tothe inferred, — southwest-directed, nonna) transport along the Catalina fault systen in ttgrTertiary tine (Davis, 1983)- As the Jineation in tthe Tower pate mylonites {snot rigorausly paralTel to the tectonic transport of the overlying plate, 2 Causal insnatic relationship betweer the Tineation Sh the ‘Tower plate and the transport of the upper plate is not 1kely. he strikes of the tilted blocks in the upger plate comonly strike between NZOW and SOW. This {nplies that tectonic traneport during detachment fuulting is more or less _ parallel to. 3 rortheast-southwest. direction. Tais has commonly Beer interpreted as an axis. of regional, crustal extension (Davis, 1903; ‘Frost and Martin, 1962). However, exceptions Lo ‘the northeast ar southnest, transport ere feirly. frequent ard include north transport on the Plonose detachnent fault tn the Promote Hovatains, ing] ted north-rortheast. transport of Locomotive. fargloterate strata in the Ajo area, orth 0 northwest transport on the AJ Rozd fault GGardutski, 1980), northwest transport on Helnet fanglorerate strata in. the Sierrita. Mountains, and west-northeest transport of -the Helvetia Klippe in the northern Sante #ite Nounteins. These exceptions suggest, that the transport direction above the Jonrangle normal faults aay be @ function of ‘the eogetry of the underlying, northwest trending warps, father than a phenomena af regional crustal @xtension.. In this model the detachment faults are Shatter scale, near surface, derudetiona) reactions to whatever process created the warps, For exemple, the” previously sentioned enonatous ‘directions could be transports erected down the roses of the folds: Whereas the more. comen northwest-southeast {Transport directions could be directed down the more statistically prevalent flanks of the folds. Hagnitude of Transport_on_vetachnent_Favits The bese constraTneg ance For ThE amount oF ectonee travsport tmet can be ascribed to the detachrent fault process 1 derived fron ofrsets along Synthetic nomal faults inthe upper plate. Offsets across upper plate synthetic faults In the Whipple Mountains are Taiely well. Known and range fron 0.3, to lia ky across the najor synthetic. faults (Gross and. litVieweyer, 1982). In the Torti Mountains Gisplacenents "along " the Superstition-Tortitle etachoent systen range fron 1 to 2.5 ke (Lovells 1868), Ifthe reconstruction of Cooper (2960) of the San Javier fault in the Pima mining district, and the behesded porphyry copper depos't at Twin Buttes wes “toved. to Mlsgion-Pina, then the tectonic transport. with respect ‘toa basal detachnent fault ney have been about 10 kn to. the northenorthwest 426 slong the San Javier detachment fautt. In the forthern Santa Rita Mounésins, displacenent of the Retvetia skarn in the Helvetia klipe relative to a presuied “correlative skarn assaciated with the Brosdwater plug north of Gunsight knob 15 about 2 to 2b kn to the nest-northwest.. in surmary, known Gisplecenents across upper plate detachnent fault Structures are typically 1 to 3 kn of normal slip. Thus, where displacenents are firmly known, no large displacements on any single fault feature ‘nave been proven to exist. Large ancunts of sisplacomert have been speculated to exist based on the yegiona) dizensions OF the detachment structures thenseives or from enous satches of Tthologies between the upper and Toner plates, Far exanple, Davis and others. (1922) have speculeted that northvest-trending dike swarms fn the Mohave Nountains are offsets of a single dike syarm 22 kn to the northeast of the Chanbers Mel! Gikesnarm io the Wripple Yourtains. However, they hay simply be to aifferent atke swarms of sinter Chewieal ‘tonposition, rather than” the same dike Stora, as the wall vock gealoay differs in each Other kinenatic models of detachment, faulting require Tittle net. Slip an. the asa] detechnent Faults For exarple, uch oF the antithetic ti}ting and accompanying sjnthetic faulting in the upper plate covld be accanpanied by antithetic faulting End. synthetic tilting. that. yould:conpensate for the offset on the more dovious synthetic. faults (Grass and Hilleneyer, 1982). Kt Savahia Peak in. the inipote Hountgins, no more than 6 kn of ortheastward slip-on the nipple detachment fault would be required to produce the observed upper Plate offsets (Gross ind Hi lieneyer. 