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JoANNE M. ZOFF Scoretary of the Senate Room 231 State Capitol Bldg Phone: (651) 296-2344 Foc 5 D6O5II Senate E-Mail joanne State of Minnesota TO: All Staff and Senators FROM: JoAnne M. Zoff, Secretary of the Senate, Cesraseauar ye RE: 2016 Staff Parking DATE: November 24, 2015 In 2016, Senate funds will be used to defray the cost of parking in the Senate Building garage for Senate staff. The monthly rate to be paid by the staff will be reduced to $74.28, which is the amount currently charged by the Depariment of Administration for ramp parking in the Capitol Complex. Staff who would like to park in the Senate Building parking garage should contact the Sergeant’s Office at 296-1119 by December 11, 2015, to apply for a parking permit. For staff parking in the Senate Building, $37.14 will be deducted from paychecks every two weeks. The fiscal year 2016 monthly rate for surface parking is $42.77. Staff who prefer a surface parking lot stall for 2016 should contact the Sergeant’s Office by December 11, 2015, to place their names on a list of those who prefer that option if spaces in surface lots are made available to the Senate, At this time, we do not have more detailed information about the availability and location of surface parking options, if any. I will convey any information I receive from the department about the location of surface parking options to staff as soon as possible. Parking in the SOB ramp will be tuned over to the Department of Administration in the near future in order to expand public parking on campus. More details will be provided as they become available. IMZisyl 75 Rev. Dr, Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Room 231, St. Paul, MN 55155-1606 -Phone (651) 296-2344 E-Mail: “Fax: (651) 296-6511

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