1982). Tn their hhodel and ours, the upper place is more’ or Tess, irectionally. distended, in situ, above the basal fetachnent structure in Uonino-11ke fashion. Northaest-teending Folds and Arches. the broad, orthweststrenitag 101d of the GTTuro asseubl age Contimed to” develop during Whipple assenbtage tine, However, never, seaTler-scale, more northerly trending folds were also developed at this vine (Fig. 5). For example, the Whipple detachment fauTt snhich reutiVizeo older Levanice theust favits could fave initrated setwaen 22 and 18 Na as a response to a broad, cst iura Seeenblece, Forth-northwest-trending warp with {ts axis. inthe western Turtle. Mountains, The. principle detachment activity on the Wiipple detachment. fault wovld have Occurred between 18 and 15 M2 (Davis and others, 2582). Between 15 and 19 Mp the snaller-scale warps, Such as. the Woipple-Chenehuev? anticline, cevetaped on the shallow, northeast-dipping flank. of the Fortle™ Mountains warp and deformed the Whipple Tow-angle “rault complex. Similar northenorthwest-trending anticlinal axes are present tn Galturo asseablage plutons and volcanics inthe Santa Catalina and Tortolite Hountains, The Spine synctine cocutented by KiTson (1962) southwest of Ray” tsa fairly sharp, northwest-trending syneline teat deforms ‘the 20 Me OROGENESIS, ARIZONA AND ADJACENT REGIONS Apache Leap Tuff and 18-15 Ma rhyalitic voleantes. Immectately north-northeast of Ray, a similar north-trendingsyrelineceforas 18" to 13. Ma Voleantcs. and whippie assenblage corglanerates east of the School reverse fault zone (cormvall and others, 1971; Keith, 1983). Broader folds deform the Mesquite Flat Breccia, a hhipple essenblage quartz alkalic lavitic valcanie rocky in the central Superstition Mountains (Scarborough, 1981}. ATS0, the Apsey Conglomerate 1s. folded by Wwest-northwest- to narthwestetrending | syneline in the Apsey Creek area of the northwestern Galiuro Nountains’ (Keith, 19835). To the southeast in the Klondyke area of the northeast Galiuro Mountains, the Hell Hole Conglomerate (Simons, 1968) 1s nore Strongly folded around north-nrchwest-trending antict inal and synclinel fold axes. in the Orocepsa Fountains of southeastern Californie, the DiTigenesa Formation (23 t0 19 Ma and assigned nere to the Gatiuro Assemblage) has been folded by three major Folds that. trend K7OH (Spittler and Arthur, 1982). Northwest-trending Reverse faults. Folds of NvipoT® —HssenbTage are comonTy associated with reverse faults. Where in ruiual contact, “the Feverse faults” cut’ the cetachnent “faults: In Western Arizcne 4 broad. northwest-trending zone oF everse faults extends fron the Dead Mountains in Gelifornia on the northwest for some 120 kn to. the Harguabala Pounteins on the southeast. Reverse faults in Unis. western Delt generally trend horthwest "and. exhSbie. southwost-directed tectoric Transport of the upper plate hanging wall. The best exexple of these reverse faults is the Lincotn Ranch Faule pictured in Wilson (1962) in the south-central awnige anc Buckskin Mountalns. Expasures of the Lineotn Ranch fault in the Ravnide Mountains, were frappec’ in more detail” by. Shackelford (1980).”" At east 600m of structural. throw are present where lover plate setasedinontary and mylonitic gneisses in the hanging. nal] are” juxtaposed over “Lincolo Rancn recbecs of the Whipple asserblaye, in the footwall. The Lincoln Ranch fault clearly offsets the. Ranbide-suckskin detachnent fault. ~ To the fortheast in the Alamo Gan area another Houtmest-directec, nortivest-striking reverse fault offsets. the Rauhie-suckskin faule system with at Teast $0 m of reverse separation. In central to southeastern hrizona another. zone of ciffuse reverse faulting directly cuts Secimentary. racks of the Whipple assemblage with rrovenents of harging wail to the northeast. On the est side of Canelback Mountain. in. the Phoentx egion, megabreccta units and coarse arkosic units Jn the Canetback Fomation are cut by 2 reverse fault eipping 30 cegrees west ‘that has about 62 n of reverse slip, In the Superstition Mountains a est-northvestetrending zone” of folds. and forzneast-ctrected reverse faults cuts che youngest Units of the Superstition volcanics dated at about 16-15 Ma (Scarborough, 198L; Stuckless and Sheridan, 2071}, Near Ray, the ‘Schoo? reverse fault zone cuts the. 20 Nr Apache Leap Turf and. the overlying Big Gove Conglomerate and rhyotitic wif (probably 18-15 Na) and, indicates. up to. 60D of reverse slip (Cornwall and others, 1971; Keith, 19835). Farther 4a7 ‘to the southeast in the Galiruo Mountains Krieger {is6e) “napped x under of ulldestriking, Southwest-dipping reverse faults thet, cut the Holy ‘Joe Peak verber (25 Ma, Creasey and Krieger, 1978) of the Galtura Yolcanies An exanple of nartheast-directer reverse faults in southern Arizona includes the Apache Pass fault in the northern Chivicahaa Hountsins shawn by Sabins (ive?) ‘to cefonn miadle Tertiary volcanics. Other exatples of passible Whipple assenblage” reverse faults. are present in California. in the Orocopie Wountaing, nore tightly folded upper units of the Diligencia "Fomation are locally broken into ortiesst-directed reverse fauits " (Spittler and Arthur, 1962). In the Barstow regicn of the central Nojave, the aidale Miocene Barstow Formation north of Barston fs cat by a major, northeast-diping, Southwest-directed, reverse fault that juxteposes 8 Na. Pickhandle veleanies (Miller and. Morton, 1980) over younger “Tacustrire units of the Barstow Formation, which {5 locally spectacularly folded. Dike swarms that lic eagnatise of Tocally present, but extensive asthe dike seaves of the Galiuro assemblage. where present, the dike snarns Generally strike northwest, in the western whapp'e Mountains, “late quartz aikalic dikes that “strike rrorthenorthwest Gut the calc-alkal ie, Galiuro aesenblage sikes of the Chavbers. hel] dike svaen iGavis and ctaers, 1980; L, Andorsun, pers commun., 1988). In the” Yulture Mountains of west-central Arizona, an extensive swam of latitic End highk rhyavitic. dikes of quartz alkalic Chemistry strike yortiwest end have yielded Several Kehr whole rock dates “that range fran 18 to 16 Ma (Rehrig) and’ others, 1980}. Some of these Khipple assenblage dikes are cut by Tow-angle normal faults, iheress other dikes appear’ to “ntrude the low-angie ‘etachnent faults. Dike _Swams. with — quae assenblaye are are cogenetic ‘the Whipple are not. 3s Age of Whipple Assenblage Age of Yeleanisn. Age dates on volcanics tn the usppte-aeserbTage range fron 26 to 13 Me. or fron Tate. Oligocene to mid-Miocane. As with the earlier agsenblages of the Galiuro orogeny, the vocks are older to the east and younger to wwe west. To. the feast in Kew Mexico Wnigple assemblage rocks such as the La" dara Peak Andesite and inter ingering Hell's Mesa tuifs in the Soccrro region are about 27 to 24 Ha (Osburn and Chapin, 1982}. In eastern Arizona in the central Chivtcatua Mountains, the hyolite Canyon Formation and sssoc\atea underlying wonzon:te stock are probably part of the Whipple assemblage fand have. been dated at about 25 to. 23 Ka. Whipple assenblage alkaline volcanics at, Picacho Peak and the Semanieyo HiNIs are 22 to 15 Ma. (Shafiquiah and others, 1976; Eastwood, 1970). Stil) farther west in the classic aree of the Khipple Mountains of southeast Califermia and in the kowhice Mountains of Western Arizona, quartz alkalic volcantes within the Copper Basin’ Formation and. Chapin. Wash Formation have yielded numerous age dates between 18 and 15 Ma (Warein’ and others, 1882). In northwestern Ari zone SB. KEITH AND 1.C. WILT in the northern Black Range and £1 Dorado Rountains of southern Nevada, radionetric dates on the Patsy Wine Volcanics range fron about 18 to 14 Ha (anderson and others, 1972). Thus, fram southeestern Now Mexico to western firizona and southeastermost California, there appears to be a clear younging of Whipple asserdlege volcanism that ranges fron 2) to 23 Nain New Mexico end fron 18 to 15 Main. the Golorad>’ River” region between Arizona and california, Age of Faulting. Many of the detachment fautes can “pe cHeratTarapiically “bracketed within the Uinipple assenbiaye volcanism ond. sedimentation Detachnent fauiting af the Whipple asserblage is slightly younger fron southeast (8 ‘to 15 He in centra’” arizona} to northwest (14 to 1 Ma in northwestern Arizona. In_ the Untpple Mountains of southeastern California, Davis and others (1960; 1982) and Teel ang. Frost (1582) have ‘shonn that the Copper Sasin Formation, which has yielded b K-Ar dates. between 18.7 and” 17.1 Wa, is. a syntectonic deposit with respect. to the detachment “zavenent on. the. Mhipote fault. A minimum age for the detachment fault is provided by numerous dates on she Osborn. Wesh Formation, which ranges tu ege ron about 9 to 15.9 ma {Oavi5 "and others, 1982); the Osburn” Nash Formation ig. virtually’ flat lying and. angularly truncates “the Copper Basin” Formation. Thus, detachment faulting. inthe Whipple Mountains occurred vainly betneen 18.7 and 15.9 Ra In the EX Dorado and northern Black Nounteins of southern Nevada “and” northwestern Arizona, fetachnent-related tectonics mainly occurred betwaen Ua and. Il Ma. 8 pre-detachnentyoleanic unit nosed the Patsy Mise volcanics. tas. ylelded several "K-Ar dates between about 18 ond 14 Ha. The Patsy Hine Noteanics "is rotated and 3s angularly overlain by the Davis “srtein Voleanics which rest above” the Bridge Sprig Tuff datun. The Davis” Rountatn Voleantes hore yielded several Kear dates between 13 and 11 Ma (Anderson and others, 1972) and are cut in many places by lew-angle normal faults that are probobly detachnent related. The Davis Mountain Voleantes, which are conmonly’ steeply tilted, are in turn overlain by neorly flat Tying Muddy "Creel Formation which has yielded Kear dates as old as 1) Ma {Ancerson and others, 19/2). Detachnent-related tectonics in west-central Arizens eccurced apnroxinately between 18 and 15 Ma In the Vulture Mountains, steeply tilted, rhyol itic volcanics are cut by detachnentsrelated, Toveangle rromal faults and have yielded KcAr dates’ between 16 and 17 Ne (Rehrig and “others, 1980), The lov-angle formal faults. ares in places, intruded. by altra-potassic, rhyolite “porphyry ‘aiken "that are Ghe ‘of these dikes Fes yielded a K-Ar age on biotite of 18 Ma. Further confirmation of the 18 to 15 Maage of faulting. 1s. provided by. K-Ar whole rack dates of 13.5 Me on eseentially uitTteds Post-Uetachnent, probable @asin and Range basales That enguleriy "truncate tne “tilted. rhyplitie voleanics in the Yutture Mountains, 428 Im the Superior vagion in she Teapot ountaén quadrangle, Gotachment. related Yow-engie faults ty Be tigatly bracketed between about 18 and 25 Mo Heres Vow-engie normal” faults cut rhyal tic voleanics as young as 18 to 16 Na and are overiain depositicnally ty rhyolitic twifs (Keith, 1983) thet. correlate with vayolitic turfs in the adjacent Nirerel fountain quadrangle that are dated at 16 to 15 #a (Theodore and cehers, 1978). Farther to. the southeast inthe. ortnern Tortille Mountains, Phyolitic tufts in ‘the Ripsey bash sequence | of Schnigt (3971) have been dated at about 16 Ma. The iipsey Wash cequence ecurs in the upoer plate of the Wipsey Mash detachment fault and, because it is Gut by the Ripsey wach detactnent fault, the evachment fault must b2 younger than 18 ¥a. Ternination of Ga1suro Grogeny Termination of Galiuro orogeny in the Basin and Range Province of avizona is represented jn vonsral by 2 regional unconformity that. is commonly angular and’ is of late mid-Miocene (25-11 Ma). Move the Uneonfornity ave basin-fiTi) séainents in the sense of Searborougn and Peirce 1978) and ile and Scarborough (1981) or sediments of Unit 11 of Eberly and. Stanley (1978). Below the uncanfornity are the Sedinents and. voleanies of culalnant™ Gal iuro ragany, which include Unit } of Eberly and Stentey (sts) or postaigninarite seeimencs of WIT and Scarborough (198i). The. unconformity at the end of the Galiuto orogeny iz generally better displayed in forst. blocks and 1 less obvious in the basin Blocks ne of the best indications of the tenrination of Galiura orogeny 15 the dranatic change tn the chenea! nature af the sagnatisn from the culainant Getiure orogeny to that. of the succeeding San “indreas orogeny. The chewistry of the overlying Sei Andreas mogeatian 3% of similar alkalinities to the attare orogenye, ‘out is. elatinetly note ftoluvinouss Alo, magnetism ofthe “sor” Anérees Groweny is distinctly nore iroteeichs draseticaly nore anmydrous,. Tess oxidized, Siliceous than earlier" Cretaceaus-Cenozoic magnatisn. the. anhygrous nature gf San" Ancraas fmagnatisi is cranatically iTlustrated by the genera! Tack of hydrous minerals. such as anphibole or mica, whereas "Galiura orogenic mageatism generally) contains noticeable ‘Ayarous minerals (greater than We voture percent}. Strontiun initia) ratios for culminant Gaisuro nagnatisn range fron 0,706 to 017010, whereas. strontium initial ratios for San Andreas basaltic agnatism are generally Jess than Or70s and may. be as low as 0.7022 (Keith and Dickinson, 1979). Gal turo orogeny magratism features Varge volumes of siTicegus leninbrites. having silica contents greater than 85 weight percent, whereas San Andreas nagnavisn features large voluncs. of basalt with siliee. contents between 2" to 50-52. weight percent. ‘nu noticeably Tess The chemica) and wineraTogical switchover fron Galiuro to San Andreas mageatisn occurred between about 13 to 12 Main the Basin and Farge Province south of Kingran and fron about 12 to @ Se in OROGENESIS, ARIZONA AND ADJACENT REGIONS northwestern Reizona between Kingnan and Las Vegas. Thus, mage chavistry indicates the switchover fron Galiuro to San Andreas orogeny in Arizona and Wicinsty occupied 2 very narrow tine interval of about inition yeers. "The ‘choigecver 15 not Feprasented by 2. broad transitional interval, such as the "nid-Tertiary transition’ of Shaviquilah and thers (1980) or the Stage 2 transition of Danon and thers (1968) SAN ANDREAS OROGENY ‘The present physiography of the Basin and Range Province and of the Transverse Ranges was produced by une aOst recent orogenic event in. the “region. The ‘event is ‘herein named the San Andreas, orogeny for very similar, modern day tectonics related t0 the San Andreas’ transform system “ta” California, southvestermost. Arizona, and the Gulf of Cal ifornta: region. As used in this paper, the tern San Andreas orogeny is. sinilar tothe Basin and Range avenclature widely used in the TViterature, for exanple, the Sasin and Range disturbance of Scarborough and Peirce (1978). However, the term Basin and Range 1s not broad enough ‘to include transverse physlographic_canponents that probably developed at the seme tine as mst of the Basin and Range phys logrephy, for” exemple, the spectacular Transverse Aanges” of southern California and similar, transverse, phystographic mountain. ranges in’ west-central Arizona, The term San Andreas croweny. is. herein. coined te include both phystographic elements, Consequently. San Andreas Srogeny can be subdivided ‘nto two orogenic phases, whieh are "also. assemblages: the. Transverse postage andthe oasin-ané Hage assemblage (Table Transverse Asseablage The Transverse Assenblage is phystographically nerked by mountain ranges that trend east-west to eestenortheast--west-southnest. These trends are perpendicular to the trend of most of the ranges in The Basin and Range Province. The anonalous physiographic trend ‘coincides with Pagt-nartheest-trending folds in Arizona and folds Sd thrusts in Cai iforaia. Sedimentary racks of the Transverse assemblage consist of coarse clastics near the mountain fronts that arade ‘to bretdgiains and coastal plains away from the vange fronts and tovarés the center of the valleys. ‘The factes changes are lest abrupt than in the Basin ard Range assemblage. Igneous rocks ave generally absent, out wien present, consist mainly of Basalt with local rhyolites. In Arizora one of the best candidates for Transverse assemblage strata is the Osborne Kosh Fornation northeast uf Parker, wihich rasts {ra nartheast-trerding synelinal trough and thins away “fron the axis of the trouga, Predoninantly clastic sedimentary rocks in. the Butler ang HcHuTien valleys southeast. cf Parker are also assigned to the Transverse Assen] 200, In Arizona structures of the Transverse assenblaye consist mainly of northesst-tren- ing, broad to open anticlines and synelines, comaon!y arranged in-en echelon patterns (Fig. 6]. bheve exposed, the folds typically have wavelengths of 4 $oae kn ano amplitudes of 00 to 600. (Spencer, 1992). These sharely contrast to earlier. Ge) iurd orogeny folds, wien have wavetensths of £0 to 100 tn and anplituces of 6 to 10 kr. Structures assigned to the Transverse assenbTage include the Zone of en echelon folds. fron the Harguahals to Parker region in west-central Arizona, South Mountain south oF Phoentx, and west-sduthoest= Balog soles tne fincon'Nounta in outings of uesons Another transverse. structural element is hortrwest-trending faults with right s1ip movenent Jn areas of northeast-scuthvest- trending folding Exaaptes of ‘such faults ave widespreeé in. the Narquahata’ te Parker region, where sone of these faults cut the 15 to 9 Ma Osbarne Wash Formation, Aso, throughout this_—ragion, the rortheast-southwest-trending folds conspicuously deform the 18 to 18 Ha detacnsent faults and thus are at Teast as young as 15 Ma. Basin and Range Assenblage The Basin and Range _assonblage phystographically arkeé by mountain ranges {rend north-south to northenorthvest. In on-pedinented areas, the ‘mountain ranges are Bounded "by steep, northwest~ to north-trending noreal faults. that Sedimentary rocks of the Basin and ange assemblage include coarse clastics at the edges of She steep mountain fronts with Tocai_megabrecctas near the range front faults. The cosrse clastics Undergo repid facies changes to fine-graines and assemunce | seontwrario8 aay svmervin, eeauwes | wineaat vescurces | A0¢ (¥o) Toain 6 fange | elastics b ovtgartes | allatiee eryarous | RS trend horsts 8 grasers| snd ord gravel oe ‘grates etatonnose eunded by generally | salt, zeolites aes vatcontsn| Steep worm Tite neers eyes Twansore | charter we oeeere | ME-Soetronfing fates, | petroterm, oS oo Westrining, ante Table 4, Summary of assemblages of the San Andreas orogeny in Arizona. 429 SB KEITH AND J.C, WILT San Angrees RL orogeny structures Figure 6, Hap of structural features of the San Andreas eroyeny in Arizona end vicinity. evaporitic facies inthe basin centers. Numerous Basin in Pina} County, the Red Lake Basin in Mohave Secinentary accumulations in Arizona have been County, the Safford Basin in. Greenlee County, the documented by Peirce (1976), Eberly and Stanley Witeox’ playe of Cochise County, and the Tucson (1978), “Scarborough and Pelfce (3578), wilt and Basin, Sedinentary famations assigned to the Besin feqvostoush (AL). mations and others (1962), and tnd "Range assenblage include the St. David anc Peirce (1088). Present hesins include the Preacho Quivuris: formation in the upper end Tower Sen Pedro 430 OROGENESIS, ARIZONA AND ADJACENT REGIONS valley of southeast Arizona, the Verde Fornation in the “Verde alley of central Arizona, Bouse Formation, and ‘the Muddy. Creek Formation in northwestern Arizona. In contrast to the Transverse _assenblage, basaltic volcanism is widespread in the Besin and 431 Range asserblage. Exangles of the ain volcanic Fields "Include the Sen Francisco” Peaks near Flagstaff, the Write Sountains volcanic field in eastern Arizona, the San Bernarsino Volcanic. field in southeasterniost Arizona, the Pinacate voTcanic field of southern Yuna and Pina Counties, tne Sentinel voteante field south and west of Gite’ Bend, SB KEITH AND J.C. WILT the Hickey basalts of northwestern Arizona and the Hopi Buttes volcanic fleld of northeastern Arizona (Pig. 2). Basattte volcanism consistently migrated toward ‘she Colorado Piateav fron 13 to 0 Ma (Best ind Brinnal1, 19745 Luedke and. Seith, 1978; Mile and Scarborough,” 1981), The eael test volcanics in the Basin and Range assenblage are the Hickey basalts. in the central part of the state; they date fron 13 to 5'ma (SnariquiTah and others, 1980}. Yolcantsa_ from 3 to 4 Ma occurred. in the southern parts of the linite Mountain fete (Rate and others, 1963), the Sen Francisco ffele. (Damon ano ethers, 1978}, and the Cottonwood Bassit; volcanism curing this “Line Straddiee the boundery between the Colorado Plateru and. Basin ang Range. provinces. Volcanism from 3 to (he oceurred in. the northern parts of the. uhite Mountain fiele and San Francisco field north of the Coloradn Plateau boundary; volcamise also occurred Sh the San Gernaraino valley in southeesternnost Arizona. (Lynch, 1978) tho Sentinel volcanic Tele OF south central Arizona, and the Pinacate voleanic Field. (Guizann ene. Shartaan, 1578) in suthwestern Arizona, Chentstry of igneous rocks of the Basin and Range ‘assemblage are markedly different from preceding Cretaceous-Cenozoic magratisn,’ as previously discusses Structures_of the Basin and Range assenblage are show in Figure 8. These structures generally Consist af north-south’ to north-northwest trending frabens that are either symmetric. or asymmetric. Many of the grabeng exhibit pullespart. geuetries swith Steep nomial faults on ‘their west and east margins and ‘northaest- to west-northwest trending faults wien probable right slip motion on their orth and. sous gargins reniniscent of Death Yalley. Structural. relsef cavelopec in Basin and Range basing was” locally impressive. For exanple, Searporough and Peirce (1976) estimated as uch as 25 to J.7 kn estimated stratigraphic separation for fight basins with Fill hale control. the duration Gi Basin and “Range faulting in any” given area 3s Tess than 3 million years. Inthe Desert province of Arizona, Basin and Range faulting probably {iiviates about 13. Ma ang terminated about May jmereas in we mountain province, it probably Ynitiatee about’ 5 to 6 Me and crandtically sloxed ahout 2 Ha and continues at a much slover rate to ‘the present, CcowcLuStON Application of the strate-tectonic approach to late Cretaceous ana Cenozoic orogenic development in Aricone has. resulted in tuo. fundanentel, new Snsights. "Firstly, a major, new, late Leravice, Stratigraphic end tectonic event, previously. Unrecognized {n ‘Arizona was established. | That 13, ‘he presence of intracrustel, peralvniinous wagmatist HE" ccconpaniee by significant. ané possibly world Class, gold_mineralization (Mesquite, California) that) developed inthe presence’ of major, Southvest-directed thrusting and crustal shortening Of unprecedented magrituce. Secondly, structural favelopnent. during Gsliura orogeny jay well have been relates to regional, crustal-scale warping that was’ ‘aecomplisned oy 2. to percent crustal 432 shortening rather than crustal _ extension, in Contrast to interpretations widely advoceted in the Viterature. Thirdly, it is impossible to overenphasize the snportance ‘of the strato-tectonfe approach in Uncerstanéing rescurce development. and. potentia] Tn partioviar, Arizona nay nave uch beeter gold potential than previously thought, if the peralurinous magnatisn and its related gold netallogeny fs fully explored. Also, because thrusting 1s of late Laranide age ané 13 dfrected southwesterly rather than northeasterly as previously advocated in the Viterature, petroloun plays, based on norvheast-cirectea Should be reevaluated ‘thrust fodels REFERENCES CITED Andersom, Re Ess Longwell, C. Rex Armstrong, 8. 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